This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 9: outlier, outlier

"If you want to be side by side with the sky, it means that this cultivator is already strong enough to cross the nine realms and walk through the avenues of thousands of miles."

"But the problem is that this kind of power is only relative to the living beings in the world, and it is not enough for the sky."

"Do you know why?" Chu Mushen asked back.

Lu Qingshan pondered quietly for a while, then tentatively said: "Because, the sky is too powerful?"

"It's a small part of the reason, but not the main reason."

"The sky is not as powerful as you think."

Chu Mushen shook his head and denied Lu Qingshan's answer.

It would be too arrogant for others to say this, but Chu Mushen said it just right.

The Sword Immortal, who likes to eat fish, held the spoon and drank the fish soup in the bowl slowly, with a relaxed expression, and then pointed the spoon upwards.

Lu Qingshan involuntarily looked up at the blue cloudless sky.

"Because this world operates according to the rules of heaven, and the birth of all creatures follows its rules.

In addition, even the avenues passed by the monks above the nine realms are only a part of the heaven. "

"In this world, the Dao of Heaven is the highest Dao."

"I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, I just live in this mountain."

"Every flower, every grass, every tree and every tree in this world, even the air you breathe and the spiritual energy you need for cultivation, all come from the origin of the world."

"Your birth is the rule of heaven, and the avenue you walk is a small part of the way of heaven."

"So, how do people fight against the sky?"

"As I just said, cultivation is a very difficult thing, but with such a large number of human beings, in such a long time, there are always some monks who can cross the nine realms and go to the other side, about to touch meet the sky."

"But they all failed in the end."

"Because their strongest weapon is only part of the way of heaven."

"The way of heaven is omnipotent, it can calculate everything, it can understand your weaknesses, and it can even deprive you of your strength."

"That's what we often say, God is omnipresent and omnipotent."

"Since it is omnipotent, why do you have to wait until someone comes to "provocate" it before you know how to do it, rather than nip the threat in the bud?

Since it is omnipotent, why did Xia Daozu break through to the ancestral realm? "Lu Qingshan asked his own question.

Chu Mushen smiled, then the smile faded, and he said calmly, "Answer your first question first."

"Because, the Tao of Heaven must also follow the rules."

"Like the emperor of a country, he is the supreme ruler of the country and has the highest rights, but he can't act recklessly. He has to abide by certain rules. If he wants to break the rules, the country will perish."

"If the country perishes, can the emperor still be called the emperor?"

Lu Qingshan was silent.

"Those monks who have crossed the nine realms are 'rebels' to Tiandao. Even the emperor, without evidence, can't just identify anyone as a rebel, and then kill him?"

"After all, those who can meet the condition of "rebellion" are the most powerful group of people in a country.

If all of them are killed for no reason, the country will be finished," Chu Mushen used a very easy-to-understand metaphor to answer Lu Qingshan's question, "Similarly, their strength will also make the country more powerful. powerful. "

"In the middle, what is needed is a balance."

"So in order to make the "country" stronger, Tiandao can only sit and watch the threat gradually grow until it challenges it?" Lu Qingshan was still puzzled.

After all, in Daoyuan Realm, Tiandao tried to destroy all races to relieve the threat.

"Who said that," Chu Mushen glanced at Lu Qingshan and then at the sky, "Isn't it always trying to erase the threat?"

Lu Qingshan was stunned, and after a while, he suddenly woke up and murmured: "Heavenly Tribulation..."

Once the cultivator's cultivation level is promoted to the transcendence realm, it will usher in the catastrophe.

Is this a test?

No, it's just one of Heaven's ways to eradicate the threat.

I don't know how many monks have fallen on the road or stopped on the road because of the catastrophe.

If there is no catastrophe, the number of high-level monks in the sky will be several times or even dozens of times.

After all, the cultivator of the high realm has long since lost his lifespan limit.

"You responded very quickly," Chu Mushen nodded, affirming Lu Qingshan's guess, and then said, "Now answer your second question."

"Yes, since the sky is omnipotent, why is there an exception, and why is Xia Zu alone?"

"Like you, I'm starting to think about this too."

"I'm thinking, what is the difference between Xia Zu and others? It should be this difference that makes him the exception."

"But whether it's cultivation techniques or physique, Xia Zu is not unique."

"So I started thinking about other possibilities."

"But these possibilities were all overturned by me one by one."

"Until later, someone told me the answer." Chu Mushen said.

"What is it?" This time, Lu Qingshan was not cooperating, but really cared and curious.

"The answer is very simple and reasonable," Chu Mushen sighed and added, "It is also difficult to replicate."

"The Ancestral Realm is a road against the sky, there is no doubt about that.

This is the world of heaven, its territory. "

"Trying to beat it on its turf...that's why no one has ever succeeded."

"The most fundamental reason why Xia Zu was able to defeat the Dao of Heaven is that...he is not from the sky."

"He's from another world."

"So he succeeded."

"If this world is a dead game, we are all chess pieces in the game, Tian Dao is the person who can control the chess pieces, and Xia Zu, who came from outside the game, is an outsider, so he can naturally be the one who breaks the game."

Lu Qingshan felt that his mouth was a little dry.

"Xiazu...he is from another world?"

"Does it mean another world like Abyss, Yellow Spring, and Desolate Realm?" he asked.

"Of course not," Chu Mushen shook his head very calmly. "If it were that simple, I would have crossed the boundary sea and headed to the abyss to try to break through the ancestral realm."

"Our world is round and round."

"Xiazu's world, whether it is the sky or the earth, is round." Chu Mushen stared at Lu Qingshan's face with bright eyes.

Lu Qingshan was speechless.

Whether he took over as the Sect Master of the Sword Sect or faced the provocation of the Sword Washing Pond, his pressure has never been greater than at this moment.

He subconsciously glanced at the blue sky, and suddenly felt that the whole sky seemed to be pressing on him.

"Xiazu succeeded, but he also failed." Chu Mushen continued.

"The specific reason, no one knows."

"But I and the person who told me the answer made a very reasonable guess."

"Xiazu succeeded because he was not from our world."

"The reason why he failed...because he was still walking on the avenues of heaven."

"He's Fa Xiu."

Chu Mushen looked at Lu Qingshan and smiled: "You should understand what I mean."

"The monks all over the world follow the path of combining the Tao. UU reading is the innate Tao, that is, the Tao of Heaven. This is also destined that they will never be able to transcend the Tao of Heaven."

"Only sword cultivators, who cultivate the way of the day after tomorrow, only open the way if they don't conform to the way."

"This makes Jianxiu's path extraordinarily difficult, but it also makes Jianxiu unrestricted by heaven."

The copper cauldron on the table has long since been extinguished, and the fish soup has stopped boiling.

"That is to say, if there is really one person who can transcend the way of heaven and land in the ancestral realm, then he must meet these two conditions at the same time..."


"Sword repair."

Mushen Chu looked at Lu Qingshan and smiled.

"That is you."

"Lu Qingshan."


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