This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 31: Takenobu Tachiki

"What?" General Pingnan suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"I said that since you don't agree, just make a gesture. Don't worry, I won't use the Zhen Guojian to suppress you and make you convinced." Lu Qingshan calmly said.

It is this kind of natural calm that is the most irritating.

Qin Yitian was still fanning the flames, she "kindly" persuaded: "General Jiang, you and General Lu are the pillars of the country. General Lu's attack is neither light nor heavy, so you better not fight him."

When General Pingnan heard what the two of them said, he laughed in anger, "My Qin country's style of martial arts is from top to bottom, even among the people, let alone in the army?

If I don't dare to fight today and spread it out later, how can I still command the three armies? "

"Since General Pingnan insists on doing this, I won't say more," Qin Yitian took a step back and continued, "The Imperial Study Room is not suitable for competitions, and it cannot be used to perform. Go to the Imperial Academy."

"Okay." Lu Qingshan nodded indifferently.

Naturally, General Pingnan would not raise any objections.


Royal Academy Field.

This time was originally the time for the Imperial Forest Army to perform martial arts.

But just now, news came from the palace that two big men were going to compete here, and their performances were stopped in order to make way for the venue.

The two great figures, one is the well-known general Jiang Luan of Qin, and the other is said to be the protector general who was newly appointed by the princess.

If the two of them disagreed, it was a battle to decide the outcome.

This gimmick is too much.

So the Royal Forest Army did not leave, but decided to stay and watch the fun.

Not long after, the two "protagonists" walked to the school grounds, accompanied by Qin Yitian and her bodyguards.

All the imperial guards were already waiting at the school grounds, and when the protagonist entered the hall, the noise suddenly quieted down.

The royal guards looked at Jiang Ran and Lu Qingshan with respect, curiosity and scrutiny.

Both of them are people who have seen big scenes. Even if everyone is watching them, they are like no one else, and there is nothing unusual.

Lu Qingshan randomly picked a sword along the school grounds, and then put the dragon sparrow aside for the time being.

"If you use the Zhen Guojian, with the benefits of the Zhen Guojian, you still have a little chance to beat me." General Pingnan said coldly.

Obviously, he is not stupid enough to think that Lu Qingshan has no real skills, but he still has full confidence in himself.

He practiced martial arts at a young age, and then joined the army as a young man. His martial arts have undergone thousands of trials on the battlefield. He has already reached the pinnacle.

"If I were to use the Zhen Guojian, you probably wouldn't even need to shoot."

"Okay, I would like to see how good you are at your hands, to be so arrogant and defiant!"

General Pingnan jumped and boarded the competition platform.

Lu Qingshan smiled casually and followed closely behind.

"General Pingnan, you shoot first." Lu Qingshan was very humble.

General Pingnan's eyes gradually turned cold, without the slightest politeness, with a clanging sound, his sword suddenly unsheathed.

The dazzling golden light shone throughout the school grounds, so dazzling that everyone narrowed their eyes subconsciously.

"It's a martial art!"

All the garrison troops were amazed.

Jiang Luan, the general of Pingnan, is good at strong tactics, and he can add offensive power and sharpness to his weapons, and cooperate with his own martial arts. Even if he looks at the huge Qin State, he has few opponents.

Now when Jiang Ran makes a move, he goes all out.

The golden light brought by the strong military method circulated in the body of the long sword in his hand, making the entire sword body look like gold, dazzling.

The long sword turned into a golden blade and slashed towards Lu Qingshan.

"General Jiang's Taoism has made a breakthrough again?" Qin Yitian, who was watching the battle, was also a little surprised.

She was well aware of Jiang Ran's strength, and the power of Taoism displayed by Jiang Ran at this time was obviously much better than before.

Qin Yitian didn't know that, even General Pingnan himself was very surprised at this moment.

His martial art has not broken through for many years, and has already reached the bottleneck. It was just at the moment when he was about to go to Lu Qingshan. The way seemed to conform to the time of the day, like a raging fire hitting hot oil, and it became much stronger for no reason. unreached peak.

But even with such a sword, Lu Qingshan remained calm and unmoved.

"This sword is a powerful sword that I have never seen before. Even the White Walkers would not dare to block my sword. Where do you get the confidence?"

