This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 50: Dragon Sparrow Sword Spirit

Qin State, Star Observatory.

Lu Qingshan propped his head against the desk.

The table was filled with snacks such as peanuts, fruits, cakes, and sitting opposite him was Qin Yitian, who was dressed in light clothes.

The two looked up at the vast sea of ​​stars in the sky for a long time.

"General, the world you're talking about is really countless times bigger than Daoyuan Realm?" Qin Yitian peeled off a grape, handed it to Lu Qingshan, and asked softly.

"Of course, this place is too small." Lu Qingshan said.

Qin Yitian looked around.

Condescending, thousands of lights.

It's just that Qincheng is so deep and vast, how can this world be so small?

It's not that the world is too small, it's that the man's heart is too big.

Lu Qingshan took another piece of pastry from the desk and stuffed it into his mouth, muttering, "Eating two more pieces is considered a local specialty, and I won't have the chance to eat it in the future."

Hearing this, Qin Yitian looked at Lu Qingshan in surprise, "The general is also preparing to leave Daoyuan Realm?"

"You're gone, what am I still doing here?" Lu Qingshan said as a matter of course.

"Didn't the general say that the Dao law of our Daoyuan world is the embodiment of the three thousand avenues, and it is of great help for the monks to realize the Dao? You won't stay for a while, so that you can comprehend it?"

"His Royal Highness, there are also differences between monks. I am a sword cultivator, and a sword cultivator does not need to be enlightened," Lu Qingshan said calmly: "My way, I will walk by myself."

Join the Tao, merge the Tao, and compete with the heaven for the power of the world?

What does that have to do with Jianxiu?

The power of Jianxiu does not come from the sky, nor from the earth, but only from the sword in his hand and the will in his heart.

"Jianxiu..." Qin Yitian's lips curled into a smile, for some reason, he always had an inexplicable affection for this identity.

"You have arranged everything in Qin country?" Lu Qingshan asked instead.

Qin Yitian nodded, "I originally assumed that as soon as the time came, I would die under the law of cause and effect, so I started to arrange things after a long time..."

"I won't let you die." Lu Qingshan interrupted Qin Yitian.

Qin Yitian looked at Lu Qingshan, nodded sweetly with a smile, "I know."

Her eyes wandered, and she landed on the dragon bird that Lu Qingshan placed beside the desk, "Those who die because of swords have to live because of swords, no matter how you think about it, it's very strange."

"Aren't you afraid?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"The sky is not afraid, so why be afraid of this?" Qin Yitian shook his head indifferently.

At this moment, her body seems to exude a light that even if it is the sky, she must face it squarely.


After five days.

Outside Qincheng, a lonely peak and cliff stands in the forest sea.

The vast forest is below, and the snow drifts for thousands of miles above.

Looking down from here, Qincheng is unobstructed.

It is just the danger of a lonely peak, which is generally difficult for others to climb, so there are few footprints involved in this.

But today on the cliff is extremely lively.

Two figures jumped up from under the cliff.

They are agile in their movements and light in their movements.

But when they climbed the cliff and saw the man who had been waiting at the top of the cliff, looking at his tall back, complex emotions suddenly surfaced in their hearts.

There is subconscious fear and hatred, as well as irrepressible respect.

Although the lonely peak is high and the cliff is dangerous, how can there be such an unattainable man in front of him?

The two stepped forward and saluted respectfully, "General."

Lu Qingshan turned around and nodded slightly, "You guys are here."

There are three thousand Dao Laws in the Daoyuan Realm, the first Dao Dao is the cause and effect, and there are eight Da Dao Dao methods under it, each of which is held by the eight great upper kingdoms.

Meng Guo held the title of Heavenly Dao Fa, and the main seal.

The state of Wei, who mastered the spiritual and Taoist methods of Yuanyuan, turned corruption into magic.

The two people in front of them, one of them was Abbot Pudu, the former king of Meng Guoguo, who had the deepest mastery of Fengtian Dao, and the other was the former King of Wei, Wei Yun, who was also extremely proficient in Yuanling Dao.

On the cliff, there are three people besides Lu Qingshan.

Qin Yitian, Gu Tianyan and a very young woman - Qin Lingfeng, the next ruler of the Qin state chosen by Qin Yitian.

Yes, the next leader of the Qin state is still a woman.

It's not that Qin Yitian doesn't look down on men, it's just that she started cultivating successors early in the morning, but there are ten people next to Qin's royal family, all of whom are noble, how can they really accept Lu Qingshan's ideas?

Even if some people accept it on the surface, they are probably pretending it.

In the end, only Qin Lingfeng, who had lost both her parents since she was a child, was alone all year round, and was accompanied by animals was the one who could accept Lu Qingshan's philosophy the most.

It is a pity that Qin Lingfeng is not the most talented of all, even only in the middle and lower ranks.

With the current size of the Qin state, and without enough talent, can it really be managed well?

