In the central area of ​​Tianhe City, Lu Qingshan confronts Dao Yuanzi.

"You two, private fights are not allowed in Tianhe City." The old cultivator on the side reminded him at this time.

The old cultivator had to come forward. First, this was indeed a regulation of Tianhe City. Second, he was worried that Lu Qingshan was not Dao Yuanzi's opponent and suffered a big loss.

Then, as Lu Qingshan's guide, he couldn't escape the blame.

Dao Motoko naturally knew this rule, but he didn't care.

Rules are made by people, not by death.

You must know that just now, their Taoist people secretly spied on other people's avenues, which logically violated the rules of Tianhe City, but they didn't pay too much in the end.

Lu Qingshan frowned slightly.

He didn't want to openly break the rules of Tianhe City.

Dao Yuanzi seemed to see Lu Qingshan's hesitation, and he thought that he had the chance to win, for fear that Lu Qingshan would not fight, so he immediately said: "The ban on martial arts in the city is nothing more than fear that the aftermath of the battle will cause damage and accidental injury and affect the order. "

"That's very simple, you and I don't use Yuan Li, each will use Yuan Shen to fight."

"The battle of Yuanshen will not cause damage, old man, this is the head office." Dao Yuanzi said to the old cultivator, seemingly asking, but his tone was extremely rude.

The old cultivator hesitated for a while, and found that he could not find a suitable reason for objection, so he remained silent.

"Do you dare to fight?" Seeing that the old cultivator didn't answer, Dao Yuanzi asked Lu Qingshan directly.

The battle of Yuanshen?

"Come on." Lu Qingshan agreed casually, feeling amused in his heart.

Isn't this a riot?

Hearing Lu Qingshan's agreement, the old cultivator suddenly changed color, and many of the cultivators in Tianhe City around him also changed their expressions.

When crossing the Tribulation Realm to the Harmony Realm, the Primordial Spirit often undergoes a qualitative change and goes straight to the Tribulation Realm, and who does not know that the people of the Dao clan are born with a strong spiritual sense, which in turn creates the miraculousness of hiding all dharmas.

Thinking like this, Dao Yuanzi's primordial spirit must be too powerful.

"In the battle of Yuanshen, Dao Yuanzi will definitely be able to easily crush Lu Qingshan, how can he be so irrational!" Many people sighed and couldn't help but sweat for Lu Qingshan.

They definitely hoped that Lu Qingshan would win, to destroy the prestige of the people of the Dao clan, and to control their arrogance.

Just according to common sense, it is too difficult for Lu Qingshan to win this duel!

"He is the new Sect Master of the Sword Sect. How can the dignified Master of the Dao Sect be simple? Don't worry too much." With so many cultivators in Tianhe City, there are always some people with higher and broader vision, who are certain that Lu Qingshan is not blindly confident and will win victory. .

However, they were also curious about how Lu Qingshan would win.

"Confidence is a good thing, but young people, you still don't understand some of the principles of being a human being. Today, the old patriarch who died on your behalf will teach you."

Seeing Lu Qingshan fighting against him, Dao Yuanzi immediately showed the gesture of a successful conspiracy, sitting on the back of the white jade lion, with no intention of coming down.

He is aloof and invincible.

The arrogant attitude of the longevity clansmen is vividly displayed in Dao Yuanzi.

The moment the voice fell, Dao Yuanzi's eyes immediately burst into a shocking light.

Bright and dazzling, like a red sun, it made onlookers feel extremely dazzling.

You must know that they are not on the battlefield, nor are they the target of Dao Yuanzi Yuanshen's attack, just watching from the side, they all have this feeling.

Then what kind of dangerous situation is Lu Qingshan in?

The rays of light condensed into a round of sun, slicing through the space, causing the chaos of light in the void, the fluctuation of breath, and the terrifying sight.

Dao Yuanzi not only has an amazing realm of the primordial spirit, but also has an amazing grasp of the primordial spirit.

Looking up, Dao Yuanzi's eyebrows were shining with a sacred and fiery brilliance.

He was mobilizing the power of Yuanshen with all his strength to kill Lu Qingshan without showing any mercy.

"How on earth should he fight?" The few Tianhe City cultivators who thought that Lu Qingshan would win, thought in their hearts.

Until now, they still believe that the ultimate winner will be Lu Qingshan.

Because his expression was too relaxed, there was no change at all.

The red sun condensed by that round of Yuanshen's power came in an instant, pressing directly on Lu Qingshan.


The next moment, more people widened their eyes.

Lu Qingshan and Dao Yuanzi made a move, and their eyes glowed with divine light.

It is also incomparably bright, with a terrifying aura, making people tremble with fear.

The Primordial Spirit of Tribulation Realm?

how is this possible? A monk in the Four Tribulations Realm, how can his Primordial Spirit Realm be so exaggerated?

