This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 13: Domotoko


"So you're from the Longevity Clan?"

Lu Qingshan's mind flashed a face with a naughty spirit of an elf.

Hide a small sword.

The little girl who revealed two rows of shiny white teeth when she smiled.

Unexpected and reasonable answer.

There is no doubt that Zang Xiaojian has an extraordinary background.

It's just that Lu Qingshan hasn't paid attention to it all these years, but even now he is in the high position of the Taoist sect master, he still hasn't found the slightest information about the family or sect who hides Xiaojian.

The wild goose left a mark.

Even the hidden world sect or hidden world family, it is impossible not to leave the slightest trace.


Zang Xiaojian's family does not exist in the sky at all!

Lu Qingshan had also considered this possibility, but it was not realistic.

Zang Xiaojian is clearly a human race, and the two met in the outer sea of ​​the southern region of the sky, so how could she be an outsider?

Now everything has a reasonable explanation.

——It is indeed not a creature from outside the world, but it is not a human race in the sky.

She is from the Jiehai Longevity Clan.

Lu Qingshan is almost certain that Tibetan Xiaojian must come from the Tibetan people.

"Is there any chance to meet again?" he thought.


When Lu Qingshan came back to his senses, Chu Mushen had long since disappeared.

"Five Tribulations Realm Advanced Mission: [I want to be poor, go to the next level], it has been completed!"

On the dark blue panel, a line of small fireflies flashed silently at this moment.

Lu Qingshan's most important purpose in coming to Tianhe City has been achieved, but he has no rest in his heart.

The conversation just now was too shocking and heavy, and he needed some time to digest it.

"Let's go and see the specific information about the Tibetan people and...the location." Lu Qingshan shook his head and decided to put those heavy things aside for the time being and go check out some information about the Changsheng Clan first.

The magic of the Dao people is that they understand all the laws. The Tibetan people can rank with the seven longevity tribes, and the magic they possess will definitely not be just the "extremely strong perception of swords" that Zang Xiaojian said at the beginning.

So, what is the magic of the Tibetans?

These things, Chu Mushen did not introduce him in detail.


Walking down the city, the old cultivator had returned and was waiting for Lu Qingshan.

"Sect Master Lu." Seeing Lu Qingshan walking down, the old cultivator immediately greeted him and greeted him.

Lu Qingshan nodded.

"Sect Master Lu came to Tianhe City for the first time and is not familiar with Tianhe City. Just talk to the old man wherever he wants." The old monk was arranged as Lu Qingshan's guide.

"Please take me to Tianhe City's collection place." Lu Qingshan said.

"Sect Master Lu, come with me." The old monk said politely.


When he passed through the center of Tianhe City again, the turmoil here had already subsided, and everything had returned to calm.

Qi Butian's work efficiency is extremely high.

Lu Qingshan glanced at the incomparably thick dry tree again.

"Is it an illusion?" He narrowed his eyes, startled.

For some reason, he actually felt that the power of Dao Ancestor contained in the dead tree seemed to become weak and weak, and it was going to be truly dry.

It's an illusion.

How can a sacred object that has not completely dried up and died for 20,000 years change in this short period of time?

"You are Lu Qingshan?" An extremely bright voice suddenly came from overhead, causing Lu Qingshan to recover from his slightly absent-minded state.

In the sky, I saw a monk riding a white jade lion, a strange beast surrounded by clouds, and descended from the sky from a high place.

The cultivator sat on the back of the white jade lion, overlooking Lu Qingshan from a high place.

"The new Sect Master of Sword Sect?"

The moment the cultivator appeared in front of him, the old cultivator showed a vigilant look.

Lu Qingshan suddenly understood a lot, he raised his head, squinted slightly, and looked at the visitor.

Face looks very young, with a very fair complexion. Although he is male, his whole person exudes a feminine temperament, which makes him look extremely perverted.

Isn't this a typical villain image?

For no reason, this thought flashed through Lu Qingshan's mind.

"Don't look at me, I know what you're thinking," the cultivator saw Lu Qingshan's gaze, he didn't care, and looked straight at Lu Qingshan, "My name is Dao Yuanzi, and Dao Chen is my uncle."

Daochen was the Taoist elder who spied on Xie Qingyun's swordsmanship and was blinded by Xie Qingyun.

Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come.

This is looking for a place, Lu Qingshan knows it.

It seems that this Dao clan has hands and eyes in Tianhe City. He just came to Tianhe City when he was approached by people from the Dao clan.

"Back then, my uncle just looked at your dead suzerain one more time, and he took advantage of his power and stabbed his eyes out," Dao Yuanzi said lightly, "You should be thankful that your cultivation base is low, and you have to follow him. I'm too far behind, I can't bully the small.

