This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 27: Castle Peak does not change

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In the sky above the endless sea, an invisible streamer swept across at an extremely fast speed, as fast as thunder.

When the cultivator's escape technique is used at full strength, it is usually accompanied by a great sound of breaking the air, but this stream of light is contrary to common sense and extremely quiet.

But it's actually quite reasonable.


The magic of Taoism is that it can do all kinds of unreasonable things.

The sky, river and sea are vast, and it is the border between the sky and the abyss. There are many demons wandering around. Even if you meet the demons, it is not impossible.

For the sake of stability, Lu Qingshan chose to use the swaying technique to avoid unnecessary risks.

As the Sword of Shadow and Light, Fuyao also has a speed bonus for the escape technique.

With such a smooth flow, on the tenth day of leaving Qingcang Island, Lu Qingshan finally approached the sea area where the Tibetans were.

Continue to move forward according to the coordinates learned in the Tianhe City classics. After a while, Lu Qingshan's eyes showed a strange light.

He saw a strange scene.

Just in front of him, there is an island with a huge area, and the coastline cannot be seen at a glance. It is roughly estimated that it may be the size of a state, which should be called an island land.

It is not uncommon to see such a huge island and land, but it is not unheard of.

But on this island, there are lightning flashes, bursts of thunder roaming away.

It was as if the island and land were wrapped by a power grid.

This thunder is endless, born out of nowhere, just wandering tirelessly, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

This is Lingye Island, the destination of Lu Qingshan's trip.

"It's really strange." Although he knew the magic of Lingye Island for a long time, when he really witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he couldn't help but feel emotion in his heart.

"This is..." Lu Qingshan held his breath and looked at the terrifying thunder. He felt a familiar and chilling meaning from the thunder.

"This is the power of catastrophe!" Finally, he determined the origin of this familiar feeling.

The thunder that surrounds Lingye Island is not an ordinary thunder, and it contains the power of catastrophe.

No wonder it can intimidate everyone and make it impossible to approach, making the Tibetans the most mysterious longevity family.

You must know that for monks, ordinary thunder is actually no longer a big threat.

It looks bluffing, but it's actually bluffing.

But once the thunder contains the power of catastrophe, it will be different.

Heavenly robbery is a power that high-level monks must fear.

"How did this come about?" Lu Qingshan wondered.

The power of catastrophe is one of the most powerful forces between heaven and earth. It cannot be easily transformed by magic powers. Its characteristic is destruction.

But this thunder not only did not destroy Lingye Island, but also surrounded Lingye Island, more like protecting the island.

Lingye Island is not simple, it has great secrets.

Lu Qingshan came to an accepted conclusion.

"Master, how are you going to enter the island?" Qin Yitian asked curiously, "Even if Xiaojian is a Tibetan, you can't get in touch with her now."

Lingye Island has always been closed and does not accept visits from outsiders, so there will never be anyone to help spread the news.

There is only one way to get in touch with the Tibetans in the records—hard break.

The Demon Venerable of the Demon Race once smashed the thunder and entered Lingye Island. Although he didn't get a good deal in the end, at least he entered Lingye Island.

It is naturally impossible for Lu Qingshan to replicate the way of the Demon Clan Demon Venerable, although he is confident that he is also capable of fighting against this thunder that contains the power of calamity.

He came to form an alliance with the Tibetans, not to make enemies.

"It's good that I can't get in touch, but I can let her know that I'm here." Lu Qingshan said.

"Huh?" Before Qin Yitian could react, Lu Qingshan's figure flashed, and he was already hanging above the sky.

Dragon Sparrow was taken out of the void by him.

Lu Qingshan raised his sword.

The dark golden dragon and phoenix pattern on the blazing red sword suddenly brightened.

A bright red sword energy spewed out from the blade and pierced the sky.

This sword qi stretches for dozens of miles.

With Lu Qingshan's sword-raising movement, the clouds above the sky all dissipated at this time.

The sky is clear and cloudless.

Lu Qingshan dragged the sword energy that was dozens of miles long and moved laterally from east to west.

The sword energy moved horizontally, imprinting a trace on the blue sky.

It's like someone took a pen to the sky and scribbled on the sky.

This sum spans tens of thousands of miles.

