This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 26: red as frost

While speaking, circles of ripples continued to appear on the lake surface, as if to express Whale God Zhuo's mood at this time.

Lu Qingshan pondered for a moment, then slowly asked, "How do you want to meet?"

Feng Mo has just said that the whale **** Zhuo can't move at all now, so it is naturally impossible for him to go to the South China Sea.

Then only let the little longevity whale come to Tianhehai.

"I don't have much relationship with it, I haven't even talked to it, I can only say that there is some intersection." Lu Qingshan reminded, indicating that the whale **** Zhuo should not have expectations for him.

"It's okay, Zhuo, as long as you tell it that I am here, it will definitely be willing to come to see my Zhuo!" Zhuo, the whale god, said with great certainty.

"As for the communication issue..."

The ripples on the lake disappeared quietly at this moment, and it was as calm as a mirror, which meant that Zhuo, the whale god, was in deep thought.

"There!" Whale God Zhuo, who suddenly thought of his idea, whispered in Lu Qingshan's mind.

A green, vibrant green light emerged from the lake surface, suspended, and then ran towards Lu Qingshan, and in an instant it was integrated into Lu Qingshan's body.

"..." Lu Qingshan, who had experienced such a scene for the second time, didn't know what to say.

To sum up, your longevity whale family likes to stuff things into other people's bodies, right... He has a groove to vomit, but he can't spit it out. After all, this green light is not a small benefit to him.

The gift from the little long-lived whale at the beginning helped him understand the true meaning, but the gift from the whale **** Zhuo in front of him was stronger than the little long-lived whale, with a strong vitality.

"This way, when you see it again, it will sense the breath left by me, and it will take the initiative to communicate with you Zhuo!" Whale God Zhuo is full of confidence.

"However, according to the customs of your human race, should you be paid for your help?" Zhuo was in trouble again, feeling that he didn't seem to have anything to take.

"No," Lu Qingshan chuckled, never expecting the Whale God, who has lived countless long years, to have a temperament as cute as a child, "The vitality you just gave me is enough as a reward."

With the strong vitality from the longevity whale, it may even save his life at a critical moment, how could Lu Qingshan be so embarrassed to ask for other rewards?

"Besides, I was going to meet your fellow clan again," he added.

"In this way, you are such a good person Zhuo!" Zhuo was very happy, so there were ripples on the lake again.

What a spirit beast with no scheming... Lu Qingshan sighed in his heart.

But only such a pure heart is qualified to nurture the world and life, right?

"How much time do you have?" Lu Qingshan hesitated for a while, but still asked.

"You can rest assured, at least a thousand years, my lifespan is not much, and the concept of your human race is different." Zhuo said.

A thousand years is an extremely long period of time for the human race, but for the immortal whale, which is very likely to be the longest-lived spirit beast in the nine days, it seems too short and small.

That's good... Lu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, so that the time would not be too short.

"If you say," his eyes flickered, he asked the question he was most concerned about, "if there is no such burden from Qingcang Island, would you have enough energy to leave Tianhehai?"

"Qingcang Island is not a burden for Zhuo," Zhuo first denied Lu Qingshan's statement, and then replied, "But if it's really like what you said, then Zhuo's departure from Tianhehai is really not a big problem, Zhuo ."

At this time, the blue whale Tugu on the lake was swimming quickly.

"Without Qingcang Island, for Zhuo, moving doesn't even require any effort." Zhuo said.

"I understand." Lu Qingshan said solemnly, he already had a rough plan in mind.

This time, he is not just pulling the Wind Clan into their human camp, but preparing to "package" the entire Wind Clan away.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

But what if there is a common interest?

The answer is about to come out.

"Then trouble you Zhuo." Whale God Zhuo finally said, and immediately, the whale image reflected on the lake shattered and dispersed like foam.


After regaining his senses, Lu Qingshan let out a long sigh and turned his gaze to Feng Mo, who had been waiting for a while.

"Okay." He nodded to indicate that his communication with the whale **** was over.

Feng Mo did not ask what Lu Qingshan said to the Whale God, this is respect for the Whale God.

"I am honored to be invited to the Pure Land of the Wind Clan, but I still have important things to do, so I have to say goodbye first," Lu Qingshan said after thinking about it, "The Whale God has given me a task, and I want to do it as soon as possible. Go and finish it, maybe it can help you solve the migration problem.”

