This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 16: It's natural

Lu Qingshan has received many evaluations.

For example, it is recognized that the most talented swordsman in the first year of Tianyuan, for example, Xia Zhao once said that Lu Qingshan is not only the hope and future of the Sword Sect, but also the hope and future of the human race...

But no matter what the evaluation is, it is not as high as the sentence "Humans can't be without Lu Qingshan" that Chu Mushen said in front of Youyou Tianhe City cultivator.

The sky is boundless, there are countless human races, and there are countless monks. In the eyes of the monks in Tianhe City, there are only two people who can be called indispensable to the human race.

One is Xiazu, and the other is Chu Mushen.

Even Li Qiubei can only say that "kendo cannot be without him", and he cannot reach the level of the human race without him.

A Four Tribulations Realm cultivator, no matter how talented and talented he is, he will definitely not be able to qualify for such an evaluation.

But the person who said this was Chu Mushen again.

They know that with the character of a sword fairy, they will never open their mouths.

What is so special about this new Sword Sect Sect Master that they don't know?

The Tianhe City cultivators fell into deep thought.

Dao Wuya didn't think so much.

He didn't think Lu Qingshan was really that special, he just thought it was Chu Mushen deliberately targeting him.

Dao Wuya's eyes became cold.

Previously, he was very polite to Chu Mushen, but in fact the relationship was not harmonious, and now it was finally revealed.

"Your human race is indeed united," he looked at Lu Qingshan with his eyes like electricity, and then said, "Our Dao people have sweated and shed blood for your human race, but we have never been treated as our own by you, so we have to suffer such unfair treatment. ."

"In the past, I personally came to Tianhe City to form a covenant with your human race. Now it seems that it was a wrong decision."

"Your war between the sky and the abyss has nothing to do with our longevity family.

Your human race is at a disadvantage. If it is not for emotional maintenance, why should we Dao people help you? "

Dao Wuya is high-sounding, speaks very nicely, and places his position at the highest point of morality.

"Now it seems that everything is the wishful thinking of our Dao clan. Only we regard you as allies, and your human clan does not regard our Dao clan as their own at all."

"It's not too late to make amends."

"If that's the case, let's dissolve the ten thousand-year alliance between our two clans." Dao Wuya said solemnly, without hesitation.

As soon as these words came out, what was originally a peaceful scene suddenly changed.

become stiff.

None of the Tianhe City cultivators thought that Dao Wuya actually proposed to cancel the covenant.

They always thought that this was just a way for Dao Wuya to force Lu Qingshan to apologize.

The ten thousand-year alliance was broken just because of such a trivial matter?

This is so unreasonable.


In an instant, many Tianhe City cultivators showed hesitation on their faces.

The Dao people are domineering in Tianhe City, and they have already caused public anger, but why are they always so arrogant?

Without it, the power of the Dao clan is indeed powerful, and it is a big help for the human clan, so in order to take care of the overall situation, they chose to be patient.

Now, because of Lu Qingshan's refusal to apologize, the Taoists have to choose to withdraw from the alliance.

Everyone looked solemn and awe-inspiring, feeling that this matter was a big deal.

"If you want to humiliately ask the Daoist master to apologize for the help of the Dao clan, you can't do it!" Tianhe City cultivators have fought against the demon clan all year round. Most of them are **** and arrogant.

"The hearts of the Dao clan have never really been on the side of the human clan. What's the point of keeping them in this way? When the war really comes, will they really bleed?" There are not a few cultivators who see through everything.

"If we step back today, and tomorrow they have to make an inch, what should we do? Can we step back and fail again?" Someone pointed out the key point.

Although there are very few people who feel that it is just an apology and nothing to lose, I hope Lu Qingshan can apologize to keep the Dao clan.

But in the face of the excitement of the crowd, after all, he didn't dare to say what he was thinking.

"Do you really think that our human race must need your Dao clan? If you want to dissolve the covenant, then dissolve it!" The impulsive Tianhe City cultivator shouted, expressing his opinion.

"That's right, let's just disband. If you think that if you threaten us, we'll be submissive? If we Tianhe cultivators are so weak, this city would have been destroyed long ago, how could it last forever?"

Dao Wuya's face is not very good-looking.

He also didn't expect that his withdrawal from the alliance would cause such a reaction from the Tianhe cultivator - not only did he not hold back, or he blamed Lu Qingshan, he even ignored his cultivation of the honorable realm, and dismissed the Dao clan.

Lu Qingshan looked around, looked at the angry faces, and listened to the loud voice.

At this moment, he suddenly found that he seemed to like this city.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Chu Mushen guarded the city for ten thousand years.

Jianxiu has always been the most free-spirited and free.

But Chu Mushen, as a sword immortal, has never returned since he left the sky and came to Tianhe City.

