This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 32: "Aoyama Sword Art 2"

The peaceful days did not last long. It was only three days after "Limu Jianxin". On this day, another group of soldiers came to the South Gate in the name of "General Protector".


They were leading several carriages with large boxes arranged neatly on them.


When the people of Qincheng heard the news, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they immediately gathered around, discussing a lot, guessing what General Protector was trying to do this time, and whether there would be more gold to "pick up".


"Open the box." The leading soldier shouted when he saw that there were already many people.


Then, the rest of the soldiers carefully opened the box.


Among them are stacks of beautifully packaged books.


The leading soldier held up a book, and loudly introduced to the people: "This is a sword manual written by General Lu himself. General Lu recorded all his super-high sword skills in it. It is the top martial arts secret book. If you take it outside, you won’t be able to exchange it for a thousand dollars.”


"But now, as long as it is a commoner of our Qin country, without any silver taels, you can directly get a sword manual for free and go home to practice."


"In addition, General Lu said that the first 100 people who can practice this set of swordsmanship the fastest will be rewarded with 10 taels of gold per person."


"General Lu always promises a lot of money and keeps his promises!"


Most of the people are illiterate, but at this time there are many people around here, among them there are people from aristocratic families who secretly pay attention to Lu Qingshan's actions in the city. They are literate.


The people of these noble families looked around and saw that on the cover of the book held by the soldier, the five characters "Qingshan Sword Art II" were written, and there was a very prominent signature of "Lu Qingshan" in the lower right corner.


Taking a closer look, I saw a few lines of introduction written on the exquisite cover: "Shock! General Pingnan lost his defeat because he had not read this sword manual!"


The princess of the Qin country loves to recommend: Don't look at it, you are not from the Qin country!


At the end is a line of bold characters: a book that martial arts practitioners must not miss!


The people of the aristocratic family twitched when they saw these words, and they slandered in their hearts.


"It's true that General Pingnan lost to you, but what does it have to do with whether he has read this sword manual?


Could it be that he can beat you Lu Qingshan after reading this sword manual? "


"Does Her Royal Highness really say such things?"


"A book that martial arts practitioners must not miss? What a big tone."


Although I kept complaining in my heart, as soon as the soldier's words fell, the people watching couldn't wait to move forward and collect the swordsmanship.


Considering the importance of knowing oneself and knowing one another, the people of these aristocratic families had to be patient, squeeze forward, and one person took a book of swords and read it on the spot.


"Qingshan Sword Art II" is full of pictures and texts.


Perhaps it was because most of the Qin people were illiterate, so the content of those pictures was very specific, so that even if the people could not read the characters, it would not hinder their practice with swordsmanship.


The text is more about explaining and supplementing the details.


"It's thoughtful." They secretly said, and continued to read.


After just flipping through a few pages, the disdain in the hearts of these noble families turned into unspeakable shock.


"It's so subtle, so subtle!"


For a time, all the members of the aristocratic family forgot their purpose, and there was nothing but unparalleled amazement in their hearts.


They are people who practice martial arts themselves, so they can see it very clearly. This set of swordsmanship is countless times better than all the swordsmanship they have seen before. The realm seems to exceed the limit of this world, and they cannot touch it.


Not only brilliant, but also profound.


If it is said that such a brilliant swordsmanship can be directly obtained, it is a pie from the sky.


Then Lu Qingshan was afraid that they would choke, so he crushed the pie, soaked it softly, and fed it to their mouths.



What the common people didn't know was that the author of this set of sword manuals and Her Royal Highness the Princess of Qin were watching with great interest the scene where they received the sword manuals on the South Gate City Wall at this time.


"The general's swordsmanship is really brilliant." Qin Yitian sincerely praised.


"For me, it's just a trick to fool the children." Lu Qingshan said honestly.


"If the "Qingshan Swordsmanship" is truly spread to the world as the general wishes, then all martial arts schools and families in the world will perish.


Because the secret book that they regard as a treasure is in front of the general's swordsmanship, it is not even qualified as a children's book. "Qin Yitian whispered, unable to imagine what kind of picture it would be like.


Looking at the world, there are very few martial arts that can be compared with "Qingshan Sword Art", and there may even be none at all.


From her perspective, she can clearly see the far-reaching impact of Lu Qingshan's action.


"The general's move is to make enemies of all sects, families and even countries in the world!"


If it really is as Lu Qingshan thought, "Qingshan Swordsmanship" is so grandly spread all over the world, then who needs to learn martial arts from a teacher?


Even a villager in the mountains, or even a "lowly grasshopper" who digs dung on the side of the road, as long as he has enough talent and hard work, he can practice martial arts that are better than those of famous disciples and children of noble families.


Then why do martial arts families and sects need to exist?


