This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 43: a different world

Su Yanxiao took a deep breath and didn't ask "what if I don't go and take him?" He clenched his fists. He had never encountered such an embarrassing situation in his life, but he could only sigh. He said, "I..."

"I'll go on behalf of Daddy!" Su Huaqing suddenly interjected at this moment.

Lu Qingshan frowned, and was about to refuse, but Su Huaqing seemed to see what he wanted to say, and then explained: "In terms of martial arts, I'm not as good as Daddy, but in terms of the degree of mastery of Lingling Dao, I'm not. There is no one who is worse than my father, or even the entire Yanbingmen, who can beat me."

"Oh?" Lu Qingshan raised his brows, a little surprised, looked at Su Yanxiao and asked, "What she said is the truth?"

Su Yanxiao was silent for a moment, and did not immediately answer Lu Qingshan's words.

This kind of performance made Lu Qingshan immediately understand the authenticity of what Su Huaqing said.

"If you don't tell me sooner, you'll save yourself a trip up the mountain," he said depressedly, and then said, "Then come with me."

Lu Qingshan did things neatly and immediately turned around to go down the mountain, but he didn't expect Su Yanxiao's voice behind him.

"Wait a moment!"

Lu Qingshan looked back and saw that Su Yanxiao's long sword had been unsheathed.

Su Huaqing panicked and wanted to stop: "Dad, I just went to Qin country, I should go out to meet the world, it won't be anything..."

"It is said that you Lu Qingshan's martial arts are unparalleled, I naturally believe it, after all, it is the person who wrote the "Qingshan Sword Art" such a peerless swordsmanship.

But today you are taking away my daughter, the only daughter..."

Su Yanxiao tried her best to remain calm, but the deepest anger was concealed under her calm, "If I don't do anything, wouldn't I be a father in vain?"

"Su only wants to see the general's swordsmanship!" Su Yanxiao said.

This is the stubbornness of a father.

Lu Qingshan smiled and said, "Okay."

"General Lu, use your sword." Su Yanxiao pointed at Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan shook his head, "This kind of scene doesn't require a sword."

Su Yanxiao only felt the burning on her face.

Even though Lu Qingshan has a great reputation, he looks very young on the face. Before his 30s, he was treated like this by a junior in his fifties...

The martial arts that have been practiced for decades have been practiced on dogs, haven't they?

Whoosh whoosh!

With sullen anger, Su Yanxiao finally brought out the sword, the long sword was as cold as ice, and the light of the sword was as snow.

Yan Bingmen's unique skill, "Snow Sword Technique".

Very cheesy name.

Lu Qingshan smiled slightly, staring at Su Yanxiao through the bright sword light.

The sword force spread like a tide.

With a bang, Su Yanxiao's eyes went dark. When he came back to his senses, the sword in his hand had fallen off and fell to the floor with a crisp sound.

Everyone's eyes widened, unable to understand what Lu Qingshan was doing just now.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yanxiao was completely defeated.

Is this the devil Lu Qingshan?

"Dao Fa?" Su Yanxiao asked in despair, looking at Lu Qingshan.

"No," Lu Qingshan shook his head, without further explanation, he turned around again, "Let's go."

"Father..." Su Huaqing looked at Su Yanxiao worriedly, for fear that his father would be hit and do something irrational.

Su Yanxiao's eyes were dazed for a moment, and then she waved her hand, "Let's go, the world is so big, it's better to go out and have a look, stay on the mountain all the time, just like me, I've become a frog sitting on a well and watching the sky."

After saying this, Su Yanxiao turned her back to hide the loneliness on her face.

Su Huaqing looked at his father's hunched back, as if he was ten years older in an instant, and he couldn't help but bow his head sadly, tears pouring down like rain.


After descending the snowy mountain and sending Su Huaqing to the carriage to Qin State, Lu Qingshan went towards the next goal.

Since a year ago, he has stopped leading troops to fight.

One is that the Qingshan Army has become a general trend, the other is that Gu Tianyan is fully capable of acting alone, and the third is that he has more important things to do.

Something more important than **** of the world.

Save Qin Yitian.

The price of performing the first method is that the power in the blood essence must be drained by the dragon bird, and then sit on the spot. This is the result that Qin Yitian's ancestors have verified with their own lives.

Lu Qingshan had to find a way to reverse all this.

Ordinary medical skills are naturally impossible to work.

The trouble should end it.

This backlash comes from Taoism.

In this case, if you want to solve this problem, you can only start with Taoism.

So Lu Qingshan left Qin and traveled around the world, looking for someone with a body of healing Taoism. He would rather be abused than lack, and bring them back to Qin, thinking that even if he was lucky, he would have to find a solution.

