This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 51: see the dragon in the sky


Over the sea in the southern region, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared along with a strange wave.

The space is slightly distorted.

Then, a figure and a fiery red beam were squeezed out of the vortex.

After the red light beam appeared, it streaked across the sky like a meteor, heading towards the depths of the sea.

In the end, it fell straight into the long sea, and after a wave of waves was stirred up, there was no sound at all.

As for the figure, it fell vertically above the sea.

Looking around, the sea is endless, and there is no place to land at all.

This is a desperate situation.

Fortunately, however, a large ship happened to be approaching this way.

The drenched man was rescued by the boat's sailors.

After half a day, the man woke up from the coma.

What caught his eye was a rather crude cabin architecture.

Memories flooded out like a tide.

He got up suddenly and looked around, as if looking for something.

At this moment, the door of the cabin was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged man with dark skin walked in.

"woke up?"

"How did you get into such a situation? Did you encounter a tsunami?"

The man hesitated, and finally nodded.

"My condolences, although it is unfortunate to encounter a tsunami, but fortunately in the misfortune, at least you met us," the middle-aged man comforted: "Life is still more important than anything else."

"My name is Li Tong, what's your name?"

"Gu Tianyan, thank you for saving me," Gu Tianyan cupped her hands in gratitude, then hesitated for a while, and asked, "I wonder if Brother Li found a sword nearby when he rescued me?"

Naturally, it was Dragon Sparrow that he asked.

"Sword?" Li Tong raised his eyebrows, then shook his head: "I didn't see it, it probably sank to the bottom of the sea long ago."

Although he looks rough, his mind is extremely delicate, "Why, this sword is very important to you?"

Gu Tianyan nodded, "It was a benefactor who asked me to place it here."

"You are a person who is very emotional. You are about to die, and you are still thinking about your benefactor's sword. It's interesting."

Gu Tianyan was silent for a while, and then asked, "Brother Li, where am I now?"

"This is the ship of the Li family in the Sea God Islands. We are going to send our second young master to the inland to learn from Shanhaige."

"Shanhai Pavilion?" Gu Tianyan murmured subconsciously.

"The great sect of the Southern Regions only opened its gates once in 20 years to accept disciples, and everyone can go to apprentice regardless of their backgrounds.

Of course, whether or not Shanhai Pavilion can take a fancy to depends on their own good fortune, but our second young master is born with outstanding spiritual roots, and we will definitely be able to worship Shanhai Pavilion. " Li Tong's tone is not without pride.


Taoyuan Realm.

Spring breeze and summer rain, autumn frost and winter snow, the four seasons change, and time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed since Gu Tianyan Wu broke the void.

Half a year ago, Her Royal Highness Princess Qin handed over the ruling power, ending her decades-long rule, and then disappeared, never appearing in front of the world again.

Some people say that the princess of Qin Kingdom lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and some people say that she fell ill and died. …

There are many stories and discussions, but the world has not undergone too many changes, nor has it been turbulent.

Because, although Qin Yitian is gone, the man is still there.

The man who seemed to be taller than the sky.

As long as the general protector of the country is still alive, the world will be at peace for one day.

Under the protection of Lu Qingshan, Qin Lingfeng successfully became the new King of Qin.

In fact, with the current strength of the Qin state, organizations that dare to oppose the Qin state no longer exist, and Qin Yitian has already formulated the general strategy and policy of the state.

The predecessors planted trees, and the later generations enjoyed the shade.

What Qin Lingfeng has to do is only to implement it.

Qin Yitian is no longer there, and the Daoyuan Realm has no meaning to Lu Qingshan.

Those Taoist laws in the eyes of Taoist Nan'an are the incarnation of the laws of heaven and earth, and Lu Qingshan regards them as if they were not.

Daoyuan Realm, he has gone through it once, and today's world is created by him.

For Lu Qingshan, everything was so stagnant, it couldn't make him interested in the slightest.

So he stayed at the observatory day after day, waiting for the passage of time.

In the eyes of others, their general seems to be a different person because of the departure of Her Royal Highness the Princess. He no longer has the previous high-spiritedness, and becomes decadent, and does not stay out of the house.

Only Qin Lingfeng knew that this was not the case - as the new king of Qin, she had visited Lu Qingshan several times during this period, and she would also come to ask Lu Qingshan's opinion when she encountered a difficult question.

As the only person who had contact with Lu Qingshan during this time, she clearly knew that Lu Qingshan was not becoming decadent, but rather aloof.


Qin Lingfeng once again boarded the star observation platform, and saw that Lu Qingshan was just like before, reclining and staring at the galaxy, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What's wrong?" Lu Qingshan's calm voice came.

Qin Lingfeng said embarrassedly: "General, Qin State is unifying the world too fast, and the expansion of territory will inevitably require a group of officials to govern.

Officials are generally from major families, but now the family has long since disintegrated. Before, we could keep the officials of various countries in their original positions and maintain the stability of the rule.

Now that twenty years have passed, many of those officials have reached the age of retirement. We need to replace a group of people from top to bottom, but these people do not know how to promote them. "

"If the replacement of officials is not completed in time, it will inevitably bring great inconvenience to the people."

"this is very simple."

"Simple?" Qin Lingfeng's eyes widened. She and the ministers pondered this question for a long time, but could not find a solution.

"Exam, hold an exam for all the people. The exam can be divided into two rounds of written test and interview, and the elites are selected in the most objective way, and then placed in various business positions in the country, state and county."

