This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 58: 4 weeks star (end of this volume)

The latest website: Sword Master Baishuang is a thin old man. From the appearance alone, he is not fierce, and even has a bit of immortal flavor in it.

People can't be seen.

Seeing Lu Qingshan appear, after the initial stunned, Sword Master Baishuang gradually calmed down. He stared at the young man in front of him, who was at the top of the Taoist Sect Master.

After a while, Sword Master Baishuang finally said slowly: "Sect Master Lu is really young and promising. At this age, he has already cultivated in the Three Tribulations Realm."

Out of hostility to Lu Qingshan, the moment Lu Qingshan appeared, Sword Master Rime released his divine sense to cover Lu Qingshan, so he quickly sensed Lu Qingshan's current cultivation.

As soon as he said this, everyone on the field was shocked.

Their first reaction was disbelief, and then the next moment they subconsciously released their spiritual sense to verify.

Lu Qingshan did not deliberately conceal his cultivation.

With his current status and strength, Zang Zhuo is no longer necessary for him.

Even the sharper it is, the better.

As the face of a sect, the master of Taoism must have enough sharpness to make others fear.

Because he represented not only himself, but also the sect behind him.

The reason why Jianzong is being "provoked" by Xijianchi is because Xie Qingyun returned to the market, and Lu Qingshan, as the new suzerain, couldn't hold back?

"It's really the Three Tribulations Realm..." The Dragon Elephant Temple cultivator regained his consciousness, and the complex emotions in his heart could no longer be described in words.

Three Tribulations Realm cultivator, he has seen many.

But a Three Tribulation Realm cultivator of this age, let alone never seen it, or even dared to think about it.

Even in the Taoist sect where the arrogance gathers, at Lu Qingshan's age, it can be regarded as a once-in-a-hundred-years experience to have a cultivation base in the Void Refinement Stage.

What other people are thinking at the moment is not too different from the monks of Longxiang Temple.

With such cultivation at this age, it is absolutely unprecedented, and they even dare to assert that there will be no future.

Thirty-year-old monk in the Three Tribulations Realm?

Immortal reincarnation is just like that, right?

Lu Qingshan's resume has traces to follow, and it has been placed in front of everyone since the beginning of the Seven Domains.

As long as you look back a little, you will find that it took him only fifteen years to cultivate all the way from the Golden Core Stage to the Three Tribulations Realm.

The most terrifying thing is that he seems to have no bottleneck, and has been maintaining the rapid progress of his cultivation.

From this point of view, although Lu Qingshan is not yet a Sword Immortal, it is not too much to say that he will become a Sword Immortal in the future.

That being the case, the position of the Sword Sect's Dao Sect doesn't seem to be anything to discuss.

Even Xia Daoyun, who is Lu Qingshan's master, is also the supreme arrogant Xia Daoyun, at this moment there is some involuntary trembling.


"Although it is commendable, in front of me, it doesn't seem to be enough to see." Here, it is unknown what other people think about Sword Master White Frost, but on the face, he continues: "Sect Master Lu is too much. Blindly confident."

In fact, Sword Master Baishuang did not understand what it meant that Lu Qingshan had such a cultivation at his age, but he did find it difficult to ride a tiger.

Jianzong, he has been completely guilty.

That being the case, there is only one way to go to the dark.

Fortunately, today's Lu Qingshan is only in the Three Tribulations Realm, and is definitely not his opponent.

It is conceivable that if he was given another ten or twenty years, would it still be worth it?

From this angle, the timing of his attack was just right.

"As long as Xijianchi is successfully promoted to Dao Sect, as the sect master of Xijianchi, I will be able to obtain the luck of Dao Sect, and then I can try to open the way and enter the sword fairyland by taking advantage of the air to protect my body."

"Once I become a Sword Immortal, everything will cease. How can he be so talented?"

Sword Master Baishuang calculated in his heart, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind.

The reason why he was so eager to fall into the trap, after receiving the news of Xie Qingyun returning to the market, he began to covet the position of the Sword Sect, and a large part of the reason was to enter the Sword Wonderland.

