This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 33: above the sky

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Above the towering tenement building.

Zangxiu leaned on the railing and looked at him, and said dully with his wife beside him, "I still don't like this kid."

Ming Yu smiled and said, "Isn't this Lu Qingshan very good?

With a high cultivation base and still young, Xiaojian rarely has friends of the same age who can talk to each other, which is a good thing.

Don't you, a father, make friends with your daughter? "

"I didn't say that," Zangxiu retorted: "It's just that there are so many people on the island, why does Xiaojian have to make a friend off the island, I don't know the bottom line, I can't believe it."

"As that kid said, our girl is smart, you have to trust her eyes.

If he was really a bad guy, how could Xiaojian be so enthusiastic about him? "Ming Yu said softly.

What kind of character does your daughter have, is she still unclear as a mother?

Although she is innocent and good, she is not a foolish girl who easily trusts others.

I don't even think about it, apart from the sword cultivator of this human race, which of so many people on the island can get the trust and talk of their own daughter.

"You women don't think he's good-looking," Zangxiu said angrily, "The more handsome a man is, the more fickle he will be, and the more he will deceive women.

Although his aptitude is "just enough", his demeanor is neither humble nor arrogant, and he can be considered sloppy, but I knew at a glance that he must be a romantic type who likes to provoke women..."

Zang Xiuben wanted to continue to express his opinions, but saw his wife looking at him with a strange look, and finally his eyes fell on his face, as if he had understood something, and a sudden realization flashed in his eyes, and then sympathetically. shook his head.

Years of marital friendship and tacit understanding, can he still understand what this means?

Originally, he was just an indignant owner of a dignified house, but he couldn't bear it anymore, "I'm not ugly, am I?!"

Ming Yu took a serious look at her husband's appearance again.

He has thick hair and thick eyebrows, a straight nose and a wide mouth, and although his eyes are not large, he is very sharp.

"It's not ugly, it's actually quite attractive to look at seriously." Ming Yu said with a smile.

Cangxiu nodded with satisfaction, this is a good thing!

"But it also depends on who you are comparing with. Compared with ordinary people, it is definitely okay, but compared with Xiaojian's friends, it is far worse." Ming Yu added.

Zang Xiu clenched his fists, wanted to refute but didn't know how to refute, and finally said angrily: "What's the use of being good-looking, whether it's making friends or finding a Taoist companion, the most important thing is to look at the character and talent of the other party. ."

"You women are superficial!" he concluded.

"Oh? That's it..." Ming Yu lengthened his tone and laughed: "Why, you fell in love with me the first time you saw me, you saw my talent at a glance, or you fell in love with me at a glance. My character?"

Cang Xiu suddenly felt guilty, and stopped talking angrily.

The woman rolled her eyes at the husband beside her, and said, "But I agree with what you said earlier. Obviously, he went to the island not just to visit our daughter."

Ming Yu is very rational. Although he admires Lu Qingshan, he will not lose his vigilance.

The man laughed dryly, and hurriedly went down the steps very wisely, and said, "Why, it's obviously trying to win over our Lingye Island to join their human camp."

"Let's not say that our Lingye Island has always been neutral, and it is absolutely impossible to participate in irrelevant battles from the outside world. Even if they join the faction, the gap between their strengths in the sky and the demons is obvious, and they are definitely not the first choice." Ming Yu said softly.

Cangxiu reminded: "That was before. If we are really forced to choose one, it seems that we can only choose the sky."

"That Demon Clan Demon Venerable forcibly invaded our Lingye Island and had two conflicts with us in succession. It has already been settled."

"That's nothing," Ming Yu shook his head, "there are no dead people, you just taught them a lesson.

Besides, even if the dead are dead, with the cold blood of the Demon Race, as long as the interests are sufficient, there is no absolute hatred. "

"This is..." Zangxiu agreed with his wife's words.

"That's why, if we really have to choose one of the two, we absolutely can't choose the Demon Race." Ming Yu said coldly.

Zangxiu was startled, and stared blankly at Ming Yu...

How can I tell you all the good things? So then what should I say...

"Similarly, for the Demon Race, as long as the interests are sufficient, there is no absolute ally..." Ming Yu continued: "The existence on the top of the mountain is absolutely worth more than our Lingye Island."

The words were not finished, but Zangxiu already understood the meaning of his wife's words.

"That doesn't guarantee that the human race will outperform the demon race at this point?" Zang Xiu frowned.

"At least it will be more credible than the Demon Race." Ming Yu said lightly.

Although only some.

"Fortunately, we haven't reached the point where we have to choose one of the two. If he proposes it, we will politely refuse." Cang Xiu thought for a moment, shook his head, and said so without thinking.

"But you still have to receive it well, you are not allowed to show your face to others," Ming Yu nodded and warned: "It is rare for our daughter to make friends, you can't let her lose face as a father."

Zangxiu smiled awkwardly and said weakly, "I see..."

He thought about it for a while, and suddenly said helplessly: "This kid, it's easier than you think."

