This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 52: new magic

The dragon sparrow came out of the body.

The red light is dense and hazy.

Wearing a light and elegant palace dress, Qin Yitian, who was fiery red as a fire, appeared in front of Lu Qingshan with a smile.

Lu Qingshan felt that his tongue was a little dry.

"Are you Yitian, or the princess?" he asked.

According to the time in Daoyuan Realm, he and Qin Yitian have been separated for twenty or thirty years.

This was an extremely long period of time for Lu Qingshan.

"I'm Qin Yitian, the princess of the Qin country, and Qin Yitian, the dragon bird sword spirit." The sword spirit girl looked directly at Lu Qingshan's dark eyes, and her phoenix eyes were lacquered, "Sir, although my memory about the Qin country has recovered, but No matter what, I am your sword, always."

"That will never change."

Lu Qingshan exhaled slowly, an unspeakable emotion in his chest.

Is everything in the Daoyuan realm the cause or the effect?

This question, like the chicken or the egg, will never be answered.

"After leaving the Daoyuan Realm, what happened?" Lu Qingshan recalled the first meeting of Longtan, and couldn't help asking: "Didn't Tianyan bring Longque? How did Longque end up in Nanhai Longtan?"

"When General Gu took me out of Daoyuan Realm, I encountered the obstruction of Heaven's Dao's will."

Qin Yitian had already recalled everything, "General Gu broke through the void, this was an act that conformed to the rules of the Tao of Heaven, and the will of the Tao of Heaven should not be able to do anything."

"However, General Gu brought me," she frowned, "that is, the dragon bird, the dragon bird is an artifact of the Taoyuan essence combined with the karma method, and the Taoyuan is exclusive to the Taoyuan world. The thing, which makes Heavenly Dao have a name shot."

"Faced with the obstruction of the Dao of Heaven, out of the instinct of self-preservation, the dragon bird released its own divine power to resist the will of the Dao of heaven, but at that time, in order to allow me to live in the dragon bird, the dragon bird stripped off and sealed some of the dragon bird's divine power.

The lack of divine power makes Longque weaker than inferior in the confrontation with Tiandao's will.

Although at the last moment, General Gu still successfully entered the sky with the dragon bird, but the dragon bird's divine power was severely damaged, and I fell into a deep sleep.

In addition, the location that happened to appear was above the sea, and the dragon bird fell into the South China Sea Dragon Pool like this for 20,000 years. "

Heaven block? This was something he didn't expect.

However, it is impossible to cover everything in the world - in fact, isn't it precisely because of the existence of heaven's obstacles that the later encounter with Longtan?

Qin Yitian carefully recalled his experiences over the years: "There is no source of Taoism in the sky, so the recovery of the dragon bird's divine power is extremely slow.

And I slowly completed the assimilation with the Dragon Sparrow in my deep sleep, becoming the Dragon Sparrow Sword Spirit, and only woke up in recent years. "

"After assimilation with Dragon Sparrow, as Dragon Sparrow Sword Spirit, the damage to Dragon Sparrow's divine power also led to my lack of memory about Daoyuan, which is why I didn't recognize Young Master at first."

Speaking of this, Qin Yitian's eyes were like water, and he smiled and said: "However, I still fell in love with the son at a glance."

It seems to be the choice of fate, and it seems to be a doomed bond.

"As expected of my sword, I really have vision." Lu Qingshan patted Qin Yitian on the shoulder and praised sincerely.

Immediately, he raised his hand and said with a smile: "Since all the truth has been found, and your memories have been restored, it is time for the dragon bird to regain its divine light."

At this moment, in the palm of his hand, a fiery red crystal diamond shone brightly.

It was part of the Dragon Sparrow divine power crystallization that was stripped off in the Daoyuan Realm.

Now that Qin Yitian has completely controlled the dragon bird, this part of the divine power is returned to the original owner and will not cause any harm to Qin Yitian.

It seemed to feel the familiar power, and the dragon bird immediately made a humming sound.

In this continuous resonance, the crystals of divine power began to flow out of red silk threads as thin as silk, and the swallows sank into the sword of the dragon sparrow like a nest.

A red streamer flashed on the Dragon Sparrow Sword, and the dragon and phoenix lines lit up.

As the sword master, Lu Qingshan can clearly perceive that its power is getting stronger, at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This handle is about to reveal its true sharpness.

As the power of the dragon bird increases, the crystals of divine power become smaller and smaller.