The position of Daozong is also related to the road to the Sword Immortal.

As we all know, if a sword cultivator wants to enter the Nine Realms, he must have a protector of luck.

Such an act of opening the way against the sky requires such a huge amount of luck that even the Sword Washing Pond, which is the second sword of the human race, Xiu Zongmen, cannot gather together.

Such a huge amount of luck, only Taoism can provide.


The provocation of Sword Master Baishuang did not affect Lu Qingshan's emotions too much. He looked at the former and said indifferently: "The cultivation of the Three Tribulations Realm is indeed not high, but if it is just to beat you, it is more than enough."

He was very calm, not sarcastic, because it seemed to him that it was.

But in the eyes of others, a monk in the Three Tribulations Realm and a Seven Tribulations Realm cultivator talk like this, but the sarcasm is beyond words.

Sword Master White Frost also thought so.

So he was angry.

Sword Master Baishuang laughed and looked at Lu Qingshan, his eyes became extremely gloomy, "As expected of the Lord of the Sword Sect, it is hard to say, this "virtue" is very worthy of this position."

As soon as the voice fell, he turned into a white sword light and flew straight out of the hall, instantly hanging above the sky.

He couldn't wait to discredit the arrogant young sect master in front of cultivator Yan Languan.

Lu Qingshan did not hesitate, and immediately followed, his figure flew up.


Washing Sword Pond, the second sword cultivation sect in the world.

The White Frost Sword Master, the Sect Master of the Sword Washing Pond.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the Sword Master Baishuang is far inferior to Xie Qingyun, but his kung fu is by no means a pretentious one.

It can even be said that even Xia Daoyun would not dare to say that he could win against the White Frost Sword Master before the bull's ears.

From this point of view, Lu Qingshan's sentence "must win him" is really like a rhetoric of a younger generation.

The two people hanging high in the sky looked at each other.

The White Frost Sword Master stretched out his right arm.

A long sword as white as snow was held in his hand.


The sword that ranks first in the Sword Washing Pond.

Sword Master Baishuang pointed at Lu Qingshan with the tip of his sword, and sneered at him, probably indicating that the young Sect Master could prepare for defeat.

Lu Qingshan also stretched out his right arm and shook it slightly.

A cyan long sword was taken out of the void by him, as if unsheathed.

It's not a dragon bird, it's a swing.

Since it represents Jianzong at this moment, Lu Qingshan will use Fuyao to fight Baishuang.

In fact, Lu Qingshan knew that there must be a battle between himself and the White Frost Sword Master when he knew that Xijianchi was trying to replace the Sword Sect.

So when this moment really came, he didn't have too many complicated feelings, but he seemed very relaxed.

Things that can be solved with a sword are not things.

Since slaying demons and eliminating demons is not a problem, then naturally they can also slay monsters.

I want the position of the Taoist sect of the sword sect.


Ask me first, then ask me about the sword.


The battle between the young and new Sect Master of Jianzong and the old Sect Master of Xijianchi.

The sky is like a dome, covering the four fields, but now it is just a stage.

The monks on behalf of the Five Great Dao Sects, Da Xia Zun Shang and Xia Daoyun were the audience.

There are also monks from Yanlanguan in the whole city who participated in this grand event.

This is a battle destined to go down in history, no matter how it ends.

The battle between Jianzong and Xijianchi is about to come to an end.

And the answer lies in the swords of the two of them.


Sword Master Baishuang strode forward, and he didn't pay too much attention to his moves, and he directly slammed into Lu Qingshan.

It's just a simple slash.

One power down ten sessions.

He wants to crush Lu Qingshan of the Three Tribulations for no reason with the cultivation of the Seven Tribulations.

Lu Qingshan's sleeves fluttered slightly, and powerful fluctuations of Yuan force spurted out of his body.

Roll over?


From qi refining to the current Three Tribulations Realm, he has taken the most perfect road.

Flawless Daoji, Ten Flowers Extreme Realm.

