This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 29: Change a way to play

Qin Yitian didn't know what the bond between him and Lu Qingshan was enough to cross the river of time, but Lu Qingshan was very clear.


That is the bond between Jianxiu and the sword of life.


It can span endless time and space and be immortal.




"When His Highness performed the first method, how far had the situation developed?" Lu Qingshan asked.


Since what Qin Yitian needs is to reverse the cause and effect, he will do it all.


But first, he needs to understand the specific situation, not the unknown like last time.


"Since the White Walkers recovered, the Iron City has stood for sixty years. In the first thirty years, our human race has an absolute advantage, but the White Walkers have never been cut off.


In the next 30 years, our human race has gradually become weak, and more and more countries and people are struggling to survive under the military force.


Until the 60th year, nearly 100,000 White Walkers came under the pond, and the Iron City was destroyed. "


"Then, the White Walkers invaded our human territory. In five days, they destroyed five countries, and wherever they went, corpses were scattered everywhere."


"As if there is an inexhaustible hatred with our human race, these alien ghosts have killed our human race without leaving any survivors, and they are about to exterminate our human race. Those five destroyed countries have directly become the human world. Purgatory."


"And the sixth country that the White Ghosts' long sword is aimed at is our country of Qin."


"During the 60-year battle to defend the Iron City, Qin's national strength had already weakened to the extreme with the destruction of the Iron City at that time. In the face of the army of strong soldiers and strong warriors, we had no ability to resist."


"If it is said that the resurrection of the White Ghosts is the cause, then the Daoyuan Realm falls into the hands of the Other Ghosts, and the slaughter of the human race is the result."


"Cause and effect are already doomed."


"Faced with this kind of weak recovery, I can only follow the example of my ancestors and use the first method in order to reverse the cause and effect."


Has it reached the point of no return?


Lu Qingshan had a certainty in his heart.


"I have thirty years at most."


"Yes." Qin Yitian nodded and said.


"Thirty years? That's enough..." Lu Qingshan murmured, changing the subject and asking, "So, what kind of story is the mountain guest?"


What Qin Yitian said before about the "First Law" records, there are a lot of mismatches with the actual situation.


There is no doubt that Qin Yitian is hiding something.


"The stories I told about the first method were all recorded in the secret history. I didn't deceive the general."


"It's just that even the official history will be covered up, not to mention the authenticity of the secret history records."


"Actually, the person sitting on the mountain does exist, but he is not an unknown hermit, but the last monarch of the Qin state, that is, my ancestor.


In his later years, he suddenly fell in love with Taoism, so he passed the throne to the crown prince, and he lived in seclusion in the mountains to concentrate on Taoism. "


"It wasn't until the Daoyuan world was about to collapse that he chose to go out of the mountain and use the first method to save the world."


"That White Walker invasion also swept through the Daoyuan world and affected all races, so everyone was also a passenger on the ship.


In this case, the person who helped the ancestors to reverse the cause and effect must also come from the outside world.


It's just that even we, the ancestors and descendants, don't know who the outsiders are, and what is the cause and effect of the ancestors. "


"Because, after applying the karma method and annihilating the army of other ghosts, the ancestors sat down."


"Sitting up?" Lu Qingshan noticed the point and looked at Qin Yitian with a frown, "What is the price of using the karma method?"


"Is it the life you mentioned earlier?"


"That's right," Qin Yitian seemed very calm, "I told you that Taoism is based on blood, and it is natural.


But the law of cause and effect is rather special. It is not based on our blood, but the carrier. "


"Only the blood of our Qin family can perform the karma method through the dragon bird."


"And it must be the purest bloodline, otherwise it will not be enough to control the dragon bird."


"The reason for this is because the blood of our Qin family contains a unique power, and this power is the key to initiating the causal method."


"The Qin state has been inherited for so many years, and there are only a handful of people with pure blood in the royal families of the past dynasties.


I am very fortunate. I am the only one who has pure blood in the Qin imperial family for hundreds of years. The blood flowing in my body is pure enough to perform the law of cause and effect. "


Lu Qingshan quietly looked at the beautiful Qin Yitian.


Qin Yitian's expression was a little lonely, but after a while, a determined expression returned to her face again.


She continued: "Our blood contains this kind of power, which is closely related to our lives. After the ancestors used the karma method, the power in the blood was drained by the dragon and the bird was sitting on the spot."


"I will not be an exception."


