With an army of millions behind him, Lu Qingshan seemed to be calm and confident.

Standing in front of the crowd, Lu Qingshan's black hair fluttered, and his sword was bright red.

He looked around at the White Walkers who had just recovered from under the lake, then his eyes fell on the White Walker King, and he waved down.

The Qingshan Army is surging like a black tide, rushing to kill the White Walkers.

"How is that possible?" The King of the Other Ghosts looked at the Qingshan Army, unable to accept it. "How can your human race have such a powerful force?"

It was beyond his comprehension.

"Now," Lu Qingshan naturally wouldn't explain too much to him, he just asked jokingly, "What are you going to do?"

"In such a situation, do you have any other options?"

These two sentences are exactly the provocation that the White Walker King issued to him after he had an absolute advantage in numbers last time.

Now Lu Qingshan has returned it word for word.

"Jaizhen will report" engraved in the bones of Jianxiu.


Gu Tianyan, who had just retreated, turned her head around and fought back.

He raised his long sword high, and slayed the resurgent White Walkers army with the charge of the warhorse.

The sergeants of the vanguard battalion behind him did the same.

The long sword stood like a forest.

The short clanging sound of weapons collided continuously.

The previous battle on the Hive Plain did not make the Qingshan Army feel tired, but it was like a warm-up, which made their blood boil and the fighting spirit became more vigorous.

God Machine Camp threw out the last inventory.

It was an irregular block of objects that slammed into the White Walkers' ice crystal armor, and the gunpowder snorted and exploded.

The caltrops poured out in a fan shape like pear blossom needles in a rainstorm, covering the White Walker's body.

In an instant, those White Walkers who relied on the strength of the ice crystal armor were suffering, and the flesh that was not covered by the ice crystal armor was blasted with blood.

Shouting and killing boiling, gold and iron screaming, poisonous fire spewing out.

Each camp showed its magical powers, and the warriors came out in unison, and smashed into the army of the Other Ghosts.

A big flag with a mountain character stands in the distance in the Chinese army and flutters high.

This huge and magnificent fight opened the final prelude.


The king of the White Walkers, who was dripping with blood and covered in wounds, immediately turned red when he saw himself and the White Walkers being surrounded and killed by the Qingshan Army.

He was finally outraged.

In the next instant, the King of the White Walkers pulled out the great sword that had just been inserted into the ice layer, then swung the great sword and swept away at Lu Qingshan.

In the snowstorm, the giant sword swept out, whistling.

Seeing this, Lu Qingshan shook his head regretfully, "I thought you would have a backhand, but I didn't expect it to be so unbearable."

For the sudden attack by the King of the White Walkers, he seemed extremely calm, unhurried, and his body moved like a ghost between the movements.

No matter how the giant sword chopped, swept, stabbed, teased, and slashed, it still couldn't touch him in the slightest.

In terms of power, the King of the White Walkers is better than Lu Qingshan, who is blessed by the power of mountains and seas, but his control and use of power is too rough.

So it appears clumsy, dull, and useless.

Snowflakes and ice chips were rolled up by the ice crystal giant sword, forming a tornado.

Lu Qingshan seemed to be walking in the wind, extremely unrestrained.

The momentum caused by the battle was beyond everyone's imagination.

This is two of the strongest men in the world fighting - if the White Walkers had sex.


The King of the White Walkers slashed with another sword, and the blade that ripped through the air was still in vain, falling on the ice layer, blasting a hole in the already riddled ice layer again.

"Do you know how to hide?" said the White Walker King angrily.

Lu Qingshan was unmoved, but there seemed to be a raging fire burning in his eyes.

The dragon sparrow in his hand was danced into a fire crow, stabbing the King of the White Walkers in the chest.

Without the ice crystal armor, the White Walkers could never ignore such an attack.

Like an angry dragon, the ice crystal giant sword raised its head and swayed upwards, blocking the dragon bird.

But Lu Qingshan leaned forward with his entire waist. The Dragon Sparrow's body is on the side of the trend, and it slides down along the blade of the giant sword.


The tip of the sword smeared across the King of the White Walkers' chest like cutting tofu, leaving a deep bloodstain.

Lu Qingshan's face was cold and hard, and the dragon bird kept handing out, cunningly and ruthlessly across the neck, abdomen, face and other parts of the king of the White Walkers.

The King of the White Walkers kept dodging, but not even once could dodge the blade of Dragon Sparrow.

"Don't you know how to hide?" Lu Qingshan asked with a smile.

