This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 56: Who can stop me, who dare to stop me?

Lanting Sword Master's eyes were splitting, so angry that he could no longer maintain the sullen expression on his face.

His expression was ferocious, and his eyes were red.

No wonder he was so angry.

The 200,000 swords in Tianchi are not only the symbol of their sword-washing pool, but also the foundation of their sword-washing pool.

Without these 200,000 swords, could they still be called the Sword Washing Pond?


With one sword after another, the title is tailed, out of the pool, sliding out a delicate arc in the air, and flying towards Lu Qingshan.

Like a "moth to a fire", Lu Qingshan is the torch.

The number of long swords continued to increase, surrounding Lu Qingshan, forming a circle that turned round after round, like a forest of swords standing.

Sword Qi rustled.

"Young Master, there are many people." At this moment, Qin Yitian's voice sounded in Lu Qingshan's ear.

Lu Qingshan raised his eyes slightly, his eyes pierced through the gap between the long swords.

Countless cultivators of Xijian Pond are flying out of the guardian formation of Xijian Pond, densely filling the sky.

There is one characteristic of these Xijianchi cultivators, basically they are old-fashioned - when the Xijianchi cultivators shoulder the responsibility of guarding the border, most of them are not in the sect.

These old monks of Sword Washing Pond have lived for a long time.

Therefore, they also know the strength of Jianzong better than anyone else.

The existence of the sword sect, for the sword sect of the world, is the dark cloud above the head, making people invisible.

The prosperity of Jianzong has made other Jianxiu sects grow stronger, but they can only rank second.

Over time, almost none of the sword cultivators in the world ever imagined that one day the most powerful sword cultivator sect would weaken and be replaced.

Including Xijianchi Jianxiu, the same is true, never thought about it.

But no one thought that Jianzong, the most powerful Jianxiu sect in the world, would make a crazy move of a half-zong western expedition to conquer a region.

Sword Immortal Sect Master Xie Qingyun died in battle because of this move.

The first time they received the news, their first reaction was stunned.

Then came the joy of relief.

It was as if the dark clouds had dissipated and a ray of sunlight had shone down.

And their Sect Master, Sword Master White Frost, gave birth to the idea of ​​taking Sword Sect instead, and put it into action.

For the Sect Master's decision, they have instinctive hesitation, but more of it is the expectation of pulling Sword Sect down from the altar.

No one likes being a second dick.


These old monks all enjoyed a certain reputation in the cultivation world when they were young, and they made some deeds.

Even though it has been "retired" for many years now, as long as the Yuan force is still there, it is still not to be underestimated if you really want to make a move.

After all, Xijianchi is also the second-ranked sword cultivation sect in the world, and the cultivators in the sect must be genuine masters.

Originally, these old monks were looking forward to receiving news of their own sect being promoted to Dao sect before they sat down.

In the end, the good news had not yet come, but Lu Qingshan, the suzerain of the "opposite family", came to the door and robbed them of the sword of the Sword Washing Pond.

There are 200,000 swords hidden at the bottom of Tianchi Pond, among which is the precious sword that they dreamed of when they entered the choice of the sword of life.

It's a pity that Luo Hua is ruthless and ruthless, but the famous sword they love has not taken a fancy to them.

But now, these swords that they had been looking forward to, broke out one after another, flew to Lu Qingshan, circled around Lu Qingshan, and made a humming sound of joy.

This is a rare grand view in the world, with great weather and great wind, and it is destined to be passed down for thousands of years.

But for Xijianchi, this is a humiliation of the sect, which will make the sect humiliated and unable to lift his head.

In a popular metaphor, Xijianchi is like a sect with beautiful women, and Jianxiu in Xijianchi is the male disciple in the sect.

Every male disciple in the sect has a "goddess" that they like to yearn for, but the goddesses ignore them and get nothing.

Originally this is nothing, if the goddess is so easy to catch, can it still be called a goddess?

But suddenly one day, a person from a foreign sect who had a gap with this sect came, and then he was sought after by all the "goddesses", and this person from the foreign sect was extremely excessive, and he was going to kidnap all these beauties, regardless of whether they were good or bad. Let's go, no one left?

How can the male disciples who are struggling to pursue the "goddess" but never be able to endure this?

Everyone looked at Lu Qingshan, all staring at him.