So Qin Yitian was very hesitant at first, and asked Lu Qingshan's opinion.

"If there are external and internal troubles, the monarch's ability is naturally the most important, but if the world is peaceful and the country is strong, then the most important thing for the monarch is virtue." Lu Qingshan did not give an answer directly, but just said something like this.

In the end, Qin Yitian made Qin Lingfeng his successor.


"Everyone has arrived, it's almost time to start." Lu Qingshan looked around, paused, and said.

When everyone heard the words, their faces immediately became extremely solemn.

Before they came, they already knew what they were going to do today.

It is because of knowing, so fear.


"General." Gu Tianyan stepped out of the crowd, with a generous stature, and bowed to Lu Qingshan.

"Decades of hard work, and finally taking this unprecedented step, congratulations." Lu Qingshan said with a smile.

"Thanks to the general's care and support." Gu Tianyan was deeply grateful for the man in front of him.

"Okay, let's get started!" Lu Qingshan waved his hand with a faint smile on his face.

With a bang, the dragon sparrow came out of its sheath, and the tip of the sword was slanted in front of everyone, shining brightly.

The sword of Qin Guozheng, the first weapon in the Taoyuan world, is also the "Daoyuan" itself.

The dragon bird is the "Daoyuan".

Only Daoyuan can perform such a powerful Dao method as Causal Dao.

"Abbot Pudu, it's up to you." Lu Qingshan's eyes fell on Abbot Pudu who was waiting.

"But according to the general's will." Abbot Pudu stepped out, his hands condensed with fingerprints, and he did not hesitate to perform the Taoist method.

In his hand, light and shadow burst out suddenly.

"Fengtian!" Afterwards, Abbot Pudu took a deep breath and looked at the dragon bird that was inserted not far in front of him. His eyes flashed. To the Dragon Sparrow.


The Dragon Sparrow sword began to tremble, making a wailing sound, as if to resist the approach of the beam.

Lu Qingshan tapped the hilt of the Dragon Sparrow's sword, "Don't make trouble, I'll apologise to you first."


Longque seemed to understand Lu Qingshan's meaning, and gradually controlled himself to calm down, letting the beam of light get close to him.

After the beam approached the dragon bird, it suddenly scattered into countless marks, which were branded on the dragon bird's sword.

The dragon bird was shocked, and the whole body became bright.

Then, strands of red silk threads overflowed from the dragon sparrow like a cocoon, intertwined in the air.

Abbot Pudu's body trembled slightly.

In those red silk threads, he sensed an almost terrifying force.

It's just that he raised his head and glanced at Lu Qingshan, who had a cold and icy look, and then silently lowered his head again and kept clenching his hands.

There are more and more red lines, constantly entangled, spinning rapidly along a center, and gradually starting to congeal.

But Abbot Purdue became more and more laborious, and the hands that condensed the mark began to tremble.


Finally, Abbot Pudu couldn't hold it any longer, a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth and landed on the ground, his hands trembled, and the brilliance dissipated.

He has reached his limit.

Drop yo!

Above the dragon bird, the number of red lines has also reached a certain level, and the rotation is getting faster and faster, making it impossible for the naked eye to see, and it begins to shrink.

In a burst of dazzling red light, a diamond-shaped red crystal diamond appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the dragonfinch, which was emitting a bright light before, it was much dimmed to the naked eye, and the aura was not obvious.

"General, this is part of the divine power of Dragon Sparrow." Abbot Pudu said in a hoarse voice.

The seal of the Lord of the Heavenly Dao can seal everything in the world.

Lu Qingshan is now using Abbot Pudu's method of sealing the heavens to strip and seal part of the divine power of the dragon bird.

As for the purpose.....

Lu Qingshan stretched out his hand and grabbed the blazing red crystal diamond in his hand.

Jingzhuan struggled in his hand and moved in the direction of the Dragon Sparrow, as if he wanted to drill back into the Dragon Sparrow Sword, but was firmly grasped by Lu Qingshan in the palm of his hand, unable to move.

Lu Qingshan turned to look at Wei Yuan beside him.

"Master Wei, it's your turn," he said.

Wei Yuan nodded solemnly, walked to Qin Yitian's side, and said cautiously, "Your Highness, I need your cooperation."

Qin Yitian's eyes fell on Lu Qingshan's face unconsciously. After seeing Lu Qingshan nodding to him indiscernibly, he was holding his heart tightly, but he relaxed unconsciously.

"No problem," she replied.

Wei Yuan stopped talking nonsense, and also condensed the seal with his hands, and the blue light was born, and in an instant, it enveloped Qin Yitian's tall figure.

"Your Highness, do you feel the power of traction?" he guided.

Qin Yitian closed his eyes and nodded in response.

"Relax, and then move forward with this pulling force, and I will pull your soul out." Wei Yuan reminded.

Yuanling is Yuanshen.

