This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 1: What is sword repair

Lu Qingshan's mind moved, and the thousands of swords standing in the void around him were re-sheathed and disappeared in the void.

After taking away the 200,000 hidden swords from the Sword Washing Pond, with the help of the spirituality that Tianchi has given to these hidden swords, Lu Qingshan can unsheath the 200,000 swords to defend against the enemy when necessary.

At the same time, these 200,000 swords can also enjoy the bonus of the [Slash] character secret:

Once the sword is in the sword domain, it will enter the frost blade state, increasing the power and speed of the first sword slash after taking it out. The power depends on the time of entering the frost blade.

Up to 50% attack power and 100% attack speed.

The combination of the two made the move of "200,000 swords unleashed", which has now become his strongest sword skill, and the power is unimaginable.

It's a pity that this move is based on the spirituality of the sword itself, not Lu Qingshan's own power.

But these spiritualities are cultivated for many years in the Tianchi of the Sword Washing Pond, which will weaken with each "unscabbard" of these hidden swords, and will eventually be exhausted.

Therefore, although the power of this move is great, the number of times it can be used is limited, just like the King Kong who is right and wrong is not bad, it is a limited skill.

It's just that this shortcoming is nothing in Lu Qingshan's eyes. With his cultivation base, he is confident that the power of his sword skills will surpass this trick before the spirituality of these 200,000 swords dissipates.


Xia Daoyun walked away with a sigh, bringing this much-anticipated meeting to a close.

The two figures escaped into the sword light, and they left without looking back, walking further and further away.

Yanlan Pass, the gateway to the Eastern Region, is guarded by Jianzong.

Jianzong Jian repairs the world.

The sword pointed at the Demon Race, and it has been 20,000 years.

But not only the sword cultivators of Jianzong are sword cultivators.

A real sword cultivator, how could he ever lose his temper?

Two sword lights swept across the sky, extremely dazzling, like a meteor streaking across the sky.

By no means afterglow.


With Lu Qingshan defeating Sword Master Baishuang head-on over Yanlan Pass, the fact that he took 200,000 swords from the Sword Washing Pond really spread to all regions of the human race.

Until this time, hundreds of millions of sword cultivators in the world finally truly realized what kind of background the sword sect has as the first sword cultivator sect of the human race and even the first sect.

Otherwise, how could the newly succeeded young Sect Master still be able to crush the Sword Washing Pond as the Second Sword Xiu Zongmen so easily after the battle of Zhongling?

Yes, the Sword Washing Pond has completely become a background board and a stepping stone for Lu Qingshan to become famous all over the world.

Xijianchi paid the price of Zongmen 200,000 hidden swords for his behavior of trying to "fall into stone".

Fortunately, although Sword Master Baishuang was defeated by Lu Qingshan, Lu Qingshan did not kill the former, and even kept a hand, which did not seriously injure him.

Foreign objects are foreign objects after all, and people are still good.

Xijianchi's request to be promoted to Daoist Sect was rejected without any doubt.

"Sect Master Bai, after this battle of Dao and Demons, I don't know how many monks are going to sleep here." Da Xia Zun went up to Xia Zhao and stood on the city wall of Yanlan Pass, looking at the vast mountain range, his expression was calm but extremely deep emotion.

Sword Master Baishuang stood beside Xia Zhao, and there was nothing strange in his face, but the gloom in the depths of his eyes could not be concealed.

Xia Zhao knew the mood of Sword Master Baishuang at this time, and he didn't care about his silent attitude. He looked at the sky and the clouds and said to himself: "Who wouldn't expect the position of Daozong? Xijianchi has a chance to sit in this position, I want to go. It is also reasonable to strive for it.”

"It was the same with King Qing back then."

Sword Master Baishuang's eyes flashed, and he finally said, "Xia Zun thinks what King Qing has done is reasonable?"

Xia Zhao sighed, as for what he was sighing, no one knew, "It's reasonable, but it doesn't mean it's right."

