This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 57: Then I said, 1 will win him

The latest website: Silent.

The huge Sword Washing Pond is even deadlier than the grave.

With 200,000 swords, who dares to speak?

At this moment, since the shocking news of Xie Qingyun's death and the succession of the suzerain by the young young sect, the monks of Xijianchi, who have been unable to understand, began to understand why the sword sect exists so much, Xie Qingyun is so wise, Will make this seemingly "absurd" decision.

At this moment, they realized that what is Tianyuan's contemporary sword cultivator, and what is a thin dead camel that is bigger than a horse.

At this moment, they had to admit in their hearts that the seemingly too young Young Sect was indeed qualified to take charge of the Sword Sect.

Having seen Lu Qingshan's sword, now 200,000 swords are hanging up, as if there is a **** three feet above his head, and like a guillotine hanging above his head, no one dares to shoot in the sword washing pool.

Lu Qingshan didn't even make an inch.

In this line, he only needs the sword, not life.

Although for the White Frost Sword Master, who was conspiring for the position of Sword Sect Daoist in the Central Heaven Region at this time, Lu Qingshan would rather have the life of their Sword Washing cultivator.

Two hundred thousand swords, that is the lifeblood of Xijian Pond, the precious wealth accumulated by generations of monks in Xijian Pond, and the strong foundation of their Xijian Pond.

This is the real cruelty.

Lu Qingshan didn't kill anyone, but what he did made Baishuangjian more uncomfortable than death.


Lu Qingshan curled his fingers slightly.

The group of swords that had just broken out of the water and hung behind the monks in the Sword Washing Pond immediately swept in from the sky and merged with the group in front of Lu Qingshan.

So far, all the 200,000 swords in Tianchi have appeared here, and none of them have fallen.

Jianlin, piled up into Jianshan.

Xuanhe, spectacular, arrogant, and cold.

All the swords were humming with joy, as if they were longing for Lu Qingshan's choice, and as if they were thanking Lu Qingshan.

There are countless famous swords in the world, but this name is more for sword cultivators.

The world will only remember the bull's ear in the hands of Li Qiubei, and the bull's ear in the hands of Xia Daoyun, how many people will remember the bull's ear?

The same goes for these famous swords.

Hidden under Tianchi for thousands of years, how many people still remember their sharpness back then?

Now because of Lu Qingshan's call, they are reappearing in the world, no matter what, they are all happy.

"Then come with me." Feeling the desire of these famous swords, Lu Qingshan, who has a sincere love for swords, replied softly.

"Sword Domain!" he whispered.

With his body as the center, the purple-gold Jurisdiction light suddenly expanded, filling the sky, and at the same time including the 200,000 long swords.

In the sword domain, there was a sense of oppression that was determined to dominate people. Even Sword Master Lanting, whose cultivation base far surpassed Lu Qingshan, could not be immune to this oppression, and his breathing suddenly became heavy.

It was the first time for monk Xijianchi to see such a grand and luxurious jurisdiction.

But what happened next, the shock it brought to them, really made them unforgettable until they died.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan folded his hands together, as if he was pressing the hilt of a long sword.

Then, he pressed his stacked hands down suddenly, and said softly:

"Return to the sheath!"

The sword is returned to its sheath? Where is the scabbard?

The monks in Xijianchi, who had been shocked and did not dare to act rashly, heard Lu Qingshan's voice and thought subconsciously.

Clear skies.

The long sword obscured the sky and the sun, and suddenly fell down, bringing up countless sword qi, instantly cutting the clear sky into countless ravines.

The Sword Mountain is like a swarm of locusts, falling all at once, and the sword energy is so strong that it even forms a magnificent tornado.


Chaotian Que took the lead and crashed down.

The light of the purple-gold legal realm, flowing and gorgeous, wraps it.

A moment of effort.

Chaotianque disappeared from everyone's sight.

The same goes for other swords.

After a while.

The long swords that filled the sky disappeared, and they all "returned to their sheaths".

-【Slash】Word Secret: Passive skill, the sword domain is a world of its own, the domain owner can hide all swords in this domain and take it out at any time.

The monks in Xijianchi looked up, the sea of ​​clouds was golden against the light of the sword domain, and the sun was falling down like a feather.

Lu Qingshan stood calmly in the center of the jurisdiction.

Waves in the silent place.

Two hundred thousand swords entered the sword domain, and two hundred thousand swords returned to their sheaths.

The 200,000 swords disappeared under their noses.



At this moment, Lu Qingshan has the great atmosphere of the world's famous sword co-owner.


Lu Qingshan put away the sword domain, and in front of everyone's eyes, he lightly flicked his sleeve robe as if he patted the dust on his clothes, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"Lu Qingshan, do you really dare?" Sword Master Lanting looked up at Lu Qingshan, and when he saw that he was about to leave, he finally couldn't help but ask, word by word.

"Why don't you dare?" Lu Qingshan stopped the movement of leaving, turned his head, looked around, moved away from the dazed faces, and finally stopped on Lanting Sword Master, "I Always bold."

