This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 12: Longevity

"Longevity?" is another new term that Lu Qingshan had never heard before.

"The sea of ​​​​boundary is vast. Although it has the power to suppress and prohibits living beings, there have been islands that can accommodate living beings since ancient times." Qi Butian said quickly.

"Perhaps because of the magic of the world, the creatures on these islands have more or less their own magic, and have a common feature: their lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary humans, so they are named the Longevity Clan."

"However, due to the power of repression, these creatures are also unable to leave the island, they can only be isolated from the world."

"You also know what happened next. Twenty thousand years ago, the repressive power of the realm of the sea disappeared, and the demons were able to start a war between the two realms, and these isolated creatures finally appeared in the world."

"Later, the demons were driven back to the abyss by Xiazu. We defended Tianhe City and confronted the demons across the sea for 20,000 years."

"During this period, both our human race and the demon race began to come into contact with these longevity races."

"After all, the longevity clan is powerful. If they can be drawn into their own camp, they will definitely be a powerful aid in the battle of Dao and Demon."

"More importantly, the demons did this. If we don't do it, it will only further widen the strength gap between us and the demons."

"There are seven of the most powerful immortal clans in the Tianhe Sea. Now, three have joined the demon camp, namely the royal family, the golden clan, and the du clan. Two have joined our human camp, and the other two have remained neutral."

The comprehensive strength of the Demon Race is far superior to that of the Human Race. Now, in the Longevity Race, they have lost the Demon Race again... Lu Qingshan felt helpless.

But this is precisely the most reasonable and most realistic situation.

Because you are strong, you can get more resources, and then you will become stronger.

The strong are always strong, this has been the case since ancient times.

In the case of unequal strength, it is actually extremely difficult for the human race to win over two long-lived clans to help each other.

"I'm sorry." After Qi Butian briefly introduced the longevity family, he apologized and left in a hurry.

Lu Qingshan seemed to have noticed, and found that although Chu Mushen's face was calm, a faint killing intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"What's the situation now?" he asked.

"That's a Taoist." Chu Mushen said lightly.

"The Dao clan and the Li clan are the two longevity clans in our human camp."

"I met the Li Clan by chance when I was fishing in the Tianhe Sea, and they are very friendly to our Human Clan, but this Dao Clan came to me by myself."

"Uninvited?" Lu Qingshan frowned, very sober, "They have no plans."

Anyone can see that the demons are powerful, and the human race might be destroyed one day.

If there is no personal relationship, where is the reason for the Dao clan to join the human clan?

Unless there are some unknown purposes and benefits.

"Yes, what they do is..." Chu Mushen nodded and spit out two words: "Xiazu."

"Qi Butian didn't say that before, the longevity clans have their own uniqueness," Chu Mushen slowly filled another bowl of fish soup and explained: "The reason why the Dao clan can rank among the seven longevity clans in Tianhehai is because of them. The miracle is to know all the dharmas.”

"Insight into all dharmas?!" Just hearing the name is enough to make people feel the horror.

Chu Mushen nodded, "They are born with double pupils, and double pupils are magical, and they can see the way of others."

"With this magical power, they can not only know the enemy like the palm of their hand and hit the weak point directly, but what is even more terrifying is that this magical power can even see the way of the monks."

"If a cultivator wants to join the Tao, he must find a suitable Tao between heaven and earth, and the Tao has always been illusory and extremely difficult to find. Chance, talent, and understanding are all indispensable."

"But the people of the Dao clan can intuitively "see" the Dao through their ability to understand all dharmas, and can even reproduce the Dao of others, which undoubtedly makes it much easier to join the Dao.

Therefore, the Dao clan is the one with the largest number of nine realms among the seven longevity clans, and it is because of the large number of nine realms that they are able to rank among the seven longevity clans. There was a hint of disdain in Chu Mushen's tone.

Lu Qingshan can understand the source of this disdain, "There is no shortcut to the path of cultivation, and it is not easy to join the path. It requires cultivators to seek up and down, and only after understanding can they succeed.

