"This sword repair is a bit stable (

If you want to rush into the formation, you must first have a war horse.

When the Dragon and Phoenix Army went out of the city, not all soldiers rode on horses.

Because if so, the bait for the warhorse is a big problem.

Even if alfalfa could be found under the snow, it would definitely not be able to support the food consumption of thousands of war horses.

In fact, among the dragon and phoenix army who followed Lu Qingshan out of the city, there were only more than three hundred riders on war horses.

Today, these three hundred or so horse riders will be the main force of the rushing formation.

"Those who have no horses stand back a hundred miles and wait for three days. If they don't see us coming back after three days, they will return to Tiecheng by themselves and report the situation here." Lu Qingshan is making the final arrangements.

Eggs cannot be placed in the same basket, so this backhand must be arranged.

"The rest of the people wait, get ready, fight with me, and break through!" Lu Qingshan said seriously.


The White Walkers surrounding the hive plains, some were wiping the ice crystal longswords in their hands, some were leading their pale dead horses, looking for fodder under the thick snow.

In the north, there is a special kind of alfalfa, which can grow in extremely cold environment and grow extremely vigorously.

This alfalfa is the main food for the warhorses of the North, as do the pale dead horses of the White Walkers.

All in all, the White Walkers on the Plains looked very relaxed.

Although this easy, will soon be broken.

At night, the full moon hung in the sky and was extremely huge.

Under the bright moonlight, everyone's shadows were stretched long on the snow.

Extremely abrupt.

The neat hooves sounded.

The whole dead plain was like a branding iron with a small horn burned red, and the commotion and turmoil spread rapidly.

Those leisurely White Walkers raised their heads one after another, and saw hundreds of figures riding black-maned horses on the hillside leading to the territory of the human race, rushing down condescendingly.

Behind the figure, snow was lifted up.

Rolling snow like a snow dragon.

The snow dragons that the team gathered together became bigger and bigger.

Lu Qingshan was wearing silver armor that was almost the same color as the snow, with a warhorse on his thigh. As usual, he rushed to the front, which was particularly eye-catching.

This set of silver armor was the reward he received when he made another illustrious military exploits a year after he came to Tiecheng.

The other soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Army also put on armor, their legs tightly clamped to the saddle, and rushed down from the **** with Lu Qingshan.

The White Ghosts wandering on both sides of the plain, some of them reacted, and quickly turned on their horses and rushed towards Lu Qingshan, but they were gradually pulled away by the Dragon and Phoenix Army who had already rushed up.

The only thing that could stop the Dragon and Phoenix Army was the White Walkers in the direction of their charge.

The White Walkers' reaction speed is also extremely fast. Not far in front of the Dragon and Phoenix Army, there are hundreds of White Walkers immediately, and the ice crystal long sword flashes a dazzling cold light.


Lu Qingshan took the lead, and the tip of the Dragon Sparrow's sword slid through the face of a White Walker.

Blood splatter.

The description of the ghosts is extremely tragic.

Looking down from the sky, it was like a sharp arrow, inserted straight into the White Walkers, and kept advancing.

The large white ghosts are like fallen wheat, crooked on both sides, horrible to see.

After a short period of turmoil and turmoil, the White Walkers had already gathered in front of the Dragon Phoenix Army's charge path, under the dispatch of a White Walker commander, and mounted their horses.

The pale dead horse snorted, both dead and alive.

These 100 White Walkers also used the cavalry force to fight against the Dragon and Phoenix Army led by Lu Qingshan.

The distance between the horses on both sides is getting closer and closer.

The leader of the White Ghost Cavalry, the leader of the White Ghosts, held the ice crystal sword high.

The White Walkers behind him followed the commander and drew long swords.

In the moonlight, the ice crystal longsword shone with a breathtaking light.

The teams on both sides collided, like two long swords approaching rapidly on the snow-white plain.

Horseshoes like thunder!

The cold wind howls!

Lu Qingshan is still the leader.

Under the bright and clear full moon, the war horse with loose mane collided with the dead horse that was as pale as a dead thing, the blue ice crystal sword collided with the blazing red dragon bird, the sound was crisp and fierce, crystal clear. The cold air and gorgeous flames flew out and spread out in the moonlight.

The White Walker leader in front of him let out a dull snort.

Two war horses and two long swords quickly staggered past in the night.

A pair of eyes are bright and bright, a pair of eyes are cold and dead, and a blazing red and a faint blue are reflected in the pupils.

The picture seems to freeze at this moment.

Then, the next moment, blood stained the plains.

The menacing White Ghost commander had a terrifying gap in his neck, and blue blood spurted out, flying into the air, as if it was dyed on the empty moon.

The White Walker leader just fell on his horse.

The high-speed running horse under his crotch knelt down on the front hoof, pulled its head down by the huge inertia, and turned out all the way.

Lu Qingshan let out a long roar, clasped his legs together, and rushed straight into the White Ghost cavalry group.

The swimming dragons and birds slashed and chopped in all directions, unstoppable like a tiger entering a flock.

Like a sharp knife cutting into butter, he leads the men behind him and is invincible.

"Rush!" Lu Qingshan's eyes were like fire, and his words were full of contempt.

