This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 3: If you want to be poor, go to the next level

This Jianzong grand review is probably the smallest in the history of Jianzong.

Not to mention the total number of people is only 1,000, and even the main peak peak master has only four left, and one of them has lost his cultivation base, and the third generation Haoran gas has been reduced to nothing.

But all the Sword Sect cultivators were still excited.

Because they know better than anyone else, the difficulties of the Sword Sect today are uneasy.

The Sword Washing Pond is under fire, and the outside world is talking about it. Why aren't they worried about their sword sect's ten thousand years foundation?

Why are you not worried that the new suzerain will not be able to convince the public, not even convinced, or even oral?

Therefore, when Lu Qingshan flicked his 200,000 swords back to their sheaths at the Sword Washing Pool, and with a single drink at Yanlan Pass, the 200,000 swords were unsheathed and defeated Sword Master Baishuang, so when Lu Qingshan raised his sword on Feilai Peak, in a blink of an eye Thousands of swords came, all the Sword Sect disciples finally let go of their hearts.

They understood that Lu Qingshan already had the ability to take charge of the Sword Sect, and even if he was young, he would still be the master of the Taoist Sect.

These sword sect disciples even began to imagine that the state that the sword sect masters of all dynasties could not reach. As the youngest and most talented sword cultivator in history, is it possible for the young sword sect master to achieve it?

If for Jianzong, the significance of this review is to unite people's hearts, then for the monks who participated in this review, it has a deeper meaning.

In the past, they had heard that Jianzong Jianxiu's combat power was the highest among the human race.

Naturally, they also heard that Lu Qingshan, the new sect master, had come with a sword, which made Xijianchi lose face.

But 200,000 swords came out of such a magnificent vision, and I didn't see it with my own eyes.

However, after the last time the three peak masters of Jianzong fought against the three warriors and demons, they had a certain understanding of the power of the peak masters of Jianzong.

But now, I have seen with my own eyes the thousands of flying swords flying vertically and horizontally in the sky, floating and sweeping into the sky, and the Ling Rui sword intent revealed in it, the real thing is that people feel the top of Mount Tai, and they are extremely suffocating.

Especially when Fuyao came out, the aura of heaven and earth seemed to have to stagnate.

Looking at the four peak masters standing behind Lu Qingshan again, the nonsense of Jianzong's green and yellow will naturally be self-defeating.

The inheritance of Jianzong has never been cut off.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone flying swords "returned to their sheaths", and the "young sword cultivator" who took the lead wearing the Sect Master Canglong robe disappeared.


Yumen Pass, Qingshan Palace.

Lu Qingshan, who had just returned to the palace after the big reading, had a look of anticipation in his dark eyes.

On the dark blue panel that no one but him can see, a line of small fireflies is flashing.

"Four Tribulations Realm Advanced Mission: [Amazing Hundred Blossoms Again], has been completed!"

On the third day after he left Yanlan Pass, the advanced task had already been completed.

Completing the task means that Lu Qingshan can go to the forty-nine tribulations.

It was only for the upcoming grand review that Lu Qingshan dragged on and did not break through immediately.

Now that the big reading is over, there is naturally no need to delay.

"You have consumed 3.08 billion experience points."

"You are about to start breaking through and advance to the Four Tribulations Realm."

"Be careful, you will begin to be robbed."

"The catastrophe you will face this time is: four or nine catastrophe."

Ripples continued to spread out from Lu Qingshan's body, the pressure was terrifying, and even made the space around him a vacuum.

That is the Yuan force fluctuation in his body.

It can be seen that his Yuan Li is in an extremely unstable state.

And this state is precisely the sign of breaking through the calamity.

With the help of 3 billion experience points and his own efforts, Lu Qingshan's cultivation level, after a few days, has finally improved again, officially hitting the Four Tribulations Realm.

Almost at the moment when Lu Qingshan's three billion experience points flowed, a huge vortex appeared in the sky above Yumen Pass.

It was also at this time that the four Sword Sect Peak Masters who had just returned to Yumen Pass were all stunned and raised their heads in unison.

At this moment, the entire Yumen Pass shook violently.

Countless monks raised their heads and looked at the sky in amazement.

As they watched, the sky twisted and transformed, and amazing vortices appeared.

The vortex continued to expand, and within it Razer began to swim.

There are countless high-level monks in the Yumen Pass, so many people understand what this is.

Heavenly Tribulation!

Heavenly robbery should not be considered a rare thing for them.

After all, many of them got through it themselves.

The question is, whoever transcends the calamity does not always find a place off the beaten track to transcend the calamity with peace of mind without being disturbed by others?

What is the joke at Yumen Pass?

All the Yumenguan monks couldn't help but wonder who this "bold" person was.

However, they are not in a hurry, because they also know that they will get the answer soon.

In the vortex in the sky, at this moment, the thunder light wanders, and the lightning flashes along with the sky fire, intertwined with each other, like a precursor to the extinction of the world, with a loud noise.

In a short time, the huge cloud robbing machine is already sweeping all directions with mighty power.

