This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 48: Only 1 person counts

"Twenty thousand years," Xia Daozu murmured: "Cause and effect Dao Fa has such a powerful divine power that it can bring you here from time and space twenty thousand years later..."

A reversal of cause and effect across 20,000 years of time and space, even in the eyes of Xia Daozu, is an extremely incredible thing.

But in fact, this is also a miracle that cannot be replicated.

Because of the emergence of this miracle, in addition to the power of the karma method itself, the bond between Lu Qingshan and Qin Yitian is also indispensable.

Without deep enough cause and effect, how can it span time and space?

"I don't know either." Here, Xia Daozu finally gave his answer.

"You have to know that I am only a part of the Primordial Spirit that was split to solve the backlash of the Heavenly Dao, so what I know only stays at the moment of being split."

Thinking that he could know some traces of Xia Daozu, Lu Qingshan was a little disappointed.

"However," Xia Daozu added: "Based on what I know about myself, if what you said is true, I have disappeared for 20,000 years in your time, then even if I didn't die, the situation must be very bad. You'd better not expect too much."

"In my day, we kept the sky.

If in your era, the sky is in danger, it is your responsibility to keep it, instead of expecting me to stand up. "

"A generation has a generation's responsibility."

"Boy, work hard."

A breeze blows.

The light and shadow transformed by Xia Daozu finally spilled out to a certain extent, completely dispersed, and could no longer maintain its form.

It finally vanished.

The scene in front of Lu Qingshan's eyes began to revolve at the moment when the light and shadow disappeared.

When he came back to his senses again, he was already on the hustle and bustle of Huangquan Lake, surrounded by gold and iron horses.

As if everything that happened just now was just a dream of Nanke.

But the words "work hard" in my ears are still echoing, declaring what just happened.

Lu Qingshan felt a sense of loss in his heart, but there was a certain kind of mind that he had never had before filling his heart.

Before that, although he didn't say it, Lu Qingshan knew that he more or less had some hopes of Xia Daozu's salvation in his heart.

But now, he doesn't think about it at all.

As a sword cultivator, you should rely on the sword in your hand, not anyone else.


On the battlefield with the sound of gold and iron, the battle situation is still very fierce.

Lu Qingshan looked around, his heart moved, and a magical power emanated from his palm again, spreading to the surroundings.

The ice layer on the lake centered on his feet dries up quickly as the force spreads.

The power of mountains and seas.

Lu Qingshan, who once again obtained extraordinary power, let out a long roar, strode out and joined the battlefield.

He took an ownerless warhorse scurrying around, jumped on the horse's back, and rushed towards the place where the White Walkers were most densely populated.

The White Walkers saw that Lu Qingshan's momentum was fierce, and the Other Ghosts had already rushed to block with their swords, and they did not want Lu Qingshan to charge.

With a wave of Lu Qingshan's right hand, Dragon Sparrow wiped the throat of a White Walker, and a stream of blue blood splashed across his eyes.

Even the White Walkers couldn't stop him, let alone these ordinary White Walkers?

Every time Lu Qingshan used his sword, he aimed at the vital part of the White Walkers. In an instant, he fired more than 20 swords and killed more than 20 White Walkers.

This raid was truly as fast as lightning. This place was originally more numerous and gained a lot of advantages for the time being. Now it was smashed by Lu Qingshan, and the formation was in chaos, and there was no resistance.

Even though he was in a chaotic battlefield, Lu Qingshan seemed to be strolling in the courtyard, waving the frosty one and avoiding him with his long sword.

A large number of the Others were killed and scattered, and the army was defeated like a mountain, and the rout of the Others was a foregone conclusion.

The Qingshan Army's casualties were actually much lighter than expected.

Probably because the morale has been stimulated to the extreme, and the combat power of the Qingshan Army has also been improved.

Since the resurrection of the White Ghosts, the human race has never had such a great victory, and the death of the King of the White Ghosts under the sword of Lu Qingshan made the crowd even more excited and fearless to die.

This battle lasted from the third watch of the month until the rising sun, and finally there was no other white ghost on the huge Yellow Springs Lake.