"These 200,000 swords, the sect master of this sect will come to ask for it sooner or later." Lanting sword master seemed to be threatening and warning.

"Come and ask for it?" Lu Qingshan shook his head, "Don't bother, Sword Master Baishuang, I will find it myself."

The voice fell, a sword light traversed the sky, and disappeared again.

On this day, the young sect master of Jianzong entered Lingzhou with a sword, led out the swords hidden in the sword pool, and returned 200,000 swords to their sheaths and rode away with them.

When a person arrives, the sword arrives, and when a person walks, the sword goes.



Zhongtian Domain.

After Xijianchi issued a letter of request for promotion to Dao Sect, Da Xia sent a letter to the Sixth Dao Sect to review the request for promotion of Xijianchi.

Not long after, the various Taoist sects sent representatives to Zhongtianyu.

Therefore, today's Yanlan Pass has become extraordinarily lively and has become the focus of the Six Domains monks.

Everyone wants to know how this "farce" that is not a farce will end in the end?

Is there any way for the young Jianzong sect master to keep the name of Jianzong, and whether the sword washing pool that "falls into the hole" can get what he wants?

Yanlan Pass, all guests are here.

Only Jianzong, one of the two "protagonists", has not arrived yet.

With the passage of time, some bad rumors, whether it was accidental or deliberate, gradually spread in Yanlan Pass and quickly fermented.

In fact, this is precisely the insidiousness of the White Frost Sword Master.

This court meeting, whether Jianzong comes or not, is not a good choice.

come, how to come?

If he came alone, with the cultivation of the young sect master, how could he be able to block the crowd?

If you bring other peak masters, it proves that Jianzong no longer has the strength of Taoist sect - the dignified Taoist master has no ability to talk to the Sect Master of Xijianchi, so why is this Taoist sect still a Taoist sect?

If Lu Qingshan doesn't come, firstly, it is not in compliance with the rules, it is disrespectful to Xia Daozu, and secondly, in the eyes of everyone, this is precisely the performance of cowardice.

Both sides are not pleasing.

The reason for being caught in this dilemma is due to Lu Qingshan's "unable to handle talent".


Yanlan Pass, the hall of the court meeting.

Since no one from the Sword Sect has arrived, seeing that the representatives of the Dao Sect lost their patience, Sword Master White Frost directly invited everyone.

"Since Jianzong didn't even have the courage to participate in the court meeting, I thought that the promotion request of this sect could already be concluded."

"A sect doesn't even have the courage and confidence to face challengers. Can you still believe that they can defend a domain?" he asked.

As soon as this rhetorical question came out, there was an uproar in the hall, and the representatives of the five major sects all looked strange.

Sword Master Baishuang glanced at the monks at the Dragon Elephant Temple in the Western Regions.

As if he understood it, the monk of Longxiang Temple immediately came out and said calmly: "Xia Zun, I agree with the meaning of the White Frost Sword Master. No one can erase the merits of the sword sect, but the position of the Taoist sect, after all, is the place of the capable, it matters. The safety of the human race in a domain must not be emotional."

The corners of the White Frost Sword Master's mouth twitched, but he didn't make a sound.

How could he come empty-handed when it was such a big event to be promoted to Dao Sect? It has already been prepared in private.

Seeing that Longxiang Temple came out to support Sword Master Baishuang, the expressions of other people continued to change.

At this time, the cultivator representative sent by Tianjiguan snorted coldly, not only came out, but also gave Longxiang Temple cultivator a contemptuous look, and then said: "Jianzong guards the Middle Spirit Realm, and it is a great contribution to our human race. No, no one can.

Today, although the strength of the Western Expedition has greatly reduced, there are still Xia Daoyun, Yu Canghai, and Xue Wusiao.

Sect Master Lu Qingshan is indeed still weak now, but his talent is unmatched, and the future is limitless.

No matter how you look at it, the position of the Daoist sect is still more suitable for the sword sect, so how can some people who fall into the trap be allowed to rise to the top? "

As a result, there are different voices, and it is even more noisy.

The face of Sword Master Baishuang was ugly, and it was obvious that the slander that the Tianjiguan cultivator said made him a little angry.

But Tianjiguan is a Taoist sect after all, and now that he has offended Jianzong, he naturally does not dare to offend other Taoist sects.

Therefore, he could only pretend that he didn't hear the words of the cultivator of Tianji, and his eyes turned to Xia Zhao, who was on the main seat.

"Xia Zun, what do you think?"

Xia Zhao looked at Sword Master Baishuang blankly.

"Sword Master White Frost, who told you that Sword Sect didn't even have the courage to participate in the court meeting?"

"Huh?" White Frost Sword Master looked surprised, and then he turned his head with a move in his heart.

A woman in Tsing Yi slowly entered the hall.

"You want to replace Sword Sect?" The woman in Tsing Yi looked at Sword Master Baishuang, her brows raised slightly, and her voice was extremely cold.

"Xia Daoyun!" Sword Master Baishuang frowned. Recognized the identity of the woman in Tsing Yi.

