This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 2: Jianzong is so majestic again, 0 swords come

Yumen Pass.

The continuous spring rain finally stopped.

The white lantern hanging at the entrance of Qingyun Palace has also been taken off.

And the place where the Qingyun Palace plaque originally hung was replaced with a new plaque.

"Qingshan Palace".

From Qingyun Palace to Qingshan Palace, although only one word has been changed, it symbolizes the succession of two generations of Sword Sect.

With the hanging of the new plaque, Lu Qingshan's military parade ceremony after taking office is also imminent.

The Great Reading seems to be just a ceremony, but it has extremely important practical significance.

That is, it can show force and let those who have dissent thoughts put out those bad ideas, and it is also an act of cohesion, showing Jianzong's determination to guard Yumen and defend the territory.

At such an important time as the change of the suzerain, it is undoubtedly necessary to hold a great review.


In the Tianshan Mountains, north of Yumen Pass, there is a towering peak. It is not particularly majestic and limited in size, but it is extremely mysterious.

It is a suspended inverted cone-shaped peak body, like a meteorite flying from the sky.

Hence, it was named Feilaifeng.

Feilai Peak is surrounded by tornadoes that are connected to the sky, and the wind is howling.

There is no grass on Feilai Peak, the scenery is extremely desolate, and there is an ancient atmosphere in the desolation.

This is where the grand reading ceremony is held.

In the center of Feilai Peak, there is a temporary high platform, which is very majestic.

Under the high platform, one after another monks flew from all around, according to the phalanx position.

In a short time, it was already a piece of darkness, which was extremely spectacular.

There was no one on the platform at this time.

But soon there was an escape light, and the nine-level monks in Yumenguan came one after another, landing on the stage slightly behind, standing in a row.

These are all monks from the top sects of the Eastern Region.

Jianzong, as the ruling sect of Yumen Pass, the replacement of the position of Jianzong suzerain, is also the replacement of the cultivator in power at Yumen Pass.

Therefore, this grand review ceremony, which is the current top priority of Jianzong, is much more grand than imagined. All the high-level monks at Yumen Pass are not absent.

After the nine-level monks arrived, they were the only three honored monks in Yumenguan.

Shangluo Daoist, Shaoyou Lingzun and Dayin Wudi also slowly entered their positions.

They were standing in front of the row of nine-level monks, waiting silently.

Everyone knows what to expect.

At this moment, on the stone steps of the high platform, a thin figure slowly stepped up, attracting everyone's attention.

Li Shiyi, who was completely exhausted, appeared in front of all the cultivators for the first time since returning to the Eastern Region.

Re-walking the road of cultivation, at this time, his cultivation base is not high enough to be able to build a foundation, but no one dares to underestimate him because of this.

Li Shiyi stopped slightly to the left in the middle of the high platform, the Taibai Sword appeared in his hand, and stood leaning on it.

Although there is only a foundation-building cultivation base, it is standing in front of the four honorable monks.

Whether it's true or otherwise, at least no one has any doubts about it.

Then, the current Jianzong cultivation base is the first person, Yu Canghai, the invincible Canghai Peak Peak Master Yu Canghai who is invincible in Yumen with the Changfeng Sword Array, and the sword scabbard known as the sword sect, and they are only one and a big defeat. And Xue Wushao, the well-known Wusheath Peak master, stepped onto the high platform at the same time.

The two held a small boat, and the other held the chaos, also standing with swords.

In the end, dressed in Tsing Yi, Xie Qingyun once commented that "why do you need to be light blue and light red, you are the best among flowers", with a domineering tone of "I Xia Daoyun slaying demons, what's the problem with being higher than a level", Chi Zun was furious. After "Sword Qi traverses 30,000 miles, and one sword shines across the nineteen states", Xia Daoyun, the master of Jianlai Peak, who has become the first person in Sword Sect's combat power, stepped into the high platform and stood upright.

Xia Daoyun was originally a stunning woman known to the world. At this time, she looked solemn and stood on the high platform. With the bull ear that used to be Li Qiubei's life sword, she looked even more detached.

She just stood there like that, who would dare to underestimate her?

Moreover, Xia Daoyun also has a very special identity.

The master of Lu Qingshan, the current master of Sword Sect.

The four strongest peak masters of the current Sword Sect, each holding a sword, lined up!

Xia Daoyun looked down from a height and looked up.

The 100,000 Yumenguan cultivators were divided into neat square formations, leaving a line of paths in the middle.

Sword Master Wu Ju led a thousand sword sect sword cultivators, occupying the position closest to the high platform, holding his head high and his arrogance soaring into the sky.

In addition, there are Changhe Sect, Qinglian Sect, Wugou Palace, Moon Picking Sect... There are a total of thirty-six top sects in the Eastern Region, and the sect cultivators each form a square formation, and their arrogance is not weak at all.

People have almost arrived, but the sound of the drums of war has not yet sounded, and the military parade has not yet begun.

Everyone is still waiting in silence.

Because the most important person hasn't come yet.

A majestic drum sounded like a thunder in the sky, roaring and rolling away.

The tens of thousands of miles of long winds that formed the long winds and great formations were also boiling and rolling at this time, and the weather was so great that it could not be described in words.

When an extremely handsome young sword cultivator, wearing a black robe embroidered with a blue dragon pattern, appeared at the end of the line, everyone held their breath and paid attention to him.

The young Jianxiu did not walk with the sword, but every step he took, he seemed to be able to shrink into an inch and move the space, spanning a very long distance, and his speed was not at all dissatisfied.

As the drums reached the densest and most vigorous time, the young Jianxiu had already arrived in front of the high platform and walked up the stone steps. At the very center of the high platform, Xia Daoyun, Yu Canghai, Xue Wushao, Li Shiyi and others Standing in front of the monks of the nine realms,

He stretched out his right hand and took out a sword from the void beside him.

The cyan sword body has a transcendent aura.

The tornado with the long wind and the great array moved with it, and it was mighty.

The sword of Jianzong inheritance, swinging.

Lu Qingshan raised the swing, pointed the tip of his sword to the sky, and suddenly shouted:

"Jianzong, start the sword!"

All Jianzong Jianxiu, all have swords.

Xia Daoyun stopped leaning on his sword, and the bull's ear burst into the air.

Yu Canghai, Xue Wushao, and Li Shiyi also attacked at the same time.

Jianzong Jianxiu, who is invincible even if the number is less than a thousand, also uses his sword.

In an instant, the tornadoes that filled the sky seemed to have lost their color, and there were only a thousand flying swords left in the sky and the earth.

When the sword force stirred the world, Lu Qingshan let go of his right hand.

Swinging like a thunder in the sky and the earth, it suddenly rose.

There was a loud noise in the sky, like a bell hitting a bell, shattering the eardrums.

Changhong through the sky.

A majestic spirit surged out of him.

The famous swordsmen who were free in the sky seemed to have a leader, their swords became more and more majestic, and they came together. One sword after another followed Fuyao, and in the sky above Feilai Peak, a shocking sword was drawn. Huge half arc.

All the monks on Feilai Peak raised their heads to look at the sky at this moment.

In the field of vision, the sea of ​​​​clouds is like a roll of satin being torn apart.

The golden sunlight fell down like a feather. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The flying swords covered the sky and the sun in the magnificent place and were full of brilliance.

The sharp edge swept through all the haze and haze, leaving the blue sky like a wash.

The sword comes to the green mountain, and the clouds are covered with clouds.

The sword goes to the sky for freedom.

Jianzong Jianxiu is invincible in the world.

Jianzong has a new suzerain, Lu Qingshan.

Sword Sect is towering over a thousand swords.


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