Lu Qingshan looked around.

It's all black!


The boundless dead are scrambling to fly from the lake to the lake.

Although most of these dead are scattered due to lack of strength, only a small part can condense ice armor and ice swords and become White Walkers.

But a small fraction of such a huge number is also a terrifying number that is difficult to measure.

One after another, the White Walkers stood up amid the flying ice debris.

Resurrection of the dead.

It was a catastrophe enough to terrify anyone.

After the darkness, there is endless pallor, death and fear.

More than seventy soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Army who stood back several miles also saw this scene.

The White Walkers have not yet begun to move, and it is already dark and dark just to recover.

It seems that the world has been covered with these things.

Their hearts will burst for this, and the deepest fear is imprinted in their eyes.

Their first reaction was not to worry about their own lives, but to think...

Can the Iron City Wall, which has stood for 32 years, really withstand this White Walker catastrophe?


The "King of the White Walkers", who caused countless White Walkers to revive, looked down at the terrifying scene he created, and his eyes gradually changed from the tyranny of the injury just now to the extreme cold.

"Now..." He looked at Lu Qingshan and asked jokingly, "What are you going to do?"

"In such a situation, do you have any other options?"

"The person who steals the source of the Tao..." The King of the Other Ghosts said in a single word: "Lu Qingshan!"

Lu Qingshan glanced around.

The endless army of White Walkers had completely surrounded him.

"There's really no way. In such a situation, immortals can't be saved." He shook his head and said sincerely: "However, I really want to know, since you said that I was the one who stole the source of the Tao..."

"What is the so-called Daoyuan?" Lu Qingshan raised his eyelids and looked directly at the icy gaze of the King of Other Ghosts.

Daoyuan only moves for Dao Fa.

Taoyuan in the usual sense should refer to a magical force that supports the Taoist system.

But obviously, in the mouth of the King of the White Ghosts, the source of the Tao is not like an energy, but more like a concrete object.

"Daoyuan......" The King of the Other Ghosts showed an elusive look and said slowly: "That is the most precious thing in this world, as for what it is, since you don't know it now, you don't need to know it. ."

He was about to command the White Walkers to drown Lu Qingshan.

"Wait," Lu Qingshan said again, interrupting the "singing" of the King of the White Walkers, "You said earlier that I was the one who was written into history..."

"What does this mean, which history am I being written into?"

"I want to die and understand." Lu Qingshan explained.

"Death," the White Walker King whispered softly, and then his eyes flashed, "Alright, then I'll satisfy you."

"After all, if you were to die in such a vague way, I would have no sense of accomplishment."

The White Walker King waved his hand and stopped the White Walkers' army.

He looked down at Lu Qingshan with contempt, and said slowly: "Lu Qingshan, a legendary figure with five pages of records in the history of Daoyuan, is better than any monarch in history.

You are the general of the Qin Kingdom protecting the country, and also the general of the Daoyuan realm. You can have the same status and reputation as a general in any country in the Daoyuan realm, and you are well-deserved as the first person in the Daoyuan realm. "

"The reason why it has gained such a high status and reputation is also very simple."

"In the thirty-second year of the second White Walker recovery, this year, you led the Dragon and Phoenix Army alone into the snowfields, discovered the lake under your feet, and discovered the source of the White Walkers and the truth."

"Then, you returned to Tiecheng and explained all this to everyone in Tiecheng."

"In the 33rd year, after a year of preparation, the monarchs of the Nine Kingdoms have appointed you as the Great General of Tiecheng, and you will lead the Tiecheng army into the snowfield again to fight against the White Walkers gathered in front of the Yellow Springs Lake... ....Well, Yellow Springs Lake is the name your human race gave to this lake later, or it should be said, it was the name you Lu Qingshan gave it.

In this battle, with your astonishing valour, you have killed nearly a thousand White Walkers and won the battle.

After eradicating the Other Ghosts in the way, the Tiecheng army returned to the Lake of Yellow Springs. "

"The ice layer of Huangquan Lake is extremely hard, and the lake is full of dead people. If you act rashly, you will only kill your life in vain.

When everyone was at a loss, you destroyed Huangquan Lake with the lost method of returning to the ruins. "

"The Yellow Spring Lake is vast, even if there is a way of returning to the ruins, it will take a long time to completely destroy the Yellow Spring Lake... Three days later, the Yellow Spring Lake will completely disappear from the Taoyuan realm. "

"The White Walkers that threatened the Terran for 33 years have been resolved, and the Northern Alliance can finally become a thing of the past.