Lu Qingshan swung his sword again, and the sword qi gushing out from the sword moved down.

He began to write the second stroke.



In Lingye Island.

In a certain corner, someone noticed the abnormality first, and suddenly raised his head to look at the sky.

Then, he saw the sword energy moving between heaven and earth.

It's like a chain reaction.

More and more people noticed the movement on the sky.

They all raised their heads and looked at the sky.

People looked at the giant "pen" formed by sword energy, freely swiping in the blue sky.

In the center of Lingye Island, there is a magnificent city.

A pair of men and women stood on a towering Tang tower in the city, looking into the distance.

"Xiaojian is about to break through," the woman said to the man.

The man rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little headache, "She won't make a fuss about leaving the island after she breaks through."

"Since that time...she has been making a fuss about leaving the island, saying she is going to find a friend," the man said in a helpless tone, but the love and doting in his eyes explained everything, " Is the outside world really that attractive to her?"

"She's still young, so she naturally likes to play," the woman pursed her lips and chuckled. "However, as long as she keeps her mouth shut and doesn't reveal her identity, it's really nothing to let her leave the island to play."

The man shook his head, "My family, it is too dangerous to leave Lingye Island before the cultivation base is completed. I don't want to take this risk."

"Besides, she will definitely inherit my mantle in the future, just to hone and hone her temperament. It's impossible to escape like this."

"What you said makes sense anyway." The woman smiled.

As soon as her words fell, her expression suddenly changed and she looked up at the sky.

At this moment, above the sky, a word composed of sword energy is gradually taking shape.

"Are you from the Demon Race again?" The woman's eyes showed suffocation.

"No," the man shook his head, "this is not a system with the methods of the demons, it is more like the methods of the opponents of the demons."

"You mean," the woman hesitated, "Human?"

The man nodded slightly, also looking up at the sky.

After a moment of silence, his voice sounded again.

"Good word." The man sighed.

"What does this mean?" The woman looked at the big characters that were gradually forming in the sky and couldn't help but asked, "It's not like the demons, they have malice towards us, right?"

"It's not clear yet, but it must be aimed at us Tibetans. There is no doubt about that," the man said. "When everything is over, the truth will come out."

Writing on the blue sky of their Lingye Island, apart from coming to their Tibetans, what else can they have?

"We Tibetans don't cause trouble and are not afraid of trouble. It's just that soldiers come to block water and soil." The man said coldly.

Lu Qingshan's dragon bird swept the momentum, the dragon and the phoenix danced, elegant and extraordinary.

Finally, he made the last stroke and finished it neatly.

"Next, it's time to wait for the good news." Lu Qingshan looked at the words written by Jian Qi in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

"What if Xiaojian doesn't see it?" Qin Yitian asked, "Not everyone looks up at the sky all the time."

"With my current kendo attainments, it is enough to keep this sword qi condensed for three days," Lu Qingshan said, "In other words, they are enough to exist in the sky for three days.

For three days, it was so conspicuous again that I should have seen it no matter what. "Lu Qingshan said.

If after three days, you still haven't seen Zang Xiaojian, either Zang Xiaojian is not a Tibetan person, or Zang Xiaojian is practicing in retreat at this time, or Zang Xiaojian has no longer cared about the original friendship, no matter what the possibility is , Lu Qingshan will choose to leave.

Because it is not a good choice to forcibly enter Lingye Island, UU reading www.uukanshu. com not to mention that he has already gained something from this trip.

"Husband, it seems... I still can't see the purpose of the person who writes." In Lingye Island, the woman looked at the big characters in the sky and said slowly.

"......" The man was silent, and finally agreed: "Indeed."

The man's voice only fell for a few breaths, but at this moment, a ray of light flew from the city and fell to the Tanglou.

A young woman wearing a danjiang gauze shirt appeared, with an oval face, smart eyes, and a naughty elf air.

"Father, mother, it's my friend, my friend came to find me!" The young woman pointed to the big characters above the sky, looking very excited

The man's expression stiffened, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Above the blue sky, the four characters of Long Feifengwu pierced into the wood for three points, as if piercing the sky.

Those four words made up a sentence, an incomplete sentence.

"Qingshan does not change".

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