This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 42: The devil seeks a doctor

Su Huaqing's pupils shrank.

The man who came in was majestic, his hair was disheveled, and there were a few snowflakes in his hair. The focus was on that face, which was exceptionally handsome.

"This guest officer, the inn is full. If you are staying, please look for another inn." The inn manager snorted and replied.

"I asked you that this is where Yan Bingmen is, but what are you doing to me?" The man shook off the snowflakes from his body and said firmly, "Your reaction, it seems that I did not go the wrong way."

Although the shopkeeper intentionally changed the subject, Lu Qingshan did not embarrass him.

"This guest, what do you want to do with Yan Bingmen?" Here, a female disciple of Yan Bingmen who was at the same table as Su Huaqing couldn't help standing up and asked.

"What else can I do? Yan Bingmen's Daoist method can be life and death. Naturally, someone in the family was injured. He asked Yan Bingmen to help him heal." Can't it?"

It's okay not to say this. After speaking, the Yanbingmen disciple who stood up immediately became furious, slapped the table and shouted, "What do you mean by that?"

"What happened to Yan Bingmen's martial arts? Why do you dislike you so much? Yan Bingmen still dislikes you!"

The man was not angry at the woman's scolding, and said calmly: "Now the Qingshan swordsmanship is widely spread and available everywhere, can Yan Bingmen's unique skills surpass the Qingshan swordsmanship?

If not, who doesn't want a watermelon, and spends that great effort just for a sesame seed? "

This sentence suddenly made the Yan Bingmen disciple who was still furious just now wilt like an eggplant beaten by frost.

The truth is what hurts the most.

In the face of this general trend, these sect disciples look like the remnants of the times.


There was a burst of thunder in the heavens and the earth, shaking the entire inn, as if a thunder snake was about to hit the inn in the next moment.

This sudden and huge thunder made everyone tremble in their hearts, and the more timid ones directly exclaimed softly and were frightened.

Only the man remained motionless, without even the slightest expression, as if he was used to such a situation.

With the thunder light just now, Su Huaqing saw the face of this uninvited guest.

Extraordinarily young and handsome.

"Sir, where is the injured person in your family at this time, and what kind of injury is it serious?" Su Huaqing asked because he didn't look like a bad person and the doctor was kind.

"The injured person is in Qin country. The injury is not serious. It is not serious. As for the injury, it is complicated." The man's eyes were bright and he looked at Su Huaqing, as if he wanted to see through her.

"The country of Qin?" Su Huaqing let out a soft exclamation, then shook his head quickly and said, "This is the country of Snow, and it's 108,000 miles away from the country of Qin? It's so far away, there's no way to go."

"Oh? So it seems that you are all disciples of Yanbingmen?"

"Hmph, Senior Sister Su is the daughter of our Sect Master Su!" the female disciple who just shouted proudly said.

"That's right, then Miss Lausu will lead the way to Yan Bingmen." The man clapped his hands and said happily.

What he wants to see is the head of Yan Bingmen, a daughter of the head of the house, that's just a good name, and it won't be of great use... Can't say that, at least he can lead the way, right?

"With such a big snowstorm and lightning, going up the mountain is very dangerous. We have to wait until the snowstorm is smaller," the female disciple said again, "Besides, who are you? Why should Senior Sister Su lead you?"

"Xiaoyun!" Su Huaqing frowned and signaled that the female disciple who spoke up should not be so rude, and then said softly, "Young Master, it's not that I lied to you, Qin country is too far away, we really can't go."

"If the young master doesn't believe me, it's not impossible for me to lead the way.

Mainly because you also saw it. Now the wind and snow outside are really big and the sky is chaotic. It is really not suitable for rushing. Why don't you wait for the weather to be better? "

Su Huaqing's remarks were very polite and watertight, and someone else might have answered it a long time ago, but he didn't think that the man shook his head without hesitation, "Don't wait, to tell you the truth, this wind and snow and The celestial phenomena are all thieves coming at me, as long as I am here, this wind and snow will not be small."

The thief is coming for him?

What kind of onion is he? Is it worth God's targeting of him?

Hearing what the man said, the same thought popped into the minds of everyone present.

But Su Huaqing stayed where he was, as if he suddenly thought of something.

It's him!

It's that man!

Lu Qingshan, the general protecting the country of the Qin Kingdom, who, by his own power, almost wiped out all the martial arts schools, big and small, in the Daoyuan world, formed the Qingshan Army, and brought chaos to the world!

Before seeing Lu Qingshan, Su Huaqing imagined that he was eight feet tall and looked hideous.

She didn't expect to see her at this time, but she was handsome, elegant, and elegant. Such a big contrast made her feel a vague and unreal feeling in her heart, and she didn't even think about it in the first place.

