This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 44: The decisive battle is coming

"That thing is called a hot air balloon. It is said that as long as it can provide it with hot air, it can make us float up and fly over the mountains like birds."

Seeing the stunned expression on the young man's face, the driver felt a sincere relief from the inside out, and said, "In Qincheng, there are so many things you haven't seen before."

The young man just nodded absentmindedly and unconsciously.

This is God! !

How could it be that the coachman could easily calm down the shock in his heart with a few explanations?

Here, the truck slowly approached the gate of Qincheng.

Naturally, there are guards standing guard at the gate of the city, and inspections are also required to enter the city.

It's this city entry inspection that's so weird.

No questioning, no body searching, but a card, a boxy card.

"This is called an ID card. It has each person's unique number and basic information written on it. One person, one card, with an official seal. After entering Qincheng, you need to use it whether you are staying or doing anything.

If this thing is lost, it needs to be replaced, and a handling fee of three coppers will be charged. "

The coachman took out the same card from his arms, and said with a smile: "This is also what the general came up with in order to implement the household registration system, which has been vigorously implemented in recent years.

However, your hometown is relatively remote, and it is normal that it has not yet been implemented in your place. "

The young man frowned and said worriedly: "Isn't it possible that you can't enter the city without this thing called an ID card?"

"Of course not, the general is kind-hearted, how could he be so inhuman?" the driver said, "Did you see that house over there?"

The coachman pointed to the side, and the young man discovered that there was a small house beside the city gate, and there was also a queue.

"Like you outsiders without ID cards, go there to register basic information, and then you will get a temporary ID card."

When the driver said this, he paused and then emphasized: "No money."




"Zhang Tie."

"What about the date of birth?"


"It's your birthday."

"Oh, oh, May 8th of the new Qin calendar year."


"......Does this also need to be asked?" The young man Zhang Tie was puzzled.

"Excuse me, professional habit, okay, gender male, next question, where did you come from?"

"Taizhi County, Mengzhou."

" the original land of Yanguo and Jianguo, right?"

Zhang Tie nodded, "Yes, my father told me that he used to be a slave of the Yan Kingdom......

Fortunately, the Qingshan Army came, and he was able to get rid of his slave status. He only hated that he was weak and could not join the Qingshan Army, so he asked me to join the Qingshan Army to repay the general. "

"Father's will, yes," Qincheng, who was in charge of registration information, took out a seal, stamped a big seal on the card he had just made, and handed it to Zhang Tie, "This is your temporary ID card. , pick it up, don't lose it, and don't lend it to others."

"I see." Zhang Tie stretched out his hands, carefully took the thin piece of paper, and nodded heavily.

"Also, it's not like it was back then. If you want to join the Qingshan Army, you need to go through a strict assessment. You have to be mentally prepared."

"I know," Zhang Tie clenched his fists, "I will definitely pass the test!"


"The next one." Here, the registration staff has already shouted to the outside world.


After having his temporary ID card, Zhang Tie followed the driver into the city, and everything went smoothly.

As soon as he entered the city, Zhang Tie saw an iron box set up in the city gate area. At this time, several eunuchs who appeared to be from the palace were surrounding the iron box, trying to open the iron box.

The leading **** wears a blue cap - it means that this is a big **** who has obtained the rank of official.

"What are they doing?" Zhang Tie wondered, wondering why the **** in the White House appeared here, and he didn't know what he was doing while facing an iron box.

"Oh, that's the Princess Mailbox, which was specially set up by the Princess to supervise those officials.

If an official abuses his power and oppresses the common people, the common people can report directly to Her Royal Highness the Princess through this mailbox.

Every three days, people would come from the palace to bring the reported documents from the princess' mailbox back to the palace. ' The driver's tone was respectful.

"Although Her Royal Highness has a lot of time to deal with, every seven days, one or two hours will be set aside to deal with the reports in the Princess' mailbox."

"His Royal Highness the princess and the general have never been married yet, and they have left an heir," the coachman slapped his mouth and said with emotion, "It can be said that it is for the sake of the people and the world, and I have done my best."

"His Royal Highness the princess and the general, those are the people who really think about us people!" The driver let out a long sigh and said sincerely.

Over the years, Qin Yitian and Lu Qingshan have worked closely together to fully demonstrate their ingenuity, establish strict laws, innovate industrial technology, integrate commerce, improve crops, and greatly promote the education industry...