The Dao people use their own magic to replicate other people's Dao, which seems to be a step up to the sky, but it is not their own thing after all, and the drawbacks are obvious. "

The pirated version cannot beat the genuine version. This is the simplest truth.

"That's right," Chu Mushen curled his lips, "The Dao clan is only better than a single person, and the other six longevity clans have always looked down on them."

If the "pirate" Hedao Jiujing of the Taoist family has always been despised by the "genuine" Hedao Jiujing, then Jianxiu, who is happy with the sword in his hand, is undoubtedly standing at the top of the chain of contempt, and it is no wonder Chu Mushen So disdain for the Taoists.

"They want to spy on the way of Xiazu." Lu Qingshan also understood the map of the Dao clan at this time.

"As the only cultivators who have entered the ancestral realm, if they can spy on and re-enact the avenues of existence, even if they are re-engraved, they will definitely be extremely powerful."

"It's a good idea," Lu Qingshan said with a half-smile, "but they obviously didn't expect Xia Zu to disappear in 20,000 years."

"Bamboo basket draws water in vain." Lu Qingshan concluded.

"Later, they wanted to settle for the next best thing and try to spy on my swordsmanship."

"But it's a pity, the way of swordsmanship is acquired, a way that doesn't exist in the world. It was created by us. Even if they saw it, where would they go?" Chu Mushen continued.

"So they became the thorns in Tianhe City."

"They deliberately made trouble in Tianhe City?" Lu Qingshan frowned.

"That's not that stupid," Chu Mushen shook his head. "It's nothing more than using his own magic to spy on other people's avenues, and then he was discovered, and there was a dispute."

If the privacy is spied on by others, no one will be happy.

Not to mention that the avenue is still the foundation of a monk, the most important privacy.

Moreover, the Dao clan's spying is not a problem, and it will even be a re-engraving - who would like to learn from people?

"Let me tell you, this group of Dao people who have a heart that can be punished, just drive them away. These people from the province are causing trouble in Tianhe City every day, but Qi Butian stopped me." Chu Mushen said.

"Because once the Dao clan is driven away, with their temperament, there is a high probability that they will immediately join the demon clan, which will be a great disadvantage to our human clan.

And taking the initiative to drive away his allies, no matter what the reason is, it is always not good to hear, and it may even make the remaining two neutral longevity families tend to be demons. "Lu Qingshan has always been very rational.

"What Qi Butian said is the same as you," Chu Mushen glanced at Lu Qingshan in surprise, "I think it makes sense, so I listened."

He is a very pure person. He knows that he is best at eating fish and fighting, and he is only good at these two, so for other things, he has always respected the opinions of "professionals". There is a "one-vote veto".

"The troubles caused by the people of the Dao clan are also handled by Qi Butian." The fish soup in the copper cauldron finally bottomed out, and Chu Mushen slowly got up, "Because if I were to deal with it, I wouldn't talk to them. Be polite, just like Xie Qingyun did back then."

"Sect Master..." Lu Qingshan obviously didn't hear the name here.

"When Xie Qingyun came to Tianhe City, the people of the Dao clan didn't know what to do, and they spied on his swordsmanship, even if the swordsmanship was something they couldn't reproduce," Chu Mushen said softly: "Then, Xie Qingyun poked his eyes out. "

"The person who was blinded by Xie Qingyun was the elder of the Dao Clan, so since then, the Dao Clan has always harbored hatred for the people of your Sword Sect."

"So, you and the Dao people should try not to meet each other."

"If there is anything else you want to know, you can ask Qi Butian, or check it out yourself. Tianhe City's classic books are open to you, and the fish has been eaten, so let's talk about it today." Chu Mushen put away the copper tripod on the table. .

Lu Qingshan's eyes flickered, as if he had thought of something. Before Chu Mushen was about to leave, he suddenly asked, "Senior, who are the two longevity clans that have always remained neutral?"

Chu Mushen looked at Lu Qingshan in surprise, as if wondering why he was interested in this, and then replied casually:

"Wind Clan and..."



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