This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 19: What are you afraid of ghosts?

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

From the cavalry charge at the beginning, to the hand-to-hand combat, and finally to the end, this fierce battle between the Terran soldiers and the White Walkers in the snowy field lasted all day and night.

Unsurprisingly, the Northern Alliance can still achieve the final victory.

Because at the current stage, the forces of the Northern Alliance still have the absolute upper hand.

However, in order to maintain this kind of military advantage, the national treasuries of various countries have been depleted year after year—not to mention that most of the strong men have been recruited into the army, it is unimaginable how much money and manpower it will take to send food and grass to Tiecheng.

Therefore, no one knows how long this advantage will last.


Fog shrouded the entire snowfield.

Lu Qingshan stood on the city wall, looking down.

At this time, the entire snowfield was full of broken limbs.

These broken limbs are all from the human race.

Because, after the death of the White Walkers, it will turn into a liquid and quickly disappear.

There was a strong smell of carrion in the air, the unpleasant smell from the vaporized White Walkers' corpses.

An army is sweeping the battlefield.

"General, the casualty statistics have been compiled. We have suffered 767 casualties in this battle, including 31 minor injuries, 189 serious injuries, and 547 sacrifices." Gu Tianyan walked from behind Lu Qingshan. Come over and report with Lu Qingshan respectfully.

The mortality rate is extremely high. This is because the weapons of the White Walkers are too strange. Once they pierce the body, the cold air invades, and the blood of the soldiers will stop flowing in a short time.

Therefore, as long as there are injured people, there are few survivors - unless the strong man can break his wrist and directly amputate the injured part in the first time.

"However, this time, our Dragon and Phoenix Army killed 431 White Ghosts, and the battle loss ratio was close to three to two. In terms of this battle loss ratio, it should be the best of all armies."

Gu Tianyan suppressed his excitement and said solemnly: "Moreover, according to statistics, General, you have also achieved the achievement of killing a hundred ghosts in this battle."

With the overall battle loss ratio being 20 to 1, the fact that their Dragon and Phoenix Army can pull the battle loss ratio to this level is undoubtedly an extremely powerful proof of the strength of their Dragon and Phoenix Army.

Although, of the 431 White Ghosts killed by their Dragon Phoenix Army, more than 100 of them were killed by the man in front of them.

Thinking like this, Gu Tianyan couldn't help but look up at Lu Qingshan, thinking of Lu Qingshan's amazing performance on the battlefield before.

Hundred Ghosts Slash!

This is quite an achievement in Iron City.

Thirty years later, among the hundreds of thousands of sergeants in Tiecheng, only a few dozen have achieved this achievement.

And without exception, they are slowly accumulated after dozens of battles.

No one has ever accomplished such a terrifying achievement in just one battle like their general.

In addition, among the Hundred Ghosts, there is also a very important "elite" White Walker who they judged as a general of the White Walkers.

"This is just the beginning," Lu Qingshan was not proud of his achievements, he laughed loudly: "I promise, as long as everyone in the Dragon and Phoenix Army can survive the battlefield and return to the field after disarming, they will be able to Accumulation is no less than the merits of Hundred Ghosts Slash."

It's a shocking guarantee.

You must know that the achievement of Hundred Ghosts Slashing is at least a commander-level existence in the armies of various countries, and an army may not be able to produce one.

But Lu Qingshan is so arrogant, yet has a convincing and powerful persuasion.

I don't know if his previous performance on the battlefield was too shocking, or he himself exuded a convincing bearing.

Seeing that Gu Tianyan seemed to be restrained, Lu Qingshan smiled again, "However, first of all, you must be able to survive on the battlefield."

"The fate of a sergeant is to die on the battlefield. If he survives, he can achieve such a feat, so what if he sacrifices his life?" Gu Tianyan clasped his fists and said loudly.

His heart could not help but give birth to a little boiling.

"If there is your full help, why not worry about the big thing?" Lu Qingshan's eyes are deep, no one knows what his big thing is referring to?


"Song Guoshen, General Song Yingzhen, slashed eleven other ghosts and rewarded him with three thousand taels of silver."

"General Liu Guofei's geese, King Luo Bin......, reward 2,000 taels of silver."


"Lu Qingshan, the general of Qin's protection of the country, slaughtered the generals of the other ghosts, slaughtered more than a hundred ghosts, and achieved the record of killing a hundred ghosts, and rewarded 20,000 taels of silver."

A small school came to Lu Qingshan with a red lacquer tray with a hundred ingots of gold on it.

Lu Qingshan took the tray.

"It's work."

"General Lu is polite." Xiao Xiao looked a little excited.

The man in front of me is a ruthless character who can kill hundreds of White Walkers in a single battle. Over the past 30 years, Tiecheng has seen many soldiers and soldiers, and when has such a character ever appeared?

This is a general destined to become a legend, how could he not be excited?

The other generals present saw this scene, raised their eyebrows, and did not speak.

With the real record in front of them, what can they say?