Sword domain, perfect harmony between man and nature.

How could his background be comparable to that of a Three Tribulation Realm cultivator?

An ordinary Three Tribulations Realm cultivator's original strength is between 400,000 and 600,000.

And Lu Qingshan's current Yuan force is 1.7 million.

On the basis of Yuan Li, he is already enough to wrestle with the monks of the Seven Tribulations Realm.

Steamed Daze.

Sword Master Baishuang slashed down with his sword, and Lu Qingshan stood in the air, holding his sword up.

Like a battle between heaven and earth, the situation changes suddenly.

Two majestic air machines collided on the sky.


The sound is loud and deep, like Huang Zhong Da Lu.

Cloud Qi was torn apart at will under the sword's edge, and was thrown aside.

Frost white sword light and cyan sword light penetrated the sky and clashed suddenly.

The two of them just stepped back.

But the white clouds on their left and right sides were mixed into a ball, scattered everywhere, and then rustled down, and were abruptly knocked out of a trajectory.

The air machine, which is enough to kill the invisible, swayed in all directions like a shock wave.

Fortunately, they chose the battlefield above the sky, otherwise the fight just now would be enough to devastate Yanlan Pass.

After the Sword Master Baishuang and Lu Qingshan collided with each other this time and retreated, he couldn't help frowning.

If you are a master, you will know the bottom line with one move.

He didn't know the reason, but he knew that Lu Qingshan actually had a cultivation base comparable to him, and could fight him head-on.

This battle, unexpectedly but logically, was not as easy as he expected.

"I have cultivated swords for thousands of years, and I have used countless swords. No cultivator in the same realm has ever been defeated. How can I lose to you, a yellow-haired boy who has cultivated swords for only 20 years?"

Sword Master Baishuang let out a long whistle, not only increasing his own potential, but also suppressing Lu Qingshan's state of mind.

On the White Frost Sword, the sword qi burst out, and the qi penetrated Changhong.

A sword energy as thick as a dragon rushed straight towards Lu Qingshan's face.

The latter swung out his sword, so fast that he couldn't even see the afterimage.

Swing, the sword of the wind.

[Chengying] (passive): Jiao divides the shadow, and the wild goose forgets to return. If Fuyao is used as a hand-held sword, the shot speed increases by 100%.

The menacing sword energy suddenly exploded in front of Lu Qingshan, so splendid that others couldn't see what happened.

In an instant, after the shattering sword energy, the White Frost Sword Master was approaching again, and wherever he passed, there was a thunderous roar.

Lu Qingshan did not panic.

Between his eyebrows, a purple gold lotus imprint flashed, and the petals were in full bloom, shining brightly.

The purple-gold sword domain has spread out.

His figure was silent and without a trace, appearing behind the White Frost Sword Master.

Polarity reversal, shapeshifting.

【Return】The word secret.

The cyan sword light slashed towards the back of the White Frost Sword Master, crossed the space, and arrived in an instant, not giving the White Frost Sword Master a chance to turn around.

Secret Sword Spring Breeze Returns.

Feeling the sharpness on his back, Sword Master Baishuang's eyes were dignified, and he shouted angrily. It turned out to be forcibly breathing, giving birth to sword energy like a lotus, blocking Lu Qingshan's swing.

Then he finally underestimated the power of Lu Qingshan's sword, as if being struck by a bell, his entire body swayed forward, which was enough to remove the strength in this sword.

Resisting the fishy smell and swallowing the blood in his throat, Sword Master Baishuang turned around expressionlessly and looked at Lu Qingshan, who could be called "the leader of swordsmanship in the first year of Tianyuan". Feeling embarrassed at being left behind.

A sword cultivator of his level can always be calm no matter what when fighting.

This is Jian Xiu's innate combat quality.

In other words, Jian Xiu, who did not have such fighting literacy, would have died long ago.


The White Frost Sword Master took a big step back.

The wind is surging, and the frost and snow appear.

This is his jurisdiction.

A sword is drawn.

