This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 28: The first method (below)

It was quiet in the imperial study.

Lu Qingshan was silent for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth and asked the first question.

It's also his biggest concern right now.

"What exactly is the first method?"

"You should have guessed it." Qin Yitian stepped forward and pulled out an ancient wooden box that Lu Qingshan was very familiar with from under the desk.

On the box, the dragon and phoenix carvings are ready to appear.

Qin Yitian gently opened the box, and a red light flashed through the box.

The beautiful dragon sparrow, lying peacefully in the box.

"Yes, the Dragon Sparrow is the first method, or in other words, it is the carrier of the first method."

"So, the first method is to go back in time?" Lu Qingshan asked again.

Judging from the current situation, no matter how incredible it is, the first method should be related to time.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yitian shook his head and said, "No, the first method has nothing to do with has to do with cause and effect."

"Its real name is the Law of Cause and Effect." She said seriously.

"Cause and effect?" An unexpected and reasonable answer.

After all, when Lu Qingshan understood the true meaning of karma, Qin Yitian had already told him that the dragon bird is the sword of karma.

And as we all know, the law of causality is the most terrifying weapon no matter what kind of world it is in.

"Yes, cause and effect," Qin Yitian nodded slightly and added: "To be correct, it should be called, reverse cause and effect."

"Reversing cause and effect...?"

Seeing Lu Qingshan's thoughtful expression, Qin Yitian gently pulled out the brush on the desk and placed it on the inkstone, soaked in the ink of a clear pool.

Then, she took out another sheet from the stacked rice paper and laid it out on the "Broken Mountains and Rivers, Wind Flutters".

Qin Yitian took the pen in his hand and marked two dots on the rice paper.

"Cause and effect are like two dots on a piece of white paper. This is the cause," Qin Yitian pointed to one of the dots, and then pointed to the other dot: "This is the effect."

"All cause and effect are predestined, and when the cause occurs, the effect has already appeared," Qin Yitian wrote again and drew a straight line segment between the two points, "and this line segment, that is, This developmental process from cause to effect follows.”

"That is to say, under normal circumstances, when the cause occurs, no matter how the line in your middle is drawn, no matter how twisted..."

Qin Yitian made a twisted line segment with the "cause" point, twisting and twisting, and finally ended at the "fruit" point, "But its ending is the same, and it will all fall at this fruit point."

"And what the karma method does is very simple. When the fruit arrives, he swings his sword to erase the fruit." Qin Yitian put the brush back on the inkstone, and the brush fainted in the ink.

"After this, everything will be reversed, and the "fruit" will be determined by the direction of the line segment, not by fate."

"That is... reversing cause and effect."

Lu Qingshan was stunned.

"Then why did you give me such an important sword?" After thinking for a moment, he asked again.

Even if it is to reverse the cause and effect, it cannot be said why Qin Yitian took a fancy to him at a glance and gave him unparalleled trust.

"Don't worry, General, I will explain everything to you." Qin Yitian said softly.

"As the first method, the law of cause and effect is extremely powerful, and it also has many limitations."

"First of all, when I use the causal method and cut off the doomed fruit, I can go upstream, follow the river of time, and find a time node in the original causal line to start again."

"It's like turning back time."

"Of course, this backtracking has limitations."

"My limit is to go back thirty years."

Gu Wei

"Then the timeline for reversing cause and effect is closed loop.

It only exists between the time node I chose and the original fruit. "

"In this closed-loop timeline, as long as the general does not die at the hands of others, he can return to the original time node by "suicide"."

"But once time passes the time point of fruit, the law of cause and effect loses its effectiveness."

"Simply put, it's the day when the time passed by the day I used the Karma method. If the general committed suicide again, it would be a real suicide."

"I don't know if I'm saying this, will the general understand?"

I'm familiar with this, isn't it just archiving, reading files, and automatically saving over original archives... Lu Qingshan nodded, expressing understanding.

Qin Yitian nodded and continued: "Secondly, after reversing the cause and effect, everything that has happened in the original cause and effect line cannot be touched, otherwise it will be erased to calm the disorder of the cause and effect line."

"In layman's terms, time is like a long river, people are the passengers on the boat, the reason is the starting point of the boat, and the result is the end point.

When the ship departs, the destination has been set. Even if there are twists and turns in the middle, it will eventually go to the destination.

Reversing the cause and effect is like smuggling. During the journey, you must try your best to hide yourself and not be discovered by the captain, or you will be killed. "

"The problem is that I myself am the person in the causal line, the passenger on the ship.

And the passengers already know their destination when they get on the ship, so I must not do anything to change the route, otherwise the captain will immediately find out that there is a problem with me. "

"If I wanted to change the course and let the ship go somewhere else, all I had to do was pull someone on board who wasn't on the ship."

"Reversing cause and effect, I can only be a bystander, not an executor."

"As you can see, no one in the Daoyuan Realm can escape the suffering of the Other Ghosts."

"That is to say, everyone in Daoyuan Realm is on this boat."

"According to this principle, the general should come from the outside world."

Lu Qingshan was in a complicated mood, looked at Qin Yitian and nodded, "Yes."

"Also, generals should come from the future." Qin Yitian smiled and then explained:

"The ship we are on has a very strict identity check. It doesn't mean that if I pull anyone, he will be able to board the ship, and he will definitely be rejected in all aspects."

"Only if there is a deep cause and effect between this person and me, can I pull him onto the boat."

It is not difficult to understand that it is naturally not allowed for a boat passenger to drag a stranger on board, but if he can prove that this person is his relative, it will not be so difficult.

"When I performed the karma method, I felt as if I was on the long river of time, and I was flying backward very quickly, and at the same time I could see the causal line on me and the person on the other end of the causal line."

"Unfortunately, all the people who have cause and effect with me are on the boat."

"As I said before, the people on the boat can't change course."

"Just when I was desperate, a causal line inexplicably started to appear in me."

"This line of cause and effect is looming, very illusory, leading to the extreme distance of the long river of time, as if it may disappear at any time."

"This is not because the causal relationship between the person on the other end of the causal line and me is too shallow, on the contrary, the bond between him and me is very deep and very deep."

"Because, this is a causal line that spans the long river of time."

"I don't know the person on the other side of the causal line, but in the future, there will be an inseparable bond between him and me."

"I don't know how close the bond is, so that the line of cause and effect can cross the river of time.

But I know that the person who has such a bond with me must be trustworthy, so I, who was almost in a desperate situation, grabbed the thread without hesitation and pulled the person on the other end of the causal line into the boat. "

"At the last moment of reversing the cause and effect, I also saw the face of that person clearly."

"That person is the general."

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