This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 32: There are more than one sword hidden (below)

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"Hidden...tool?" Lu Qingshan repeated.

Zang Xiaojian nodded.

"Can you elaborate?" Lu Qingshan had already guessed something in his heart, but he wasn't too sure.

"Look." Zang Xiaojian gestured to Lu Qingshan, then stretched out his right hand.

With a swoosh, the sword light flashed, and a long sword with a dark body appeared in her hand.


But it's not exactly the same as the three-footer 20 years ago.

For twenty years, Sanchifeng was only a low-grade heavenly weapon.

But today's Sanchifeng, the quality has reached the middle-grade heavenly artifact, and even is close to the top-grade heavenly artifact.

This is not surprising.

If Zang Xiaojian is a sword repairer.

The natal sword and the sword cultivator are meant to complement each other and grow together.

But the problem is that Zang Xiaojian just said clearly that she is not a sword cultivator.

"All instruments have their own spirituality, the difference is just how much," Zang Xiaojian said: "The magical power of our collectors is to melt all instruments into the body."

"After the magic weapon is melted into the body, the spirituality contained in the magic weapon will be released. This spirituality is enough to help us quickly improve our cultivation."

"In a sense, as long as there are enough powerful instruments, there is no upper limit to the speed of my cultivation."

"And, this is just the initial stage."

"With the deepening of my cultivation, I can even completely dissolve the magic tools that have been smelted in the body, so that these magic tools can be completely combined with the flesh and blood, so that part of the body has the characteristics of the magic tools."

Zang Xiaojian demonstrated to Lu Qingshan.

When she thought about it, the three-footed front fell into her right hand.

Then Zang Xiaojian gently waved her right palm, and a dazzling sword energy slashed out diagonally, forming a white curtain of light, and her palm, at this moment, was a black lustre that was exactly the same as Sanchifeng.

Of course, Zang Xiaojian has not yet reached the realm of completely removing the magic weapon from the body.

But she has a three-footed front hidden in her right hand, which is equivalent to holding a three-footed front. She is not afraid of the slashing of the sharp edge of the magic weapon, and can also injure the enemy.

Human arsenal...

Hearing this, a very appropriate adjective appeared in Lu Qingshan's heart.

What a mobile arsenal, this is it!

"This magical power can allow us to have various characteristics of the magic weapon, so many times, the strength of our collectors' combat power often depends on the magic weapon melted into the body." Zang Xiaojian said.

After all, after the cultivation base has been improved and the magical tools in the body have been completely removed, the Tibetan monks are equivalent to humanoid weapons.

"You are a sword cultivator, and you should know best that there are all kinds of magic tools in the world. When it comes to killing, the sword is the first."

"In the eyes of the ancestors of our collectors, rather than refining a wide variety of various instruments and possessing various bells and whistles, it is not as real as the ultimate killing and attacking fortifications."

"So, the ancestors of our collectors chose swords as the first choice for our collectors, and designated them as island tools." Zang Xiaojian revealed another secret, and Lu Qingshan finally understood that there were so many cast swords on the island. reason for the teacher.

"This magical power is too powerful," Lu Qingshan sighed, and then looked at Zang Xiaojian with piercing eyes, "So, what are its limitations? Or, what is the price to pay?"

If such a heaven-defying ability is not restricted, it is absolutely counterintuitive.

Zang Xiaojian wrinkled his nose and said, "There are three restrictions."

She raised a finger, "First, there are restrictions on the quantity and quality of magical instruments when they are hidden in the body."

"Very reasonable." Lu Qingshan had expected it.

If there is no limit to the number of hidden objects in the body, in the case of infinite superposition, the Tibetan lineage has long been invincible in the world.

"What kind of restriction law?"

"The so-called hiding in the body should actually be said to be hiding in the orifice."

"About?" This was something Lu Qingshan didn't expect.

"Yes, the reason why we can hide instruments in our bodies is because there are acupoints in our bodies that can accommodate instruments."

"One hole can only hold one magic weapon."

"And, the number of these acupoints is limited."

"Like me," Zang Xiaojian said with a proud look, "born with eighteen orifices."

