This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 33: Sparks are enough to start a prairie fire

The spring water in Qincheng, which was gradually losing its vitality and vitality, seemed to have been thrown into a few boulders by Lu Qingshan, causing great waves.

Maybe not everyone knows what kind of swordsmanship "Qingshan Sword Art II" is, and what kind of changes and opportunities it will bring to them.

However, the reward that Lu Qingshan promised that "the first hundred people who practice this set the fastest will get 10 taels of gold" is full of gold.

What is the concept of twelve taels of gold?

That is an amazing wealth that is enough to change any common people's family.

As for the validity of the promise, after Li Mu Jianxin, no one would doubt their newly promoted General Protector on this point.

Therefore, for the past half month, people in Qin City can be seen practicing "Qingshan Sword Art II".

In trendy terms, everyone is now a "Lu Qingshan boy".


Qin State, the royal palace, the imperial study.

"General, in the past half month, the craze for swordsmanship has swept the entire Qin City." Qin Yitian's voice was light and his face smiled.

It has only been half a month. If this grand situation can last for ten or twenty years, what will happen to the Qin state?

Thinking about it makes people look forward to it.

"Everyone has merit training..." She murmured, "The general dares to be so bold."

"It's not enough for everyone to be able to practice. Everyone has to learn." Lu Qingshan didn't care about Qin Yitian's surprise, but added decisively.

"Everyone goes to school?" Qin Yitian frowned slightly.

"Everyone has the ability to practice martial arts, which is to enhance the fighting power of the people, but you must understand that practicing martial arts requires food and drink.

The reason why they are so enthusiastic now is more because of my reward, but it is not a long-term solution after all,” Lu Qingshan explained: “We must take the path of sustainable development, and we must increase productivity. "

"And the first step in improving productivity is to improve the cultural level of the people."

Lu Qingshan said earnestly, "Therefore, in the territory of Qin, if a public school is to be established, all school-age children must attend a public school, recognize characters, and learn cultural knowledge."

"We want to set up schools in the territory of Qin, please invite teachers."

"That would require a lot of money," Qin Yitian hesitated, "General, the Northern Alliance has been established for 30 years, and Tiecheng has also been guarding it for 30 years.

Even though our Qin state is one of the nine great states with a strong national strength, after 30 years of hard work, the national treasury is now unable to make ends meet..."

"The treasury has no money, and the people have no money, but that doesn't mean Qin has no money." Lu Qingshan laughed.

"What does the general mean...?!" Qin Yitian raised his brows, and Bingxue's cleverness instantly understood Lu Qingshan's thoughts.

"Those old and stubborn... um, the great families in the Qin country have been passed down for decades, or even a hundred years.

If I can get this asset, it will be enough to support my reform and opening up plan. "Lu Qingshan said carelessly, obviously the content of his words was shockingly bold, but he seemed to be telling a very common thing.

"They won't be so kind... It's unrealistic to want to seize it hard. Our current military strength must be used to fight foreign enemies... We can't and don't have the ability to fight internally."

"No," Lu Qingshan interrupted Qin Yitian: "You don't need to rely on the army, the masses are the creators of history, from the masses, to the masses, as long as we rely on the people and unite the people, we can win. "

Even though Qin Yitian managed the country well, he couldn't understand Lu Qingshan's advanced ideas for a while.

"What is the general going to do?" He asked if he didn't understand, Qin Yitian didn't pay attention to the so-called face.

Lu Qingshan replied, "Wait."


"The teacher is famous, I have to wait for these noble families to give me a name," Lu Qingshan patted Qin Yitian on the shoulder and said mysteriously, "They should be in a hurry now, and they will act soon."


A carriage drove out of the palace in the dark.

The patter of rain is falling from the sky.

The steed's horse was a little impatient when it was drenched by the rain.

Sitting in the carriage is the most popular figure in Qin City at present - General Protector, Lu Qingshan.

At night, the street is very quiet.

The slight sound of wind swirls lightly on the street, and the patter of rain is intertwined with the sound of carriage wheels passing over the ground.

The rain has been falling, flowing down the tile eaves on the roofs of the surrounding buildings, turning into a curtain of water.

In the carriage, Lu Qingshan gently rolled up the curtains, looked at the scenery in the rainy night, and said softly to himself, "Cold rainy nights are the most suitable for killing people and setting fires."

