This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 41: uninvited guest

Wuyang State, neighboring State of Qin State.

This year, the territory of Wuyang Kingdom was not calm, there were sudden waves, and it could even be said to be terrible.

The root of everything is naturally from the Qin state.

Two years ago, there was a civil strife in the Qin State, and Wuyang State bordered the Qin State, so the news was quickly received.

At that time, the monarch of Wuyang Kingdom was still a bit of a spectator. He thought that even if his neighbor was the Ninth Great Upper Kingdom, he would probably have a headache.

Who would have thought that the development of things far exceeded his expectations.

The civil strife was quickly quelled, and the aristocratic family that had been created in separate enclosures accumulated a lot of hidden dangers that turned into a tumor, and they were also eliminated at the same time—the country of Qin was truly unified.

And the person who did all this turned out to be a protector general who was newly conferred by Her Royal Highness the Princess of Qin.

If that's all, it's nothing.

The problem is that the general who protects the country turned out to overthrow the ruling family by abolishing slavery and then using slaves as an army.

In addition, after the unification of the Qin state, the protector general and the Qin princess made a series of astonishing actions.

Including but not limited to all people practicing martial arts, distributing land to the people, setting up free private schools, improving the status of craftsmen, changing laws...

These policies seem to be implemented only within the territory of Qin, but their impact is far beyond the territory of Qin.

Not to mention anything else, during this period of time, there were frequent slave riots in Wuyang, and they fled to Qin.

In addition, there were many great merchants who went to Qin with their family property.

Because there, there is a complete set of laws to protect merchants, and in Qin, the status of merchants is higher than in other places.

There are even a lot of people on the border who quietly entered the Qin state through the border - who didn't know that the common people of the Qin state could have their own land?

They are all farming, but where are they planting?

In Wuyang, it was for the landowner, but in Qin, it was for oneself.

Even if the Wuyang monarch reacted quickly, strengthening the border is normal, and regards those who leave the country as treason, but some gaps cannot be blocked, and the weakening of Wuyang's national strength has become an irreversible trend.

- Before Qin State could take action against Wuyang State, Wuyang State was already in crisis because of Qin State.

What does it mean to be a soldier without fighting?

As it is.


The clouds were heavy, and the thunder rolled.

Since a year ago, God seems to be angry, half the season is thunderous, and there is no end.

According to the common people, she is the least angry girl, and her anger should disappear after being angry for so long.

How come this God is more than a girl, it's endless?

In the imperial study.

Lu Qingshan stood by the window, staring at the electric snakes that flashed from time to time in the gloomy sky outside the window.

Qin Yitian sat in front of the desk beside him with his chin on his cheeks, fixedly looking at Lu Qingshan.

On the desk are memorials and books neatly arranged.

"It's been half a month since the last time you met the King of the White Walkers, and there is still no abnormal movement in Tiecheng." Qin Yitian said softly.

Half a month ago, it was the last time Lu Qingshan "suicide".

Lu Qingshan was silent, looking at the endless sky, a kind of enlightenment suddenly flashed in his heart:

It turns out that you are also governed by many rules?

It turned out that the lightning and thunder this year was just your unwilling but powerless roar?

"Get ready," Lu Qingshan said suddenly, "Qin State already has that strength."

A year is not too long or too short, but the country of Qin has been completely renewed.

Also, the potential is limitless.

Qin State still has a lot of room for growth.

But Lu Qingshan is not going to wait for it to grow and bear fruit, but to fertilize it.

"Is the general going to lead his troops on an expedition this time?" Qin Yitian asked.

"Of course, don't move, let alone the sword, the bones will rust." Lu Qingshan picked up the dragon sparrow, strode out, pushed the door open, and disappeared into the blazing lights.


The change of the Qin state was by no means the power of Lu Qingshan alone.

In fact, Lu Qingshan only has ideas, only advanced ideas, how to implement them on the ground, but he does not understand at all.

Those things cannot be learned without the cultivation and immersion from childhood to adulthood.

So all of this depends on Qin Yitian.

Qin Yitian, as the princess who was passed down by word of mouth among the people of Qin before the appearance of Lu Qingshan, there is no doubt about her ability to govern the country.

With her ice and snow intelligence, she can always quickly digest the ideas expressed by Lu Qingshan, and then formulate corresponding policies based on the actual national conditions of Qin.

The combination of the two has created the current state of Qin.

