This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 17: mysterious Tibetan

Tianhe City, a place for collecting classics.

This is also the forbidden area of ​​Tianhe City, so it is empty.

The scattered dust dances in the scattered light.

The dusty door was opened, and a tall figure entered.

Lu Qingshan.

He was pacing in the field of collections.

Although at first glance, the space here is already extremely wide.

But in fact, the place where the collection of books also uses the technique of heaven and earth to superimpose the space, so the real space here is much larger than it looks.

There are countless jade cases on display in the collection place.

Fortunately, the people who built this place also considered that it is not easy for future generations to find the scriptures, so they have already made corresponding indexes.

Lu Qingshan followed the guide of the index, walked to one of the jade cases, and took out the jade slip that recorded the longevity clan.

Above the boundary sea, there are many longevity clans, most of them are small clans, which are not good enough to really enter the eyes of Dao and demons. There are only seven, which are the seven longevity clans:

At present, the royal family, the golden family, and the du family have joined the demon camp.

The Li people belong to the human camp.

Originally from the human camp, but now the Taoist tribe has left.

, as well as the wind and Tibetans who are still neutral.

The seven longevity clans each have their own magical powers.

The Taoist people have insight into all dharmas.

The Li people have unparalleled resilience, they can constantly repair themselves, and they are invincible in protracted battles.

The royal family has the ability to influence the sky and change the sky. It can create torrential rains, tsunamis, thunderstorms and other visions, which are extremely suitable for war.

The Jin family has the ability to embody, and can embody the armor that covers the whole body without the slightest gap and flows like water, as well as the weapons that fit itself very well.

The ability of the Du clan is deprivation, which can temporarily deprive the target of a certain ability, such as a certain secret technique of a monk, or the spirituality of a magic weapon.

WindClan is the ultimate speed.

Tibetans are......

Lu Qingshan's eyes narrowed slightly.


Yes, in the human race's classic records, there are only two words for the recitation of the mysteriousness of the Tibetan people.


There is a line of remarks below: The ancestral land of the Tibetans is an island surrounded by thunder, and no one can approach it, let alone make contact with it—either the Tibetans take the initiative to leave the island, or they can enter it only by invitation.



Among the seven longevity tribes, the Tibetans are undoubtedly the most mysterious.

Due to the particularity of their ancestral land, the Tibetans have become a real hidden family, and outsiders have never known them deeply.

But the strength of the Tibetans has always been recognized.

——Being able to remain mysterious is a kind of power in itself.

Another reason is to thank the demons.

The Tibetan ancestral land looks too mysterious and extraordinary. There is such an island in the Tianhe Sea that is surrounded by powerful thunder all year round. The demons feel that there must be a big secret hidden in it, so a demon venerable tried to enter the island to find out.

That mighty thunderbolt can stop others, but it is impossible to stop a strong man like Demon Venerable.

So that Demon Venerable successfully entered the island, but within half an hour, he left the island in embarrassment.

After half a month, the Demon Venerable brought three companions with the same Demon Venerable cultivation base and swept in again, and once again forced their way into the Tibetan ancestral land.

In the end, the island was still in a state of embarrassment, and two Demon Venerables were seriously injured. After returning to the abyss, they recuperated for nearly a hundred years before fully recovering.

It's just that the island invaders are demons, so the human race can't know the specific details of what's going on on the island.

But no matter what, the Tibetans are powerful enough to be recognized.


"Feng Clan, Tibetan Clan." Lu Qingshan rubbed his fingers slightly on the jade slip, thinking about something.

Decided that he had already done it.

Throw me in wood peach, and repay it with Qiong Yao.

Between the Dao clan and him, the Tianhe cultivator reached an astonishing consensus and chose him.

Lu Qingshan has never been someone who enjoys the kindness of others and takes it for granted.

In order to support him, the Tianhe cultivator would rather break up with the Dao clan.

Lu Qingshan felt that he had to do something to repay the Tianhe City cultivator.

For example, finding new allies for the human race to take the place of the Taoist race.

The only people who can replace the Dao people are the Feng people and the Tibetan people.