Until the end, the crisp crystal shattering sound resounded, echoing between heaven and earth.

A burst of bright light suddenly erupted from the dragon bird.

Lu Qingshan only felt that the sky and the earth were vast. At this moment, except for the blazing brilliance, nothing could be seen.

At this time, his eyes were constantly scoured by a stream of data.

It is a dark blue panel that has not been seen for "30 years".

"Your natal sword: the divine power of the dragon bird has been revived."

"Long Que has completely awakened."

"You have the carrier of the first method, the artifact of the Taoyuan world, the source of the Tao, the Taoist tool: the dragon bird."

"The attributes of the dragon sparrow have changed."

Dragon Sparrow (Fire · Benming Sword)

Quality: Taoist

Supernatural powers:

[Daoyuan]: As a device of the Taoyuan, the dragon bird is not disturbed by any Taoist law.

This sword has infinite divine power.

[Breaking the Law]: The sword of the dragon bird can break all laws.

No enchantment, formation, domain, or spell will be able to resist this magical power.

Cooldown: 3 days

[Rebellion]: When receiving an attack/spell, this magical power can be released, and an additional sword is added to the attack/spell caster.

The power of the additional sword depends on the sword master.

The source of this magical power is cause and effect, so it is not affected by spatial distance, spells, etc., and a sword must be added.

Cooldown: 3 days

【Sword Spirit】: The sword of psychic.

The spirit of this sword reaches heaven and can be transformed into a human.

The spirit of this sword can master any sword skill that this sword has used.


Before the burial.

The brilliance that filled the world finally dissipated.

The dragon bird is shining brightly, suspended in front of Lu Qingshan, it seems no different from usual, but in fact, it has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original [Dragon Breath] and [Feng Ming] two supernatural powers disappeared, but at the same time, two new supernatural powers were added.

[Daoyuan] and [Reverse fate].

At the same time, the original [Breaking Method] and [Sword Spirit] have also undergone some changes.

The cooldown time of breaking the law has changed from the original thirty days to the current three days.

This is because the source of the power to break the law is the Dragon Sparrow itself, and now that the Dragon Sparrow's divine power is complete, its power recovery speed will naturally be greatly increased.

[Sword Spirit] is an additional line "This sword spirit can master any sword skill that this sword has used."

This means that Qin Yitian will also automatically master the sword skills that Lu Qingshan has mastered from now on. Obviously, the stronger the sword master, the stronger the magical power. The upper and lower limits are all determined by the sword master.

For this, Lu Qingshan has full confidence.

"Master, I've become stronger..." Qin Yitian also felt the changes in the dragon bird, and his tone became cheerful, "I will be able to provide you with more help in the future."

"Ouch! Sister Yitian's divine power has been restored, when will it be my turn!" Gu Yiyi's voice sounded out of time, "Lu Qingshan, you can't be so biased."

The Dragon Sparrow is an artifact of the Taoyuan realm, with infinite divine power.

But as an artifact of Huangquan Realm, Wangchuan should not be weak.

But because of the reason of [Zhenhai], the power displayed by Wang Chuan, who lost the source of his power, has never been very worthy of its name as a divine artifact.

Lu Qingshan didn't feel much about this, but Gu Yiyi, who only loved to pretend, couldn't bear it - how could he pretend if he didn't have the strength?

Hearing Gu Yiyi's words, Lu Qingshan couldn't help rolling his eyes - he remembered the origin of Huangquan Lake again.

"Don't worry, hurry up," he said softly to comfort Gu Yiyi: "Before, I was not strong enough to help you suppress the powerful enough sea."

As for now.....

Lu Qingshan looked at his panel. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Advanced requirements: In the realm of the unity of heaven and man, you need to draw your own primordial spirit into one body before you can ask questions, which will lead to the calamity. (Achieved

After nearly 30 years of experience in the Daoyuan Realm, the harmony between heaven and man, which he originally had the most headaches, has also been completed in a silent manner.

He is already qualified to be promoted to the Eighth Realm.

Lu Qingshan no longer hesitated, took out the Lingyu of the Great Xia Sutra (Crossing Tribulation) from the mustard seeds, and spit out two words toward the dark blue panel:


------off topic-----

It’s shameful to be out of chapter, but the data of the next chapter must be written in the notebook, but the person is out of town, and the specific panel information is on the computer, so I can only break the chapter first, and I will definitely finish writing the tribulation when I go back tomorrow.


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