If Lu Qingshan is the seed of fire and the spiritual leader, then Qin Yitian is the one who spreads the fire and is the leader of a country in the true sense.

Therefore, even if Lu Qingshan's reputation among the common people is so high, it cannot hide the light of Qin Yitian.

It is conceivable that after thousands of years, she must be a heavy stroke in the history books that cannot be skipped no matter what.



The endless White Ghosts attacked like a tide, and thunder snakes danced in the sky, revealing a human face and roaring at Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan stood calmly under the thunder, facing the White Walkers like the tide.

"Can you have something fresh?"

As a result, all the sights were instantly broken like a bubble.

Lu Qingshan opened his eyes and woke up from the bed.

The dragon bird was lying beside his pillow, quietly exuding fluorescence.

Everything just now was naturally just a dream.

But it's not as simple as a dream.

Ever since the Qin State and the Qingshan Army had become a general trend, the thunder and celestial phenomena gradually subsided, replaced by the nightmares that appeared from time to time.

Only at the beginning, it will only appear once every two or three months.

In the recent period, it has developed to occur once every two or three days.

Lu Qingshan could feel that this side of the world was rejecting him, but it seemed that he was restricted by some restrictions and could not directly release his malice to him, so he took these strange methods to suppress him.

"It seems that you are gradually losing patience," Lu Qingshan walked out of the room, looked at the vast starry sky, and said softly: "Just right, I'm tired of staying in this place."

In the Daoyuan world, Lu Qingshan didn't like it.

Even though he has completely transformed the world, the Daoyuan Realm has become more and more similar and familiar to his "hometown" that he occasionally haunts.

Lu Qingshan thought that like this, he would gradually fall in love with this world.

But then he found out he was wrong.

Because, he hadn't noticed it in Cangtian before, but since he came to Daoyuan Realm, he realized that what he really cared about was Cangtian, not the "hometown".

Lu Qingshan had been thinking about this discovery for a while.

Later, he figured out that his hometown, at a certain moment he didn't know, had actually become the sky.

Perhaps it was the moment when Qin Yitian held his hand, "holding the hand of the son, living with the son".

Perhaps it was at the moment when the senior brother Ji Chuan said, "The world is safe and secure, and I live up to the Tathagata and the emperor."

Perhaps it was the moment when Jianzong Banzong marched westward, "Yu Changjian, stepping through the shortage of Helan Mountain"......

Maybe earlier, maybe later, the specific time doesn't mean much to Lu Qingshan.

Recalling the various experiences he has experienced in the sky over the years, Lu Qingshan's heart is full of warmth.

It's like lighting a lamp, with clear road signs.

"It turns out that I'm already a sword repairer."

Lu Qingshan murmured softly.

There are countless people in this world who regard him as a god, but he still feels lonely.

There are no his sects, masters, apprentices, or friends here.

He didn't have his sword either—Qin Yitian was fine, but after all, she wasn't that gentle and pleasant Sword Spirit girl who called him "Young Master".

Most importantly, there is no kendo that he loves here.

"It's time to put an end to this."

Lu Qingshan raised his head, his dark eyes looked up at the stars.

The starry sky is in sight, and it has the magnificence of the sky, but it is not the starry sky of the sky after all.

The next day, a piece of news spread around the world.

After ten years, the general Lu Qingshan will go into battle again, and he will lead a million Qingshan army to the snowfields to start a final battle with the White Ghosts, vowing to completely solve the problem of the White Ghosts for the people of the world.


Teams of soldiers, following Lu Qingshan's military orders, set off from all areas of Daoyuan Realm.

In the west, south, and east, the Qingshan Army has already spread all over the Daoyuan Realm.

The northern border was completely ignited, and even though the temperature was extremely low, the fighting spirit was extremely strong.

Not only the Qingshan Army, but even other armies have also asked for battle, wanting to follow the General to wipe out the White Walkers and fight this final battle.

The dragon and snake landed.

Qincheng, order the military platform.

When Lu Qingshan called the army to gather here, he welcomed an unexpected person.

Pingnan general Jiang Ran.

General Pingnan who was once taken advantage of by Lu Qingshan.

Since the Qingshan Army took off, General Pingnan, who once regarded Lu Qingshan as a thorn in his side, fell silent completely, never making a sound, just doing what he was supposed to do in obscurity.

Lu Qingshan's heart is higher than the sky, so naturally it is impossible to care about such trivial matters. Jiang Luan is not a demon, so he and Jiang Luan will not interfere with each other.