The voice just fell.

A shrill roar suddenly sounded in the rainy night.

A beam of cold light shot through the sky like lightning from the pavilion on the side, and pierced directly into the carriage.

The cold light penetrated the rain curtain and finally landed on the carriage, making a crisp sound that cracked the eardrums.


The carriage was immediately torn apart.


The horse neighed violently.

The cold light stopped.

It was a short dagger.

Now it is being held between Lu Qingshan's two fingers.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Qingshan played with the dagger in his hand, his eyes were sharp, pierced through the rain curtain, and stared at the surroundings.

At some point, dozens of black-clothed assassins were surrounded by the carriage.

Their faces were also covered with black scarves, only revealing a pair of hostile eyes, and they were approaching step by step.

Everyone is a dragon and a tiger. Obviously, they have profound martial arts.

"We want to eliminate a major evil for the Qin country, prevent the Qin country from falling into turmoil, and maintain the stability of the Qin country." The assassin leader said with awe.

"Oh? Are you saying that I am a major evil to the Qin country?" Lu Qingshan looked relaxed.

"Of course it's you, Lu Qingshan!"

"How do you say?" Lu Qingshan spread his hands and said: "I taught martial arts to the common people of the Qin country, so that everyone can achieve a career with their own strength, and give the people of the Qin country a chance to become a peerless master, this is not a powerful Qin country. ?"

"What about us?" The assassin leader gritted his teeth, "Our ancestors threw their heads and blood to exchange for the status we have today. Your move is undoubtedly obliterating what our ancestors did."

"Some people benefit from the reform, and naturally others suffer," Lu Qingshan said as a matter of course: "You people have relied on the shadow of your ancestors, and after all these years, are you still not satisfied?"

The assassin leader finally lost his patience, "Kill him!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Dozens of figures jumped up and took Lu Qingshan in the rain.

The raindrops fell on the slate, tickled and shattered in half.

The picture seems to freeze.

"If you want liberation, you have to fight the landlord first. This is a historical law."

Lu Qingshan muttered to himself, with a clanging sound, the dragon sparrow unsheathed, and the blazing red sword light cut through the night.

At the same time, Lu Qingshan's eyes swept around, and the sword force spread out from his eyes like a tide.

The leader of the Assassin who took the lead immediately froze, his eyes went black, and just as he fell to the ground, he was cut in half by Lu Qingshan's Dragon Sparrow.

"This... what Dao law is this?"

The other assassins were stunned.

Obviously not seeing any means of attack, the leader of the highest martial arts among them died tragically on the spot.

Gu Yu

"The only person in this world that can fight against me is God." Lu Qingshan stepped forward, exuding a fierce majesty.

His voice changed from calm to cold, almost like a different person, "You all have to die today."

Cold rainy night, **** rainy night.


The imperial study room is brightly lit tonight.

Lu Qingshan, who was wet from the rain, walked in, picked up the **** tea prepared on the table, took a sip and spit it out.

"It's really hard to drink."

"General, don't get caught in the cold." Qin Yitian smiled slightly and looked at the man in front of him.

"There is a dragon bird." Lu Qingshan waved his hand and said casually.

The warm heat flowed from the Dragon Sparrow Sword all the time, warming his body.

"Now that we have a name, we can start now." Lu Qingshan sat down.

"Don't you need to first check which companies made it?"

"It's a waste of effort," Lu Qingshan said, "Anyway, these noble families definitely want to kill me, and I only need an excuse."

"That's right," Qin Yitian took out a map, spread it out on the table, and said, "As the general saw, there are three most powerful families in Qin, the Fu family, the Hu family, and the Tang family."

"Among them, the Hu family is the most powerful. They control 50% of the mines in the Qin country. They have been inherited for more than a hundred years. Their power spreads all over the Qin country, and their fiefs are huge..."

Before Qin Yitian finished speaking, Lu Qingshan's eyes lit up, "If the gun hits the first bird, then let's hit the Hu family first."

Hearing this, Qin Yitian frowned and stretched out, "Does the general need any help from me?"

"Just give me a team of dragon and phoenix guards, I don't need too many people, twenty is enough." Lu Qingshan said confidently.

"Twenty..." Qin Yitian asked, "I'm looking forward to the general's plan more and more."


Daqing Mine.

This is a mine owned by the Hu family in the fief of the Hu family.