It can only be said that it really makes sense that Lu Qingshan could be favored by the princess of Qin and bestow the Zhen Guo sword.

The general did not speak, but someone spoke at this time.

It is the person in the main seat, the king of South Korea, King Han - according to the rules, the kings of the nine major kingdoms have to take turns to drive the iron city in person, in order to calm the heart of the army.

At this point, it happened to be South Korea's turn.

In fact, when the armies of so many countries gather in one city, only the monarchs of the nine great kingdoms can slightly control these armies.

"General Pingnan uses his troops like a god, and General Lu's force reaches the realm of heaven and man. The two are quite different, but both have the style of generals. I don't know who is stronger?" King Han said with a smile.

Needle hidden in cotton.

Lu Qingshan just smiled lightly, "King Han is praised."

King Han's eyes flickered for a moment, hehe smiled, "I forgot that General Lu and General Pingnan went out of Qin country together, and they joined forces to be invincible in the world, so why should they compete?"

Lu Qingshan did not answer.

The meaning of King Han's provocation is obvious, but even if he knows it is provocation, as long as he has a little idea of ​​power, he will be caught.

People will have the heart of gain and loss, and the heart of victory and defeat.

This is a conspiracy.

But Lu Qingshan was the one in the ten thousand exceptions.

To him, everything in the Daoyuan Realm was just a passing glance. Apart from the dragon bird in his hand and the extermination of the ghosts, he really had nothing else to ask for.


After this fierce battle, not to mention that the prestige in the Dragon and Phoenix Guards has been established, and the military generals of various countries have also recognized this general of the Qin Kingdom who achieved the killing of a hundred ghosts in the first battle.

Especially in the army around the Dragon Gate, Lu Qingshan is even more famous.

After all, the impact of seeing and hearing about the record is incomparable.

The 10,000 taels of silver rewarded by Bai Gui Zhan, Lu Qingshan did not take a penny, and all of them were distributed as pensions to the families of the soldiers who died in the battle.

This move undoubtedly gave him a little more prestige in the Dragon and Phoenix Army.

Who is not convinced by a general who is good at fighting, good at employing people and generous?


The wind and snow are strong.

It's that time of year again.

The Iron City has been established and stood on the snowy mountains for thirty and two years.

This weather-beaten city, even if it is really made of iron, is inevitably rusted.

At this moment, a group of neat troops filed into the city from the gate of the city.

They came from the countries in the southern border of the Daoyuan Realm, and they came from thousands of miles to support the northern border alliance.

Because just a month ago, Iron City once again encountered a large-scale attack by the White Walkers, causing heavy losses and in urgent need of new blood.

Under the city wall, a strong man like an iron tower looked up at the flag fluttering in the wind on the city wall, and then his eyes tightened.

"Which army's flag is that?"

Among the continuous flags, there is one flag that is taller than all the flags.

On the flag, the gilded dragon pattern is eye-catching.

The small school who was doing the registration work for the newly entered army saw the difference between the strong men and asked with a frown, "You don't know about the Dragon and Phoenix Army?"

The strong man shook his head.

The small school thought that he was from the southern border, and the news was not well-informed, showing a clear understanding, and said: "Then you should understand."

"After all, in Tiecheng, you don't have to know who the monarch of the Nine Great Kingdoms is, but you absolutely must know Lu Qingshan and his Dragon and Phoenix Army."

"Lu Qingshan......" Hearing this somewhat familiar name, the strong man frowned.

This general Zhenning from the Yuan country remembered a strange man he met in the old forest outside Yuandu two thousand years ago, also called this name.

Here, the small school has already begun to talk endlessly.

In the narration of the small school, General Zhenning learned about the shocking record of the Longfeng Army and a legend.

Lu Qingshan, these three words are thin and bony in writing, but they are full of iron bones, and they have a reliable feeling when they read them.

Qingshan is a stable thing.

But no green mountain has ever been higher than this "green mountain".

No one knows the origin of this Lu Qingshan. He appeared in this world like a guest from heaven, came to Qin State, and was taken seriously by Her Royal Highness Princess Qin. , and then set off for the Iron City.

Just the day after Lu Qingshan led Longfengwei officially into Tiecheng, the White Walkers launched a large-scale offensive against Tiecheng.

The dragon and phoenix army, who entered this battlefield for the first time, under the leadership of Lu Qingshan, shined together with Lu Qingshan.

In the battle that lasted for a day and a night, Lu Qingshan took the lead. As the arrow of the Dragon and Phoenix Army, he charged forward, slashed the other ghosts, and completed the achievement of Hundred Ghosts. He led the Dragon and Phoenix Army to achieve an amazing battle loss ratio of 3 to 2. There is no dispute. of brave champions.


After this battle, the dragon and phoenix army washed away the dust from their bodies like pearls.

Relying on the generals of the gods and men with force, daunting hard training, strict discipline, and the personal martial arts of all the soldiers who have advanced by leaps and bounds under the guidance of Lu Qingshan, they have become a formidable beast, and in the next two years of battle, all It is brave and not afraid to kill the enemy before, and has a brilliant record.

