This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 47: day counts as 0

"Tian Dao wants to completely exterminate the human race of Daoyuan," Xia Daozu repeated again, "This is how it protects itself."

A very extreme way of self-protection, not in vain to say that the sky is ruthless... Lu Qingshan thought silently, then raised his head and asked: "The Other Ghosts are the means of heaven?"

"Yes," Xia Daozu continued: "Tiandao wants to exterminate the human race, but the problem is that Tiandao is not a practitioner, it is the will of the world, and it is only the will.

Although it has a mighty power that no one can match, it must respect the order of the world's operation, and cannot break the rules, let alone harm living beings.

So it can't directly attack the human race, can you understand this? "

This is easy to understand. It is like a powerful and hostile intelligent robot in a sci-fi film, but because the rules that humans must not be harmed are written in the program when they leave the factory, they must not kill humans. .....Lu Qingshan nodded, expressing a good acceptance.

"The way of heaven can never interfere with the operation of the world, and there are many restrictions," Xia Daozu continued: "Therefore, if it wants to achieve its purpose of genocide, the only way it can take is to use force."

"For example, it affects the celestial phenomena, making the land dry, or the rainstorms continue to form floods... This is the easiest way to use the power of celestial phenomena.

But as I said before, it can't break the rules, so what Heavenly Dao can do is very limited - it can rain or not, it can control whether it rains according to its own thoughts.

But it was supposed to rain, but it couldn't make it rain.

Because, it violates the rules by which the world works. "

Therefore, although there are often thunders roaring in the places where I have traveled over the years, the thunder can never really fall and kill me... Another doubt in Lu Qingshan's heart has been answered.

Here, Xia Daozu continued, "Obviously, by influencing the celestial phenomenon, it can indeed bring some trouble to the human race, but it is a fantasy to try to exterminate the human race."

"The human race is not so fragile."

"Other ways are similar, but it can only bring some trouble to the human race, and it is 108,000 miles away from the goal of exterminating the clan."

"The human race is the toughest race among all living beings." Xia Daozu said with emotion.

"But... this was supposed to be a situation where Tiandao was helpless, but because of an accident that didn't know how, it gave Tiandao hope."

"Accident? What accident?" Lu Qingshan asked, knowing that the next thing was the point.

"Reincarnation is also one of the rules of the world's operation. After death, people will turn into dead souls and enter the Yellow Springs, experiencing reincarnation and rebirth.

But in the ancient times a long time ago, I don't know what happened, and the guiding force that let the dead souls enter the reincarnation turned out to be extremely weakened. "

"There are many dead souls who cannot enter the reincarnation and can only wander aimlessly in the world, and the same is true for the Taoyuan Realm.

Tiandao seized this opportunity and pulled all the wandering souls into this lake. "

"This is the origin of the White Walkers."

Gu Yiyi, look at what you have done... Lu Qingshan's eyes twitched slightly.

Others don't know why the power of reincarnation has weakened in the ancient times. Can he still know as the master of the Huangquan artifact?

It is outrageous to say that the origin of all the turmoil in the Daoyuan world is because a certain Forgotten River spirit slept in a "great long sleep"?

Xia Daozu's light and shadow swayed slightly at this time, and the illusory visible to the naked eye became a little bit illusory.

"I don't have much time." Seeing Lu Qingshan's slightly different expression, Xia Daozu didn't hide his current situation and continued: "Hurry up."

"As you can see, the way of heaven pulls the souls of the dead that have not entered the cycle of reincarnation, creating this lake of yellow springs.

Then through time accumulation, let these dead souls accumulate resentment and gradually become White Walkers - this is in line with the rules of the world. "

Lu Qingshan was silent.

In the sky, it is not uncommon for wandering spirits to become ghosts, and it is indeed in line with the rules.

"When the power of these dead souls is enough, they will break out of the ice, recover from the Yellow Springs Lake, walk out, and then invade the human domain with the goal of annihilating the family."

"It's called the White Walkers revival."

As far as this is concerned, the secrets of the Other Ghosts in the Daoyuan Realm have been displayed in front of Lu Qingshan.

However, these are obviously not what Xia Daozu really wanted to tell Lu Qingshan.

"The reason why you came to this world is because of the law of cause and effect, right?" He said with a solemn voice, and finally brought up the topic.

Lu Qingshan nodded.

"Then you should know that the White Walkers were revived once before you.

At that time, the human race of Daoyuan Realm was already on the verge of annihilation, and it was also someone who used the law of cause and effect to quell the affliction of the Other Ghosts. "

"Senior is the Daoyuan Realm that came to in that karma method?" At this point, Lu Qingshan already believed seven or eighty percent of the identity of Xia Daozu, the light and shadow in front of him.

"No," Xia Daozu shook his head unexpectedly and said, "That time, it was Daoist Nan'an."

Daoist Nan'an, the most powerful Dharma cultivator of the human race before the rise of Xia Daozu, was gradually surpassed by Xia Daozu... Lu Qingshan flashed some information about Daoist Nan'an in his mind.

