This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 27: Method 1 (Part 1)


When the flickering picture was reversed to the moment when Lu Qingshan first approached the Daoyuan Realm, the light and shadow shattered into countless pieces.

Lu Qingshan's eyes returned to darkness.

Then, gradually, there was sound, smell, light, and breeze.

Lu Qingshan opened his eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the stars in the sky.

very familiar scene.

He came back, on the cliff outside Yuandu.

Where the "dream" begins.

Lu Qingshan stood up abruptly and subconsciously touched his throat.

Very smooth, without any wounds.

As if everything that happened before, the five feet of blood splashed before, was a dream.

But Lu Qingshan knew that this was not a dream.

"It's really starting again..." Lu Qingshan murmured in a low voice.

Before the expedition, Qin Yitian gave Lu Qingshan a tip: "If the general is in trouble, he will open the tip if he is unable to recover."

When you really encounter difficulties, you must be in a hurry. How can you have the opportunity and time to open the kit?

The enemy is not so kind.

It is unrealistic to wait until the plight comes before opening the tip.

Therefore, before leading the three hundred cavalry to charge into the formation, Lu Qingshan opened the bag first.

Because the danger of rushing into the formation is to be expected.

in the bag.

a note.

Two sentences.

"With the dragon bird in hand, as long as the general does not die at the hands of others, everything can start anew."

"This is... the first method."


"The first method." Lu Qingshan muttered.

It seems abrupt, but it makes sense.

The Nine Great Laws of Shangguo are in charge of the Nine Great Ways.

Since the first law is not in the other eight countries, it is naturally in Qin.

What Qin Yitian said that day had already been foreshadowed.

"And Daoyuan..." Lu Qingshan whispered again.

"The dragon bird is the source of the Tao."

The King of the White Walkers treats him as a lamb to be slaughtered, so although many of the information is not outright, it is not deliberately concealed.

Under this premise, at least this inference is not difficult to draw.

Whether it was the look of the King of the Other Ghosts that first fell on the Dragon Sparrow when he appeared, the so-called "stealing" of the source of the Tao, or the magic of the Dragon Sparrow, they were all pointing to this answer.

After all, as a sword cultivator, if he really said that he wanted to take something away from Daoyuan Realm, it would only be a dragon bird.

Of course, this was just speculation at the time.

Therefore, before "suicide", he said that paragraph to the King of White Ghosts on the premise that the Dragon Sparrow is the source of Dao.

The White Walker's reaction proved his inference was correct.

There are still many doubts in Lu Qingshan's heart.

Some of them can be answered by seeing Qin Yitian.

Some still need to continue to explore, in order to reveal the truth.

This world seems to hide many secrets in it. It is not a simple high-martial world. Whether it is the time and space of the King of the Other Ghosts, or his current comeback, it is unusual.

Lu Qingshan took a deep breath of the cold air between the cliffs, no longer hesitated, kicked his legs, and jumped towards the distant forest.


After walking for a while, there were crowds of people in the mountains and forests ahead.

Not long after, a team of soldiers appeared in front of Lu Qingshan.

"Who are you?" A hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Then, a familiar figure appeared in front of Lu Qingshan.

"I've seen General Zhenning." Once he was born, he was familiar with Lu Qingshan, and he clasped his fists.

General Zhenning frowned and looked at Lu Qingshan.

"Just as a meteor fell from the sky, I happened to be nearby and came here following the trail of a meteor, but I just searched and found nothing."

This time Lu Qingshan didn't need to ask for directions, so before General Zhenning spoke, he explained first.

"It seems that the god-given thing has no chance for me, so I will not waste my time. I hope the general will gain something." He said to General Zhenning.

After he finished speaking, he disappeared into the mountains and forests.

"General, just let him go." The cronies next to General Zhenning finally couldn't help but say, "This person doesn't look right."

Gu Li

Two days later, Lu Qingshan came out of the Majia racecourse with two horses and galloped away.

This time, Lu Qingshan didn't waste any more time inquiring about the news, but went straight to the racecourse, and his movements were naturally much faster.

Light riding and bad horses are good for the road, and there is no need to return in the slanting wind and drizzle.

Going all the way north again, Lu Qingshan's speed is very fast without the difficulty of finding a way in the middle.

Half a month later, a majestic city appeared in front of him.

The capital of Qin State, Qincheng.

In the city, there are a lot of traffic and people.

Lu Qingshan strolled through the courtyard, pacing the streets of Qincheng.

Returning to Qincheng, but this time he no longer needs to be as troublesome as the last time, to open a special arena to make a name for himself.

Because he knew that Qin Yitian was now in the palace.

The palace is a forbidden area and is heavily guarded, but it is impossible to stop him.

Lu Qingshan didn't even bother to go round and round.

The so-called strategy is used when the strength is not enough.

Since the strength allows it, why think so much?


The palace of the King of Qin, with thick walls and yellow eaves like swords, is magnificent and solemn.

A figure floated up the wall like duckweed, and disappeared into the palace towers in the blink of an eye.

After a moment.

Royal study.

Lu Qingshan quietly pushed the door and entered.

There is a very high row of bookshelves against the wall.

The bookshelves are horizontal and vertical, and the style is not fancy, but the wood used is extremely precious huanghuali.

All kinds of books displayed on the bookshelf are also rare treasures of great value.

There is a stack of memorials on the desk.

At this time, there was no one in the imperial study room.

Lu Qingshan was not in a hurry.

Qin Yitian has been diligent in administration. Since he came to power, the memorial must be reviewed on the same day, which has been widely circulated in the community.

Therefore, without knowing the detailed layout of the palace and Lu Qingshan, where Qin Yitian's bedroom is located, he came to the imperial study.

Here, as long as he waits for some time, he will meet Qin Yitian who has come to review the memorial.

Before anyone came, Lu Qingshan was hanging out in the imperial study.

There is also a desk beside the case.

A few sheets of rice paper are laid on the desk, and a writing brush rests in the inkstone like a raft of fine water, dipped in ink.

There are also several brushes on the pen holder beside it.

From paper to pen, ink to inkstone, without exception, are all precious tributes.

It seems that this should be Qin Yitian's desk dedicated to writing.

Lu Qingshan was interested and walked around to the desk.

On the fine-grained fine-grained rice paper, there are wet ink marks, and seven vigorous characters are written.

"The mountains and rivers are broken by the wind."

"The writing is good, and it has the style of everyone." Lu Qingshan thought about it, and found a skill in Qin Yitian that he had never known.

At this moment, a gentle and light footstep sounded in his ears.

somebody is coming.


Outside the imperial study.

A woman wearing a gorgeous palace dress and ancient dress walked lightly.

There are guards and palace maids behind him.

The woman came to the imperial study and was about to push the door to enter, as if she had found something, and suddenly stopped.

The guard behind him saw this scene and his expression tightened.

However, the woman quickly recovered, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com waved his hand, "You guys wait outside the door."

"Yes!" The guards and palace maids responded quickly.


The door of the imperial study was pushed open and closed again.

Qin Yitian walked in.

Lu Qingshan stood in front of the desk and looked at her quietly.

Qin Yitian looked at Lu Qingshan, who had been waiting for a long time, standing in front of the desk, looking at him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"You're back."

"I'm back," Lu Qingshan nodded, "You should know that I have many questions that I want to know the answer to, and I need an explanation from you."

"Don't worry, sit down and talk slowly." Qin Yitian smiled slightly.


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