It's just that he hasn't figured out where and how to start.

"Why are there always branches outside the festival?" Thinking about it, Lu Qingshan suddenly laughed at himself.

The purpose of each of his actions is very simple, but there will always be new variables.

For example, this trip to Tianhe City, his original intention was just to complete his Four Tribulations Realm advanced mission.

As a result, the development of things, like every time before, turned to a place he didn't expect.

The number of times was too many, and even he himself felt that he was taken aback.

"So, nine times out of ten, this trip won't be easy for the young master, and there is a high probability that there will be twists and turns." Qin Yitian teased softly.

"It's just that the water comes to cover the soil, and the soldiers come to block it," Lu Qingshan said, "Yi Tian, ​​don't forget, your son was once a general."

"I see," Qin Yitian pursed his lips and said gracefully, "General."


After three days.

The mighty Taoist monks gathered on the altar engraved with mysterious ancient talismans.

This is the teleportation array to enter and exit Tianhe City.

Tianhe City is an important place for the human race. Entering and exiting the city has always been very strict. Entering the city requires a spirit seal, and leaving the city requires a teleportation circle.

It has been an alliance for thousands of years, so this time when the Taoist monks left, the human race gave their last love, and Qi Butian personally opened the teleportation circle for them and said goodbye to the Taoist tribe in person.

"Let's see you now." Qi Butian was very indifferent when he saw that he had always acted indifferently, ignoring his own Dao Wuya.

Then, he activated the teleportation circle and stopped looking at the Taoist people.

With a humming sound, the altar was dazzling, and the rays of light shot into the sky, wrapping those Taoist monks.

Their figures began to blur, as if to disintegrate here.

Dao Wuya stood at the front of the crowd. When his figure was about to disappear completely, he looked back at Qi Butian, and then glanced at the mighty Tianhe City.

It was an extremely indifferent look.

He has no nostalgia for this city where the Taoists have resided for thousands of years.


The light disappeared, and the Taoist monks completely disappeared from Tianhe City, came to the sea of ​​Tianhe, and then flew towards the depths of the sea.

That is the direction of the Taoist ancestral land.

"Have you decided?" The Taoist monk left just now, and another monk appeared on the altar.

Qi Butian looked at the handsome cultivator's face and asked.

Lu Qingshan nodded slightly.

"Wind Clan and Tibetan Clan, we have done a lot of attempts, Feng Clan is fine, and they are willing to see us, but we have talked many times, and they have always maintained a neutral attitude.

As for the Tibetans, it's even more difficult to deal with. They once fought with the Demons and Demons. We thought there was great hope to win over them, but we didn't think they would be unmoved or even unwilling to see us. "

Qi Butian already knew the purpose of Lu Qingshan's trip, so he reminded him that he was afraid that Lu Qingshan would be frustrated.

"Always have to give it a try," Lu Qingshan thought for a while, and then added: "Also, I might have someone I know from Tibetan."

Someone he knew, at least gave him the opportunity to take the first step and enter the ancestral land of the Tibetan people.

This is already a big breakthrough.

"So," Qi Butian's eyes flashed, he didn't expect Lu Qingshan to have such a network of contacts, "Then I wish you a smooth journey and bring good news to the people."

No more nonsense, he activated the teleportation circle again.

In the flickering light, Lu Qingshan's figure disappeared.

Another figure, silently, appeared beside Qi Butian.

"Can he succeed?" Chu Mushen asked.

"It stands to reason that there is no hope of success." Qi Butian was very calm, but he quickly changed the subject and said, "But I believe that he will definitely gain something from this trip."


"Because he is hope itself."

"I always feel that the future should not be seen, but made."

Jianxiu believed in the sword in his hand even more.

"There is a lighthouse to guide the direction, it's always easier, isn't it?" Qi Butian did not refute Chu Mushen.


A long sigh dissipated with the wind.

Chu Mushen didn't say anything else.

The heavenly secret that Lin Dongming exchanged for his life, Chu Mushen does not necessarily agree with it, but he must respect it.


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