Even the dynasty is in danger of being subverted at any time.


Gu Yan


For the sake of the family and sect's glory, and for the stability of the country, these upper classes will inevitably see Lu Qingshan as a thorn in their side, and they want to get rid of them quickly.

"Your Highness is right, I am going to be enemies with sects, families and even those feudal countries!" Lu Qingshan said proudly.


"If these old stubborn stubborn people exist, the feudalism cannot be broken, the productive forces cannot be liberated, and our human race cannot be strong!"


The martial arts in the Taoyuan world are extremely prosperous, which is much better than "wen", but the martial arts secrets required for martial arts are monopolized by sects, noble families, and various countries.


If the Hanmen didn't have the opportunity, they could practice martial arts for a lifetime, and even three-legged cat kung fu would not be able to win a disciple of a well-established martial arts sect.


Even within the martial arts sects, there will be an outer sect, inner sect, core disciples, etc., forming a strict promotion system, the core of which is often several sets of martial arts with different strengths.


Lu Qingshan's move is undoubtedly destroying the long-standing order of Daoyuan Realm.


In fact, when the sky peels off the surface, or any world peels off the surface, it is basically this order.


However, at least on the surface, there are significant differences between the sky and the source world.


It is countless times easier to subvert this order in Daoyuan Realm than in the sky.


Because for a cultivator, it can't be said that cultivation techniques are not unimportant, but the most important thing is actually resources and talents.


The cultivator's talent is not good. He may not be able to even feel the qi in his life. If his talent is strong enough, such as Lu Qingshan, he can do it once a year.


But for martial arts, if you have high-level martial arts secrets to practice, even if you are not talented, you just can't become a top master. If you want to have basic combat skills, you can go on the battlefield to fight against the aliens, but as long as you are not born disabled Almost everything can be done.


Resources are more important.


If a cultivator wants to be strong, he cannot do without the supply of massive resources, and those resources are basically difficult to produce, but come from the supply of heaven and earth, especially the aura.


Just like a pond, a pond can only live a few fish at most. Once the upper limit is exceeded, all the fish will die.


This is doomed that the number of cultivators in the sky must have an upper limit.


As for martial arts, the resources required are only needed to liberate the productive forces.


The simplest analogy is that in the world that Lu Qingshan lived in in his previous life, if he wanted to train everyone to become a doctor, the resources required would be beyond the means of any country.


But popularizing compulsory education is not difficult.




Qin Yitian didn't study the strange and uncommon words in Lu Qingshan's mouth, but seriously said to Lu Qingshan: "But these old stubborn people are deeply rooted and powerful, it will be you..."


She thought about it carefully, and finally remembered the uncommon word Lu Qingshan said, "Reform and opening up, um, will be the biggest obstacle on your road to reform and opening up."


"Resistance? It's just a chicken and a dog. Your Highness, in the face of the rolling trend, what can a thousand-year-old family's sect count?"


Don't you see that the thousand-year-old feudal dynasty has come to an end in just a few decades?


"Prince and general, would you rather have a seed?"


"This will be the best golden age for the human race." Lu Qingshan said softly.


"Isn't the general afraid that the final outcome is not what you think the whole people are soldiers, but chaos in the world?"


In popular novels, the story of a commoner boy falling off a cliff, occasionally obtaining martial arts secrets, and rising into the world like a comet has always been talked about.


But this is only in the novel after all.


And those rising commoners often end up building a new sect or family.


A dragon slayer is always a dragon.


The problem is, if such a thing comes into reality and becomes the norm, it is really hard to imagine what the world will be like?


Xia is forbidden by martial arts. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


When an old man sweeping the floor on the side of the road can use a good swordsmanship, will order and law still exist?


"Don't be afraid," Lu Qingshan shook his head, the corners of his lips raised slightly, with incomparable confidence, "Also, this is just the beginning."


. . . . . . . .


Lu Qingshan is so confident, Qin Yitian can only choose to believe him.


"However, General, why is Qingshan Swordsmanship II?" Qin Yitian has always been curious about this, "Could there be Qingshan Swordsmanship III?"


"You don't think there will be only one textbook, do you? The third is in the next semester. We will talk about it after they finish the second."


"Textbook... What do you mean next semester? What about that one? Shouldn't we start from the beginning in terms of the general's meaning?"


"The year is divided into two semesters, the upper and lower semesters. After the first semester, the rest is the next semester.


As for the first, I have already given it away, so now we can only start from the second. "




Qin Yitian lowered his head and glanced down again, seeing that there were still many six or seven-year-old children who came forward to pick up a copy of "The Sword of the Green Mountain II", and couldn't help but ask the last question: "Those children are not sensible at all, Why do you have to give them swordsmanship?"


"Education should start with a baby."


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