Feng Mo's eyes lit up, he didn't expect Lu Qingshan to say that.

Are things really going to turn around?

Feng Mo instinctively couldn't believe it, for fear that he would be looking forward to a match.

Lu Qingshan didn't say too much, even if he was very sure, but after all, everything was not settled, he didn't want to talk too much.

That's not his character.

"Little friend, don't rush to leave. Before leaving, go to our Feng Clan treasure house and choose some treasures you like as a thank you gift from this clan." Feng Mo did not forget what he said earlier.

"Senior is polite, but I don't need any treasures." Lu Qingshan is humble and doesn't really have much demand for foreign objects.

Seeing that Feng Mo was about to speak, Lu Qingshan said again: "I am a sword cultivator, and foreign objects are really useless to me."

"Then... let's do it." What else can Feng Mo say, Lu Qingshan doesn't want treasure, he can still force it into other people's mustard seeds.

"If you don't want the treasure, there is a piece of news that may be useful to you..." Feng Mo thought for a while, and said again.

This time, Lu Qingshan became interested, "What news?"

"About your human allies, the Dao clan," Feng Mo did not know that the covenant between the human clan and the Dao clan had broken down not long ago, he hesitated, and continued: "This clan has always insisted on neutrality, but the demon clan has never given up, After the last time I landed on the island and failed to win over our Wind Clan, I put down a threat before leaving..."

"The seven longevity clans, except you Feng clan, Tibetan clan, and Li clan, the remaining four clans have all turned to our demon clan. This is the general trend. If your Feng clan still insists on being neutral, it will definitely not end well in the end."

"These are the original words left by the demons at that time," Feng Mo solemnly reminded: "So, the Dao clan has a high probability of surrendering to the enemy, and your human race should be careful about them."

Unexpected and reasonable.

The act of tearing up the covenant, Lu Qingshan can naturally see that it is a long-term plan by the Dao clan, and it is definitely not a temporary intention.

He also expected that after the covenant with the human race broke, the Taoist tribe would turn their heads and turn to the demon camp with a high probability.

It's just that he really didn't expect that before that, when the covenant with the human race was still in place, the Tao race had actually betrayed the human race and joined the demon camp.

Lu Qingshan sighed.

"It's not authentic," he said softly to himself.

After the covenant is broken, you walk on your Yangguan Road, I cross my single-plank bridge, and no one can say anything.

But before that, he had already surrendered to the enemy, and that was the fault of the Dao clan.

A killing intent was born in Lu Qingshan's mind.

This is the killing intent of the Dao clan.

He wants to kill.

Above the Tianhehai, people can only kill people, and they can't do anything major.

But if you can't kill people, you can't do anything.

"Thank you senior for letting me know, this news is very important to me." Lu Qingshan folded his fist and thanked him.

"It's just a piece of worthless news, and it's not necessarily true. Compared with the kindness of the little friend, UU Reading is nothing." Feng Mo did not take credit.

Lu Qingshan did not stay in the ancestral land of the Wind Clan any longer, and left Qingcang Island on the grounds that the Whale God was very urgent.

It's just that after he left Qingcang Island, the direction of his journey was not the return journey, but the opposite direction, heading further away from Tianhe City.

"Young master wants to go to Lingye Island first?" Qin Yitian asked softly.

Lingye Island, where Tibetans are located, is farther away from Tianhe City than Qingcang Island.

"The Whale God is not in a hurry for these ten days and a half months. Since I have already come here, it is better to go to Lingye Island to see the situation and then talk about it. Otherwise, it will waste more time on the road." Lu Qingshan explained road.

Qin Yitian chuckled, "I think the young master is anxious to see the old beauty."

"I see that you are getting more and more courageous recently, and you dare to make fun of me."

Lu Qingshan was unceremonious, grabbed the dragon bird from the void and knocked it, and then said: "Let's not say whether Xiaojian is a Tibetan or not, even if it is, after all, so many years have passed, and the friendship back then is unknown. A few minutes left."

More than ten years have passed, and the little girl of that year should have grown up.

"It's still a beauty in the past, I think the years are like frost at most." Lu Qingshan concluded.

"Young master said yes." Qin Yitian stuck his tongue out, not daring to talk back.


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