This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 49: God Forsaken

Qin Yitian rubbed his head with a bitter look on his face. After all, he did not dare to refute any more, and said in a low voice, "Then what will the general do?"

Lu Qingshan turned around on the spot a little irritably.

Suddenly, he stood still and looked at Qin Yitian with a serious face, "If the price for your survival is that you have to leave your hometown and follow one person all the time, inseparable, living and dying together, would you like to?"

In the dark palace hall, the palace lantern in Qin Yitian's hand could not shine through.

She blinked, looked at Lu Qingshan's flickering face, and asked, "Whose side are you following?"

"It makes a big difference?"

"Of course," Qin Yitian said briskly, "I am the princess of Qin, the ruler of the most powerful country in this land. How can I be someone else's sidekick?"

"However, if that person is a general," she blinked mischievously, "if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem unacceptable."

After saying this, Qin Yitian found that Lu Qingshan had lost his voice, and when he took a closer look, he saw his eyes sparkling, and an indescribable peculiar emotion flashed on his face.

"Yi Tian, ​​maybe some things are really destined." After a long silence, Lu Qingshan called Yi Tian's name for the first time in this world.

He strode out and walked outside the palace.

Qin Yitian looked messy, "Where are you going, General?"

"Find a way to save you." Lu Qingshan said.

Qin Yitian still wanted to say something, and took small steps to chase out.

The moonlight is bright, like water pouring on the ground, Lu Qingshan is walking on the moon, and the speed is fast, already vaguely can only see the back of the illusory, and soon disappears without a trace.

Where is this going?

She couldn't help stamping her feet.

Qin Yitian looked up at the roulette-empty moon in the sky, and thought of what Lu Qingshan had just said, he couldn't help but recall the desperate night when he performed the Dao Fa. The moon was also so bright.

Unconsciously, things in the world have changed, because of her karma and the arrival of Lu Qingshan, everything has changed, the world is peaceful, singing and dancing are peaceful.

She said silently in her heart: "General, you left your hometown for me and came to Daoyuan Realm to calm the ghosts and bring stability to Daoyuan Realm. Why would I be unwilling to follow you?"

Although Lu Qingshan didn't say anything, but from Lu Qingshan's occasional emotions, Qin Yitian was keenly aware that in Lu Qingshan's world, it was also not peaceful and faced the invasion of foreign enemies.


Two years later.


This used to be the territory of the Meng Kingdom, one of the nine great kingdoms, but now the Daoyuan world has long lost the theory of the nine great kingdoms.

Qin is the most powerful country in the world, and the only country.

Thunderclouds are densely covered, and the dark black peaks are like quenched blades, piercing straight into the sky.

This is a barren and dangerous place.

But in such a place, there is a small ancient temple located in it.

The name of the temple is inscribed on the plaque at the entrance of the ancient temple.

"Little Leiyin Temple".

In front of the ancient temple, there is a vigorous ancient Bodhi tree, and six or seven people can't hug it, but the ancient trunk has long been hollow, as if withered to death.

bang bang bang-

There was a knock on the temple door of the ancient temple of loneliness.

Not long after, someone in the temple hurried out and opened the temple door.

A man stood at the door, showing his snow-white teeth, and said with a smile, "Who is here to talk?"

The young man who opened the door had a weak leg and was about to fall to the ground.

That man, no one in the world does not know him today.

The great general of protecting the country, Lu Qingshan.


in the ancient temple.

There is a stone Buddha standing inside, and an ancient bronze lamp next to it, swaying a little bit of brilliance.

Lu Qingshan looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the stone Buddha, and asked, "Abbot believes in Buddha?"

"Amitabha, the general is joking, this is a temple, and naturally he believes in Buddhism." Abbot Pudu replied calmly, seemingly calm. only

He was holding a string of rosary beads in his hand, which was constantly rolling at this time, showing that his heart was not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface.

"In that case, you shouldn't be so hostile to me, you should support me. After all, what I'm doing is in line with your Buddhist principles, making all living beings equal."

"Besides, I'm not like a Buddha, I just talk about it, I really did it," Lu Qingshan pointed outside the temple gate, "Now everyone in the world can learn peerless martial arts and have the opportunity to be promoted. No longer monopolized by sectarian families, this is true equality."

Lu Qingshan said proudly, with inexhaustible pride.

Abbot Pudu looked at the man in front of him with a very complicated mood.

While this man made the world "equal", he also created countless murders, causing chaos in the world, and I don't know how many people died because of his family.

But he led the army to quell the White Walkers, ruled the world, and let the people live a prosperous life. I don't know how many people survived because of him.

So, are such people good or evil?

Abbot Purdue couldn't say it either.

"The general came to visit, what did he do?" Abbot Pudu asked with a sigh.

"Naturally it's not for the descendants you protect," Lu Qingshan said calmly, "If I wanted to kill them all, they wouldn't be able to escape in the first place."

"The poor monks have long since become ordained, and worldly affairs have nothing to do with me. To me, they are not my descendants, but ordinary people who are in distress. I am compassionate, so I am here to save them."

"Don't tell me these things, I'm too lazy to listen," Lu Qingshan waved his hand indifferently, "Meng Feng, I know that you are the one who has the deepest grasp of the law of Fengtian Dao in the royal family of Meng Kingdom, I need you The method of sealing the heavens."