Most of these people who have the healing method are of noble status, some are children of aristocratic families, some are descendants of sects, and even have the blood of a royal family, but in front of Lu Qingshan, there is not much difference.


The alarm bell of the Great Mercy Temple, a thousand-year-old temple, was ringing. One hundred and eight monks held sticks and formed a great formation of Arhats. Lu Qingshan strolled through it, and took away the little monk who was called the reincarnation of Arhat and had the method of Purdue. Holy monk.

The scenery of the northern country, the snow drifting for thousands of miles, Lu Qingshan entered the imperial city alone, all living beings are equal under one sword, the city is full of elite soldiers, no one dares to speak, and after this, there is no first magic doctor in the northern country.

Although he did not lead troops to fight, Lu Qingshan left more legends than before.

His deeds have spread all over the world.

There is no one who does not know his name in the Daoyuan world.

When he walked around Daoyuan Realm and was about to return to Qincheng, it was already two years later.

All the way north, most of the places he passed were already the territory of the Qin State, and wherever he went, whether it was a child at the head of the village or an old man at the end of the village, they were all practicing the Green Mountain Swordsmanship.

This is a different era.

When he returned to Qincheng, all the people in the city had already received the news that the general returned and welcomed him.

Yes, in front of Lu Qingshan's general title, there is already a big character.

It was not sealed by Qin Yitian, it was added by the people spontaneously.

Because of the existence of Lu Qingshan, the Qin Kingdom became the first powerful country in the Taoyuan realm.

Because of him, everyone has martial arts training, and everyone has the opportunity to spell a splendid future.

The most important thing is that because of him, the people have lived a good life that they never dared to imagine before.

At the gate of the city, Her Royal Highness Qin Yitian, Princess of Qin, personally welcomed the return of General Lu Qingshan.

"General, these days have been hard work." Qin Yitian looked at Lu Qingshan with a smile.

Lu Qingshan waved his hand, "I don't know if any of the people I brought back will work."

"If it is useful, treat it as a pleasant surprise, and if it is not useful, it is normal. I have already prepared myself mentally."

"You are mentally prepared, I am not." Lu Qingshan said.

Qin Yitian was startled, but Lu Qingshan had already changed the subject and asked casually, "How is the construction of Qin State?"

"According to your idea, after the craftsmen made those things called machinery, everything was on the right track.

In addition, there are many years of assets accumulated by aristocratic families in various countries, and the compulsory education you mentioned has also been completely popularized, and swordsmanship has been set as a compulsory course.

But the money needed to build the road is still a big shortfall..."

Her eyes wandered, and she said softly, "The road runs through the entire Daoyuan realm. With such a large handwriting, before this, no one else dared to think about it. Even with Qin's current national strength, it is a great cause of a century."

"This matter is not in a hurry," Lu Qingshan said, "but it must be done."

"It turns out that she looks so good-looking, he must like her very much, so he will travel the world to seek medical treatment for her."

Su Huaqing also mixed in with the welcoming crowd, looking at Lu Qingshan, who he had never seen since the snowy mountains parted, and Qin Yitian, who had only heard his name and never saw his appearance since he came to Qincheng, and thought to himself.

Those of them who were "captured" by Lu Qingshan and brought to the Qin state with healing methods, in fact, their freedom has not been restricted too much, the only restriction is that they cannot leave Qincheng.

"Only such a woman can be worthy of such a man." Su Huaqing said again, looking at the two people who were talking very harmoniously.

But for some reason, a faint and extremely obscure feeling of loss and inferiority came into my heart.


Royal study.

Qin Yitian and Lu Qingshan described the current situation of Qin in detail.

Qin State reformed, followed the reform and opening up, and liberated slaves for more than six years. Half of the vast Daoyuan Realm already belonged to Qin State.

No one dared to imagine such a speed before, and it is unlikely to happen again in the future.

This is a miracle.

Why did the Qingshan Army expand its territory so quickly?

Returning to its roots is inseparable from the four characters of the world and the heart.

Rulers develop territories in order to make their country strong.

Lu Qingshan opened up the territory for the sake of the power of the human race.

That's the difference.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, a series of policies after the reform of the Qin state were all unhelpful to the state and cheap to the common people.

But those rulers did not understand a simple but powerful truth.

The foundation of a country is the people.

When the people are strong, the country is naturally strong.

It is also because the world returns to the heart that the resistance that the Qingshan Army encounters is extremely weak.

As long as they defeat the first batch of troops organized by the various countries, it is basically impossible for the subsequent monarchs to organize the second batch of troops.