It's just the difference in the division of labor, which has also caused Qin Yitian to be busy with government affairs day and night this year, while Lu Qingshan is very busy.

Except for the occasional visit to see the Qingshan military exercise, he spends most of his time doing nothing.

Jianxiu couldn't be idle.

If that's the case, let's go out and play.


Time flies, spring goes to autumn, summer goes to winter, and it goes back and forth.

In recent years, Daoyuan Realm has ushered in a "big earthquake".

Qin, one of the nine great kingdoms, launched a war of aggression against its neighbor Wuyang, under the circumstance that there were other ghosts watching.


Everyone has not even fully reacted. This battle between the two countries only lasted for less than three days. Wuyang State was defeated steadily, and the monarch finally chose to surrender.

No one would be surprised that Qin State was stronger than Wuyang State, and no one would doubt it.

But how could the gap be so large that Wuyang Kingdom could not last for three days?

The nations could not understand.

No matter how incomprehensible it is, the annexation of Wuyang State by Qin State has already become an established fact, and the exploration process is of little significance.

The countries immediately united to issue a rebuke to Qin and put pressure on Qin—how could they provoke civil strife when there was a foreign aggression?

I don't want Qin to go its own way and turn a deaf ear to the rebukes of the various countries. After taking Wuyang, it took less than three days to repair, and the sword of Qingshan Army pointed to the next country.

In Wuyang, the slaves who had just been liberated and were recruited by the Qingshan Army had already begun to practice "Qingshan Swordsmanship II".

It is conceivable that if this continues, once it expands to a certain point, the Qingshan Army will form an endless cycle.

In fact, according to common sense, annexing a country is not a simple matter.

It is easy to beat the country, but difficult to sit in the country.

It takes a long process to digest a country's resources.

The difference in culture, the instinctive rejection of the invaders by the people of the country, the disposal of nobles, the dismissal and appointment of officials, etc., are numerous and complicated.

But this truth does not hold true in Qin.

exclusion? The people of Wuyang Country actually wished for the arrival of the Qingshan Army.

Disposition of the nobles? It's all plundered.

"I can't wait to digest it slowly. Let's digest it as we fight. I am responsible for developing the territory, and you are responsible for stable rule." This is what Lu Qingshan and Qin Yitian said.

Both of them did their job well.

In just two months, the Qin State had taken all seven neighboring countries.

Although it is a small country, it is still an extremely terrifying speed.

It was so terrifying that the rest of the Eight Great Upper Kingdoms couldn't bear it anymore, and threatened that if the Qin state was so reckless and disregarded the common interests of the human race, they would quit their job and withdraw from Tiecheng directly.

Since you, Qin, don't care about the overall situation, then it's a big deal for everyone to finish the game together.

If there is a kind of you, you can block the White Ghost with the power of one country, otherwise the iron city will be destroyed, even if your Qin country annexes more countries, what is the use?

It seems that this threat has shocked the Qin country, and the Qingshan Army, which is like a broken bamboo, finally hibernated and stopped moving.

The quiet days only lasted less than a year.

The Qingshan Army was dispatched again.

This time, they were divided into two groups, one of which was pointing at the neighboring country, and the other was heading for Tiecheng.

This means is already very clear.

My country of Qin really has the ability to guard the White Ghosts in one country. If you love this iron city, you can guard it, or leave if you don’t.


Snow Country.

This is a small country in the south, and its geographical location is very far from the north, so the White Walkers and Qin are also very far away for them.

But although the Qingshan Army has not called yet, the reputation of the protector general Lu Qingshan and the book "Qingshan Sword Art II" that contains the supreme meaning of swordsmanship have already been passed down one step ahead.

Up and down the snow country, whether it is a country villager or a martial arts master, as long as you read the sword manual carefully, you will be amazed by the swordsmanship in it.

Then, to marvel at such a wonderful martial art, how could anyone be willing to make it public?

It is said that in the Qin state, Lu Qingshan, the legendary protector of the country, has already compiled "Qingshan Sword Art III" and spread it in the territory.

Anyone who has mastered "Qingshan Sword Art II" can immediately seamlessly connect to "Aoyama Sword Art III".

No one can understand the thoughts of the general protecting the country of Qin.

For this world, Lu Qingshan is an alternative.


In the snow country, a towering snow peak stands, and the top of the mountain is covered with snow.

An incomparably clean and clear mountain and river descended from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, like a long silver thread that a goddess fell to the world.

