This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 20: White Walkers from outside the Daoyuan realm?

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

The next morning.

It snowed in the sky.

Lu Qingshan led the Dragon and Phoenix Army, the invincible division of Tiecheng.

Little snow rustled, Long Fengjun's feet stepped on the snowfield, one step at a time.

However, the snowflakes that gradually rose, soon covered their footprints and disappeared.

The road was full of twists and turns. The Dragon and Phoenix Army had just entered the snowfield when they encountered a blizzard.

If it wasn't for Lu Qingshan's sensitivity to the crisis, and he had made adequate preparations when he set off, this blizzard might have damaged most of their team.

But this dismounting has made everyone realize that this is an extremely difficult road destined to be a journey against the sky.

The road is this road, all the way forward, as long as you can keep walking, you can find the source of the White Walkers.

But the sky is snowy, the weather is extremely cold, and the mortal body can only rely on the will to move forward, and this road has never been explored, so no one knows where it will end.

No one is not afraid of the unknown, and no one is not afraid of the sky.

But even so, when the dragon and phoenix guards looked up at the tall figure walking at the forefront of the team, the morale that should have been weakened came to an inexplicable abrupt end, and it remained at a very high level.

Because in the past two years, following their generals, no matter how difficult the battle was, they all won the final victory.

So, this time is no exception.

As long as... the general is still around.


The snowfield is a ghost area, a forbidden area, and a no-man's land.

Because of the fierce battle not long ago, the White Walkers on the snowfield came out of their nests, and then died outside the Iron City, so even the White Walkers could not even be seen on the snowfield at this time.

There was silence.

Breathtaking silence.

The only sound that can be heard is the squeaking sound of the dragon and phoenix soldiers stepping on the snow.

Lu Qingshan looked at all the surrounding scenery very cautiously.

Because of this unknown land, anomalies may occur at any time.

Although the White Walkers have come out of their nests, they will never go extinct.

In the depths of the unknown snowfield, the White Walkers are constantly recovering, and then travel thousands of miles, step by step approaching the territory of the human race.

Lu Qingshan was holding a dragon sparrow, alert, looking for possible ghosts.

Chill to the bone.

On the hilt of Dragon Sparrow's sword, there were continuous warm sensations, which flowed all over his body, so that Lu Qingshan's body always maintained a constant temperature, which was incomparably miraculous.

When the time is about to enter the third day.

Lu Qingshan, who had been keeping his full attention, suddenly felt something.

As if something was spying on him in the dark!

For the first time, Lu Qingshan's skin was tensed, his hair stood on end, as if he was facing an enemy.

The sense of danger gave him a chill.

However, although he was on high alert and extremely nervous, the stone in Lu Qingshan's heart was slightly put down.

The situation is better than expected, because if the strangeness in the depths of the snowfield is strong enough, he will not be noticed by him secretly peeping.

What is it?

White Walkers?

Lu Qingshan pondered in his heart.

It stands to reason that the White Walkers are the most likely.

But nothing is absolute.

Because ordinary White Walkers are not a threat to him at all, let alone give him such a sense of danger that his hairs stand on end.

Lu Qingshan frowned slightly.

In the next instant, his eyes went blank.


Lu Qingshan waved the dragon bird in his hand and slashed towards the rear.

It's a knee-jerk reaction.

The reason why Lu Qingshan's swordsmanship has surpassed this world is because his swordsmanship is no longer limited to one move and one style, and he can use whatever he wants, but it is precisely the most suitable sword move.

This state is known as the skill approaching the Tao.


Sparks fly!

A pale creature jumped out of the thick layer of snow, bringing snowflakes all over the sky.

It rushed towards Lu Qingshan's back, with a dazzling light flashing in his hand.

Then it collided with the dragon sparrow that Lu Qingshan handed out in time.

"General!" Gu Tianyan exclaimed when she saw Lu Qingshan being attacked.

Here, Lu Qingshan raised his eyebrows.

Because in the collision just now, he felt a strong resistance.

This monster is very powerful.

Comparable to the White Walkers.

The next moment, Lu Qingshan saw the whole picture of the monster that attacked him.

White Walkers indeed, the familiar ice crystal armor and ice crystal longsword.

But not like the other White Walkers.

This White Walker actually lurks.

And there was blood in his eyeballs, with murderous intent.