The armies of various countries withdrew from the Iron City and returned to their respective countries.

However, as the general of Tiecheng, you still have great prestige and appeal among the various armies of Tiecheng, and all countries are afraid of you.

However, in the second year after the disappearance of the Other Ghosts, you resigned from the position of the general of the Qin Kingdom to protect the country and began to travel around the Daoyuan Realm. "

"So all the countries were relieved, and later, in order to show the amazing contribution you made in the affliction of the Other Ghosts, you were posthumously named the general of the Daoyuan Realm."

"As time goes by, you disappear, and there is less and less discussion about you in the world.

It was not until fifteen years later that you, who had been away from Qin for fifteen years, reappeared in Qincheng, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, you broke through the void and left. "

"Who in the world can't die"

"No matter how beautiful you are, and you are the best in the world, in the end, you will also be a pink and pink skeleton; no matter what your generation is, you will be the arrogance of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and in the end, you will eventually turn into loess."

"No one knows where he will go after Wu Destroying the Void, but in the eyes of the world, it must be a place of immortality."

"After this, you have truly become a myth, and you have become the first person in the history of Daoyuan to break through the void."


"That's really a legend." Lu Qingshan said softly.

"How, are you proud?" The King of the White Walkers laughed. "But all of this will be changed today, and history will change today."

"Even if your future is so legendary, it is only the future, and now, you will fall here.

And once you are gone, the world process will return to its original trajectory, and the Daoyuan Realm will surely fall under the iron hooves of our army of the dead. "

"You came from the future, across time," Lu Qingshan said suddenly, ignoring the sarcasm of the King of the White Walkers: "Otherwise, how would you know what didn't happen."

"Just, how did you do it... what a mighty force it takes to travel through time and space

Although you are strong, you are still far from such a mighty force. "Lu Qingshan asked.

"How did I come here, I have told you before, but you don't believe it." King of the White Ghosts Jie Jie laughed.

told me before

Lu Qingshan frowned, thinking with all his strength, searching for his memory.

Soon, he caught the key.

"To take my life on behalf of Heaven..." Lu Qingshan shrank his pupils and got a very absurd answer, "It's the power of Heaven that helps you travel through time and space"

The power to travel through time and space is already inhuman. If you really want to say who can have this kind of power, maybe there is really only the way of heaven.

However, why did Tiandao take his own life?

"Smart," said the White Walker King with great pride, "now, you can die plainly."

He waved down.

The terrifying army of the White Walkers finally moved.

The sound of rolling thunder echoed in the sky.

"Thank you," Lu Qingshan still did not panic as death was approaching, but said seriously to the King of the White Walkers: "The information you provided is very important."

"Also, I didn't steal the Taoyuan, because the Taoyuan is my thing," Lu Qingshan continued, "In addition, it seems that you only know the preciousness of the Taoyuan, but you don't know what the Taoyuan does. "

The King of the White Walkers had a bad feeling in his heart.

He made a decisive decision, and immediately pulled out the giant sword inserted into the ice layer and smashed it at Lu Qingshan.

But Lu Qingshan moved faster.

He lifted the dragon sparrow, and the sharp blade swiped across his throat.

The blood immediately rushed out like spring water.

The White Walker King was stunned.

what's the situation

It's humiliating, suicide

"Yi Tian, ​​your son really believes in you to the point that he doesn't even want to die." Lu Qingshan thought so at the last moment before his consciousness disappeared.

Then, his eyes darkened, and UU reading was unconscious again.

Immediately afterwards, countless stars appeared on the dragon bird.

These stars form a galaxy, so gorgeous and incredible, wrapping the "dead" Lu Qingshan and pulling him somewhere.

Fall, fall, fall again.

Lu Qingshan is like falling into the abyss, falling continuously.

In the darkness where time and space were immeasurable, he seemed to have fallen into the deep sea, drifting constantly.

Then, Lu Qingshan suddenly woke up from the darkness.

Along with his awakening, in the past two years, the scenes he experienced after he came to Daoyuan Realm began to flash before his eyes.

As if all this was just a dream.

Iron Horse, Glacier...

Into a dream!

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