Dao Yuanzi's Yuanshen's power is condensed into a red sun, while Lu Qingshan is much simpler and purer.

It was a sword.

A sharp sword, flowing with killing energy, charged straight up, and slashed forward towards the red sun.

The sword is in my eyes.

See you soon.

The Sword of Primordial Spirit was like a bolt of lightning, rushing forward at an extremely fast speed.

"The Primordial Spirit of Tribulation Realm!" Dao Yuanzi also sensed Lu Qingshan's Primordial Spirit realm at this time, and he was afraid.

Even if it was him, it was only after he joined the Dao that he could break through the realm of primordial spirit to the realm of catastrophe.

If it was a real battle, he would still be fearless, but now it is different. This is the battle of the primordial spirits.

Primordial spirit is the most important thing for a cultivator. Once it is damaged, it will be extremely difficult to heal it, and it will even lead to hidden dangers and disasters.

It is also the Primordial Spirit of Tribulation Realm. It is hard to say who wins and who loses. If you are not careful, it will be over.

At this moment, Dao Yuanzi was shaken, and he had the idea of ​​retreating.

At the same time, he couldn't believe it, why is Lu Qingshan's primordial spirit so powerful, comparable to a cultivator!

Compared with Dao Yuanzi's thoughts flying around, Lu Qingshan was completely different. From the moment he made his move, he only had one thought left.


Keep moving forward!

The Sword of Primordial Spirit did not have the slightest intention to retreat, and slashed forward.

The Primordial Spirit Chiri emitted light, trying to suppress the Primordial Spirit Sword.


In an instant, the two collided, and the light was brilliant, but there was no sound at all.

Because both are things transformed by the primordial spirit and have no substance.

"Sure enough, the power of the Master of Taoism is absolutely beyond our imagination, even if his cultivation is lower than ours!" A Tianhe City cultivator has already seen the result through the brilliant light.

The primordial spirit directly cut open the red sun, chopped it into pieces, and continued to move forward.

At a moment when many people didn't react, Dao Yuanzi let out a hysterical scream and fell straight off the back of the white jade lion, his body bowed into a shrimp, covering his eyes, looking incomparably painful.

"My eyes, my eyes!" His screams were extremely shrill.

"What's wrong with his eyes?" Many Tianhe City cultivators who had not yet figured out the situation looked at each other.

The brilliance has dissipated.

Lu Qingshan's eyes returned to calm, and there was no more divine light blooming.

He took a few steps forward, walked not far in front of Dao Yuanzi, and looked down at him who was crying in pain on the ground, "Since you don't know what's good or bad, what's the use of your eyes?"

"Today, I will teach you on behalf of the elders in your family who don't know how to teach children."

At this moment, Lu Qingshan is high above and invincible.

Just like the Dao Yuanzi just now.

Everyone stopped breathing and understood everything.

This result was too shocking, Lu Qingshan actually defeated Dao Yuanzi with one move, and even destroyed his eyes.

Just like Xie Qingyun poked the blind Daochen's eyes back then.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!" Dao Yuanzi let out a terribly distorted scream.

He still thinks that if it is not a battle of the primordial spirits, but a real battle, with his own cultivation of the Dao Realm, he will definitely easily crush Lu Qingshan.

Now, because of the battle of the primordial spirits, this result has been achieved.

He was extremely remorseful and felt extremely ashamed.

Originally wanted to teach Lu Qingshan a lesson to humiliate him in public, but instead it became his own shame.

"This is the new Sect Master of the Sword Sect. It's better to be famous if you meet him!"

"It is said that he will be the most talented sword cultivator in the first year of Tian. It's not fake."

The cultivators of Tianhe City all sighed and did not hesitate to praise.

All Tianhe City cultivators hoped that Lu Qingshan would win in their hearts.

Because the people of the Dao clan are not the people of the sky and the sky.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Moreover, the Dao people are too domineering in Tianhe City on weekdays, and they have already caused public anger.

It's a pity that due to the power of the Dao clan, they often have to take a step back.

Lu Qingshan's actions today are really heartwarming.

Just this move made many Tianhe City cultivators have a lot of goodwill towards Lu Qingshan.

But at this moment, a middle-aged man came down from the sky at an unknown time.

His silver hair is like waterfalls, his breath is terrifying, and his face is solemn.

This is a super master with profound strength, which is by no means comparable to Dao Yuanzi, who has just entered the Dao Realm.

"Our Dao clan has been allied with the human race for many years to fight against the demon clan, and we have also worked hard and shed blood for your human clan, but now my Dao clan's children have been stabbed blind in the eyes of Tianhe City!"

"That's how your human race treats allies?" The middle-aged man looked around and asked sharply.

There is no doubt that he is a member of the Dao clan, and his status is extraordinary.


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