This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 9: "Aoyama Sword Art 1"

Remember [New] for a second,! It is also the particularity of Daoyuan that leads to the existence of Daoism comparable to divine power in the entire Daoyuan world, but the general environment is more inclined to a mundane world without monks.

In the Taoyuan world, there is almost no concept of cultivation.

The most popular here is martial arts, which attaches great importance to killing and fighting.

After a little thought, you can understand the reason. Taoist methods have different effects, and not all Taoist methods have offensive power.

Or it can be said that most Taoist methods are only for auxiliary purposes.

Those who specialize in Daoyuan are often no match for those who are good at martial arts.

Under the survival of the fittest, martial arts also became popular.

There are few immortals in the Taoyuan realm, and they are basically mortal.

The battle in the Daoyuan world is also dominated by martial arts and supplemented by Daoism.

"The power of mountains and seas, is it Taoism?" Lu Qingshan said softly.

At this moment, if he hadn't linked the power of mountains and seas with Taoism, he would really be fooled by lard.


Why is the power of mountains and seas linked to the Dao Fa of Daoyuan Realm?

Did it come from here, or was it some kind of coincidence?


"It's a strange world." Lu Qingshan felt strange about this world.

But it is strange, but his identity as a sword cultivator is not a problem at all to integrate into this world.

If you change to a Dharma practitioner and come to the Daoyuan Realm, once the mana is banned, it is really a hairless phoenix that is not as good as a chicken.

Lu Qingshan thought so in his heart and found it interesting.

If the cultivation system of the source world is extremely bizarre, then the terrain of the entire Taoyuan world is the same.

As he saw when he first came to Daoyuan Realm, the entire Daoyuan Realm consists of countless peaks.

Of course, the natives of Daoyuan Realm gave it a nice name.

"Three Thousand Mountains".

—I don’t hear where to go. In the sky, such a similar name usually starts at 100,000.

The monks think that 3000 is too petty!

The only difference is that the 100,000 mountains of the 100,000 mountains in the sky are just empty words, and the 3,000 mountains of the Daoyuan Realm may actually have 3,000 peaks.

Lu Qingshan let out a long breath.

In Daoyuan Realm, there is a country on every mountain peak.

Where he is now is Yuanfeng, Yuanguo, and Yuandu.

Three thousand mountains, three thousand countries.

Compared with the sky in the sky, the Daoyuan Realm is much smaller. It is no more than ten thousand miles in length and width. It is roughly divided into four realms, east, west, north and south. Rivers shuttle between mountains and mountains.

Is there an inexplicable connection between Daoyuan Realm and Qiongtian, or is it a small world in Qiongtian?

After all, Daoyuan Realm is too small to be one of the Nine Heavens.

Moreover, his power of mountains and seas is recognized by the rules of Daoyuan.

However, this question is not what Lu Qingshan wants to explore now.

The most important thing for him now is to follow the hints given by Qin Yitian and follow her trail.

Fortunately, the Qincheng Qin Yitian mentioned was not difficult to find.

Because in the Taoyuan realm, although there are as many as three thousand countries, there are only nine really big countries.

Qin State, Barren State, Korea, Zhao State, Meng State, Yan State, Qi State, Chu State, Wei State.

Qincheng is the capital of the Qin state.

Unfortunately, the Nine Kingdoms are all located in the northern border of Daoyuan Realm, while Yuan Kingdom is in the southern border of Daoyuan Realm.

One south and one north, although the Daoyuan realm is small, it is also thousands of miles apart.

Thousands of miles away, if the mana is still there, in the words of the monkey, it is a tenth of a fight.

But the problem is, his mana is gone.

"First of all, you need a good horse... no, it should be two." Lu Qingshan didn't want to rely on his own feet for a long march.


The Taoyuan boundary is said to be composed of mountain peaks, but the peaks in this world are absolutely different from the peaks in the impression of ordinary people.

The peaks here are extremely broad and flat. In Lu Qingshan's view, they are not like mountains, but more like hanging plains.

Therefore, there is no shortage of good horses in the Taoyuan world.

Eight hundred miles south of Yuandu, there is a horse farm that has been passed down for two hundred and fifty years.

Lu Qingshan's eyes were sharp and gleaming.

Soon, Lu Qingshan, who had just entered Yuandu, left Yuandu and started to travel south.

Although he is in a hurry to go to Qincheng, he also understands the truth that if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools, so he does things quickly and not in a hurry, but in an orderly manner.


On the fourth day, Lu Qingshan arrived at his destination.

The Gobi grassland is prosperous, the green pines and cypresses are lush and green, the horses are galloping, there are flying flying horse flags everywhere, and the flag mountain is embroidered with a horse character.

The horse farm here belongs to the three major families of the Yuan Dynasty.

The descendants of the Ma family control every area, every horse, and it is said that every grass here is surnamed a horse.

Lu Qingshan walked lightly and landed in front of the gate surrounded by the wooden fence of the horse farm.

Immediately, someone in charge of guarding the racecourse greeted him. Gu Zong


"A horse buyer," Lu Qingshan said with a smile, "I want the best horse."


The splendid hall, all the decorations are extremely gorgeous.

