This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 8: Sitting on the sky

Then what was his journey of ten thousand miles for?

This is really a question worth pondering.

Lu Qingshan thought.

"My Sword Immortal, doesn't it sound too low-grade?" Chu Mushen looked at the vast Tianhe sea and listened to the sound of the waves hitting the Tianhe city wall with the sea water that was like a day for thousands of years.

Lu Qingshan shook his head.

Chu Mu Shen gave Lu Qingshan a puzzled look, as if he was considering whether he really thought so, or whether it was a necessary courtesy.

- After all, everyone is very polite to him.

Lu Qingshan sincerely praised: "The ultimate goal of a person's life, in the final analysis, isn't it just to go to the pier to order French fries later?"

Many people regard Chu Mushen as a **** and think that he is omnipotent.

In fact, he never thought so, he knew there were many things he didn't understand and couldn't.

For example, at this moment, he couldn't understand the laughter in Lu Qingshan's words, and he couldn't understand where Lu Qingshan's heartfelt approval and recognition came from.

Chu Mushen thought for a while, but didn't want to understand, so he decided not to think about it anymore.

It's not an important thing, he never bothers.

So he has been living a very comfortable life.

Chu Mushen opened his mouth and continued to tell:

"Of course, a lot has happened in those 20,000 years."

"I came to Tianhe City to eat fish. Naturally, I won't miss this great opportunity, so I started to fish non-stop on the Tianhe Sea and kept fighting with the demons."

"As I said before, if there are more fights, the realm will continue to break through and continue to move up. One day I will become the Tianhe Sword Immortal."

"Oh, the title Tianhe Sword Immortal was also given to me by them." Chu Mushen said casually.

"After I became Tianhe Sword Immortal, I somehow became the patron saint of Tianhe City. I have no opinion on this. I am a human race. Since I have that ability, protecting the human race is a matter of course."

"After he disappeared for thousands of years, I became the strongest of the human race."

"The descendants of that person have also inherited his will, and they are also very polite to me for their tireless support for Tianhe City."

"I don't have much ability. Keeping Tianhe City has already made me overwhelmed. I don't have much interest in other things."

Mushen Chu looked at the huge Tianhe City, sighed, and said after a moment of silence, "It's a pity that the descendants of his descendants don't understand this truth."

"What happened?" Lu Qingshan heard the meaning of Chu Mushen's words.

Tianhe Sword Immortal said: "Then they were fighting for that position. It's none of my business, and I don't want to worry about it."

"But I don't know who gave them the idea. A guy actually moved his mind to Tianhe City, and wanted to use the power of Tianhe City to help him win the throne."

"The demons are very powerful, and it is not easy for Tianhe City to defend, and it can't stand their tossing and nonsense."

Knowing that Xia Zhao was sitting in that position, Lu Qingshan didn't worry too much, although even if he didn't know, he didn't worry.

Sword Immortals always give people a great sense of security. It seems that with them, everything will be stable.

"Then what?" Lu Qingshan was very cooperative.

"They wanted to use the power of Tianhe City. I told them they couldn't do it. They agreed, but the action didn't stop."

"Yang follows Yin," Chu Mushen nodded affirmatively, "Yes, that's the word."

"Then how did you do it?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"They're good at strategy, I can't, but they have a flaw, a fatal flaw..."

"They can't beat me." Chu Mushen picked up his chopsticks again, put another piece of fish in his mouth, and after sipping the tea, he continued to write lightly.

"They were not obedient, so I killed the leader, and then they were obedient."

"Good kill." Lu Qingshan applauded.

Simply neat.

It will also be his choice.

"Although it's been a generation or several generations, it's still his bloodline, so I won't feel sad, let alone sad, but I always feel a little rude.

I think, it's okay to kill one, if there are more kills, if he reappears one day, I'll be very sorry?

It happened that someone had already sat in that position at that time. It was a woman, a sensible woman. "

"So, I conveyed my support for her - even though I didn't know her."

From this point of view, the reason why Xia Zhao became Xia Zun was that in addition to Chang'an Sword Immortal, Tianhe Sword Immortal also helped, although it was passive.

Lu Qingshan thought to himself.

"Since then, I have never taken care of his family affairs. After all, I am very busy." Chu Mushen's eyes fell on the fish soup that was still rolling in the copper tripod, and his eyes dispersed along with the hot mist.

"What have you been busy with all these years?" Lu Qingshan asked curiously.

Chu Mushen looked at Lu Qingshan and said seriously: "In these years, apart from eating fish and fighting, I spent most of my time thinking about a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"How to defeat the demons."

"Have you got a clue?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"Yes." Chu Mushen nodded.

Lu Qingshan raised his head in shock.

"I told them not to do this. They were disobedient. I killed the leader, and they obeyed, because they understood that it was very easy for me to kill them, and they were afraid."

"The demons should be like this too."

"They're not afraid now because I'm not strong enough."

"I just have to get stronger, as strong as he is."

Lu Qingshan knew who he was referring to in Chu Mushen's mouth.

"Then, I discovered a new problem." Chu Mushen was annoyed for the first time.

"What?" Lu Qingshan faintly sensed that the communication between Chu Mushen and himself finally touched the core.

"The road of cultivation is long. After so many thousands of years, there will always be someone who can reach the end of the long road of cultivation. Then why is there only one Xiazu?" Chu Mushen asked Lu Qingshan.

"Yeah, why?" Lu Qingshan was silent for a long time before speaking.

Chu Mushen said, "Whether there is life in the sky, we have no way of knowing, but we can know that the sky has its own will."

If Chu Mushen and Lu Qingshan said this before Daoyuan Realm, he may not understand.

But after experiencing the Daoyuan Realm, Lu Qingshan already had a deep feeling for the so-called will of heaven.

Lu Qingshan nodded in agreement.

"It overlooks the world, and everyone is an ant to it. Even those monks who can overturn rivers and seas are only stronger ants to it."

"What the ant does, it doesn't care."

"But if one day, an ant suddenly raised its head to look at it, and then flew into the sky, to become a side-by-side existence with it, or even detach from it, in order to take away the power of the world that it regards as forbidden."

"How could it possibly allow this to happen?"


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