Of course, with such a performance, the more important thing is that the old sword cultivators in Xijian Pond know that the new sect master of the sword sect in front of him is not obvious - if Xie Qingyun is standing there at this moment, how dare they look straight?

However, although they were eager to move, they did not move.

Because no matter how low Lu Qingshan's cultivation base is, no matter what, he is also the master of Dao Sect, with Sword Sect behind him.

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

If they act rashly and trigger a battle between two sects, they would not dare to take this responsibility.

Without the person in charge to speak, no one dared to act rashly.


"Lu Qingshan, stop me!" Sword Master Lanting, who was the deputy sect master of Sword Washing Pond, couldn't hold back any longer, and stood up first and shouted fiercely.

Now, he has no intention to study why the swords of this sect moved with Lu Qingshan's order.

For him, the most important thing at the moment is to stop Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan turned a deaf ear to Sword Master Lanting's scolding.

"Don't eat and drink for a toast!" Seeing this situation, Sword Master Lanting no longer hesitated, and decided to take action.

As soon as he thought about it, Lan Tingjian came out of his body, brought a dazzling sword light, and shot at Lu Qingshan.

Lanting Sword Master is the Six Tribulations Realm Sword Cultivator.

There are very few monks in the world who can take his flying sword attack.

At least in his eyes, it is impossible for Lu Qingshan to catch this sword.

So in this sword, there is anger, but no killing intent.

But in the face of the fierce Feijian attack from the Six Tribulations Realm cultivator, Lu Qingshan seemed too calm.

His eyes locked on the Lanting Sword flying over.

This is the ninth-ranked sword in the Sword Washing Pond.

It is precisely because of this sword's illustrious reputation that Sword Master Lanting takes the name of the sword.

"Yu Lingling!" Lu Qingshan said softly.

Immediately, a long sword flew out of the sword forest that circled around him.

The long sword was extraordinary, released the Xuanhe sword light, floated in the air and swept, looking for the Lanting sword and collided with it.


The speed of the two flying swords was so fast that they were invisible to the naked eye. In an instant, they collided in the air, colliding together, making a crisp and fierce collision of gold and iron.

After the collision, the Lanting Sword actually fell vertically.

Although Lanting Sword Master reacted quickly and regained control of Lanting Sword and floated into the air.

But everyone could see that in the collision just now, Lu Qingshan had the upper hand.

Yu Linling, ranked eighth in the Sword Washing Pool Famous Sword!

"Just pressing you on the head." Lu Qingshan smiled extremely calmly.

"How is this possible?!" Sword Master Lanting looked at the extremely young Lu Qingshan in disbelief.

In the duel between swordsmen, the sword is very important, and the sword master is more important.

Lu Qingshan can beat him, not because Yu Linling is stronger than Lanting. After all, although there is a gap between the eighth and ninth, it is definitely not big.

The real reason can only be... Lu Qingshan is stronger than him.

But isn't this new Sword Sect Sect Master the cultivation base of the peak of the Fit Realm?

Ok? It's not the realm of integration, but the realm of three tribulations!

Lu Qingshan did not hide his cultivation from the beginning to the end.

However, under the condition that Lu Qingshan's cultivation base is the peak of the Seven Realms, Sword Master Lanting has never released his divine sense to investigate Lu Qingshan's realm.

It wasn't until after this fight that he realized something was wrong, and he released his divine sense to investigate, only to realize that Lu Qingshan's cultivation was not the peak of the rumored fusion realm, but... the three tribulation realm!

Such a young monk of the Three Tribulations Realm? !

Sword Master Lanting subconsciously passed the age of Lu Qingshan in his mind and came to the conclusion...


When did the Tribulation Realm cultivator become so worthless?

Also, even if he is in the Three Tribulations Realm, I am in the Sixth Tribulation Realm, why did he fight against me?

In the outside world, it was only a moment, but countless thoughts and questions flashed in the mind of Sword Master Lanting.

The speed of the Tibetan sword in Tianchi rushing towards Lu Qingshan is getting faster and faster, making Lanting Sword Master too late to think.

"Stop him!" he shouted angrily and gave the order.

With the leader, the old monks in Xijianchi seemed to have the backbone, and they came out one after another.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A pair of natal swords flew out of these old swordsmen, hovering in the air, and then slashed towards Lu Qingshan, with amazing fluctuations and a fierce momentum.