However, when she thought about it in this regard, and then saw the long sword hidden in the scabbard worn by the man on her waist, the exposed hilt was exquisitely carved, which undoubtedly confirmed her guess even more.

The most important proof is that the man just said "The thief is coming for me", which reminded Su Huaqing of a rumor that his father told him.

It is said that this great devil, Lu Qingshan, seems to have made too many murders, causing chaos and order collapse in the world. God can't take it down. Wherever he goes, there must be thunder and changes in the sky.

All the characteristics are consistent, even if the person in front of him looks beautiful, so that there is no hostility in life, Su Huaqing's hair stands on end in an instant, as if he is facing a great enemy.

"The cowhide is blown to the sky..." The female disciple named Xiaoyun was also violent, and she was about to sneer when she opened her mouth, but Su Huaqing stopped half of her words, "Xiaoyun, you can't rude!"

"Senior Sister Su..." Xiaoyun looked at her senior sister aggrievedly.

"Junior sister has lost her manners, please..." Su Huaqing thought for a while, but in the end he didn't directly reveal the identity of the man, for fear of causing a commotion, he said, "Don't blame this young master."

"No wonder," Lu Qingshan waved his hand, "As long as you are willing to show me the way."

"Take it, take it naturally, let's go now!" Su Huaqing gritted his teeth.

Although Lu Qingshan said that she was here to seek medical treatment, how could she believe it was so simple?

"Senior Sister Su?" The others were stunned.

"Wait here, wait until the wind and snow is a little lighter before leaving. I'll take this young master up the mountain first." Su Huaqing turned around and explained to several junior sisters.

"Senior sister, let's go together!" The others naturally disagreed. In such a bad weather, and they were alone, how could they rest assured?

"I'm Senior Sister, you all have to listen to me." Su Huaqing raised his face for the first time and said coldly, which shocked the other people at once.

Before they recovered, Su Huaqing got up and disappeared into the inn together with Lu Qingshan.


The door of the inn creaked in the wind.

When the female disciples of Bingmen reacted, they rushed to the door and looked out. The wind and snow were fascinating, and their footprints were covered with fresh snow in an instant. Where could they still be seen.


The two walk together.

On the way up the mountain, Su Huaqing has traveled many times, so he is naturally very familiar.

But now the sky is overcast, the vision is limited, and the road is covered with snow, which is not easy to walk.

Even though Su Huaqing has practiced martial arts all the year round, and his physical fitness is different from ordinary people, this journey is extremely difficult.

She turned around and saw Lu Qingshan's big sleeves fluttering, as if walking slowly in the snow, very relaxed, without any breath.

Su Huaqing didn't want to show his timidity, gritted his teeth, and then walked up, but after walking like this for about half an hour, he was out of breath, and finally his inner breath was broken, his feet staggered, and he fell into the snow.

She was embarrassed and anxious, almost crying.

Suddenly I heard a gentle voice ringing in my ears, "Why are you walking so fast? Take a break when you are tired, and walk slower."

Su Huaqing raised his head and stretched out a hand.

Naturally it was Lu Qingshan.

He didn't mean to embarrass himself.

Su Huaqing grabbed Lu Qingshan's hand and got up from the snow.

She was startled and grateful, and immediately felt embarrassed. After all, she was so humiliated in front of an imaginary enemy.

"You are Lu Qingshan?" When he released Lu Qingshan's hand, he felt that the hands were very warm, which made people a little reluctant to part with it. Su Huaqing scolded himself for being shameless, and finally asked: "Qin Guohu General Lu Qingshan?"

"It's me." Lu Qingshan smiled.

"What are you here for?"

"I didn't say that before, seek medical attention."

"Do you really need a doctor?"

"A manly man, would he still lie to a woman?

I know what you are worried about, but if I have an idea for you Yanbingmen, what can you Yanbingmen do? "Lu Qingshan asked rhetorically.

Su Huaqing was speechless, all the countries could not stop the man in front of him, not to mention their small words.

"If I can't do it, why should I lie?"


A flash of lightning fell from the sky for some reason and struck directly in front of Lu Qingshan not far away.

When Su Huaqing saw this scene, he was so frightened that his heart was broken.

But Lu Qingshan is a commonplace look.

This reminded her of what Lu Qingshan said earlier.

"Do you often encounter this situation?"

"Yes." Lu Qingshan said casually.

"Why? Why did God want to strike you with thunder?" Su Huaqing was shocked and puzzled. In fact, he still had the second half of his mind to ask—why was God staring at him like this, and Lu Qingshan was still alive and well.