First hear the continuous thunder explosion, goodbye White Frost Sword tore through the sky with a sword.

This sword is like a freehand splash of ink, the sword edge is the pen edge, and the void is the paper, drawing a beautiful and huge arc.

The Sword Qi Waterfall poured down like ink, falling down.

Lu Qingshan's expression darkened, and he took a deep breath.

Cyan Fuyao drew an arc of a month and a half in the air, followed by sword shadows that filled the sky.

Qiu Lao Furong frosted all night, and the moonlight shone on the lake.

Secret Sword Qiu Shuangning.

Hundreds and eight sword shadows hang upside down like a waterfall, touching the sword qi waterfall and melting each other.

Sword Master Baishuang kept drawing out his sword and splashing ink down.

Lu Qingshan was rowing against the current, fluttering, but like the mainstay, he always stood firm.

The offensive and defensive positions of the two were constantly changing, each with its own wonders. The battlefield had already moved for hundreds of miles in a blink of an eye, disturbing the sky at Yanlan Pass.

The Sword Master Baishuang is condescending, and the more he fights, the more courageous he is. He has always used his sword and let Lu Qingshan meet him.

It was only half a quarter of an hour, and he had already drawn no less than 3,000 strokes. Lu Qingshan refused to accept anyone who came, and took over the more than 3,000 waves of sword qi waterfalls.

Finally, a turning point came.

A ray of light brighter than sunlight suddenly lit up beside Sword Master White Frost.

Without any sound, without any warning, it appeared unexpectedly, directly piercing his eyebrows.

At this moment, the sword move in the hands of Sword Master Baishuang stopped abruptly and stood stunned in place.

Ten thousand stars appear in the dark at night, and a wisp of dust begins at dawn.

Yuan mysterious sword, see you soon!

A mysterious sword of Yuan origin issued by the Primordial Spirit of Tribulation Realm.

Come silently, go without a trace, ignore point-to-face defense, and kill Yuanshen directly.

After laying the groundwork for 3,000 swords, Lu Qingshan was caught off guard just for this moment.

【Return】The secret reappearance.

Between the light and flint, Lu Qingshan appeared on the figure of the White Frost Sword Master.

There is a terrifying power on the swinging sword, and wherever it passes, colorful clouds are rolling, gathering and scattering invisible.

Even if the rain doesn't know the spring is over, a sunny day feels the summer is deep.

Secret Sword, Xia Yuluo.

The strongest explosive sword.

Only at this moment did Sword Master Baishuang come back to his senses and his mind was clear.

On the line between victory and defeat, he unexpectedly handed out the sword with his left palm to meet Lu Qingshan, knowing that it would be pierced by the swinging palm, but he still did not hesitate at all.


A string of scarlet blood slid past Lu Qingshan's eyes.

Swinging and building meritorious deeds, Sword Master Baishuang's left palm was immediately abolished at this moment, his left arm drooped down, and the blood couldn't stop flowing.

But Lu Qingshan was not happy, instead he sighed inaudibly.

If Sword Master Baishuang wanted to block this sword perfectly, then he would be sure to directly decide the winner with Xia Yuluo's explosive power.

In a rude and direct way that makes Sword Master White Frost suffocated.

However, Sword Master Baishuang made the most sensible choice in the shortest time. He chose to exchange injuries for moves, and forcibly removed Lu Qingshan's sword by dismantling his left hand, and removed Lu Qingshan's painstakingly forged sword. good opportunity.

- He used his right hand to use the sword, and his left hand was abolished, at least in a short period of time, it had no effect on him.

It can only be said that **** is still old and spicy.

"It's a pity." Baishuang Sword Master was relieved, glanced at the wound on his hand, and smiled.

"Enough," he said solemnly, "let's stop here."

Lu Qingshan was startled and looked around.

Suddenly, I don't know when, there are already snowflakes rolling down from the sky.

The day of Jing Zhe turned into heavy snow.

Sword Master Baishuang didn't seem to be hostile to Lu Qingshan at this moment.