When the words fell, Lu Qingshan jumped up, the dragon and phoenix inscriptions on the dragon bird were as bright as autumn water, the sword shadow was like a silver bottle burst, and the water slurry rushed towards the King of Other Ghosts, constantly splashing.

Chi Chi Chi!

Bang bang bang!

clang clang!

The sound of weapons clashing, the sound of flesh being pierced, and the sound of the giant sword in the hands of the White Walker smashing through the ice layer, hurriedly intertwined, like a serenade in the middle of the moon.

But within ten breaths, Lu Qingshan didn't know how many swords he handed out.

Until his last sword was handed out, the King of the White Walkers couldn't handle it in a hurry, staggering, and it was himself who knocked himself to the ground.

Lu Qingshan looked at the fallen King of the Otherworldly Ghosts, and did not use his sword again, not even looking at the King of the Otherworldly Ghosts, but turned his back to him, his cloak screeching.

"This game, let's stop here." Lu Qingshan sighed, and the dragon sparrow slammed back into its sheath.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Qingshan only regarded everything in Daoyuan Realm as a game, and never regarded the King of the White Walkers as a real opponent.

Finally, he snapped his fingers.



The sky-high flames shot up on the King of the White Walkers.

The shock wave formed by the torrent of flames generally swept around, overturning countless White Walkers.

"No!" The king of the White Walkers was unwilling to mourn to the extreme, but it quickly dispersed with the wind.

"The same trick, why don't you have a long memory?" Lu Qingshan sighed.

The explosion just now was exactly the same as the previous explosion that shattered the Ice Crystal armor of the White Walkers.

Compared with Lu Qingshan, the King of the White Walkers has a huge gap in skills, and the advantage in strength cannot close the gap.

So he lost without a doubt.

In the light of the fire, Lu Qingshan walked out calmly.

Like the triumphant return of a hero.

"The general is mighty!" Gu Tianyan saw this scene, cut down the White Walkers in front of him, and shouted.

"The general is mighty!"

Gu Tianyan's roar instantly triggered a chain reaction that quickly spread to the entire army, and everyone shouted along.

There is both sincere worship and the joy that the affliction of the White Walkers for many years will finally be resolved.

They were not born in this era of peace, but they can make future generations live in a peaceful era through their own struggles.

That's enough.


The fire gradually dissipated.

The White Walkers are also disappearing.

has it ended?

It seems to be over.

But Lu Qingshan felt a little empty for no reason.

Because, in fact, there are still many things he didn't know why.

God, what are you thinking? Why target him?

How did the dead come? Is it also made by God?

What is the nature of the White Walkers?

What secrets does this world hide?

There are many similar questions...

It just seems that these questions will not be answered and puzzled.

Lu Qingshan had some regrets.

He was thinking so.

Suddenly, a nameless force was used from behind, through his heavenly cover, reaching the depths of his soul, as if wrapping him.

The world seems to be broken at this moment.

The chaotic battlefield gradually became blurred and illusory.

As if struck by lightning, Lu Qingshan turned his head abruptly, and found that after the fire had dissipated, the huge body of the King of the White Walkers had long since dissipated, but at the place where it fell, a hazy light and shadow slowly rose, facing him. Look.

"Finally waiting for you." A voice sounded in Lu Qingshan's mind.

The voice was hoarse and vicissitudes, like a middle-aged man who was weathered and full of wisdom.

"This is!?" Lu Qingshan was shocked, feeling that his soul was trembling.

On that light and shadow, he felt the endless majesty, the majesty that could not be described in words.

Lu Qingshan had never felt this way before.

The unknown is scary.

He is not afraid, but vigilance is inevitable.

"Don't be so nervous," the voice sounded again, comforting: "Speaking of which, I'm from the same place as you, and I'm a fellow."

"The same place?" Lu Qingshan frowned, "...Qingqiongtian?"

"Yes, and there is a causal relationship between you and me..." The voice seemed a little puzzled, and then he said with relief: "It seems that you are very closely related to my direct descendants. intimate relationship."

"Causal connection?" Now it was Lu Qingshan's turn to wonder.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself," he said, "My name is Xia Ming, a Falun Gong practitioner."

It was a very unfamiliar and common name, he had never heard of it... Lu Qingshan searched his memory and was sure he had never heard of this character.

But the appearance of the term Faxiu at least proves that the person in front of him is indeed from the sky.

It is also possible that they are not from the sky, but at least they are not from the Taoyuan realm.

The voice continued: "However, others don't call me by my name, they generally call me... Xia Daozu."

Like a thunderclap on the ground.

