This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 10: Princess of Qin (Part 1)

Remember [New] for a second,! The way to travel is to be tight and loose.

The way of the world is probably like this.

Now that he was approaching the northern border, Lu Qingshan slowed down a little, and slowly experienced this so-called exotic style.

Because whether it is him or the two BMWs, these days are very tired.

Although the flesh body weakened by the rules of Daoyuan Realm is much stronger than ordinary people, it is only mortal after all.

If you are a mortal body, you will be tired.

The same goes for the two BMWs.

Even though Lu Qingshan was already riding the two horses alternately so that the horses could rest.

But the peculiar terrain of Daoyuan Realm makes the journey destined to require frequent uphill and downhill, which is undoubtedly a huge test for the horse's physical strength.


The Daoyuan Realm is bounded by the Yunqin Gaoling, which divides the northern and southern borders.

The climates of the two regions are quite different.

The south is hot, humid and rainy, while the north is cold, dry and snowy.

After crossing the Yunqin Gaoling, you will enter the northern border.

Suddenly entering the north from the warm south, Lu Qingshan, whose mind has not yet completely transformed from a monk to a mortal, was immediately taught by the master of heaven, and he really felt what a tiger in the south was frozen into a cat in the north.

He was also very convinced, and immediately went into the city and changed his clothes.

To this end, Lu Qingshan sold a BMW at a low price.

——If he is still going to re-enact the operation of exchanging swordsmanship for objects last time, the proprietress of a clothing store who has never practiced martial arts in her life will definitely take him and his book that looks like a child’s doodles with a broom. The "Qingshan Swordsmanship" written by him swept out of the store together.

Some can only pretend in front of experts.

Fortunately, since entering the northern border, it is not far from the Qin state.

And after entering the northern border, Lu Qingshan finally knew what the general Zhenning, who he met in Yuan country, said "the war is in full swing ahead" from what he saw and heard along the way.

The so-called front actually refers to the north.

As for the war in full swing, it is not that there are several countries in the north that are fighting in a melee, but a more severe and terrifying war.

A battle of races similar to the battle of the heavens and demons in the sky.

Yes, it was such a coincidence that Daoyuan Realm also ushered in the invasion of creatures from other realms.


Thirty years ago, in an unknown place deep in the snowfields of the North, a creature called the White Walkers revived.

After recovering, these White Walkers smelled human and began to go south, trying to invade the territory of the Daoyuan human race.

The White Walkers were unusually tall, two people tall.

But at the same time he was tall, he was extremely withered, his complexion was pale, and his eyes were as deep and blue as ice.

Like a corpse crawling out of a cemetery.

Under the restrictions of the rules of the Taoyuan world, unless it is strong enough to defy the sky, the power that does not belong to the Taoyuan will be sealed, and the physical body will be weakened to the point of physical mortal.

So these White Walkers are not as powerful as the Demons.

Moreover, they do not cultivate Daoyuan, and it is even more impossible for them to master Daoism. Compared with the human race of Daoyuan, they have less power in a cultivation system.

So the White Walkers don't seem worth mentioning?

Reality is not as good as imagined.

The White Walkers have their backs, too.

They are uniformed with armor that is like ice crystals, whether it is natural or crafted.

These extremely hard, normal weapons attacked the armor and didn't do much damage to the White Walkers at all.

The White Walker's weapon is a long sword, which is also condensed like ice crystals, and has an unimaginable cold air, so that it can instantly freeze the blood of the creature when it pierces the body of the creature.

When the blood stops flowing, the heart stops beating.

The power of the White Walker weapons is so great that it can be seen in general.

The first time the White Walkers invaded, the northern kingdoms formed the Northern Alliance and sent soldiers to keep the White Walkers out of the snowy mountains.

In the beginning, the White Walkers were strong, but not many.

The strength of the Northern Alliance was strong, and it was very easy to annihilate the first wave of revived White Walkers.

It's just that the White Walkers' revival has not stopped.

They are like weeds, they can't be cut cleanly, and they come out from the depths of the snow field continuously.

As time passed, instead of being wiped out by the Northern Alliance, the White Walkers grew in number.

From the beginning, the Northern Alliance has also been able to handle it with ease, and now it is difficult to deal with it. It even sent a signal to the other three kingdoms in the Daoyuan Realm for help two years ago.

——The disadvantage of the mundane world lies in this. The channels for news dissemination are limited, the speed of dissemination is slow, and it is easy to sit in the sky.

The war in the northern border is clearly so fierce, but most of the civilians in the southern border countries know nothing about it, showing a peaceful atmosphere.

There is quite a bit of a deadly battle in the frontier, and the taste of singing and dancing in the Central Plains.

Fortunately, the nations of the other three realms still understand the truth that lips are dead and teeth are cold.

Therefore, they responded to the Northern Alliance's request for help and sent troops to the Northern Snow Ridge for support.

It's just that it's not clear how much of it was involved.

After all, in the four realms of Daoyuan, the Nine Great Upper Kingdoms are all in the North, and the countries in the other three realms will be somewhat resentful. If you want to replace them, it is a pity that the Nine Great Upper Kingdoms are powerful, so you can only think about it after all.

Isn't the invasion of the White Walkers an opportunity to weaken the national strength of the Nine Great Kingdoms?

Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds if it could be a stumbling block for the envoys of the nine great kingdoms on the premise of expelling the Other Ghosts?

No matter what the environment is, there will always be people who cheat and cheat. This is bad nature and cannot be changed.


The situation of the Snow Ridge battle became more and more serious, which also caused the entire North Territory to fall into a condensed atmosphere.

The civilians Lu Qingshan met on the road did not have much smiles on their faces.

Their sons, husbands and even fathers are very likely to be fighting in the snowy mountains at the moment, and their life and death are uncertain, who can laugh?

Lu Qingshan, who has experienced the Battle of Zhongling, can undoubtedly understand this feeling, but he can't do much for this world.

After all, this is a world where individual force cannot prevail over the military.

Of course, not because the army is too strong, but because the force is too weak.

After Lu Qingshan changed into a warm outfit, he set off on the journey again.

Ten days later, a majestic city appeared in front of Lu Qingshan.

Daoyuan Realm is no better than the sky, and there are cultivators who are powerful, so there are many heroic cities.

The entire Daoyuan world can be called a majestic city, and only the capitals of the nine great kingdoms can reach it.

The heroic city in front of him is the capital of Qin, one of the nine kingdoms, Qincheng.

It is also the destination of Lu Qingshan.

Qincheng has a long history. Compared with it, the Yuandu that Lu Qingshan saw when he first came to this world looks like a village.

Lu Qingshan went straight into the without being cross-examined, and there was no such thing as the so-called entry fee, and there was no control over weapons.

He even saw with his own eyes a few big men with swords entering the city in a grand manner, which really showed the bearing and confidence of a great master.

After leading the horse into the city gate, a clean and tidy atmosphere is oncoming.

There is no snow on the roads in the city, and people should clear the roads regularly every day.

Qin Cheng had already arrived, but Lu Qingshan was lost for a while.

and then?

Qin Yitian only said that he would wait for Lu Qingshan in Qincheng.

But after Lu Qingshan arrived in Qincheng, Qin Yitian didn't say how to find her.

Qincheng, as the capital of the Qin state, has a population of over one million.

Lu Qingshan can't use his spiritual sense now, how can he find someone in such a big city where he doesn't know his place?

"Yi Tian, ​​you are giving your son a problem." Lu Qingshan muttered.

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