"As long as General Lu agrees to let my Pingnan Army accompany me, Jiang is willing to be the vanguard." Jiang Luan, who was already old, looked at Lu Qingshan, whose appearance and appearance had not changed at all, with mixed feelings in his heart, and clasped his fists.

"Eliminating the Other Ghosts is Jiang's whole life. If I don't go to this battle, I will die." He said solemnly, with a hint of imperceptible pleading in his tone.

Lu Qingshan raised his brows, but a strong male voice came to mind at this moment.

"General Pingnan, you may be disappointed, the pioneer of the Qingshan Army has long been selected."

A strong figure in silver armor came over, knelt down on one knee to Lu Qingshan, and also saluted with fists.


"Come on." Lu Qingshan nodded.

"It's General Gu." Among the Qingshan Army gathered below, Zhang Tie, who came to Qincheng three years ago with his father's expectations, was among them. Seeing the man who had just appeared, he secretly said in his heart that he felt extremely excited and excited.

These are all big figures that are passed down by word of mouth in the military on weekdays. How can they usually see them?

Gu Tianyan, General Gu, there is no doubt that this name is also a legend.

He used to be the commander-in-chief of Her Royal Highness the Princess and was in charge of Longfengwei. Later, he left Qincheng with Lu Qingshan and started from scratch. He is a well-deserved veteran of the Qingshan Army.

He is proficient in the art of war, and even the generals attach great importance to his opinions. Even in the intervening years, the generals left the Qingshan Army in order to find a doctor for Her Royal Highness, and Gu Tianyan was in charge of leading the army.

The most important thing is that this person has an outstanding talent in martial arts and is deeply trusted by the generals. He is the only person in the entire Daoyuan world who has understood "Qingshan Sword Art Twelve". From this perspective, it can even be said to be Lu Qingshan's. Close disciple.

In the Qingshan Army, Lu Qingshan, as a general, has the supreme status.

As for Gu Tianyan, who is under one person and over ten thousand people, his prestige is second only to Lu Qingshan.

"General Jiang, the position of the vanguard has long been promised to General Gu." Lu Qingshan and Jiang Luan said.

Jiang Luan's expression changed a bit, and finally he said: "General Gu is known to be brave and martial, Jiang is old and does not dare to compete with General Gu for the pioneer position, but Jiang is old, and he still has the ability to kill ghosts. Ask General Lu to let Jiang's Pingnan Army go with him."

"General Lu's Qingshan swordsmanship is spread all over the world, and Jiang's Pingnan Army is also diligent in practicing Qingshan swordsmanship, and it will certainly not hold back the Qingshan army."

"Since General Jiang's wishes are so strong, I naturally won't refuse." Lu Qingshan smiled slightly, not embarrassing Jiang Luan.


The armies are grouped together, and the dragons are fighting in the wild.

The flag with the word "mountain" fluttered high and squeaked in the wind.

Pointing to the podium, with a loud clang, the dragon sparrow has already unsheathed.

Lu Qingshan held the dragon bird high, and the red fluorescent sword body attracted everyone's attention.

"The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind floats..." Lu Qingshan suddenly recalled the seven words written by Qin Yitian when he saw them in the imperial study.

So, he waved his dragon sparrow and said loudly: "Everyone, drive the White Walkers out of this wonderful river and mountain with the sword in your hand!"

God has lost his temper for so long, and today, he can't bear it anymore.

"Today, raise troops!" is still the familiar brief declaration.

"Raise the army! Raise the army!" Qingshan Army responded, and the sound was so loud that it even penetrated the sky and reached Qincheng.

On the second day of the second month, the dragon raised his head, and the Qingshan Army set off.

The people gathered in the scene.

In the atmosphere of the whole people practicing martial arts, the people all over the world have more or less martial arts.

Practice martial arts and be For the White Walkers, they have long since lost their timidity.

Just as Lu Qingshan had envisioned back then, there was no shortage of available manpower in the world.

Even now, Qin Yitian still has to send people to appease the passionate people everywhere.

"I believe that the Qingshan Army is good, and everyone stands up to their jobs, which is the greatest support for the Qingshan Army."


The Qingshan Army went north all the way, and along the way, the people ate the pot pulp and welcomed them along the way.

On February 7, the majestic Iron City came into view.

When the time is right, the cold wind is hunting, the wind and snow are all over the sky, and the sky and the earth are dark.

Does the world know that I am different?

I am different in the world!


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