"Hit me? It doesn't dare, it dares to scare me like this." Lu Qingshan said disdainfully.

"As for why? You have to ask God."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"But some small things are not worth worrying about."

Su Huaqing's mood was agitated, and he was infected by Lu Qingshan's pride - even if God gave me an enemy, I could still handle it calmly.

She also seemed to understand a little, why the man in front of her could be regarded as a spiritual leader by millions of Qingshan Army and countless people.

There is indeed a unique personality charm about him!

"I'm done resting, let's go up the mountain."


The mountain gate of Yan Bingmen is particularly beautiful in the thunder and snow, flickering and shining.

In the most majestic main hall, there was a fierce discussion at this time, "Sect Master, Lu Qingshan stopped leading troops to fight a year ago, but left the Qingshan Army, traveled the world, and searched for his body to heal his wounds. A man of law..."

"Once they are found, regardless of their identity, Lu Qingshan will take them to Qin State.

According to intelligence, this person had arrived in the Snow Country ten days ago.

We say that Bingmen's nourishing Taoist method can "life and death leave the flesh and bones". There are so many healing Taoist methods in the world, and our spiritual nourishing Taoist method is also ranked among them. "

"This big devil will definitely not let us go, it's just a matter of time sooner or later."

"Once he comes to the door, it will be too late for us to escape!"

"Second Elder, I also understand what you said, but the ancestors built the Yanbingmen Mountain Gate here, and it has been passed down for more than a hundred years.

You asked me to abandon the mountain gate and dismiss the disciples, how could I make such a determination? Did I not become Yan Bingmen's sinner? "

"Yeah, I agree with the sect master. If the devil comes, the big deal is to fight with him, and everyone will die together. How can the ancestral inheritance be abandoned like this?" Another voice said.

In the main hall, the elders and hall masters of Yan Bingmen gathered together, and everyone had a look of sadness on their faces, especially Su Yanxiao, the master of the main seat, whose brows were almost wrinkled into a mountain.

At this moment, a bold voice sounded, "Why are you so outraged, then Lu Qingshan has no interest in your lives."

The eyes of everyone in the hall moved when they heard the sound, only to see a man and a woman striding into the hall.

The charming girl is Su Huaqing, the daughter of the head.

The man is handsome and has no wife, but I don't know who he is?

"Who are you? Qing'er, how did you bring Wugan and others to this important place without authorization?" the second elder shouted.

"Who am I?" Lu Qingshan said with a chuckle: "The devil is Lu Qingshan!"

When the voice fell, the needle could be heard in the hall, leaving only the sound of rapid breathing.

There was thunder outside the hall, and thunder snakes walked through the clouds.

The thunder light flickered, illuminating the faces of everyone in the hall with different expressions.

Everyone's faces turned pale.

The next moment, the sound of swords being drawn, the sword light flashed, and no one dared to take the lead in attacking Lu Qingshan.

How can the martial arts of those who can compile such a high-level sword score of "Qingshan Sword Art"?

"Daddy, let everyone put down their weapons, he has no malicious intentions!"

Su Huaqing was also taken aback by everyone's battle, so he shouted quickly, and at the same time carefully glanced at Lu Qingshan, for fear of angering him. Come to the heart.

"Qing'er...?" Su Yanxiao saw her daughter say this, then glanced at Lu Qingshan again, her face changed, and finally made a gesture to signal everyone to put down their weapons.

"Su Yanxiao, the head of the Ice Gate Sect, has seen the Great Protector General." He clasped his fists in awe and saluted.

"Don't be too polite," Lu Qingshan waved his hand and said succinctly: "The princess of this country is now suffering from a serious illness, so this general seeks doctors everywhere for the princess.

I heard that you said that the Bingmen Runling Dao method can make life and death human flesh and bones, so I specially went up the mountain and asked Su Clan Master to go to Qin State. "

"Naturally I won't let you go in vain, there will be a big reward That's all the reputation of outsiders. I heard that General Lu has sent many people who don't know how to heal wounds to Qin State. ...

If this can't cure Her Royal Highness, the spiritual nourishing Taoist method will not be of much use. "Sect Master Su cautiously declined.

Lu Qingshan was silent for a breath, then took a step forward, his eyes shining.

"Sect Master Su, don't talk nonsense, this Qin country, do you want to go or not?"

He stood there, but it seemed like a mountain, and the shadow shrouded everyone.

Everyone, including Su Huaqing, sank in their hearts at this moment, shocked by the momentum displayed by Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan's gentleness made her almost forget...

The man in front of him, who caused the great turmoil in the Daoyuan realm and wanted to rule the world, was the protector general who was passed down by word of mouth from the martial arts sects in the world, and was the peerless devil who brought chaos to the world!

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