"Right and wrong, how do you judge? For you, what King Qing did is naturally wrong, but in King Qing's eyes, what is wrong with him?" Sword Master Baishuang twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's all the words of the family. "

"No, you misunderstood, I'm not judging the right or wrong of this matter from my point of view, my judgment standard is very simple..." Xia Zhao wrote lightly.

"Whoever wins is who is right."

The White Frost Sword Master fell silent.

"It's like war, it doesn't decide who is right, only who stays."

Xia Zhao looked at the sky and continued: "It's not too late, Sect Master Bai will return to the sect as soon as possible, the battle between Dao and Demon is imminent, and everyone in the world should show the spirit of your sword cultivators in Xijianchi, otherwise Xijianchi's body The stigma will never be washed away in a lifetime.”

Sword Master White Frost nodded silently.

The 200,000 swords were extremely precious to the Sword Washing Pond, and it was a pity to be taken away by Lu Qingshan.

But for a sect, what is truly precious is always the spirit passed down from generation to generation.

Lu Qingshan's sentence "What is the spirit of Jianxiu in Xijianchi?", the damage to Xijianchi was far greater than the 200,000 swords.

"Qingyun Jianxian did not choose the wrong person, Lu Qingshan is indeed the hope and future of the Sword Sect." The White Frost Sword Master sighed deeply, his tone extremely sighed.

"Lu Qingshan is not only the hope and future of Sword Sect, in my opinion, he is the hope and future of our human race." Xia Zhao smiled.

Such a high evaluation made Sword Master White Frost's pupils dilate suddenly, looking at Xia Zhao in disbelief.

"If you were Lu Qingshan, what would you do?" Xia Zhao turned around and asked suddenly.

Sword Master Baishuang thought about it carefully and gave the answer, "If I were him, I would not keep it."

"So you can never become Xie Qingyun, nor can you become Lu Qingshan, a sword cultivator, full of murderous aura, soaring aura, and a talent that seems to be admired, but in fact, they are all icing on the cake."

"The way of swordsmanship has the invincible potential across the world, and it has the rhythm of a fairy family in the nineteen states of Guanghan."

"But that's not the most important thing."

"What's really important is to have chivalry, chivalry."

"There must be a righteousness that sees injustice and draws a sword to help each other, the pride of this sword to flatten the world's injustice, and the great swordsman, who is responsible for the family and the people."

"This is the way of swordsmanship."

"This is the sword repair."

A woman who is not Jianxiu so definitely defines Jianxiu, it seems very unreasonable, but her next sentence immediately makes people unable to refute.

"That's what he taught me."


After Jing Zhe, it is the spring equinox.

The spring equinox begins with the spring breeze.

The wind rises in the Eastern Region and ends at Yumen Pass.

The devil cannot pass through the jade gate, so the spring breeze cannot pass through the jade gate.

In the spring breeze, a pair of male and female swords came side by side towards Yumen Pass.

"Very good." The two teachers and apprentices were speechless, and when they were approaching Yumen Pass, Xia Daoyun suddenly said.

Lu Qingshan was a little puzzled and didn't know what Xia Daoyun was referring to.

Xia Daoyun didn't explain much. He changed the topic and said again: "After this court meeting, not only Jianzong, but the entire human race will no longer have any doubts about you."

"Master, I was worried that you would be caught up to the position of Sect Master in such a hurry. UU reading will be a little uncomfortable, but you have done much better than I imagined." She said happily.

"First go to the Sword Washing Pond to get the sword, and then go to Yanlan Pass to defeat Sword Master Baishuang. Sect Master Lu is really beautiful."

When Lu Qingshan heard the extremely unfamiliar title, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Master, please call me by my name."

Xia Daoyun looked at Lu Qingshan with a smile but not a smile, and looked at him carefully several times, as if he had finally seen enough of this extremely promising apprentice, smiled, and said softly: "Qingshan, I am very happy to see you have achieved today's achievements. happy."

"After returning to Yumen Pass, I'm going to prepare for the big reading.

It should have taken place when you took office, because the Sword Washing Pond has been delayed for a long time. ' she said.


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