General Pingnan was annoyed, "I thought before that since Her Royal Highness Princess gave you the Sword of Suppression, even if you are not as good as me, it must not be underestimated.

Now it seems that you are a person who does not know the heights of the sky, but I don't know what the princess likes about you? "

"Could it be this face?" Many thoughts flashed in Jiang Luan's heart at this moment, and finally he looked at Lu Qingshan's handsome face and murmured.

The golden light is approaching.

Only then did Lu Qingshan take action.

His speed is very fast, and the long sword in his hand is swaying and picking.

With a bang, the sound of gold and iron clashing was crisp.

The dazzling golden light dimmed, and General Pingnan's sword was shot down and fell to the ground.

Lu Qingshan's long sword was placed on Jiang Ran's neck just like that.

No one could see Lu Qingshan's actions clearly.

Jiang Luan raised his head to look at Lu Qingshan in disbelief.

Lu Qingshan withdrew his hand gently, "You are defeated, General Jiang."

Jiang Luan's Taoism is indeed very strong, and his martial arts have reached the peak of this world. Even in the face of the White Walkers, he can achieve more than one enemy.

But in Lu Qingshan's opinion, General Pingnan is much easier to deal with than the White Walkers.

Because although Lu Qingshan's swordsmanship is extraordinary, he is ultimately limited by the suppression of this world, and his strength is limited.

So when faced with the White Walkers in ice crystal armor and whose strength is infinitely close to the limit of this world, he has to use three moves and two ways to solve them.

But Jiang Luan's strength is not because of his strength, but because of his skills - even if his skills are much stronger than the White Walkers, in Lu Qingshan, they are all crushed by the gap.

Just like in the doctor's view, there is not much difference between the topics of primary school students and junior high school students.


Everyone was stunned, including Qin Yitian.

No one thought that General Pingnan would be defeated with only one move under the sword of Lu Qingshan.

"General Lu is good at martial arts!" Qin Yitian couldn't help but applaud.

Here, General Pingnan was stunned in place, and he had not recovered from the defeat of one move.

"His Royal Highness praised me, in the future, everyone in the Qin Kingdom must have such martial arts." On the other side, Lu Qingshan, who was the winner, laughed and said easily.

He jumped off the stage and followed Qin Yitian to leave the school grounds soon, leaving General Pingnan absent-minded and the Royal Forest Army still in shock.


In the past three days, a piece of news detonated the entire Qin City.

Her Royal Highness the Princess awarded the Zhen Guo Sword to a "little white face" of unknown origin, and named him the General Protector of the Country.

General Jiang Lun was dissatisfied with the decision of Her Royal Highness the Princess. He competed with the newly promoted General Protector at the Royal Academy, surrounded by the Royal Forest Army.

When they first saw the news, everyone's first reaction was disbelief and doubt.

But after three days have passed, no one has come out to refute the rumor, so people have to believe that this may not be a rumor.

Everyone was enthusiastically discussing this new general protecting the country and his martial arts.

But this discussion continued for three days. UU reading

Because, another more gimmicky thing happened.

The newly promoted general protecting the country, on a whim, erected a three-zhang-high log at the south gate of Qincheng, saying that whoever could carry this log from here to the north gate would be rewarded fifty taels.

At that time, a lot of people surrounded the South Gate very quickly, but the crowd was talking about it, but no one took action.

Because anyone can carry this piece of wood, how can it be worth fifty taels of bounty? Isn't this a pie from the sky?

No one believed it, so no one did anything.

As a result, the general protector of the country saw that no action was taken, so he raised the bounty to one hundred taels on the spot.

But the higher the bounty, the more unreasonable the people watching the fun will feel, and no one will act.

Everyone talked a lot and didn't do anything, but they didn't leave.

Finally, a beggar who had been begging at the South Gate for a long time couldn't bear it any longer. He dared to run out, picked up the wood and walked to the North Gate, until it moved to the North Gate.

Seeing this, the general protector of the country was also unequivocal, and immediately gave the beggar a hundred taels of gold in public, no less than one tael.

As soon as this matter spread, it immediately caused a sensation in the Qin state.

All the common people remembered the name of the new general protector of the country.

Lu Qingshan.

A general with a martial arts higher than the sky and a promise of gold.

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