"When I was born, there was a vision in the sky. The dog days turned out to be a hundred miles of snow, and the White Frost Sword that had been dormant for thousands of years in the Tianchi jumped out and circled the pool three times."

"On the first day I practiced swordsmanship, the previous sect master who taught swordsmanship personally told me that when I established the foundation, I could go to Tianchi to take out the white frost."

Speaking of this, Sword Master Baishuang smiled, "Ten years old, I got Baishuang, sixteen years old, I formed Jindan, twenty-eight years old, Ning Yuanying, fifty-one years old, practiced the spirit to return to the virtual, and traveled to the Western Regions. , the footprints traveled every inch of the earth, and he was transformed into a **** at the age of three hundred.

After the age of 300, I entered the Eastern Territory again. I spent 300 years trying to see how magical the land that nurtured the First Sword Sect was. During this period, I condensed the seeds of the Jurisdiction and entered the Seven Realms. "

"I spent five hundred years in the realm of integration, six hundred years in the first catastrophe, seven hundred years in the second catastrophe, eight hundred years in the third catastrophe, one thousand years in the fourth catastrophe, eight hundred years in the fifth catastrophe, and six hundred years in the sixth catastrophe. Three hundred years."

"I can say that the road of kendo is getting smoother and smoother, and I can see the true meaning."

"But I entered the Seven Tribulations Realm, and it has been four thousand years that I haven't reached the Inch Realm. Do you know why?"

Sword Master Baishuang asked himself and answered: "It's very simple, my swordsmanship has reached the end of the current, and only by clearing the way can we continue to move forward."

"However, the luck of the Sword Washing Pond is not enough to support me, so I can only be forced to stay in the Seven Tribulations Realm."

"Lu Qingshan, you know that it has only been twenty years since the first year of Tianyuan, and two of the three major sword immortals have left. The swordsmanship is weakened. It needs new sword immortals, and the human race also needs new sword immortals."

"Those who are able to live in Dao Zong's luck will live there."

"Why do you have to struggle for nothing?" The White Frost Sword Master looked at Lu Qingshan blankly.

Staying in the Seven Tribulations Realm for four thousand years, Baishuang Sword's main cultivation base has not reached the Inch Realm, but he has practiced a trick.

"Frost...kill all the herbs!"

It's like a picture scroll spread between heaven and earth.

The sky and the earth were instantly silent, only the snowflakes fell.

The long snowflakes, in the next moment, each condensed a line, becoming a series of frost swords.

Majestic, not like a human being, in a trance.

The sword master White Frost has cultivated for four thousand years is aggressive.

Cut is a sword.

Countless swords.

Without the snow, only the sword remains.

This is the only one in the world.

Time and space seem to stand still, stagnant.

"It's not only the sword in the sheath that can be used as a killing sword. I use frost and snow as a sword, and I can control hundreds of thousands of swords. Even if it is as thin as an ice blade and as light as cotton wool, it can crush you to death." Sword Master Baishuang did not use a "sword".

Because if this sword is released, even he can't hold it back.

But not because of his kindness, but because he fears Sword Sect - even the "ruined" Sword Sect.

"Lu Qingshan, are you still fighting with me?"

"If I don't fight, I will withdraw my sword," he said.

Hundreds of thousands of frost swords are opposed, and the master of the white frost sword is aggressive. In such a situation, Lu Qingshan laughed inexplicably.

He put away Fu Yao, and whispered to Sword Master Baishuang, and seemed to say to everyone: "Since you have come, I will be at ease. It is nothing more than a matter of whether the sword is out or not."

"How did I, Lu Qingshan, ever lose the sword?"

Immediately, Lu Qingshan moved forward in front of the Frost Sword, like an exiled immortal in the world.

Every time he took a step, thousands of swords would appear from the void around him.

Chaotian Que.

Manjianghong, poppies, butterflies in love with flowers, Xijiangyue, picking mulberries.

Frost leaves fly, night flowers, crossing river clouds, Jiuquanzi, heartbroken fans, pale yellow willows, dream hibiscus.