In the robbery cloud, the terror pressure spreads.

"Forty-nine tribulations." Xia Daoyun said softly.

She recognized the level of this catastrophe.

"Who is it?" Yu Canghai frowned beside her.

In fact, he already had a faint answer in his heart, but after all, he couldn't believe it - if it was really that person, his cultivation was too exaggerated, and he really couldn't understand it at all.

"Apart from Qingshan, who else would do such a "ridiculous" thing in Yumenguan?" Xia Daoyun smiled lightly, and there was an inexplicable "pampering" in his tone.

It turns out that you also know that this is "ridiculous", so why do you look so proud?

Yu Canghai pouted and complained in his heart.

The appearance of the Forty-Nine Heavenly Tribulation at Yumen Pass sparked discussions among many people.

Only Lu Qingshan has left the Qingshan Palace, and his figure is rising.

"It's Sect Master Lu!" Yumenguan monk's doubts were answered at this moment.

When you think about it, it makes sense.

After all, since his debut, has this young sect master done very few "outrageous" things?


"My Forty-Nine Tribulations!" Lu Qingshan murmured softly with a strong light in his eyes.

Just as his voice came out, there was a loud thunder in the sky.

The sound is loud, like opening up the world.

Between the roars, the vortex swelled, and thunder and skyfire covered all directions.

Jieyun's pressure, at this moment, was so strong that it was terrifying.

"How do you feel... Qingshan's Four or Nine Heavenly Tribulations are much stronger than mine." Feeling the terrifying pressure from the vortex, Xia Daoyun couldn't help frowning.

"You don't feel wrong, his power of the forty-nine tribulations is indeed more terrifying than ours," as the "authority" of crossing the heavens, Li Shiyi said: "I have survived the forty-nine tribulations three times, and not once was Compared to the Sect Master Shanglu."

"What's going on?" Xia Daoyun didn't understand.

Heavenly robbery is the test of heaven for monks.

There are strong and weak points among the Four Tribulations Realm cultivators, but there is no difference in the strength of the Four or Nine Heavenly Tribulations.

That's why Lu Qingshan's 49th Heavenly Tribulation came so fiercely.

Could it be that Lu Qingshan offended Tiandao, and Tiandao gave him small shoes?

how is this possible!

In fact, in many cases, the most unlikely answer to intuition is often the final truth.

Here, Lu Qingshan didn't have much reaction in the face of the calamity that was far more powerful than the normal four or nine calamities.

One is that this is the first time he has crossed the 49th Heavenly Tribulation. Before that, he has never seen others cross the calamity, so he does not know the abnormal power of the 49th Heavenly Tribulation.

Second, Lu Qingshan has full confidence in his own strength.

What he did also showed his confidence incisively and vividly.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Lu Qingshan's body swayed, and the whole body's cultivation base burst out. It turned out that he did not wait for the calamity to fall, and went up against the trend, directly slamming into the vortex and robbery cloud in the sky.

Who can stop his cultivation path, who dares to stop him?

Lu Qingshan was as fast as lightning, facing his 49th Heavenly Tribulation!


Jieyun was angered by Lu Qingshan's move, and the thunder light from ten thousand feet descended, turning into a sea of ​​lightning.

This is a very terrifying scene, with endless lightning, every lightning can shatter the mountains, and all hit Lu Qingshan at this moment.

Lu Qingshan's eyes flickered, and the sword domain was sacrificed, and there were countless sword energy around him, which defeated the thunder and lightning.

The dragon bird slammed into the sky, rushed straight through the sea of ​​lightning, and went straight to the robbery cloud.

Peach Blossom also rushed out of his sword domain, ups and downs in the tribulation thunder, tempering the sword body.

Few people dare to do this, because with the power and ferocity of the heavenly robbery, no matter whether the magic weapon enters the robbery cloud or is baptized by a powerful robbery thunder, it will easily fall into a place of doom.

Not to mention that the natal sword is still the foundation of a sword repair, and any damage is fatal.

However, Lu Qingshan was not afraid at all.

As the source of the Dao, the dragon bird is indestructible, needless to say.

Even if it is a peach blossom, it is the quality of a fake Taoist weapon. With the help of the baptism of thunder, it is just to temper one's own body and accumulate information for transforming into a Taoist weapon.

At this time, the dragon bird had already rushed to the height of ten thousand feet, and came to the place where the coercion was most prosperous, that is, the center of the vortex.

Feeling the arrival of the dragon bird, Jieyun scrambled more and more violently, and then, one after another thick thunder light poured out like a dragon, and bit the dragon bird.

Lei Jiao dances wildly.

However, just as Lei Jiao was about to hit the dragon bird, the sky-piercing sword light suddenly burst out from the dragon bird.

Dragon Sparrow's divine power was released without reservation.

At this moment, the sword light was even more dazzling than the thunder light.

The room is full of fire.

It was the blaze of sword light, even redder than flames.

Jieyun, like the butter in front of a hot pot, was showing his teeth and claws one moment, but the next moment it was already disturbed and vanished.