"The technique is close to Dao, boy, with your accomplishments in kendo, your cultivation base is not low," Xia Daozu did not hesitate to praise Lu Qingshan, "Then you should know that the ten realms of cultivation are nine realms. Together, the ten realms are the ancestors."

Lu Qingshan nodded slightly and waited for the follow-up.

"What is the ancestral realm?"

"Ancestor, is the source of Tao, is the essence of the world."

"Ancestral realm, for monks other than Jianxiu, is to enter the core of the world and gain the power of the world..." Speaking of which, Xia Daozu explained patiently: "Jianxiu starts from the first Since the beginning of Jiujing, we have taken a completely different path from our own.

So I don't know if your sword cultivator's ancestral realm is still the same as ours, or even if your sword cultivator has an ancestral realm. "

This was something Li Qiubai had already told, so Lu Qingshan was not surprised.

"The Daoist Nan'an started very early, trying to break the ancestors. Although he has not been successful, he has been able to enter the Daoyuan realm... The Daoism of this realm is actually an external manifestation of the Three Thousand Dao. "

"That is to say, comprehending these Dao Dharmas is beneficial to comprehend the Dao, so Dao Master Nan'an has practiced in this world for a long time.

It was also during this period that Daoist Nan'an and the natives of the Daoyuan Realm had karma, and finally helped the Daoyuan Realm people to quell the first White Ghost problem. "

"Daoist Nan'an and I are both teachers and friends. After my cultivation became higher and there was hope of breaking my ancestors, he gave all his experience, including his experience in the Taoyuan world."

Xia Daozu continued: "Later, I broke through the ancestral realm and entered the core of the world. I told you before that the world is divided into three layers, so if I want to enter the innermost layer of the world, I first came to the Taoyuan realm."

"Daoyuan Realm, I came by myself."

"If it is said that the consumption of Daoyuan by the Yuanjie human race is a hidden danger in the eyes of Tiandao, then my behavior of breaking through the ancestral realm and obtaining the power of the world is a direct threat to it.

- The power of the world is fixed, and if I acquire a part, the Dao of Heaven will become weak. "

"In fact, for some reason, my ancestors are already strong, very reluctant.

Therefore, I was caught by Tiandao, and although I succeeded in breaking my ancestors in the end, I was also attacked by Tiandao. I had to use the method of acting as a substitute at the cost of splitting part of my primordial spirit, which was a temporary solution to the problem of backlash. "


Lu Qingshan frowned.

"After I broke my ancestors, the Heavenly Dao weakened, and in order to stop the loss, its desire to exterminate the Daoyuan Human Race became more and more urgent.

But in fact, it has already launched the second White Walker revival three thousand years ago, but that time the White Walker was still quelled due to the law of causality. "

"It was appeased by you kid," Xia Daozu added: "It's not a simple appeasement. Your kid even destroyed the source of the White Ghost directly, eliminating the possibility of a third White Ghost revival."

"Good boy, really can..." He said leisurely.

In other words, Xia Daozu's days of breaking his ancestors were pushed back three thousand years from the current time period... If so, why did he see Xia Ming, who called himself Daozu, here?

Lu Qingshan had new doubts in his heart, but he was immediately understood.

"However, Tiandao quickly found a way to make up for it," Xia Daozu's light and shadow became thinner, and gradually became out of shape, and even his voice became vague, "That's me."

"The part of my Primordial Spirit that I had to split has become the hope of Heavenly Dao to make up for it all."

"It uses the time backtracking created by the karma method to send my split primordial spirit back to the chaotic time period when the karma method takes effect.

Then devoured my consciousness with the power of backlash that existed on the primordial spirit, and then merged with the dead in the Yellow Springs Lake to create the terrifying White Ghost that you just defeated. "

"As you can see, since this primordial spirit is only a fragmented fragment, it is extremely fragile, and it can barely maintain its form by relying on death energy, and it will dissipate once it leaves this Yellow Spring Lake.

Therefore, all it can do is to wait and see, waiting for your arrival here, UU reading www. is destined to come. "

This is the reason why the outside world "dare to call the sun and the moon into a new sky", and the King of the White Walkers still didn't respond... Lu Qingshan's mood gradually returned to calm.

Heaven, that's all.

"There are thousands of calculations in the sky, but after all, it doesn't count that you are stronger than you imagined, and it doesn't count that my consciousness on the primordial spirit has not been completely wiped out, and there is still a little spiritual light left."

"Do you still have any questions?" Little Guanghua was escaping from Xia Daozu's light and shadow.

After all, he is just a little inspiration, and dissipating is the inevitable end.

"Senior, how serious is the backlash of Heaven's Dao..." Lu Qingshan hesitated for a while, and said bluntly: "In my time, you have disappeared for 20,000 years."

Whether Xia Daozu is still alive is a matter of concern to everyone in the sky and the abyss.


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