Tiecheng gathered the armies of all countries, but since Lu Qingshan brought the Dragon and Phoenix Army to Tiecheng, in every battle, the Dragon and Phoenix Army will be the most eye-catching army, there is no exception.

It is not surprising that the strong army is like a forest of Tiecheng, and it is not surprising that the army is brave once, but if this is the case every time, then it can only be evaluated in four words - "the invincible division".

The armies of all countries can only watch with vigilance and admiration as this army rises step by step, and finally surpasses all of them.

Lu Qingshan also gradually became a legendary general in the Iron City.

It is said that after the fierce battle a month ago, this legend has achieved the unprecedented achievement of the Thousand Ghosts Killing, and there may be no future.


General Zhenning looked slightly startled, obviously amazed by such a fierce record, and immediately denied his previous thoughts.

How could such a legendary figure be a young man who happened to meet in the old forest?

At the same time, he also had some expectations in his heart.

I don't know when I can see this legendary general and his dragon and phoenix army with my own eyes?

What General Zhenning didn't know was that the Lu Qingshan he was talking about at this time was actually the Lu Qingshan he saw two years ago, and he was on the city wall in front of him at this time.


"We are not very lucky. We have only been here for two years, and we have caught up with such fierce battles twice. You must know that in the past 30 years, the White Walker invasion of this scale has only been twice before." Gu Tianyan's tone on the city wall was heavy. He said to the tall figure in front of him.

Obviously, he was very saddened by the loss of Longfengwei in this war.

"I think I'm lucky..." Lu Qingshan's eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Huh?" Gu Tianyan didn't understand what Lu Qingshan meant.

Lu Qingshan pointed to the vast snow field and said, "This time, the White Walkers wandering on the snow field came out of their nests, and we exterminated them here. Does that mean that there are not many White Walkers on the snow field at this time?"

After each of the White Walkers' massive offensive, the Iron City ushered in a few months of calm.

That's because the White Walkers also need trimming.

A large-scale invasion usually wipes out the strength they have accumulated for a long time.

"Passive beating is not a good strategy after all. Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles. Isn't this the best chance to find out the source of the White Walkers and the specific number?"

Gu Tianyan was shocked, and already understood Lu Qingshan's thoughts.

"The general is going to go deep into the snowfields and explore the truth of the White Walkers?" he said in shock.

Seeing Gu Tianyan being restrained, Lu Qingshan smiled, "After being beaten for thirty-two years, it's our turn to beat someone else."

"Generals of other countries will definitely not agree with your idea." Gu Tianyan frowned and persuaded.

The snowfield is too vast and full of dangers. Not to mention the White Walkers, no one dares to go deep into the snowstorm that will start at an unknown time.

"I don't need their consent, because I'm not going to call them." Lu Qingshan said softly with his eyes full of light.

In Gu Tianyan's sudden realization and shocked expression, Lu Qingshan turned his head and said word by word: "Raise soldiers for a thousand days, and use them for a while."

Yes, the brilliant achievements that shocked all the soldiers in Tiecheng in the past two years were just his strategy for raising troops for Lu Qingshan.

His real goal has always been one.

Train a real hero, and then go straight to Huanglong.

"As ordered, General!" Gu Tianyan shouted loudly, looking at Lu Qingshan's young face, there was fanatical worship in his eyes. UU reading

Two years of dazzling achievements made the Longfeng Army respect Lu Qingshan from top to bottom. With him at the head, as long as Lu Qingshan is still charging ahead to kill the enemy, the Longfeng Army will still be high even if they fight to the end.

This is an extreme cult, from the cult after a hundred battles.

It is also this kind of worship that brings Longfengwei's extremely strong centripetal force and combat power.

But this is also the point, which makes many generals quite criticized and disgusted.

As generals, they firmly believe that the ability to implement tactics, unpredictable strategies, and strict military discipline are the most important things in governing the army.

Personal heroism can be extremely influential, but heroes always die.

Once Lu Qingshan is dead, where will the Dragon Phoenix Army go?

But Lu Qingshan always laughed at these rumors.

It is undeniable that other generals' concerns are justified.

However, what he needs is such an extreme army that can be said to be "brainless".

As long as he is there, the morale of the "brainless" army will always be high.

Because, as long as anyone has a brain, facing the extreme weather in the snowfield and facing the unknown exploration path, the morale will be weakened to the extreme.


"I'm not afraid of demons, so why should ghosts be afraid?" Lu Qingshan stood on the city wall, his long hair flying like ink, and he looked far into the distance, and the pale and vast snow field could be seen.

The road of cultivation is long, and you have to fight against time. Most of the time is hard work, and along the way, there will only be fewer and fewer people around you, so you are doomed to be lonely.

The road of the warrior is much shorter, but it is extremely exciting.

Perhaps it was because the mana was sealed by the rules, and he had to temporarily take the road of the warrior.

Compared to the sky, Lu Qingshan was a little less calm and self-controlled at this time, but a little more proud of competing with the sky.

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