"Okay, good, very good," Dao Wuya laughed in anger, "I hope one day, you will not regret your actions today."

"Let's go." He no longer looked at Lu Qingshan and Chu Mushen, nor at the Tianhe cultivator, and left with Dao Luo and Dao Yuanzi.

Before leaving, Dao Wuya left his last words, "From today, the ten thousand-year alliance between the Dao and the human race has become a cloud of the past, and all the monks of the Dao tribe will leave Tianhe City and return to the Dao tribe within three days. ancestral land."


The Taoist people have already left.

The boiling of Tianhe City did not stop there.

The emotions of the crowd are still boiling.

"These Dao people, I have endured him for a long time, and kept saying that they shed blood and sweat for our human race. In these years of battles with the demons, which time did they rush to the front line, and which time did they really contribute?"

"Every time, after we desperately fought off the demons, we calmly entered the arena to clean up the mess, and then took the credit in a grand manner, bah!"


Whether the people of the Dao clan have contributed or not, everyone knows.

Everyone knew what Jianzong did again.

Is there any reason to humiliate those who have truly sacrificed countless heroes for the human race because of these alienated outsiders.

Chu Mushen just patted Lu Qingshan on the shoulder, "In the final analysis, the dissolution of the Taoist covenant is a matter of time, and it is a good thing to dissolve it early."

He was comforting Lu Qingshan.

The truth is this, but why did the Tianhe cultivator always endure the domineering behavior of the Taoists?

Isn't it still more harmful than beneficial to break the covenant with the Dao people at this stage?

Lu Qingshan also knew what to do.


The DC area of ​​Tianhe City, where the Taoist people reside.

Three figures fell from the sky.

It was Dao Wuya, Dao Luo and Dao Yuanzi.

"Patriarch, everything went well unexpectedly, but I didn't expect these Tianhe cultivators to be so united." Dao Luo's face no longer had the anger just now, but instead showed a bright color.

"The strength of the human race is far inferior to that of the demon race, but it has been able to stand against the demon race for so many years. There must be something." Dao Wuya said calmly.

"Leaving Tianhe City like this, I'm still a little unwilling after all." Dao Luo sighed.

"There's nothing to be unwilling to do," Dao Wuya had already accepted the fact, "In order to have the opportunity to spy on Xia Zu's avenues, we Taoists have been staying in Tianhe City for 10,000 years.

In the end, in fact, a long time ago, we can almost be sure that Xia Zu is no longer alive, and it was because of unwillingness that we wasted so much time. "

"The second Dao Demon War is imminent, and the human race has no chance of winning. If we don't disband the alliance with the human race as soon as possible, we will inevitably be implicated." Dao Wuya said.

"Originally, we were worried about how to cancel the covenant," Dao Luo said proudly: "If we propose to cancel the alliance without a legitimate reason, it will offend Chu Mushen, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave......"

The weakness of the human race is only relative to the demon race.

"I didn't expect that the new Sect Master of the Sword Sect would come to Tianhe City at this time," Dao Luo said, "It just so happens that the Dao clan and Xie Qingyun already have old grudges, and there are reasonable excuses to take action... "

Yes, this conflict was all planned by Dao Luo.

If it hadn't been planned for a long time, how could their Dao clan disband the alliance and tear up the covenant because of this trivial matter? Isn't this a riot?

Dao Wuya is not stingy in complimenting Dao Luo's plan, "This time you have made a great contribution."

"It's just that I didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly. God Chu Mu would do his best to protect that Lu Qingshan. I don't know what he liked." Dao Luo was still a little puzzled when he remembered the scene just now.

"I didn't understand either, but it's not important," Dao Wuya didn't care about these details, "You go down and inform the clan first, get ready, it's time to leave Tianhe City."

"Yes." Doro replied.

Dao Wuya turned to look at Dao Yuanzi, whose eyes had already been abolished, "Don't worry, after the Hui clan, they will use the family's treasures to help you heal their eyes, and this clan will never owe someone who has meritorious deeds."

"Many thanks to the patriarch, Dao Yuanzi does not dare to claim to be meritorious, he can only say that he did what he should do." Dao Yuanzi said quickly.

Dao Wuya nodded, then pushed back Dao Yuanzi, stood there, and looked into the distance.

"The battle of Dao and Demon is coming, isn't this an opportunity for our Dao clan?" Silently, he clenched his fists.

Dao Wuya has great ambitions and is unwilling to limit the Dao clan to the boundary sea.

He also wants to get a piece of the pie in the battle of Dao and Demon.

"Qingqiongtian is a fertile land." Dao Wuya said leisurely, he had already made a decision in his heart.

But, why exactly?

Dao Wuya couldn't help but think of the scene where everyone was united just now.


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