Xia Daoyun only had the Six Tribulations Realm cultivation base, which was weaker than him, but with her record of seriously injuring Chizun with the Sword of Sword Immortal at the head of Yumen Pass, he dared not ignore Xia Daoyun.

"The Sword Washing Pond has been inherited for thousands of years, so it has inherited this ambition?" Xia Daoyun asked.

White Frost Sword Master's face stiffened.

He could endure the ridicule of the cultivator of Tianjiguan, but since Jianzong has completely offended, there is no need to swallow it.

"Master Xia's rude words are the ambition of your Sword Sect?"

"Why are you talking nonsense?" Xia Daoyun disdains to argue with Sword Master Baishuang, and Jianxiu has always been able to do things and never say anything.

"You want to take Sword Sect and replace it?" She sneered, "The frog at the bottom of the well doesn't know how big the sky is, so it's very loud."

"I will kindly let you understand that the gap between you and Taoism..."

"Come on, I'll teach you how to use a sword today."

The Sect Master of Xijian Pond, the second-ranked Sword Xiu Sect in the world, was pointed at the nose by a woman and said, "I will teach you how to use the sword."

If you didn't see this scene with your own eyes, who would dare to believe it?

No matter how well-trained Sword Master White Frost was, he could no longer be at peace at this moment.

"Xia Daoyun, don't be too arrogant!"

"Gentleman, don't speak." The Niu Erjian was silently held in Xia Daoyun's hand, and pointed at Sword Master Baishuang.

Sword Master Baishuang glanced at the bull's ear with fear.

With this sword alone, he would not dare to say that he would win Xia Daoyun.

This time, he was much calmer.

"Where's Sect Master Lu?" The face of Sword Master Baishuang gradually returned to calm, "This matter is related to the order of Sword Sect and Xijian Pond. As the Sect Master of Xijian Pond, I am participating in the court meeting. According to the rules, Sword Sect should also come forward by the Sect Master. "

"Could it be that you, Sect Master Lu, didn't even dare to come forward, so you can only ask Feng Master Xia to come forward?"

It's like a martial arts hall kicking the hall, the hall owner dare not come forward to fight, and can only ask the elders of the previous generation to take action.

No matter whether the result is a win or a loss, the momentum is naturally weakened.

This is where Jianzong's flaw lies today.

No matter how powerful or domineering Xia Daoyun is, he cannot bypass this flaw.

Sword Master Baishuang continued: "How can the Master of Dao Sect be such an incompetent and daring person?"

"If Sect Master Lu did not dare to come forward, then the fight between me and Xiafeng Master would be meaningless. It should be a fight between Jianzong and Xijianchi."

What he meant was simple.

Either the battle between the Sect Master of Jianzong and the Sect Master of Xijianchi, or the battle between Jianzong and Xijianchi.

Others, he does not accept.

The statement in line with the regulations is also the greatest strength of the White Frost Sword Master.

After all, no one wants to see the battle between Jianzong and Xijianchi, even him.

And in the fight against Lu Qingshan, he is sure to win.

Xia Daoyun naturally couldn't be unprepared, just as he was about to speak, a calm and familiar voice came out one step ahead of her.

"Master, that's what Sect Master Bai wished."

She turned to look.

At some point, a man appeared at the entrance of the main hall, wearing a black Sect Master robe with a dark golden blue dragon pattern embroidered on the robe.

Mighty, hideous.

"Qingshan..." Xia Daoyun's eyes had a hint of surprise, obviously she didn't expect Lu Qingshan to appear at this moment.

Yes, the man who appeared at the entrance of the hall was exactly Xia Daoyun's apprentice, the new Sect Master of Sword Sect, Lu Qingshan.

"Going to get something, it took a little time, but I didn't think that it would give Sect Master Bai a lot of self-confidence." Lu Qingshan strode forward until he was side by side with Xia Daoyun, and then he said.

With his understatement, no one could have imagined that what he said "got something" would be the 200,000 swords from the Sword Washing Pond.

"Since Sect Master Bai refuses to accept my sword sect, it is useless to say more," Lu Qingshan smiled at Sword Master Baishuang, whose face changed, "As my master said, it is very simple, don't say anything. UU read www.uukanshu. com”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes flashed, unable to understand where Lu Qingshan's confidence came from?

"Are you sure?" Even Xia Daoyun frowned slightly at this moment.

She knew that Lu Qingshan's combat power was extraordinary, but the White Frost Sword Master was a Seven Tribulations Realm Sword Cultivator after all.

Lu Qingshan smiled noncommittally, and instead of answering Xia Daoyun's question directly, he asked instead, "Does Master want me to win?"

This familiar conversation made Xia Daoyun, who made Chizun and other existences tremble with a sword, froze for a moment like a little girl, then fixedly looked at Lu Qingshan, blinked, and said with a smile: "... ..certainly."

"Then I'll tell you," Lu Qingshan said softly, looking at Xia Daoyun's phoenix eyes, just like his answer on Jianlai Peak back then:

"Definitely beat him."


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