"According to the different requirements of different positions, separate, differentiated and professional inspections can be carried out."

"In addition, establish a strict promotion system and assessment system, and at the same time, according to the specific situation of the post, the number of places will be approved in advance in a planned way." Lu Qingshan added.

"But..." Qin Lingfeng faintly realized how terrifying the innovation this system would bring.

"Don't worry, just do it boldly. No matter how terrible it is, can it be as terrible as what we did back then?" Lu Qingshan wrote lightly.

Qin Lingfeng bit her lip and finally nodded, "I understand."

Lu Qingshan suddenly got up and stretched.

"I'm leaving," he said.

Qin Lingfeng was taken aback, even though she had known that this day would come eventually—Gu Tianyan broke through the void, how could Lu Qingshan, the number one powerhouse in the Daoyuan Realm, be willing to live in this small world?

But when this moment really came, she still felt extremely sudden, and even had some panic in her heart.

With Lu Qingshan around, she felt that she had a backer, and she was not afraid of everything.

Lu Qingshan is gone, no one can help her, can she really manage the behemoth of Qin State?

Although panicked and reluctant to give up, Qin Lingfeng did not say a word of retention after all.

Some people, even the sky can't hold him.

"When?" Qin Lingfeng asked.

"Right now."

Lu Qingshan laughed loudly, walked away, walked out, and disappeared into the deep palace in the blink of an eye.

Qin Lingfeng stood there, not knowing what to say.


on the cliff.

Lu Qingshan stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the boundless sky, the vast galaxy.

Beside him is a jade coffin.

In the jade coffin, is Qin Yitian's body, which has not changed at all compared with half a year ago under the abbot Pudu's consecration method.

"It's time to come." He said in his heart.

Suddenly, the vast stars emit brighter rays of light, one by one.

The world is brighter at this moment.

Everyone in the Daoyuan world raised their heads in surprise.

The stars change.

Lu Qingshan smiled and put his eyes down, as if he had melted the stars into his chest.

In the jade coffin, Qin Yitian's body became crystal clear, as if she could see her blood.

A little red light overflowed from Qin Yitian's body.


An unusual voice sounded in Lu Qingshan's arms.

Lu Qingshan took out something from his arms.

It was the crystal diamond that the dragon bird's divine power transformed into. Originally, with Gu Tianyan Wu breaking the void and taking the dragon bird away, it was completely silent.

But at this moment, it began to agitate again, as if sensing something.

"Cause and effect, only cause and effect can cross the river of time." Lu Qingshan muttered.

Because of the law of cause and effect, he was able to go against the river of time and come to this time and space.

It is only through the law of cause and effect that he can return to his own time and space.

Without this method, if Lu Qingshan breaks through the void, he will return to the sky under this space and time.

Therefore, he can only wait, waiting for the arrival of the time point that represents "fruit" when Qin Yitian performs the karma method.

Qin Yitian's body in the jade coffin began to dissipate, turning into a dense red light and gathering into a ball.

This is the law of karma to capture the power in Qin Yitian's blood and receive the fruit it should receive.

"Cause, effect..." Lu Qingshan had an epiphany.

He no longer hesitated, and wrapped the red light on his body.

At this time, the sky and the earth changed color, and a black hole appeared.

The red light belt landed on the green hill and went up.

As it rose, the red light seemed to absorb the radiance of the stars and became more and more fiery, enough to be seen by any creature in any corner of the Daoyuan Realm.

The group of red light changed shape on the way up, and finally outlined a huge blue dragon.

A long, indescribable sound resounded throughout the world.

That is Long Xiao.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked up at the sky, even if their eyes were sore, they refused to blink.

See the dragon in the sky.

This is a miracle.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon is gone, the stars are brilliant, there is no wind and no rain.

Qin Cheng Palace, on the star-gazing platform, Qin Lingfeng stared at the sky for a long time before she came back to her senses.

"General, let's go..."

No one had ever told her, but she was absolutely certain that the Canglong just now was definitely Lu Qingshan.

Only him.

only him.


The endless galaxy turned upside down, like a spinning kaleidoscope, leading Lu Qingshan forward.

This is the long river of time.

The deep and vast starry sky makes people lonely.

Lu Qingshan was not alone at all.

Through the endless years, he could see that there were many people waiting for him on the other side.

Lu Qingshan couldn't move, he could only go with the flow.

He quietly felt the passage of time, not caring about the time he experienced.

A moment is a thousand years.

Until he gradually began to regain control over his body.

Finally, the whole world in front of Lu Qingshan was suddenly dark.

Then, when the light appeared again, the whole world had returned to reality.

In front of him, the gray sea water hangs in the air, like a spectacular sky waterfall.

here is.......

Burial sea.

"Is all this a dream, or a real experience?" Rao is Lu Qingshan's nerves thick, and he is also a little dazed at the moment.

Suddenly, he was shocked and stared at his palm with wide eyes.

There, a fiery red crystal diamond was exuding incomparably blazing light and power.

At the same time, a sense of incomparable fit and control over the flesh was born in his heart inexplicably.

This is a symbol of complete harmony between the primordial spirit and the fleshly body.

This represents the unity of heaven and man in the state of integration, and he has completed it.

This means that Lu Qingshan can already lead the catastrophe and ascend to the eighth realm.


Qin Yitian's soft voice sounded in Lu Qingshan's ear.


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