This is the most powerful sect in the Snow Country, the sect of Yanbing Sect.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a small town.

The small town is not particularly big, but there are many people.


Thunder rolled in the sky, and dark clouds filled the sky.

"Sky's Wrath" did not subside with the passage of time, and even became more and more serious.

It was in the cold winter, and in a short while, the goose feather snow fell.

The largest inn in the small town was called "Andu", and a fire was built in the hall to cope with the weather.

At this time, the door of the inn was pushed open, and the cold wind poured in instantly, blowing the fire from time to time.

Immediately after, several figures walked in.

All are women, and their faces are covered with a veil.

The leader, Bai Yi Shengxue, is tall and graceful, and the eyes that are exposed are incomparably smart.

There were already a lot of people in the inn, each eating meat and drinking around the stove, when they suddenly saw a few women like this entering the inn, their eyes lit up, and then they all lowered their heads when they saw the dress of the people who came.

The shopkeeper, who was sitting behind the counter and checking the accounts, immediately put down what he was doing when he saw who was coming, and stood up to greet him, "Su Nuxia, why are you here? It's snowing outside, hurry in and warm up."

Su Huaqing nodded slightly, "That would be troublesome."

The guy hurried over to pull the chair, wipe the table, and was very attentive, and the guests who had spoken loudly also lowered their voices subconsciously.

Su Huaqing and the woman behind her were not surprised by the performance of these people.

They are the disciples of Yanbingmen, and Su Huaqing is the daughter of the master of Yanbingmen.

This small town belongs to their Yanbingmen, and it is normal for the people in the city to not dare to speak loudly when they see them.

The shopkeeper personally brought tea and a pot of steaming mutton, and said a little embarrassedly: "Su Nuxia, you came so suddenly, I'm not prepared for this, there is only one room left."

Su Huaqing waved his hand, "The shopkeeper is very polite, someone in the town was injured, and the sect asked me to take people down the mountain to heal the people.

At the end of the matter, I was planning to go back to the mountain directly, but it happened to be snowing heavily, and the mountain road was not easy to walk, so I could only rest for a while at the shopkeeper's place, wait for the snow to be lighter, and do not stay overnight. "

When the shopkeeper heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: "Su Nuxia is a good hand and kind, and Yan Bingmen is a good hand and kind!

It is our luck that we have the protection of Yanbingmen. It would be great if there were more sects like Yanbingmen who thought of our common people! "

Yanbingmen is a very special sect. Although it is a martial arts sect, the most famous is not their sect's unique skills, but their Taoism.

Runling Taoism, a magical Taoist method with the power of "living and dying, flesh and bones".

The disciples of Yanbingmen did not waste their magic, and often went down the mountain to heal the injured people, so they had a very high reputation.

However, upon hearing this usual compliment, Su Huaqing suddenly froze with the chopsticks holding the mutton.

It would be great if there were more sects like Yan Bingmen who thought of common people?

No need, now there is more Qin State and more Qingshan Army.

When it comes to the common people, who can compare to the Qin state today?

As for how many sects?

In a few years, maybe even their Yan Bingmen will disappear.

The Qingshan Army has not yet reached the southern border, so it does not have much impact on the Snow Country.

However, the existence of "Qingshan Sword Art II", and spread throughout the Daoyuan world, is a disaster for all sects.

No sect can avoid it.

She remembered that her father put down the swordsmanship and sighed after reading "Qingshan Swordsmanship II", "Don't say it's our Yanbingmen's unique skills, I am afraid that all the sects' unique skills in the world have not been able to beat this swordsmanship. of."

The unique skills of the major sects have always been taught to only a very small number of people.

But "Qingshan Swordsmanship" is such a broad and profound martial arts, but everyone can obtain it, so who is willing to worship the sect?

As time goes by, the inheritance of the major sects will naturally be cut off.

Yan Bingmen is home to Su Huaqing.

Now that "home" is in such a major crisis, her heart has become heavy.

At this moment, I heard the sound of hoofs,


A gust of cold wind rushed in from the door, making people shiver.

It turned out that the door of the inn was pushed open again at this time.

In the cold wind and snow, a tall and straight figure suddenly broke in.

Su Huaqing looked up subconsciously.

The sky was gloomy, and for a while, the face of the visitor could not be seen clearly, but a pair of eyes were bright and heroic.

"The shopkeeper, is this where Yan Bingmen is?"

The visitor asked loudly, his voice clear and cold.


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