This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 7: Go out with a smile

Remember [New] for a second,! In one world, there are stars all over the sky.

Under the sky, the mountains undulating like a crouching beast, quietly waiting for the dawn.

The mountains and rivers are ups and downs, and there are big rivers running through them. It seems that there is nothing surprising, except that compared with the sky, this world is much "smaller".

But although the sparrow is small and complete with five internal organs, in addition to the mountains and rivers, it also has a human city.


In the splendid palace tower, the palace lanterns are dotted with stars.

A stern old man walked across the palace with his hands behind his back, walking in a hurry.

The guards and palace maids along the way all saluted, but the old man ignored it and hurried to a tall building.


On the stage, stood a slender woman, wearing a gorgeous palace dress and ancient dress. The fiery red skirt was as hot as a fire, and it floated without wind, causing deep and shallow ripples.

On the ancient skirt, there are gorgeous dragon and phoenix patterns embroidered, lifelike, as if it will break free from the skirt at any time.

Her long hair fell from her shoulders to her vest, and was lightly tied with a golden ribbon.

The old man quickly stepped onto the stage and said to the woman, "Princess, General Pingnan has come to ask for a sword again and is waiting outside the hall."

The woman known as the princess didn't look back, her voice was clear and condensed, "No."

The old man had already expected the woman's answer. After all, he had seen the same scene many times over the years.

Only this time he hesitated for a moment, and finally hesitantly said: "Princess, General Pingnan is already the strongest person in our Qin country. If he is not worthy of holding this sword, who else in Qin country is worthy?"

"Even if there is a better candidate than him, the princess also knows the current situation. If General Pingnan can hold the sword, the strength will be further improved, and the morale of Qin's generals will be greatly improved...

After all, that sword is the symbol of my country of Qin......

The big deal is to wait for the right person to appear, and then ask General Pingnan to return the sword. ' said the old man.

The woman just shook her head firmly, "If I say no, I can't."

The old man sighed. He was not surprised by this result, but he felt a little resentment in his heart.

The princess kept saying that there would be a suitable person to hold the sword, and he believed it at first.

But after so long, the right person has not appeared for a long time, and the situation on the southern battlefield is getting more and more serious, and some ideas gradually arise in his mind.

At this moment, the woman seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised her head to look at the sky.

The old man subconsciously followed his gaze.

At this moment, a dazzling star pierced the sky and fell into the unknown distance.

The old man's expression changed, and then he suddenly looked at the woman's back.

"The star will come to the world," the woman murmured softly, as he wished, "he is here, finally here."

"What does the princess mean?" The old man was shocked.

The woman nodded slightly.

"I'll send someone to find him right now!" The old man's frowning brows immediately stretched out, excitedly exclaiming.

"No, he will come by himself." The woman turned around.

Her brows and eyes were like phoenixes, her face was congealed, and she was radiant, but her face was a little haggard.

If Lu Qingshan was here at this moment, he would definitely be shocked.

Because the woman called the princess in front of her turned out to be exactly the same as his Qin Yitian.


After an unknown time, Lu Qingshan woke up leisurely between a cliff.

He lay flat on the ground, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the bright stars in the sky.

The first time, Lu Qingshan checked his physical condition.

Fortunately, there was no injury, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he soon discovered that he was not so lucky.

Because although he was not injured, his mana was sealed, not to mention other means.

He couldn't release his primordial spirit, and he couldn't sense his own life sword—perhaps it didn't exist at all, not because he couldn't sense it.

Lu Qingshan's expression was solemn, thinking of the invisible shackles that the whole world had felt before him before he fell into a coma.

"Rules..." he read softly.

He knew that he did not encounter any strange spells, but was restricted by the rules of the entire world.

The rules of this world are that mana is not allowed.

Not only an outsider like him, as long as all creatures in this world cannot use mana.

Mana is the foundation of monks, and it is the strong reliance of monks.

Any cultivator who suddenly finds that the mana that he has cultivated all his life has been blocked will fall into an instinctive panic.

But Lu Qingshan doesn't.

He stood up, his long hair flying like ink in the night wind.

He looked far and wide, and the sky was vast, with a splendor that did not lose to the sky.

"Yi Tian, ​​is this your hometown?"

"It's very bright..."


Lu Qingshan paused and said with a smile, "I will go."

There was a high fighting spirit in his heart, covering up the sadness of parting.

Jianxiu was never one to groan and lament.


Lu Qingshan thought about it and swept over the dark blue for the final inspection.

Unsurprisingly, the panel that once shone with sunlight is now gray.

This means banning, it means not being able to use it.

Just when Lu Qingshan was about to put away the dark blue, there was a deep dim light in the corner of his eyes.

His heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly chased the dark light away.

Then, Lu Qingshan saw the only exception in a gray dark blue panel:

Supernatural powers: the power of mountains and seas.


All the power in the body is banned, only the power of mountains and seas still circulates brilliance.

Lu Qingshan quickly condensed his mind and felt the power of the mountains and seas slightly.

Although it is also suppressed by the laws of this world, it can only exert its most basic effect, that is, the power to devour ten miles of mountains and seas, but it is enough.

"Just why? Why is the power of mountains and seas an exception?" Lu Qingshan couldn't help but wonder.

After pondering for a while, he still couldn't think of a suitable reason, so he simply stopped struggling.

"Although this world has imprisoned my mana and primordial spirit, it is a good thing for me." Lu Qingshan nodded and said softly to himself.

He remembered what he had experienced before coming to this world.

It was an amazing experience beyond words.

"Time goes against the flow of a river..."

"That is to say, the time point I am in now should not be the seventeenth year of Tianyuan."

"After leaving this world, I should return to the original time point, and the time in this world is equivalent to what I earned for nothing."

Lu Qingshan's cultivation speed is too fast.

Too fast too fast.

Those geniuses spent thousands of years to do the world, but he only used one percent of the time.

There are natural swords and dark blues. Although his realm improves quickly, his combat power has not dropped in the slightest, and he is still the best in the same rank.

But there are some things that talent cannot make up for and cannot be achieved quickly.

Therefore, for a mediocre person, this world is a Jedi, because it is impossible to practice.

But for Lu Qingshan, this is not the best place to practice.

It's just that this time he's not cultivating mana.


The most important thing is that the primordial spirit is suppressed by the rules of the world and weakened to the extreme, which is also beneficial for Lu Qingshan to improve the process of the unity of primordial spirit and fleshly body, so that he can advance to the eighth realm faster.

As for the possible danger?

Even without the power of mountains and seas, Lu Qingshan has superb sword skills.

In a world where mana cannot be Qingshan is confident that he has sword skills, so where in the world can he not go?

Not to mention that there is still the power of mountains and seas as a trump card.

Thinking like this, he became even more fearless.

"Since you have come to this world, let's have a good walk!" Lu Qingshan let out a long roar, echoing in the cliff.

Although he lost the strength of the sword cultivator, the spirit of the sword cultivator was not weak at all.

He wants to retrieve the part of the divine power that Long Que was stripped from, and to find out the origin of Qin Yitian.

Lu Qingshan took a deep breath of the cold air between the cliffs, and his mind was instantly clear.

Unable to control the sword, he just kicked his legs, like a martial arts master in the world, and like a flexible ape, jumping back and forth between the cliffs, heading towards the place with lights in the distance.

The wind was getting louder, with a biting chill.

The figure of the foreigner gradually faded away, leaving only the bold laughter wafting in the wind.

When I go out with a big laugh in the sky, how can I be a Penghao people?

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