Lu Qingshan felt that there was a thunder explosion in his head, and he was instantly stunned.

So far the first and only Ten Realm cultivator, the founder of Daxia, the savior of the human race who single-handedly saved the sky, Xia Daozu who disappeared for 20,000 years?

How can it be? !

Lu Qingshan's first reaction was suspicion.

Whether it is why Xia Daozu appeared in Daoyuan Realm, or why Xia Daozu exists in the form of a light and shadow, it is unbelievable.

Even if the majestic Lu Qingshan from him has never felt, even if Lu Qingshan does have a very close relationship with the descendants of Xia Daozu - his master is Xia Daoyun.

"You have a lot of doubts and puzzles, I can see it," Xia Daozu said slowly, with the calmness that a character like him should have, "but it's just right, I actually appeared to clarify your doubts."

"I would like to hear the details." Lu Qingshan was silent for a moment, then raised his head to look directly at the light and shadow, his eyes were sharp like a sword.

"First of all, you must understand the essence of Daoyuan, but before explaining everything, I want to ask you a question. Do you know what the world we are in is like?" Xia Daozu asked.

Lu Qingshan thought for a while, then shook his head.

"It's complicated and complicated, but if you really understand his essence, it's actually very simple." Xia Daozu said leisurely.

"The world, in a nutshell, is nothing but a mugwort."

"Muxi?" Lu Qingshan pondered.

This is the ancient name for eggs.

"The mugwort is divided into three layers, the outermost layer is an egg shell, the middle layer is a layer of clear liquid, and the innermost layer is an egg."

"The world is like this, divided into three layers."

"The outermost layer, the hardest and the largest in area, is the protective layer, with aura spread, which is what we usually call the sky in the sky."

Lu Qingshan was shocked and seemed to understand the essence of Daoyuan Realm at this moment.

Xia Daozu continued and said methodically: "The layer in the middle of the world is much more fragile than the eggshell.

But at the same time, its value is much more precious than the egg shell, and it has many "nutrients" necessary for the survival of the egg.

To the world, this nutrient is called... the source. "

Although Xia Daozu's light and shadow were blurry and indistinct, Lu Qingshan could clearly feel that light and shadow glanced at him at this moment, and then continued: "Looking at your expression, you can guess it."

"Yes, the second layer of the world is Daoyuan Realm."

"That's the world we're in right now."

No wonder.......

No wonder this world is so similar to Qiongtian, even the same language.

No wonder the power of mountains and seas that he cultivated from the practice should not be the power of a system, but it will be recognized by this world...

Everything that was unreasonable seemed to be answered at this moment.

Xia Daozu continued, "As for the innermost layer, it is the most fragile and precious place in a world, and there lies the core of a world..."

He paused and spit out a word: "Dao."

Lu Qingshan pursed his lips and remained silent.

In fact, after knowing that the source world is the second layer of the world, he already understands what the core of the world is.

"So, the essence of Daoyuan Realm is the place where Daoyuan is stored in the world." Lu Qingshan said.

"Yes," Xia Daozu nodded and said, "Daoyuan is the source of life for a world, and in the beginning, there was only Daoyuan in the Daoyuan world, and no living creatures existed."

"However, Daoyuan Realm has all the necessary conditions for the birth and survival of living beings."

"Then, with the passage of time, the first creature was born in Daoyuan Realm," Lu Qingshan said, "In addition, Daoyuan Realm and the sky are only the inner and outer layers, and the essence is the same, so in Daoyuan Realm The creatures born are very similar to those in the sky, almost the same.

It's just that because of the existence of spiritual energy in the sky, many species are able to have stronger power and blood. "

"You are very smart," Xia Daozu was a little surprised, and added after Lu Qingshan's words: "The essence of Daoyuan is the same as that of Qiongtian, but the power of Qiongtian is spiritual energy, and Daoyuanjie is Dao. source."

"As you can see, the human race in this world can use Daoyuan to cast Dao Law."

"But the problem arises here, Daoyuan is an extremely important thing to the world.

But with the increase in the number of human races in the Taoyuan world, more and more people master the Taoist law, and the consumption of the Taoyuan is also increasing day by day, until the income cannot make ends meet, the Taoyuan will begin to dry up. . "

"Out of the world's instinct to protect itself, it must address this hidden danger."

"The will of the world is my name, and you generally call it the Dao of Heaven."

Xia Daozu abruptly interrupted the narrative, explained softly, and then said solemnly: "For Tiandao, the best and only way to solve this hidden danger is to solve the people who created these problems."

"It wants to kill all the human races in Daoyuan Realm."


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