
Although the White Walker in front of him is powerful, the death scene is not much different from other White Walkers. It soon turns into a liquid, and then quickly vaporizes and disappears.

The snowfield regained its calm.

If it weren't for the ice crystal armor and longsword that fell to the ground, it would be hard to believe that there was a fierce battle just now, and a terrifying White Walker had appeared.

"General" Gu Tianyan respectfully said, obviously he also noticed that this White Walker was not ordinary.

"Since we have begun to encounter the White Ghost, it means that we are not far from the source of the White Ghost," Lu Qingshan waved his hand and said solemnly: "Keep moving forward."

Thinking and worrying is useless, all he can do now is to lead the troops to continue to move forward and pursue the truth of the source of the White Walkers.

Taoyuan Realm.

In the depths of the snowfield, which is still far away from Lu Qingshan.

There is a lake here.

The ice on the lake is thick and deep.

However, the water under the ice is not mobile either.

The whole lake was frozen.

The bone-chilling chill emerged from under the ice, almost freezing a person's bone marrow...

Just when Lu Qingshan confronted the White Ghosts.

There was a crackling sound of ice breaking.

There were spider silk-like cracks on the ice.

Finally, the crack spreads, the ice bursts, and ice cubes splatter all over the sky.

At the moment when the ice layer burst, a figure climbed out from under the ice layer.

He stretched out his hand and picked it up in the air at will, and he grabbed those shattered ice cubes at his fingertips.

Just like a Weaver Girl with ingenious craftsmanship, those ice cubes quickly condensed in the figure's hand, and in a short while they became a long sword that shone with crystal light.

But it's not over yet.

Figures are still weaving.

After a while, an ice crystal armor solidified.

After a brief silence.

The splashes of ice disappeared.

On the ice layer of the entire lake, only the figure remained.

A five-person giant wearing ice crystal armor and holding an ice crystal giant sword appeared above the ice layer on the lake.

In the cold wind, the burly figure began to whisper.

"The ancient times, this is the ancient times."

"...Since I'm here, nothing will change in history."

His voice was full of indifference and murderous intent, ecstasy and ferociousness, and a kind of high-spirited disdain.

"According to the normal timeline, at this time, you should be on your way to explore the source of the White Walkers."

"If all goes well, you will soon understand the origin of the White Ghosts, and by solving the problems of the White Ghosts, you will become the savior of the Daoyuan Realm and completely destroy its plan."

"But, now that I'm here, it brought me in person."

"So, this time, you are destined to fall here, and nothing will change."

"The person who steals the source of the Tao and reverses the cause and effect."

"Lu Qingshan!"

The tone is like a resentful ghost, drifting in the wind, chilling

In the next three days, Lu Qingshan did not encounter too many waves again.

Although they encountered the White Walkers several times along the way, the White Walkers they encountered were all alone and not in groups.

The Dragon Phoenix Army is also strong and strong, it is an elite soldier, and it is the invincible division of Tiecheng, so it is not difficult to deal with it.

Food problems are also well prepared.

The Dragon and Phoenix Army carried enough dry food before they set off.

At the same time, Lu Qingshan also asked each soldier to carry two kilograms of dehydrated vegetables with him.

——The process of dehydrating vegetables is not difficult. The vegetables are dried, roasted, thoroughly squeezed out of water, and then sealed with sheep intestines.

Gu Fu

After one kilogram of dehydrated vegetables was soaked in water, the amount was very sufficient, and the soldiers of the Longfeng Army could still drink vegetable soup when they were on the march.

As for how to boil water in the snow, it is due to Dao Fa.

There are several soldiers in the Dragon and Phoenix Army who master the fire-burning method.

Although the fire ignited by this Dao method is indeed a bit like playing at home compared to the magic power of Fa Xiu, it is not a big problem to start a fire.

The only problem is that they encounter the White Walkers more and more frequently over time.

But from another angle, it also seems like good news.

It shows that they are getting closer and closer to the source of the recovery of the White Walkers.

Everyone can understand this.

Therefore, the expressions of the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Army became more and more serious.


The prosperous stars fluttered in the sky, and the bright moon disk hung high in the night.

The current location of the Dragon Phoenix Army is on a hillside at a high point.

Ahead is the plains.

Condescending, the sight is very bright.

Lu Qingshan looked far into the distance.

On the plain, there are countless pits and pits arranged in a staggered arrangement, but due to the extremely cold weather, the water pools have long been frozen.

At first glance, in the moonlight, the plain looks like a giant beehive connected by glacial lakes.

But it's not the hive that's really creepy, it's the "bee."

The whole plain is full of White Walkers.

Densely packed White Ghosts wandered aimlessly on this hive-like plain.

"General, what is that?!" Gu Tianyan, who was behind Lu Qingshan, pointed to the extreme distance and asked in shock.

Looking over these White Walkers, across this hive plain, you can vaguely see a little outline, dark and faint, like a deep pit.

It's like a mirror-smooth ice surface with a chunk missing.

However, due to the extremely long distance, Lu Qingshan couldn't see the specific situation there at all - if it weren't for the fact that the area of ​​the deep pit was too large, at the current distance, they couldn't even see the outline of the deep pit. arrive.

"The secret of the origin of the Other Ghosts should be hidden in it." Lu Qingshan narrowed his eyes and made a judgment.

"I think if we just cross this hive plain and get to the pit, we might be able to see how the White Walkers are reviving, or rather, understand where they came from."

Lu Qingshan's words instantly lifted everyone's spirits.

"But, General, how are we going to cross this plain?"

Gu Tianyan remained sensible, and her tone was extremely dry.

Although he didn't know the exact number, he glanced at it and knew the number of White Walkers on the plains, at least 20,000.

A tingling number.

The number of the White Walkers in the early 10,000s attacked the city, and the whole army of Tiecheng soldiers must be dispatched to pay nearly 100,000 soldiers and soldiers to win.

Now more than 20,000 White Walkers are blocking the front, and their Dragon Phoenix Army is alone

Lu Qingshan patted his shoulder.

"What we're going to do now is to traverse the plains, not to exterminate these White Walkers.

We don't need to fight the White Walkers, and they're not prepared, as long as we move fast enough and build up a strong enough charge, it's not that dangerous, and we can rush past the White Walkers before they can react. "

"I'm not worried about how to cross this plain now. On the contrary, what I'm more worried about is, how will I get back?" Lu Qingshan's thoughts were very clear.

"My current thinking is that going back the same way should be unlikely.

It would be better not to come back, then we will go over the deep pit and continue to move forward, and then make a big circle back to Tiecheng~www.readwn.com~ Gu Tianyan heard the words, swallowed her saliva, and nodded cautiously.

"I see, General."

In fact, there are still many problems in Lu Qingshan's plan.

For example, when we reach that deep pit, will there be other variables?

Once there is a variable that blocks their way, the White Walkers on the Hive Plain react and surround them from behind, then they become dumplings to be made.

For another example, after crossing that pit, will there be White Walkers gathering in front of them?

Also, the terrain in the depths of the snowfield is complex, and it is even more unfamiliar to them. Will they really have a way to return to the Iron City by detour?

In such a vast snowfield, it is absolutely difficult to detour without a map.

In short, there are a lot of problems, but out of belief in Lu Qingshan, Gu Tianyan chose to ignore them all.

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