Meng Feng, the last King Meng of the Meng Kingdom, handed over the throne to the crown prince in his middle age, and went into the deep mountains and forests to devote himself to cultivating Buddhism.

"The great general of the state of Qin's protection is omnipotent, yet there is still time to turn to others for help?" Abbot Pudu seemed to be questioning and sarcastic.

"Help?" Lu Qingshan looked at Meng Feng in surprise, "Why do you think I'm asking you for help?"

"I'm just telling you."

Abbot Pudu was finally unable to maintain the calm on his face, and the expression on his face changed for a while, and finally said: "What if I don't want it?"

"So when I attacked King Meng's city, I didn't kill them all, but let your descendants escape and hide with you." Lu Qingshan said calmly.

After a long silence.

"General, you are not a Buddha..." Abbot Pudu put his hands together and finally said, "But according to the general's instructions."

"Of course I'm not a Buddha, I'm taller than a Buddha," Lu Qingshan clapped his hands, and then sincerely praised: "Those who know current affairs are handsome, and the abbot is indeed a master, and he knows the Buddha's Dharma."

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie is not a saying in Buddhism, Abbot Pudu said silently in his heart, and then the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and he said nothing.


Another year later.


Gu Mansion.

Gu is Gu Tianyan's Gu.

Now Daoyuan Qin, Lu Weizun, and then Gu.

"After so many years, the general hasn't changed at all, but I'm much older." Gu Tianyan said with emotion when she saw Lu Qingshan's face that had hardly changed from twenty years ago.

"Thank you for your hard work," Lu Qingshan nodded and said, "You should be almost unable to hold back."

"Yes," Gu Tianyan nodded, "Even though I have stopped practicing martial arts over the years, the feeling of soaring has become more and more obvious since the outbreak of the White Ghosts was quelled. I want to suppress it. It's also getting harder."

The Qingshan swordsmanship is spread all over the world, but so far, Gu Tianyan is the only one in the huge Daoyuan world who has practiced the Qingshan swordsmanship to twelve, and has reached the pinnacle of martial arts, only under Lu Qingshan.

Gu Tianyan is the most talented person in this world in martial arts.

Soaring during the day, breaking through the void.

This was the trajectory of Lu Qingshan, and now Gu Tianyan is going to follow this path.

It was only after the affliction of the Other Ghosts was subsided that Lu Qingshan approached Gu Tianyan and made a request to let him try his best to suppress his ascension and slow down the time of Wu Po Void.

Gu Tianyan, who has great respect for Lu Qingshan, naturally agreed, but now that he is close to the limit, even if he wants to suppress it, he can't suppress it, so Lu Qingshan is called.

Lu Qingshan still had a faint smile on his face, not surprised.

He had already made all the preparations.

"For anyone practicing martial arts, breaking the void is the highest yearning. For what I want, you stay in the world for so long, so I owe you a favor." Lu Qingshan said.

"Don't dare, if there is no general, how can Tianyan be today?" Gu Tianyan bowed his hands and respected, and the golden horse and iron horse of the previous 20 years flashed before his eyes.

It was a dream trip.

"What I'm offering is just an opportunity. You have today. In the end, it's up to you." Lu Qingshan did not take credit.

"Next, you don't need to suppress it deliberately. After ten days, it's time for you to ascend." Then, he looked solemn and said solemnly: "However, you must understand that after ascension, everything has just begun. "

"Listen carefully, next time I read the exercises, you have to memorize them word for word, that will be your reliance after your ascension." Lu Qingshan said seriously.

Hearing this, Gu Tianyan immediately sat upright and focused.

So the two sat opposite each other, one read and the other listened.

After a long time, Gu Tianyan was in a trance, as if there was some kind of magic in Lu Qingshan's words, which made him dazed.

"General, what kind of exercise is this?" He couldn't help asking.

"Returning to the Ruins, this set of exercises can only be practiced after you have ascended to a new world."

"That is a world that is much larger than Daoyuan Realm. This exercise will be your important reliance, but as I said, in the end, you still have to rely on yourself."

"New world..." Gu Tianyan's face showed a longing look.

"There are still a lot of things to pay attention to, you should also remember."

Next, Lu Qingshan taught Gu Tianyan all the matters to be paid attention to in the cultivation world. At this moment, the two were not like generals and subordinates, but more like masters and apprentices.

This is Lu Qingshan's thanks to Gu In Lu Qingshan's account, Gu Tianyan gradually gained a little understanding of the colorful world, and then recalled the origin of the world where God created the Other Ghosts - the World of Other Ghosts Lu Qingshan also told Gu Tianyan the truth about the source.

"Compared to that world, Daoyuan Realm is simply a world abandoned by God." Gu Tianyan said with emotion.

For mortals, the sky is the supreme god, and it turns out that this **** is trying to destroy them.

"A world abandoned by God?" Here, Lu Qingshan was stunned when he heard the words, as if he suddenly thought of something.

Finally, he shook his head and said calmly, "That world is not necessarily blessed by God."

Lu Qingshan got up and strode out the door, "You should be prepared, ten days later, it will be your time to soar."

All is ready except for the opportunity.


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