An extremely difficult test for others, it seems a little too easy for Lu Qingshan.

"You have survived forty-nine tribulations!"

"Your cultivation base has been improved: the Three Tribulations Realm has been upgraded to the Fourth Tribulation Realm!"

"Your Yuan Li has been increased, and the upper limit of Yuan Li value has been increased by 40w!"

"Your Primordial Spirit has been improved, and Divine Consciousness +1000!"

"Issue Five Tribulations Realm Advanced Task: [If you want to be poor, go to the next level]"

[Looking for a thousand miles and reaching a higher level]: "If I say that I see farther than others, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants" - communicate with the most powerful sword cultivator in the world.

Note: The most powerful sword cultivator in the world has been assessed as the Tianhe Sword Immortal---Chu Mushen.


Lu Qingshan spit out a mouthful of turbid air, and his eyes twinkled brightly.

He was in a good mood.

After successfully crossing the robbery, the cultivation base finally entered the realm of four tribulations, and the strength has been improved again. More importantly, the newly issued Five Tribulations Realm advanced tasks are much simpler than he imagined.

Even in his opinion, it is much simpler than the Four Tribulations Realm advanced task [Amazing Flowers Blossom Again].

Of course, it cannot be said that the task is too simple.

Tianhe Sword Immortal Chu Mushen is not only the most powerful sword cultivator in the world, but can even be said to be the most powerful human cultivator in the world.

It is extremely difficult for even a Four Tribulation Realm cultivator to communicate with such beings.

As a general "player", seeing this task is definitely a headache, calling the dog's plan and his face black.

But for Lu Qingshan, he is not only a sword cultivator in the Four Tribulations Realm, but also the sect master of the Sword Sect.

The identity of the master of the Taoist sect made it extremely easy for Lu Qingshan to complete this task.


"Qingshan, can we fight?"

As soon as the robbery clouds dissipated and Lu Qingshan advanced to the Four Tribulations Realm, Xia Daoyun rose into the air and landed in front of Lu Qingshan, whispering.

The sound was not loud, but it was enough to spread across half of the Yumen Pass.

Then, this sentence caused an even bigger commotion than when the Four Nine Heavens Tribulations appeared in the sky above Yumen Pass.

All the Yumenguan cultivators were shocked, looked up at the sky, and looked at the pair of master and apprentice in the sky.

Xia Daoyun looked at Lu Qingshan with a smile, waiting for his reply.

Lu Qingshan was stunned at first, then he reacted immediately, clasped his fists in salute to Xia Daoyun, and said cheerfully, "Master, is it the sky or the sea?"

"The sea!" Xia Daoyun's mountain-like brows were full of smiles, "If you win this battle, you will be considered an official apprentice. In the future, the relationship between master and apprentice will still be there, but you don't need to call me a teacher anymore."

Xia Daoyun took the initiative to declare war, first of all, it was an itchy technique.

Thinking of her since cultivating swords, the contemporary sword cultivator, who is incomparable to her, is not the first in any realm? Which realm is not invincible?

Now her apprentice is rising with a more amazing momentum than her, even surpassing her style back then, and now her cultivation base is infinitely close to her.

Xia Daoyun and Lu Qingshan, is Xia Daoyun the most talented, or is Lu Qingshan better?

This kind of discussion like "Emperor Huang Tian is strong or Emperor Ye Tian is strong" is originally the most classic and gimmicky.

Therefore, although this discussion has only appeared recently, it has quickly spread and aroused public discussion.

Xia Daoyun had also heard about this discussion, and she was also extremely curious in her heart.

If so, let's take a look at the answer.

The second is that Xia Daoyun doesn't want to use "master and apprentice" to restrain Lu Qingshan anymore.

As the master of the first peak of Jianzong, she is also the master of Lu Qingshan.

Although Lu Qingshan certainly doesn't matter, but to outsiders, it seems that Lu Qingshan, the sect master, is not enough - is your sword sect the biggest Xia Daoyun or Lu Qingshan?

In Xia Daoyun's view, this teacher must let Lu Qingshan out.

But how it comes out is also important.

Now is the best time.

That's why she declared war in front of the monk Youyou Yumenguan.

Xia Daoyun's intentions, Lu Qingshan understood instantly, so he did not hesitate to fight.


The two of them are in the same line and have a neat and neat temperament. The next moment, they flew away from Yumenguan and went straight to the sea area of ​​​​the Eastern Region.

At the same time, in the Yumen Pass of UU Reading, one after another silhouettes burst out of the air.

First, the high-level sword repairers of Jianzong came out.

Yu Canghai, Xue Wusheath, Sword Master Wu Mo...

Even Li Shiyi was brought along by Yu Canghai to watch the battle together.

The three venerable monks in the Houyumen Pass couldn't help being curious and followed.

The two most talented sword cultivators in the contemporary era are still masters and apprentices, and everyone is full of interest.

Two sword cultivators, who were once known to be invincible at the same level, finally met in the Eight Tribulations Realm. Who is the invincible?


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