Without hesitation, Lu Qingshan flipped his wrist lightly, the Dragon Sparrow's long sword provoked an arc, and the tip of the sword radiated red light, hitting the White Walker directly.

"Your swordsmanship does not belong to this world."

The White Walker spoke in a very strange language.

It was a language that Lu Qingshan could not understand.

But Lu Qingshan knew that this White Walker was talking.

This made his hair stand on end.

When he fought against the White Ghosts for the first time, Lu Qingshan found that his eyes and swordsmanship did not work against the White Ghosts.

At that time, he suspected two possibilities. One was that the White Walkers were originally dead and had no souls, so they were naturally immune to his sword power.

The second is that the Other Ghosts are like him. In fact, the Yuanshen is extremely powerful, but it is sealed by the Daoyuan Realm.

Later, Lu Qingshan quickly ruled out the first possibility.

The literacy and reactions that the White Walkers showed in battle were obviously a process of thinking, not just acting on instinct.

This shows that they must not be dead, but have souls.

That being the case, there is only a second possibility left.

In other words, these White Walkers, like him, are most likely from the outside world.

When speculating about this possibility, Lu Qingshan came up with another speculation.

That being the case, perhaps the channel through which the Other Ghosts came to Daoyuan was the way he left this world?

From this possibility alone, he had to find out the secret of the White Walkers.

However, although it has long been known that these White Walkers are not dead, this is the first time Lu Qingshan has heard the White Walkers speak.

—During the two-year battle between Iron City and the White Walkers, those White Walkers were silent attacks.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Qingshan even suspected that these White Walkers were dead at first.


The long sword in the White Walker's hand raised the tip of the Dragon Sparrow's sword upwards, causing Lu Qingshan to return without success.

The next moment, the dragon bird and the ice crystal sword collided again, and then collided with each other.

Lu Qingshan's eyes were bright.

The White Walkers in front of him are not bad at hand.

However, in the battle of the cold weapon era, how could he, as a sword cultivator, lose?

On the other side, the White Walker had already grown fear in his heart.

The tall and thin human race in front of them was murderous, and when the swords in their hands attacked, the darkness was like a tide.

His long sword collided with the dragon bird several times, and the loud clashing sound exploded in the air, and within two breaths, he fell into the downwind.

"His strength is obviously not as good as mine, but in the case of head-to-head, he has the upper hand. What's going on?!"

The White Walkers were frightened and terrified, unable to comprehend the unreasonableness.

And he noticed that the man's subordinate in front of him had clearly wanted to step forward to help him, but was motioned to stop by his look.


The fact that the other party acted like this was clearly not paying attention to him at all. UU Reading

"You'll regret it!" he thought viciously in his heart.

The White Walkers screamed, rolled their tongues, and made a strange syllable. The ice crystal long sword fell to Lu Qingshan with the whistling sound. The speed and strength of this sword were four or five points faster than before.


Lu Qingshan's waist was twisted in the air, the sound of howling wind came from his ears, and the light in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Sure enough, something is different!"

The White Walker in front of him can speak strange languages. Unlike other White Walkers, he was thinking at the time, would there be something new in the means?

Therefore, Lu Qingshan stopped Gu Tianyan's helper in order to find out.

Seeing that the White Walkers' ultimate move was being forced out, Lu Qingshan stopped teasing the White Walkers, turned his head to the right, and the Dragon Sparrow Sword changed from his right hand to his left, turning his back into a stab, like a carbine in spear art, with a straight tip. Run to the neck of the White Walkers.

The strength penetrated the back of the sword, the dragon sparrow sword swayed past, and a blue blood flower rose into the sky!

"If it hadn't been sealed...or I could have pinched you to death with one finger!" The White Walker let out an unwilling and shrill whistle.

Although Lu Qingshan could not understand this obscure language, he could vaguely perceive his general emotions.

Unwilling, humiliating and disdainful.

Unwilling to understand.

Who will die willingly?

But the two emotions of humiliation and disdain are obviously worth thinking about.

Why humiliation, why disdain?

He obviously thought it was a shame to die in his hands, and he obviously thought that the strength he showed was not worth mentioning.

It's a high-spirited mentality.

Combined with the previous speculation that these White Ghosts came from outside the Daoyuan Realm, everything became terrifying.


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