Under the cover of blue light, Qin Yitian's body gradually became illusory and blurred. At the same time, the same hazy light and shadow gradually emerged from her heavenly spirit.


When Qin Yitian opened his eyes again, he had a much higher perspective than before.

She looked down, and suddenly saw "self" with her eyes closed.

Is this what it feels like to be out of your body?

Qin Yitian, who was already mentally prepared, stretched out his hand and looked at his illusory palm. What he felt was not panic, but novelty.

Here, Wei Yuan stopped moving with a pale face, and saluted Lu Qingshan: "General, as you wish."

"Very good." Lu Qingshan nodded, and then his eyes fell on Qin Yitian's primordial spirit.

"Everything went well," he said.

"It's a fantastic idea for the general to come up with such a method." Qin Yitian sighed, still feeling it was too incredible, the scene of Lu Qingshan and her detailing the plan at that time appeared in his mind:

"The price of applying the karma method is your life. This is the cause and effect, the cause and effect that cannot be avoided."

"But what if you became a dragon sparrow? So what?"

"The cause and effect between you and the dragon bird has become the cause and effect of the dragon bird itself.

And cause and effect, exists only between the two independent ones, that is to say, the cause and effect disappears out of thin air. "

"...But I became a dragon sparrow? How can I do this? How can a man become a sword?" Qin Yitian's first reaction was to hear Lu Qingshan's plan, even if he trusted Lu Qingshan extremely It feels so ridiculous.

"People can't become swords, but they can become sword spirits." Lu Qingshan gave his answer.

"Sword Spirit?" To Qin Yitian, this is still an extremely unfamiliar term.

"Yes, the sword spirit," Lu Qingshan had already thought about everything, "as long as you put the primordial spirit in the dragon bird, as time goes by, you will gradually assimilate with the dragon bird and become the dragon bird sword spirit."

"Dragon Sparrow contains infinite divine power, and it will instinctively expel and obliterate foreign objects.

Therefore, I found Abbot Puxian, and it is through his method of sealing the heavens, peeling off and sealing part of the divine power of the dragon bird, so that there is space in the dragon bird enough to accommodate you. "

This is the inspiration that Longque had brought to Lu Qingshan by the experience of being contaminated by demonic energy.

"Then, with the help of Wei State's Yuanling Dao method, help your Yuanshen get out of your body and settle in Longque."

"Finally, and the most critical step, it will take a long time for you to become a Dragon Sparrow Sword Spirit.

During this period of time, the stripped dragon bird's divine power must not return to the dragon bird, otherwise it will immediately obliterate you who have not yet controlled the dragon bird. "

"But the Dragon Sparrow is a divine sword, and it is instinct to absorb the stripped divine power.

Even if it is the method of sealing the heavens, it is absolutely impossible to seal it for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the dragon bird from the stripped part of the divine power to isolate it from its induction of its own power. "

"It's not an ordinary separation, because it's just a geographical distance, and it definitely won't play a big role in a divine sword like the Dragon Sparrow."

"There is only one way."

"The difference between the two worlds!"


Lu Qingshan was silent.

It's a whimsical idea, but it's not entirely true.

In fact, it is just a process he deduced backwards on the premise of known results.

It's like solving a math fill-in-the-blank problem, knowing the answer, and then solving the problem, it will undoubtedly be much simpler.

Here, after sighing, Qin Yitian didn't hesitate, his figure turned into a red light, and suddenly rammed into the dragon bird that was obliquely inserted on the ground, just in the blink of an eye, he was submerged in it.

And her body, after losing her primordial spirit, fell straight back, but fortunately, Lu Qingshan took a step forward and hugged her in time to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Lu Qingshan looked at Gu Tianyan.

"It's my turn," Gu Tianyan, who was watching all this, grinned, "General, then I'll take a step first."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Tianyan's entire personality changed drastically, and he pulled out the dragon bird that was inserted into the ground, like a **** who created the world, and swung out with his sword.

This swing of the sword seemed to shake the heaven and the earth.

A huge black hole with a width of more than ten feet appeared above the sky, with a huge suction that only aimed at Gu Tianyan alone.

Abbot Pudu, Wei Yuan and Qin Lingfeng all stared blankly.

"Broken Void!"

"Broken Void!"

"It's the Broken Void!"

Wu Breaking the The scene that only existed in legends appeared in front of their eyes.

Here, seeing the appearance of a black hole, Gu Tianyan strode forward, unexpectedly rising into the void.

This is a performance that is out of the limits of the Taoyuan realm.

One step seemed to be so close to the horizon, and in an instant, Gu Tianyan brought the dragon bird from the cliff to the sky.

Before entering the black hole, Gu Tianyan turned back and nodded slightly to Lu Qingshan, and finally plunged into the black hole completely.

After that, the black hole continued to be repaired, the opening of the hole continued to shrink, and finally disappeared.

"The journey is smooth." Lu Qingshan said silently.


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