Surrounded by mountains on all sides, around a huge mine.

Inside the mine, the buildings are densely packed, like a small town.

Countless miners are busy in the mine like ants, mining with all kinds of simple equipment, almost no safety measures, and the food treatment is even worse.

But no one has ever stood up and spoken for them.

Because the miners working in the mines are all slaves, just like serfs, they have no human rights to talk about.

They belong to the mine owner's private property, but they do not belong to people.

Lu Qingshan looked at the miners who were constantly entering and leaving the mine.

In his eyes, these people are sparks.

Sparks are enough to start a prairie fire.

Behind Lu Qingshan was a twenty-man Dragon and Phoenix Guard team.

In order to make things go smoothly, Qin Yitian also specially sent Gu Tianyan, the commander of Longfengwei, to him to assist him.

"Take this mine down." Lu Qingshan tilted his head and gestured to Gu Tianyan.

Winning such a mine is really not too difficult for an elite soldier like Longfengwei.

So there were not too many accidents. The Daqing Mine changed its owner within half an hour.

Before the miners recovered from the drastic changes in the mine, the bell rang.

The bell tower tolled swiftly, calling them together.

The already numb miners, almost instinctively, dragged their heavy steps and gathered towards the square in the center of the mine.

There is a high platform on the square, and the people of the Hu family usually stand on it and lecture them.

But today's miners are seeing a completely different scene here.

Those people from the Hu family who used to be arrogant and arrogant in the past are now kneeling on the stage with five flowers tied up, surrounded by a group of silent people, revealing an air of majesty.

"Who are you, how dare you attack my Hu family? Are you not afraid of my Hu family's revenge?" .

He is the supervisor of the mine here.

"It's mine." A voice came out, and the director of the Hu family raised his head in astonishment, seeing an incomparably handsome man leaping onto the high platform.

"You... who are you?"

"You sure don't know who I am, right?" Lu Qingshan ignored the director of the Hu family and looked at the miners in the audience.

The miners were afraid to answer.

They are slaves, extremely lowly, even a foreman can whip them arbitrarily, even if they are beaten to death, it doesn't matter much.

Now, the high-ranking Director Hu is kneeling in front of that man, how can they dare to answer that man's words?

"I'm Lu Qingshan... Maybe you haven't heard my name, but it doesn't matter, you just need to know that I'm here to liberate you..."

Lu Qingshan's voice was not very high-pitched or excited, but with every word he said, the sound of breathing in the field gradually became heavier.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at him, as if he had magical powers, pointing out a bright path that they never dared to imagine.

These people are far more fond of Lu Qingshan's ideas than the common people of Qin.

Because they are the oppressed class, the bottom of the bottom.

Therefore, they yearn for change the most and are the best people to mobilize.

They have been mining all the year round and are hard-working. Miners are a high-risk industry. They are on the verge of death every day, which makes them more courageous than others to fight when the opportunity comes.

In layman's terms, these miners are great comrades.

Lu Qingshan said later, the UU reading field gradually boiled over, and the miners responded to Lu Qingshan one by one.

Everyone, including the kneeling Hu family and the standing Longfengwei, all changed their faces, as if they were about to change.

"Now, I'll hand them over to you to deal with." Lu Qingshan stepped aside, revealing a row of the Hu family who were bound by five flowers and kneeling on the stage.

The miners did not move for the first time.

This is the majesty that the Hu family has built up over the years.

Seeing this scene, Manager Hu couldn't help laughing and said, "They are afraid of death! How dare they? You made the wrong idea!"


A stone smashed up and hit Manager Hu's forehead, instantly smashing his head into blood.

"I'm not afraid of death!" The next moment, a thin boy climbed up on the stage and roared, "It's you who killed my brother!"

He rushed towards Director Hu and kicked him.

As if it was a chain reaction, the miners who had suddenly quieted down boiled again, and the group was angry.

"Instead of digging here, dying under the whip of these sons of a bitch, or dying in the collapse of the mine, it's better to fight with them!"

"I don't want my son, so I can only be a miner here and be oppressed!"

"It's just a bad life!"


The crowd climbed onto the stage like a tidal wave, and soon drowned the Hu family members.

This kind of scene, even the dragon and phoenix guards are horrified.

They felt that Lu Qingshan seemed to have released some wild beast.

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