This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 34: I am different in the world

The atmosphere in the mine was at its peak at this moment, almost frenzied.

After the Hu family died in the anger of the miners, when their emotions calmed down a little, Lu Qingshan immediately asked the miners to set up stoves in the square.

The charcoal fire was burning brightly in the stove, and the iron iron burned red in it.

The "lowly" miners lined up in front of the stove.

The well-trained dragon and phoenix guards turned into "tattoo masters" at this time, picked up the iron, and printed it on the chests of all the miners, printing a big mountain character.

In the zizi's voice, the aroma of meat filled the air.

This was originally an extremely painful punishment, but the miners' faces were filled with incomparable joy and excitement.

Because this is proof of their identity.

From this moment on, they are no longer lowly slaves, but people with free personalities, part of the "Qingshan Army".

After branding their identity, these miners would receive a copy of "Qingshan Swordsmanship II", and then went to the side impatiently to read it.

For them, this is not only a sword score, but also a hope.

——Qingshan swordsmanship is a peerless swordsmanship in this world. As long as you can practice it, it is enough to make one step to the sky and have a combat power that cannot be underestimated.

From today, they no longer need to dig around the clock, all they have to do is practice.

And instead of practicing hard, there are Longfengwei drills, and even the writers of swordsmanship personally guide them.

This is a treatment that the children of the most noble family cannot enjoy.

After all, when it comes to swordsmanship alone, Lu Qingshan is undoubtedly the number one person in the world.

Branding the mountain character seal lasted all night.

When the last miner also had the word "mountain" printed on his chest and received the sword manual, the sky just lit up.

The sun rises in the east, and the light falls on Lu Qingshan, who is standing on the high platform.

At this moment, he radiated a radiance that was even brighter than the sun, making people dare not look directly at him.


Under Lu Qingshan's suggestion, this mining city was transformed into a military camp in just a few days.

Lu Qingshan ordered everyone to adjust their domiciles, and at the same time let the miners elect 100 corps chiefs and even chiefs to start an "arms race" - see which team can practice "Qingshan Swordsmanship II" first.

On the huge square.

All the miners were holding standard iron swords, wielding their swords one by one.

Gu Tianyan was in charge of the drill, while the other dragon and phoenix guards shuttled through the crowd to give guidance.

The miners have a lot of strength, but after all, they have passed the golden period of martial arts and have no foundation, so they are extremely clumsy when practicing swords, and they are like using iron swords as mine picks.

The only advantage of these people is that they are extremely hard-working and hard-working.

But that's not enough, a strong army needs a lot more.

The miners in the mine are training day and night, and at the same time, the military discipline and military regulations that are strict and almost harsh are freshly released.

These harsh punishments made Longfengwei feel their tongues, but miners who had never received military training obeyed them with an amazing degree of acceptance, which made Longfengwei have a different understanding of the low-level people.

There are three main reasons why miners have such a high acceptance of strict military discipline.

First, many years of being miners have made them accustomed to this kind of high pressure.

Compared with the exhaustion of mining and the unreasonable whipping of the overseers, what is there to resist the military discipline and military regulations that are traceable?

Besides, the fact that three meals are enough to cover enough is far from what mining can compare to.

Second, the miners know that this is an opportunity to change their own future and the future of their children and grandchildren.

They have to catch.

The third is that the miners at the moment have an almost blind obedience towards Lu Qingshan, and regard Lu Qingshan, who liberates them and gives them hope, as their spiritual leader.

This kind of frenzy, if nothing happens, will gradually return to insipidity with the passage of time, but at least for now, it is extremely intense.

After the military regulations, the atmosphere of this grassroots team suddenly changed.

Strict training gave them a bit of chill, and finally they had the prototype of a bit of an army.

It's just that peaceful days can't last long after all.

This mine needs to transport the accumulated ore to the nearest city every other month, and bring back a batch of grain and miners from there.

Even after Lu Qingshan dealt with the Hu family, he immediately blocked the news.

But when the time came, and the ore was not shipped out as scheduled, the Hu family would naturally find that something was wrong.

Counterattacks will follow.

When Lu Qingshan won the Daqing Mine, it had been ten days since the Daqing Mine last delivered ore.

So, now they only have twenty days left.

Time is pressing.

Lu Qingshan did not hide this from the miners and told the truth.

But this didn't make the miners feel scared, but made them even more desperate to train.


Finally, the time to deliver the ore came as scheduled.

On the square, sergeants composed of thousands of miners lined up in an array, forming a battle, waiting in a serious line, with a solemn atmosphere.

Lu Qingshan, dressed in armor, strode up to the high platform.

There was silence on the field, only the sound of Lu Qingshan's footsteps and the clanging sound of the armor colliding with each other echoed.

When he got on the high platform, Lu Qingshan looked around the audience, and he could see that all the sergeants were wearing helmets and armor, holding swords, and looking at him frantically. Compared with 20 days ago, their spirits and spirits were already completely new.

Thousands of people gather in one place, but they can keep silent. This discipline is like an army.

But Lu Qingshan also knows that an army that has not experienced blood and fire training, no matter how "good-looking" it is, it is only a pretense.

A strong army is fought, not trained.

He held a round of flagpoles in his hand, waved them vigorously, and stuck them on the stage.

The flag is unfurled and fluttering in the wind.

It is a word for "mountain".

"This mountain flag is the flag of our Qingshan Army, the soul of the army!"

"Where in the world there are no green mountains, one day, our Qingshan Army will spread all over the world like the green mountains." Lu Qingshan said loudly.

"General!" The entire army said in unison.

"The deadline for the delivery of the ore has come, and the Hu family's counterattack is not far away.

But we must understand that passive beating is not the last word, we must take the initiative to go to the army. "

Lu Qingshan pulled out the dragon sparrow, and seeing everyone's eyes fixed on him, he said loudly, "Today, we will cut out the first sword of our Qingshan Army's revolutionary uprising in Anling City!"

Anling City, UU Reading www.uukanshu. A city under the command of the Hu family is also the closest city to the Daqing Mine, where the ore from the Daqing Mine is shipped on weekdays.

"Raise today!" Gu Tianyan shouted loudly.

"Raise today!" shouted the hundred corps leaders selected by the miners themselves.

"Rise up! Rise up! Rise up!" the whole army shouted in unison.

This kind of morale, this kind of military cohesion, is generally only achieved by the division of Yum, and it is hard to imagine that it will appear in a new army, a grass-roots army.

Gu Tianyan looked at Lu Qingshan, her heart was full of blood, and she secretly thought that some people are born to be generals.

Lu Qingshan waved his hand, "Let's go, the world will be changed by us!"

In the midst of the passion, the army dispatched and rushed out of the Daqing mine.

The mountain flag flew as the army marched forward.

The thick and long flagpole is made of fine iron, and the mountain character dances in the wind, like a dragon, heading straight for Anling City.

Lu Qingshan took the lead and rode at the forefront of the army.

He wore the dragon sparrow on his waist, the armor shone in the sun, and the shadow was drawn very long.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan is filled with a kind of pride that gallops the world:

I am different in the world.

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