"My father said that this is very rare even in the history of collectors."

Could it be that she is also a version of the protagonist in the original plot?

Lu Qingshan glanced at Zang Xiaojian whose chin was slightly raised with a strange look, and this thought flashed through his mind.

"It's really amazing." Lu Qingshan, who had raised Gu Yiyi for so many years, had already mastered the way to deal with the little girl, and immediately praised him in a timely manner.

It's really amazing.

Eighteen orifices, that is eighteen swords...

Just looking at this number, although it is not a sword cultivator, it is better than a sword cultivator.

After receiving the expected praise, Zang Xiaojian was very happy, and then said: "As for the quality limitation, it is because of our own reasons."

"As I said before, after melting the magic tool in the body, the spirituality contained in the magic tool will be released to help us improve our cultivation.

If at a low cultivation level, refining a magic weapon with too outstanding quality, its powerful spirituality is absolutely unbearable for us. "

This is quite understandable, just like a weak patient, unable to adapt to the powerful and nourishing drugs, and even suffer from it... Lu Qingshan nodded secretly.

"During the Foundation Establishment period, the limit of the magical artifact I could refine was the low-grade heavenly artifact, and the three-footed front was just in line with my affordability."

"It's also a coincidence." Lu Qingshan sighed.

"The second restriction." Zang Xiaojian raised his second finger.

Zang Xiaojian thought about it for a while and gave an example, "Wufu in the world have stronger physical bodies than ordinary people, so they often have to eat more food to maintain the operation of their bodies."

"And the fusion of the instruments in the body, especially when the instruments are transformed into flesh and blood, these instruments are equivalent to becoming a part of our body, and their power is incomparable to the flesh. Similarly, this means that we also It's going to be a huge energy drain."

"I haven't reached the stage where the magic weapon is in flesh and blood, but my father has.

According to my father, he can no longer rely on cultivation to improve his cultivation.

Because for him, the Yuan force obtained by practicing the exercises is only a little surplus after the consumption of the magical instruments. "Zang Xiaojian said with emotion.

To explain it in scientific terms, after the magical instrument is turned into flesh and blood, the Tibetan people seem to have suddenly gained a body of "muscles" and their metabolism has increased dramatically. I won't "drop the scale", but if you want to "gain muscle" again, it's a matter of time.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Having obtained the powerful power brought by the magic tool, naturally, it also has to bear the huge consumption brought by the magic tool.

Compared with cultivation, the way to get power from possession is faster and simpler, and it is even stronger than most people, but it is not perfect.

But for most people, this is the "perfect" talent.

Yes, it has a cap in late game, but so what?

Even at the bottleneck stage, if Xiu stopped moving forward, it was already stronger than countless people in the world.

"What about the third restriction?" Lu Qingshan found that Zang Xiaojian no longer continued.

"The third point..." Zang Xiaojian seemed a little awkward, and finally puffed up his cheeks and said: "My father said that due to the special physique of our Tibetan family, it is extremely difficult to continue the bloodline, and it is especially difficult to give birth to children. So our collectors have been in the same line for many generations.”

No wonder there are only three collectors so far...Lu Qingshan secretly thought in his heart, and could not help but lament the difficulty of inheritance of collectors.

With the talent of collecting utensils, UU reading seems that the collectors will never be in a situation where there is no connection between green and yellow.

However, a single pass also means that there is no fault tolerance.

As long as there is an accident in any generation, the inheritance of the collectors will be cut off.

From this point of view, it makes no sense for Zang Xiaojian to appear above the South China Sea with his foundation-building cultivation base.

"How many swords have you hidden in your body now?" Lu Qingshan asked curiously.

"Eleven." Zang Xiaojian gestured, very proud.

Know what's going on inside the line.

This kind of thing, of course, is the best way to show off with Jianxiu.

Hearing this, Lu Qingshan couldn't help but glance at Zang Xiaojian's petite body again, it is hard to imagine that there are eleven swords hidden in it, and one day it will become part of her body.

He shook his head and sighed a little.

Hide the little sword, hide the little sword, you have more than one sword hidden here.

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