"Huh?" Ming Yu knew her husband's temperament well, and being able to comment like this showed that Lu Qingshan really had something unique, but she didn't see it, and she was immediately interested.

"Looking across the island before, I saw five swords hidden in the space around him, each of which is unusual..."

"The strongest handle, you have seen it just now."

"It's that girl Yitian." Ming Yu said.

"Yes, it is unheard of for a sword's spirituality to reach the level of heaven and man." Cang Xiu, an expert, praised sincerely.

Fortunately, he is a person with a mellow temperament, and he doesn't have much greed for this. If he was someone with a vicious mind, he would have begun to conspire at this time. Of course, there are also thirteen of his born, and now all of them are gone. full load.

"That's not enough, I just saw him, and while you were talking, I observed it carefully and found that there were more than five swords hidden beside him... There were more swords, just these swords. It's far inferior to those five swords, so I didn't feel it before." Zang Xiu paused.

"How much is that?" Ming Yu asked casually before realizing the seriousness of the matter.

"Twenty thousand."



"So, what about you?" Zang Xiaojian tilted his head and looked at Lu Qingshan.

"My cultivation level has improved so quickly because of the possession of artifacts, how about you?" She stared at her round eyes, curious.

Lu Qingshan thought about it and said calmly: "I also have a very special talent similar to 'Hidden Artifact', called..."

"Dark blue."

"It's just that the specific performance of this talent is a bit special, and I can't say it. In short, this talent can help me quickly improve my cultivation."

Lu Qingshan didn't keep a hand, but the panel is really difficult for monks to understand.

Zang Xiaojian's eyes sparkled, "You are also very talented."

Lu Qingshan smiled, "Mo Yan is not bad. Although his cultivation is not as good as ours, he has not fallen too far."

When the three of them met back then, they were all just small base-building cultivators on Jiaolong Island, but now they are high-level cultivators, enough to suppress one side.

And time, less than twenty years have passed.

The wonder of the world is beyond words.

Hearing Mo Yan's name, Zang Xiaojian's eyes lit up, and he looked at Lu Qingshan expectantly, "Do you meet again later?"

Lu Qingshan understood and began to talk in pieces, picking out some wonderful brief descriptions of what happened after Jiaolong Island parted ways with Zang Xiaojian.

From the peach blossoms on Qingqiu Mountain to the Seven Domains of Zhongtianyu, he and Mo Yan became famous together.

From the sword fight on the Qingyaping of Jianzong to the departure of the elder brother Ji Chuan in Huangquanjie.

From the fifty-two consecutive victories in the battle of the dojo to the Burning Moon Territory, "Which worm dares to speak up if I don't speak."

In the end, it was from Li Qiufei's sword to open the gate of heaven, until the Jianzong Banzong's western expedition, the Zhulong Temple's strength to expedite the sect, Xie Qingyun Jianxian Wushuang......

Zang Xiaojian was startled when he heard it, and he was intoxicated.

She never thought that twenty years that were so boring and boring for her would be so magnificent on Lu Qingshan.

"My father never let me leave the island..." Thinking of this, Zang Xiaojian couldn't help wrinkling his nose and complaining.

She also wants to roam the arena, and use the sword in the world!

"Don't let it go now?" Lu Qingshan was curious.

Before Zang Xiaojian was not high in cultivation, he was afraid that she would have an accident, otherwise the island would be excusable.

But Zang Xiaojian has such a cultivation base and is fully capable of self-preservation. Could it be that Zangxiu still locks Zang Xiaojian, isn't this a flower in the greenhouse?

Zang Xiaojian saw Lu Qingshan's doubts and explained: "It's not that my father is too strict, it's just that the responsibility of our Tibetan family is to protect the things above the sky in Jingjian City."

"My father said that I have grown up, and I will gradually take over this responsibility. When I enter the Nine Realms, he will completely hand over the Tibetan family to me, and then he can go out with his mother for a good walk, so... ...." Speaking of this, Zang Xiaojian stuck out his tongue.

"Something above the sky?" Lu Qingshan wondered.

"My dad won't let me say what it is. Anyway, it's a very powerful thing."

Although it is the absolute secret of the collector, it is absolutely "not to be said" instructed by my father, but I didn't say what it is, so it shouldn't be a disclosure of secrets, right?

Zang Xiaojian thought in his heart.

She thought about it carefully, and then nodded fiercely, successfully convincing herself.

Yes, definitely not.

Zang Xiaojian said he couldn't say it, and Lu Qingshan didn't ask any more.

But he had already vaguely guessed that the so-called "it" should be the source of the thunder of Lingye Island's catastrophe.

"By the way, you just said that you still want to communicate with my father and my mother, what's the matter?" Zang Xiaojian suddenly remembered the "tit-for-tat" conversation between Lu Qingshan and his father.

"I also have a purpose for this trip. I hope to invite you Lingye Island to join our Cangtian camp." Lu Qingshan said calmly.

He has a straight personality, not to mention the friendship with Zang Xiaojian is here, and there is no reason to hide it.

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