Tian Xiang, Liu Chou, Yao Hua, Qiu Ji, No Stress......

Two hundred thousand swords, long swords and short swords, ancient swords and new swords, famous swords and sharp swords appeared in a mighty pool, trembling joyfully.

The sonorous sound is like a phoenix roaring in the nine heavens, clear and unparalleled.

The 200,000 swords were connected to the ends of the swords in front of him, lining up and hovering in sequence.

"Go!" Lu Qingshan said solemnly.

He took another step in the air, shaking his hands, and in a fit of anger, he smashed the thousands of swords that belonged to the Sword Washing Pond at the Sword Master White Frost, who looked stunned and angry.

The densely packed flying swords, like locust swarms, smashed down with the strength of a thousand-point clear jade.

If I can't think about it again, the arrow is on the string and I have to send it.

Thousands of frost swords shot out at the same time.

The flying sword collided with the frost sword formed by the frost

The sound was like a mountain avalanche and a rock cracking, far surpassing the rumbling thunder sound of the stinging season.

The frost sword, which was as white as goose feathers and heavy snow, was directly smashed.

The sword kills Baixue.

You make hundreds of thousands of frost swords, and I will break them with 200,000 real swords.

Lu Qingshan raised his hands.

The sword rain fell sharply, like a torrential rain in the sky falling on the earth, with a violent crackling sound, like a pearl-sized hailstone hitting the roof tiles.

Sword Master Baishuang suddenly raised his head, stunned, his eyes full of bitterness.

A sword suddenly flew to, breaking through the heavy frost sword.

It is Chaotian Que.

Behind it, there are more swords.

"It's not as good as Xie Qingyun...Is it really terrible for future generations?" Sword Master Baishuang didn't have much regret in his heart, only regret and grievance.


The figure of Sword Master Baishuang fell vertically, smashing a deep pit in Yanlan Pass, and dust and smoke were everywhere.

It was followed by thousands of long swords.

They did not run towards the White Frost Sword Master, but were inserted obliquely around the White Frost Sword Master's figure, like a sword prison.

Fortunately, the cultivators Yan Languan were all good players, and they had already evacuated from the surroundings when the situation was not good.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan, who is wearing a black gold dragon robe, is standing above the sky with his hands behind his back. Below his figure is the White Frost Sword Master trapped in the sword prison.

Then, what he said next, in the 18th year of Tianyuan's zhejing season, spread all over the world like that thunder.

"This year, 1,631 peaks in the Overhanging Mountains of Sword Sect have become solitary peaks, and the highest main peak has also lost its owner.

As for the Heart Demons, there were nearly 10 million casualties, and the Huanling of the Betrayal Sect received the punishment it deserved. "

"Heart Demons, our Sword Sect has already expelled them from the Zhongling. No matter how difficult it is, there is nothing to do with you."

"Jianzong has only three thousand people, and two thousand people have died in ten years."

"If I remember correctly, you have one million disciples and one million sword cultivators in the Sword Washing Pond."

"I'll just ask one question now, how many people are you going to die in the Sword Washing Pond? Or, how many people dare to die in battle?"

"What is the spirit of Jianxiu in Xijianchi?"

Yanlan Pass was as silent as death.

He no longer pays attention to Sword Master Rime.

Kendo weakened?

There are sword immortals who have opened the way for the world's sword cultivators, and there are younger sword cultivators who strive hard. How can we sword cultivators be less romantic?

Lu Qingshan waved his hand.

The thousands of swords slanted into the ground trembled slightly, and then floated up and hung beside him.

A sword light passed by.

Xia Daoyun fell beside Lu Qingshan.

In the first year of the day, the most dazzling pair of masters and apprentices in kendo stood side by side.

There are thousands of swords all around.

Going sparse.

Suddenly, Xia Daoyun sneered, looking unusually harsh.

"Let's go." She turned her head and said to Lu Qingshan.

Looking at Lu Qingshan's profile, she thought inexplicably.

This man seems to really be able to carry the Sword Sect.


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