Otherwise, I will poke your eyes out today, as a little apology for what your suzerain did back then. "

Dao Yuanzi is already a monk of the Nine Realms, and Lu Qingshan is only in the Realm of Four Tribulations. The so-called "bullying the small by the big" is not arrogant, but it seems to be a fact.

"Uncle, he has retreated and cultivated hard for all these years, and his cultivation has made great progress. He wanted to be ashamed of the blood one day, but he didn't want to receive the news of Xie Qingyun's death. Well, it's a pity." Dao Yuanzi said again. .

He said it was a pity, but his demeanor and tone were extremely casual, full of contempt and ridicule, and his words were extremely unkind.

"It's just a preliminary match, and it's uncertain whether it's the avenue you stole from, what's there to be proud of?

Bullying the small with the big? If there is a real war, I will crush you. "Lu Qingshan responded coldly, his tone was very cold.

Although it is **** for tat, it is true.

After crossing the Tribulation Realm, it is the Realm of Harmony, which is further divided into four steps. Only after walking through the four steps can one enter the Realm of Honor.

Although Dao Yuanzi is a cultivator of the Taoist realm, his aura is not particularly strong, he is only one step to combine the Tao, and it is very likely that he is a "pirate" Taoist monk who can gain access to Taoism by stealing other people's Taoism.

In the eyes of Lu Qingshan, such a cultivator is neither powerful nor invincible.

You must know that he once defeated the Sect Master of Xijianchi, the White Frost Sword Master, in front of Yanlan Pass.

Although the final victory borrowed the power of 200,000 swords from the Sword Washing Pond, which is not exactly Lu Qingshan's combat power, but it is enough to prove that he now has the strength to fight the nine-level cultivator head-on.

The White Frost Sword Master is, after all, a Seven Tribulation Realm Sword Cultivator.

Obviously, the news of the Taoist people in front of him is lagging behind, and they don't know about it, otherwise they would have the courage to provoke Lu Qingshan.

It is not surprising that Tianhe City is located above the boundary sea and is isolated from the sky, and the news does not spread quickly.

Not to mention the fact that the clan itself is not a heavenly being, it has no power in the sky, and it is even less well-informed about the news from the sky.

"How brave, can I think you are challenging me?" Dao Yuanzi drooped his eyelids and stared at Lu Qingshan, sullen.

The word "stolen" obviously touched his forbidden area.

Despite the fact, the Dao Clan never listened to such words.

Once outsiders dare to say such things in front of them, they will inevitably attract their endless revenge.

"Challenge?" Lu Qingshan shook his head, "You are not worthy of these two words, you can take it as..."


Lu Qingshan said in a more casual manner than Dao Yuanzi just now, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

Dao Yuanzi was very flamboyant, and when he landed, he attracted the attention of many cultivators in Tianhe City. In addition, he called Lu Qingshan by name, which made many people curious and attentive, and began to pay attention.

But the Tianhe City cultivators never imagined that things would turn into what they are today.

The sword cultivator of the Four Tribulations Realm challenged the strong one who joined the Tao in one step, which really caused a big shock.

Cross-border challenges are too difficult, at least one must have a strong background in the Six Tribulations Realm or even the Seven Tribulations Realm to do it, but Lu Qingshan wanted to rely on the monks of the Four Tribulations Realm to do this heaven-defying move.

Especially Dao Motoko is a genius.

He is one of the few monks in the Dao clan who can join the Dao on his own. He walked out of the Dao himself, not stolen it.

Coupled with the magical insight into all the laws, the fighting method is almost invincible, the combat power is very strong, and it is the arrogance of the Dao clan.

It is not uncommon for Tianjiao to attack high-level cultivators, but if the opponent is also Tianjiao, and there is a big difference, there is basically no chance of winning.

"A person who is too arrogant will not live long, such as your old sect master." Dao Yuanzi said.

He heard the news that Lu Qingshan had come to Tianhe City, so he came to him. His original intention was to beat Lu Qingshan to vent his anger for his uncle.

"I don't know if people who are too arrogant will live long or not, but people who talk a lot of nonsense will definitely not live long." Lu Qingshan confronted him **** for tat.

This is true.

The villain has always died of talking too much.

The Tianhe City cultivator clicked his tongue.

As expected of a member of the Sword Sect, this domineering attitude is like the sword of the Sword Sect. In the face of a cultivator whose realm is higher than his own, he will suppress him when he opens his mouth.

"Everyone, you can prove that today, it's not my Dao Yuanzi who bullied the little ones, but his own rude words. If he wants to challenge me, I have to let him know what it means to be high."

Although Dao Yuanzi was furious, he couldn't ask for Lu Qingshan's provocation, and announced loudly to the surrounding Tianhe City cultivators.

In fact, in terms of his identity, he is lower than Lu Qingshan, and he always talks about "bullying the small with the big ones", which means that he deliberately suppresses Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan could see it clearly, but he didn't care about the battle of words.

"Noisy." He spat out two words.


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