For a time, the sword light flickered above the sky.

The thousand-handed flying swords came aggressively, heading straight for Lu Qingshan.

"Manjianghong, Yu Meiren, Dielianhua, Xijiangyue, picking mulberries." Lu Qingshan's eyes flashed slightly, and he said softly.

Every time he paused with his voice, a flying sword would shoot out from the sword forest around Lu Qingshan.

"Frosty leaves fly, Yehehuas, clouds across the river, Jiuquanzi, heartbroken fans, pale yellow willows, dream hibiscus..."

hum! hum! hum! hum!

The sound of the sword cry, which was already very agitated, reached its climax at this time.

Each long sword is releasing unique fluctuations, conveying his name to Lu Qingshan, and......please fight.

They seem to be competing for favor and can't wait to show themselves in front of Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan fulfilled his wish.

"Tianxiang, Liu Chou, Yaohua, Qiu Ji, no boredom..."

One sword after another, he joined the team.

The top and most famous Tibetan swords in the Sword Washing Pond are constantly flying out.

Their rushing momentum is like a thunderous force, pointing directly at... monk Xijianchi!

"Chaotianque!" A flash of the most dazzling sword light shone.

These famous swords are all psychic swords, with their own spirituality, or hovering at a low altitude, or swaying up and down, or smashing across the sky, finding an "enemy sword" and hitting them.

clang! clang! clang!

The sound of swords clashing one after another echoed over the Sword Washing Pond.

Those old sword cultivators in Xijianchi, who were once less well-known, thought that the victory was in their hands, and they were very trusting.

Their flying swords fell one after another in the collision.

An old sword cultivator wearing a gray robe had the worst luck. He encountered the sky tower. Not to mention the fall of the sword of life, he was even more traumatized, which brought backlash to him, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

On the other hand, Sword Master Lanting faced Yu Linling again, and he was able to compete with him and fight for a balance of power.

But, that's all.

"Thousands of swordsmen..." Sword Master Lanting only felt that his eyes were black at the moment.

The thousand flying swords swaying like floating dragons in front of them are all famous swords from their Sword Washing Pond, and they are all first-class instruments.

Ordinary cultivators usually operate at most three or so instruments at the same time.

Back then, Li Qiufei took a different approach. Instead of using Yuanshen to control the device, he used the sword intent to control the device, so as to make an astonishing act of mastering the sword, shocking the world and showing the sword fairy's means to the world.

Although Li Qiubei's sword-wielding method was amazing, they had never heard of it before, and they didn't even dare to think about it, but at least they could barely understand it.

Who is Li Qiubai?

The three sword immortals in Chang'an, one of the most talented monks in the history of the sky.

Such an existence is not unacceptable if the means are outrageous.

But what about Lu Qingshan? Why does he have thousands of swords?

He is not a sword fairy, nor does he have the supreme sword intent. . . .

Lanting Sword Master couldn't understand.

There are many things that Sword Master Lanting can't understand.

"It takes ten years to sharpen a sword, but the frost blade has never been tried." Lu Qingshan smiled.

Hidden at the bottom of Tianchi for thousands of years or even 10,000 years, as a sword for murder, are you really willing?


They want to show their edge.

This is the will of the sword.

"Masters, please!" He said to the sword.

After the voice fell, the ten thousand-handed long sword that had circled Lu Qingshan suddenly stopped.

Then, they bloomed with infinite brilliance.

Sword light.

In the Tianchi, all the remaining hidden swords also burst out at this moment.

The same is blooming sword light. UU Reading

The sky is full of sword light.

The sword qi is full of ancient meaning, and the sword pool is washed.

Fighting bulls with rage, glorifying Kyushu.

Heaven and Earth must be moved in front of this sword intent.

After the sword light.

Two hundred thousand swords, divided into two waves.

A wave lined up in front of Lu Qingshan, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the monk Xijianchi.

A wave just broke out from the Tianchi Lake and appeared behind the monks in the Sword Washing Pond, also with the tip of the sword facing them.

The two waves of flying swords sandwiched the Xijianchi cultivator in it, and the sharpness that spewed out made them not dare to move a little bit.

"Who can stop me, who dares to stop me?" Lu Qingshan asked.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan seems to have thousands of troops in his hands.


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