The first ray of golden sunlight shone down, and it happened to fall on Lu Qingshan's body, illuminating him brilliantly, like a Buddha giving birth to light.

Everyone looked up and looked at Lu Qingshan's tall and straight figure in the sunlight, there was a feeling that he was about to soar.

Gu Tianyan, who was covered in blood and looked exhausted, walked over from not far away, but her eyes were full of excitement.

"General, the Other Ghosts have been completely annihilated. Today's achievements of the Qingshan Army are well-known in the world, and they will surely be passed down through the ages, benefiting all generations."

"Dawn has come." Gu Tianyan looked up at the sky and looked at the dazzling morning sun, her eyes gradually turned red, but she didn't know if it was stabbed by the sun or something.

Lu Qingshan looked at Gu Tianyan, who had been with him for more than 20 years and had been doing his best to help him, and laughed softly: "Tianyan, the sunrise does not necessarily mean light, the sun is nothing but a morning star, only when we wake up. , that's the real dawn."

"So the moment the Qingshan Army swept the world, dawn had already arrived."



"Yi Tian......"

Lu Qingshan woke up from the dream, and what he saw when he opened his eyes was not the roof, but the starry sky.

The sky is boundless, and the stars are dotted.

"The general fell asleep on the roof again?" At this moment, a soft female voice came from below.

Lu Qingshan looked down and saw Qin Yitian, who looked stunning and luxurious in an ancient group of red palace costumes, was holding a lantern and looking up at him.

The place where he was located was impressively the roof of the imperial study room of the Qin Palace.

"I saw that the general seemed to be calling my name in his sleep." Qin Yitian's lips curved into a beautiful arc.

Lu Qingshan sighed, and in front of Qin Yitian, he did not use the palace to hide his feelings, "There are only five years left until the thirty-year period, and we have basically tried all the healing methods that exist in this world. But still none of the Taoist methods work for you...

Are you in no hurry? "

After the final battle of the Yellow Springs Lake, Lu Qingshan completely destroyed the Yellow Springs Lake through the power of the mountains and seas, cutting off the possibility of the White Walkers reviving, and then the teacher returned to the house.

Since then, the world will be at peace, and there will be no more ghosts.

Sweeping Liuhe to sway the world and pacify the ghosts, who is the tiger looking at it?

One person can change the world, nothing more than that.

Daoyuan Realm presents a state of prosperity that has never been seen before.

But contrary to the joy of the common people, Lu Qingshan was in deep distress, and the reason was naturally Qin Yitian.

"General, I was mentally prepared to face all this from the moment I applied the Law of Karma.

If the general found a way, it would be an unexpected joy. If he didn't find a way, it was normal. "

"I don't want to think so much about the future," Qin Yitian said softly, as if he meant something, "For me, I think it's more important to cherish the present day... "

She paused, the water in her eyes flowed, looking at Lu Qingshan and continued: "And the person in front of her."

Lu Qingshan didn't notice it, he waved his hand, "You don't have to think about it, but I can't."

He jumped off the roof and landed in front of Qin Yitian, "Since I said I would find a way to save you."

"Then we must do what we say." Lu Qingshan looked into Qin Yitian's eyes and said seriously.

"General, these are really not important to me," Qin Yitian looked at Lu Qingshan's firm expression, UU reading www.uukanshu. com couldn't help touching the soft intestines, "Now that the affliction of the Other Ghosts has subsided, the Qin Kingdom is dominating the world, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. If I am not satisfied, I am too greedy."

Lu Qingshan slapped Qin Yitian on the head.

Her Royal Highness obviously did not expect Lu Qingshan to do such a move, subconsciously exclaimed and stared at him with wide eyes.

"If I can't save you, what's the point of me coming to this world?" Lu Qingshan said.

Although his status in Daoyuan Realm is supreme now, for Lu Qingshan, the entire Daoyuan Realm is just a small foreign land, and what he experienced during this period is just a game to him. .

Only Qin Yitian is different.

She is the only reason Lu Qingshan came to this world.

If you can't save her, what if you save the world?


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