"I'm off to Ma Hong, haven't I asked your honorable name yet?" asked a middle-aged man.

He looked suspiciously at the young man in front of him.

He has an extraordinary bearing, and has a great tone. He said he wanted the best horse when he came up, but he had an impression of all the famous young people in the entire Yuan Kingdom, but he was very unfamiliar with the young people in front of him.

Is it someone from another country?

"Lu Qingshan."

"Master Lu is from the Hou Kingdom?" Ma Hong tentatively mentioned the name of a neighboring country.

"My origin has nothing to do with you. I'm here to buy horses. You just need to bring out the best horses in your race." Lu Qingshan said lazily.

If there were a young man who dared to talk to him like this at a different time and another place, Ma Hong would definitely give him some color.

But he is not stupid, and he can see that the young man in front of him is fearless.

As a businessman, the most important principle is not to cause trouble, so Ma Hong's rudeness to Lu Qingshan was temporarily ignored.

He waved his hand and instructed his subordinates: "Bring the sweaty and **** horse that was a new adult in the racecourse to Young Master Lu."

"I want two." Lu Qingshan interjected.

In high-intensity rushing, it has always been necessary to transfer two horses.

Ma Hong was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, "First, bring the yellow horse that the Hong family ordered last month to Young Master Lu."

He said it loudly, no doubt that he was selling well with Lu Qingshan, but to his disappointment, the other party did not respond to it.

Not long after, two BMWs were brought over by horse breeders.

Both horses are tall and well-proportioned, with shimmering coats. The most obvious feature is the long manes hanging down on their necks. One is thick black, flowing with power and majesty; the other is golden red, burning with flaming brilliance. .

Ma Hong showed undisguised pride in his eyes, "Both of these BMWs are extremely rare. Even in our horse farm, it will take several years to produce one."

Lu Qingshan jumped up, and immediately jumped on the horseback of the sweaty BMW. When his legs were clamped, he could feel the strong muscles of the BMW under his crotch.

"Really good." He nodded in approval.

"How to sell?" Lu Qingshan asked again.

Ma Hong's eyes were full of light, "The value of a horse of this level cannot be measured by money, it is generally not for sale..."

Before Ma Hong could finish speaking, Lu Qingshan was already clasping his legs together, he snorted softly, and after throwing one thing away, he rode away on two horses.

"No need to look for it." Lu Qingshan's voice wafted in the wind.

Ma Hong was startled, and subconsciously looked at the object thrown into his arms by Lu Qingshan.

It was a book, and the four big characters "Qingshan Sword Art" were very eye-catching, and it was not printed, but handwritten.

The handwriting is wild, and the wild and uninhibited character of the owner of the handwriting can be seen.

There is also a number one in the lower right corner of the cover, and at the same time, the four characters "written by Lu Qingshan" are subscripted.

Looking further down, there are two smaller lines of characters.

"Recommended by Xie Qingyun, the best swordsman in the world".

"A book that anyone who learns swords must not miss!"

Hong Tao's face twitched.

Who is Xie Qingyun, the number one swordsman in the world? Why hasn't he heard of it?

Also, the real martial arts cheats are all hardcover, how can there be such shoddy production and boasting.

Qingshan swordsmanship, the swordsmanship named after his own name, is still "one", does this mean that there are still two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine?

Two priceless BMWs, this kid wants to buy it with a "martial arts cheat book" that he compiled at random?

Could it be that I am more polite to him, I really think my Ma family is easy to bully?

A sullen anger rose from Ma Hong's heart.

However, he didn't know if he was curious or what, he subconsciously flipped through the "Qingshan Sword Art" in his hand.

The next moment, Ma Hong's pupils suddenly dilated, and then he flipped through the book in his hand incredibly quickly.

The Ma family is one of the three great families of Yuan Dynasty, and it is also a family of martial arts. As the person in charge of the horse farm, Ma Hong is naturally good in martial arts, and his eyesight is not bad.

For a while, he also forgot the anger just now, only incomparable amazement, deeply immersed in it.

After a long time, Ma Hong came back to his senses, "Wonderful, really wonderful!"

This set of swordsmanship has far surpassed any swordsmanship he has seen before, as if imaginative and difficult to reach.

With such a swordsmanship, let alone two BMWs, UU reading is a hundred BMWs, and many people are willing to exchange them.

After all, BMW is only a temporary thing, but such swordsmanship cheats can be passed down through generations.

"What kind of person can compile such a sword technique?" Ma Hong murmured.

Obviously he didn't think that this swordsmanship was really written by Lu Qingshan, he just thought it was a joke by a young man.


Two BMWs came out of the Majia racecourse and galloped away.

The so-called "Qingshan Swordsmanship One" is just that Lu Qingshan smeared a few pages on the way to fool people in order to pay for the horse money.

But his swordsmanship, even if it is just to fool people, is absolutely unfathomable to this world.

A BMW is indeed a BMW. It travels thousands of miles a day and 800 miles at night.

Lu Qingshan rode two horses, and changed horses without changing people. Except for feeding the horses in the middle and needing to be repaired, he never stopped for a while, and went all the way north.

On the tenth day, he had already traveled more than 5,000 miles, and he was about to leave the southern border, not far from the northern border.

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