Even in the process of sieging the city and looting the land, there are still many cities whose gates are directly open to welcome the arrival of the Qingshan Army.

This is exactly what Lu Qingshan wanted to see.

Otherwise, although it is easy to dominate the world by force, it will inevitably lead to massacres, and life will be ruined.



Another good time of year.

Outside Qincheng, on a freight truck, a young man sat on the goods and looked around curiously.

The avenue wide enough to accommodate eight horses is artificially divided into two sides, separated by two yellow lines.

"Looking at you, this is the first time you've come to Qincheng?" The driver said while driving the horses pulling goods, "I've never seen such a big road before."

The young man nodded, "I really haven't seen it before. Although my house has also built a road, how can it be so spacious."

"Your road is called a two-lane road. Our road is called an eight-lane road. Of course, the difference is big." The driver said, with pride in his tone.

"Eight lanes...?"

"It's the name of the general," said the coachman.

The young man showed his original expression, and longing flashed in his eyes.

Although the driver did not say his name, everyone in Daoyuan Realm knew that there were many generals, but there was only one general.

"Why are the young people coming to Qincheng?" the coachman asked again.

The young man took out a neatly folded paper roll from his arms, "I read the recruitment application from the People's Daily, saying that the general is preparing to lead the army to completely destroy the White Walkers in recent years, and he needs to recruit one. A batch of high-quality soldiers joined the army, and I rushed over from my hometown."

"Yo, the young man is quite confident," the coachman raised his eyebrows, "How much have you learned about Qingshan swordsmanship?"

"I learned six." The young man showed a proud expression on his face.

"That's really good," the coachman was a little surprised. "Even in Qincheng, it is extremely rare for people who can learn the Green Mountain Swordsmanship."

The young man raised his chest, "In my village, I was the most talented in swordsmanship, and the teacher who taught me swordsmanship asked me to join the army and serve the country."

"It's good to join the army, one person joins the army, the whole family is glorious..." The driver said with a smile.

At this moment, the young man suddenly heard a rush of hooves behind him.

He turned his head and saw that a truck was speeding up from the leftmost lane. The driver was wearing a black suit, with a burly figure and a long breath. At first glance, he was a trainer.

The van was extremely fast and disappeared from the sight of the young man after a while.

"It should be something urgent, I'm not afraid of an accident when driving so fast." He couldn't help smacking his tongue.

"It's not a matter of urgency," the driver said with a strange expression that you rarely see, "That's a courier, who specializes in delivering goods. "Qintong Express, the cities around Qincheng can be reached within a day."

And they go on a special fast lane, and they don't interfere with us. "

The young man was speechless.

Although the world is now unified, writing, weights and measures, and laws have long been unified.

But Qincheng, as the capital of the Qin state and the most prosperous city in the Daoyuan world, still has many things that cannot be seen in other places, which makes him feel like Grandma Liu is entering the garden.

As the vans continue to advance, so does the roadside scenery.

One after another, what looked like half tree trunks surrounded by curtains, "lying" on the plains on both sides of the road, from time to time someone came out with a basket of green vegetables, which made the eyes of young people straight. .

"What is that? Warehouse? Why are there fresh vegetables at this season?"

"Planting in a greenhouse," the driver said casually, "I don't know what it is, right? I don't understand either.

This has only appeared in the last year or two. As long as you know, since the existence of this thing, the people of Qincheng can buy fresh vegetables at any time. "

As he spoke, the coachman took a sip of the wine bag he carried, and said happily, "It's getting better these days, how could a child born now be expected, what kind of life did we live more than ten years ago!

At that time, we couldn't even have enough to eat, it's not like you have no worries about eating now, you still have books and studies, and you have martial arts..."

"It's all thanks to the General!"

The young man feels that he is now babbling and sighing about the non-stop coachman, a bit like his nagging old father.

Another half hour passed.

The majestic Qincheng can already see the outline.

The young man noticed that there seemed to be a strange black shadow in the sky above the outline of Qincheng.

"What is that?" he wondered.

After a while, he got closer to Qincheng, and he finally saw the true face of that strange black shadow.

"Oh my God!" Even though he had seen many incredible things along the way, this was the first time he lost his way and exclaimed.

Two spherical objects of amazing size floated in the air, with a basket hanging below each, but the basket was huge enough to hold several people.

Strikingly, there is also a long piece of red canvas hanging from the bottom of the basket with several large characters written on it.

On the left is - "Recruit high-quality soldiers to secure the iron city of Qin."

On the right is - "Qincheng welcomes you!"


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