The Longfeng Army was infected by Lu Qingshan, and the group was only three hundred, but it was a force of thousands of horses.


The heavy hoof made a deep depression in the snow.

Everyone's armor was stained with blue blood.

The blood on Lu Qingshan's body was particularly thick, and the silver armor almost turned blue.

His Dragon Sparrow Sword was also dripping with blood.

However, Lu Qingshan just moved in his heart, and flames flashed away from the red sword, evaporating all the blood.

His eyes were still bright.

The entire rushing team formed a cone, with Lu Qingshan taking the lead.

The spearhead is the most important position for the rushing formation.

The attacker must be strong enough to pierce through the enemy camp.

Otherwise, in this high-speed battle, once there is a momentary decline, it would be a fantasy to want to charge again.

Once stopped, as time goes by, more and more White Walkers will be surrounded, and everyone will be in a desperate situation.

Simply, Lu Qingshan's arrow is sharp enough.

But even so, the dragon and phoenix army soldiers at the end of the team and on the two wings were under great pressure and dangerous.

The White Walkers are terrifyingly powerful, better than ordinary people, and even better equipped.

The only advantage of the Dragon and Phoenix Army is the strong collision force brought by the high enough speed and the Lu Qingshan who pierced through the enemy's formation.

The problem now is that the distance of this charge is too long, and the number of White Walkers is too large.

people get tired

Not only people, but even the war horses felt exhausted after this tossing, their breathing became heavy, and the mist exhaled from their noses rose and filled the cold night, which was really beautiful.

The consequence of fatigue is that more and more people are falling behind.

The original team of more than 300 people now has only more than 70 people, and these 70 people are more or less injured.

For the entire rushing team, if the position of attacking the fortress is the most important, then the second position is the break.

This position was held by Gu Tianyan, who was second only to Lu Qingshan in martial arts in the Dragon and Phoenix Army.

As Lu Qingshan pierced through the enemy camp, the enemy in front had disappeared, leaving only the chasing soldiers in the rear, and the pressure on Gu Tianyan increased.

Coupled with his physical fitness gradually approaching the limit, the situation has become more and more difficult.

At this moment, Gu Tianyan was adorned by four or five Other Ghosts. He held a **** spear in his right hand and knocked on the oncoming ice crystal sword. The violent shock from the collision caused blood to flow from his nostrils.

His arms wielding weapons were already sore and numb, and the veins on his neck burst open.

In fact, at this point, he has completely relied on his own willpower to react mechanically.

However, Gu Tianyan also knew that he would not last long.

Sure enough, he narrowly avoided the slash of the White Walker longsword.

But the long sword went down with the trend, but it directly split his warhorse in half.

The warm horse blood splattered and splashed on Gu Tianyan's face. Compared with the cold blood of the White Walkers, it even felt very comfortable.

But Gu Tianyan's heart was like falling into an ice cave.

In such an embattled environment, once there is no horse, it is conceivable how the outcome will be.

Ten dead.

What Gu Tianyan didn't expect was that Lu Qingshan would turn back at this time.

Lu Qingshan shouted to let the others continue to move forward, but he pushed the horses under his crotch, turned back, and rushed towards Gu Tianyan who was trapped in the siege.

Here, Gu Tianyan's pupils reflected cold rays of light.

It was the White Walkers' ice crystal longsword, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com slashed at him condescendingly.

Gu Tianyan roared angrily, and the last Yu Yong burst out. The spear swept away, and the four or five long swords were swept away one by one.

Just in time, Lu Qingshan has already killed.

His dragon jumped like a dragon, piercing the White Walkers in the eyes.

The White Walker's head shattered directly.

Lu Qingshan's speed did not decrease, the castration was fierce, and the horses galloped past Gu Tianyan.

The moment he walked sideways, Lu Qingshan stretched out his left hand towards Gu Tianyan.

Gu Tianyan grabbed Lu Qingshan's left hand without hesitation, and with a kick of his legs, he got on his horse and sat behind Lu Qingshan.


"Sit firmly." While Lu Qingshan kept handing out the dragon sparrow in his hand, he was still in the mood to think that if this scene were replaced in this world's martial arts novels, it should be written like this: "Gu Tianyan sits on the horse and looks in front of him. The man's broad back was a little crazy for a while."

Unfortunately, this is not a novel, and Gu Tianyan is not a pretty girl either.

Lu Qingshan fiercely slammed his horse under his crotch.

The war horse's mane shook, and the two tired eyes were full of bloodshots. The speed that had gradually slowed down was raised again at this moment.

Lu Qingshan's dragon bird swiped lightly, swiping across the throats of the two other ghosts in front of him, and then drove away.

The White Walker's throat was bruised and he fell off the dead horse.

Without the dead horse driven by its owner, after running for dozens of meters, it was knocked to the ground by the White Walkers who came from behind. Like a series of car accidents, the vast White Walker team turned on their backs for a while, greatly hindering the White Walkers. their pursuit speed.

Lu Qingshan fought and retreated like this, and the distance from the White Walkers became farther and farther away.

This is how the rushing formation is, and the most difficult thing is the process of piercing the enemy camp at the beginning.

Once chiseled, the rest is easy.

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