"The time has not yet come... Once I reach the point of time when I cast Dao, I will end like my ancestors."

"Is there no way to save you?" Lu Qingshan asked.


Qin Yitian shook his head and said softly, "General, this is also the cause and effect."


Lu Qingshan was silent for a moment, then calmly said: "But isn't what we are doing now reverse the cause and effect?"


"I will find a way to save you," he emphasized, "certainly."


Hearing Lu Qingshan's words, Qin Yitian's eyes gradually revealed a hint of light, then dimmed again, looked at him and said seriously, "This is very difficult."


"It's difficult," Lu Qingshan said with a smile, "but it's not the first time I've encountered such a difficult thing."


When the dragon bird was damaged and Qin Yitian fell into a deep sleep, didn't he go into the abyss alone and rescue Qin Yitian?


Not just one more time.


Lu Qingshan is very confident.


Qin Yitian didn't know where Lu Qingshan's confidence came from, but he instinctively convinced Lu Qingshan.


"As for now, let's solve the problem of the Other Ghosts first." Lu Qingshan continued.


"Don't worry about this general, you have many chances to come back, and you will always find a way." Qin Yitian comforted, afraid that Lu Qingshan, who had just been "reborn", hadn't come out of the shadow of the last failure.


A smile appeared on Lu Qingshan's face, "Don't underestimate me, in fact, I only need one chance."


"But..." Qin Yitian glanced at Lu Qingshan quietly, and said cautiously, "Then the general...why did he come back?"


"..." Lu Qingshan choked and gritted his teeth: "I'm not making excuses, but last time, the White Walkers should have ended. It's just that I encountered some unexpected accidents."


"An accident that shouldn't have happened?" Qin Yitian was surprised.


Lu Qingshan explained in detail to Qin Yitian what he had seen and heard after he led the Dragon and Phoenix Army into the snowfield.


After listening to Lu Qingshan's narration, Qin Yitian fell into a deep shock.


"Are you saying that there are incomparably powerful White Walkers from the future, just to kill you?"


Qin Yitian frowned in disbelief, "And it said that the Dao of Heaven helped it come across the long river of time?"


"Yes," Lu Qingshan nodded, "and not from the original future, but from the future after the karma has been reversed."


"How is this possible? The Dao of Heaven actually exists? Why is the Dao of Heaven doing this?"


"Although it's unbelievable, and I can't figure out the reason, but the mighty power that crosses the long river of time, maybe in addition to the law of cause and effect, there is only the way of heaven." Lu Qingshan said slowly.


"Then what should you do? With such an existence hindering your actions, do we humans have any hope of solving the problem of the White Ghosts?" Qin Yitian frowned and fell into deep worry.


"The way, I thought of it on the way here." Lu Qingshan smiled slightly.


"What's the solution?" Qin Yitian immediately raised his head that had just lowered his head, and looked at Lu Qingshan in disbelief.


"Before answering this question, I want to ask you a question." Lu Qingshan said with a smile.


"Excuse me, general, Yitian will definitely know that there is nothing to say, and there is nothing to say." Qin Yitian said gracefully.


Lu Qingshan asked: "Last time, why didn't His Highness tell me everything, and even the method of doing it all over again is in the bag?"


Qin Yitian gave Lu Qingshan a small blessing, and said apologetically, "General, this is not my wish, but I am well aware of such absurd things. If I didn't experience it myself, who would believe it?"


"Whether it's reversing cause and effect, UU reading or the so-called rebirth......


I told anyone that if I "suicide" and I can do it all over again, they might think I'm crazy.


Who would dare to do this if it wasn't really desperate? "


"No one would joke about their own life."


"Especially a general like a general. Under normal circumstances, he would rather fight to the last moment than say he is self-sufficient."


"Indeed," Lu Qingshan nodded in approval, Jianxiu would give up fighting, but he immediately shook his head and said, "But you are wrong."


"You misestimated my trust in you."


"I will believe what you say." Lu Qingshan said seriously.


There is no Jianxiu who does not believe in his own sword.


Qin Yitian was stunned, but did not expect Lu Qingshan to say so.


The imperial study fell into silence for a while.


"The general will give him Mu Tao, and Yitian will definitely repay him with Qiongju," Qin Yitian finally said, "I will also have 100% trust in the general."


"Very good," Lu Qingshan clapped his hands and praised: "I really need your trust now."


He paused for a while, with a flash of light in his eyes, and continued: "Because, this time I'm going to change the way of playing!"

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