This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 38: Ancient Tribulation Test

"Give me death!" Xie Zun roared angrily, his fists crashing down.

The Emperor Shadow behind him did the same thing as the deity.

Completely reproduced, and even every angle, every posture, is exactly the same.

The only difference is the power in this punch.

Summons a soul shadow, re-enacts the caster's one-style magical power, and the power and magical effect of the re-engraved magical power of the soul shadow will be increased several times.

This is the effect of the secret technique of the word 'Emperor'.

Boom boom boom!

Emperor Ying's punch fell, causing the world to tremble, causing a sensation in all directions.

A storm spread from the intersection of Emperor Shadow's fist and the space, and swept away continuously in the surrounding area.

From a distance, it was as if the world had sunk hard under this punch.

"I'm not so good at killing." Zangxiu, who had just killed Baoding Demon Venerable and was fighting, said in the face of this terrifying offensive that shook the world.

He was full of heroism, standing upright like a war fairy.

Under the blessing of the magical power of the treasure, his flesh and blood were blessed by the magical tool, and the flesh had unparalleled power.

When the eyes opened and closed, there was an electric light flashing, tearing the void, causing the thunder on the top of the mountain to resonate.

Emperor Shadow's Emperor Fist is falling.


Zangxiu waved his arm, but it was a crisp sound of the sword unsheathed.

The next moment, a sword beam swung out from his arm.

The bright sword light made people unable to open their eyes, and the sword light swept across the sky and hit the top.

"Confront me head-on? You are seeking your own death!" Xie Zun saw Zangxiu's plan and affirmed.

Behind him, Emperor Shadow's giant fist slammed downward.

At this moment, chaos erupted, demonic energy was boundless, and the power of destruction swept the heavens and the earth.

He wants to hammer Zangxiu alive and destroy it.

The power of the top Demon Venerable and the word "Emperor" is by no means something that can be speculated by Cang Xiu.

Xie Zun has absolute confidence and pride.

You must know that even in the ranks of the top Demon Venerable, he has already reached the pinnacle.

Zangxiu screamed, and the sky was torn apart.

His arm was golden light and stabbed towards the sky with a sword glow.

There is no doubt that this blow contains peerless power.

Everyone says that swordsmanship nourishes the sword of life, and in the end the sword of life will be driven like an arm.

The collector is not driven like an arm, but truly turns a sword into an arm.

The void shattered, aura surging, squeezed overflowing, flowing wildly.


This "sword" finally smashed with the punch of Xie Zun, making an earth-shattering loud noise.

In this place, due to the Thunder Circle, most of the sunlight is hidden, so the sky has always been slightly dark.

Now, the fluctuations caused by the collision of the top powerhouses instantly illuminated the sky like a small sun.

This scene is amazing.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful aftermath dissipated extremely quickly.

In less than a few breaths after the earth-shattering collision, the sky and earth returned to emptiness.

Zang Xiu stood above the sky, with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, but his face was calm, and he couldn't see how serious the injury was for a while.

While Xie Zun was staring at him, the Emperor Shadow behind him had disappeared.

"A little trick." Xie Zun said.

After he only said such a sentence, he shot again.

With a bang, Xie Zun used his fist as a weapon to bombard forward.

Zangxiu was fearless and remained calm.

However, his cultivation base exploded completely.

Not to mention the continuous improvement of momentum, the whole body is even more golden luster, like a weapon in the world, the light swept the sky and the ground.


Zangxiu was still fighting with his bare hands, and his right arm met Xie Zun's fist.

The two were clearly in a physical confrontation, and it turned out to be a large piece of Mars that collided.

As each Mars falls downward, it burns the air like a shooting star.

This scene is terrifying, and it is completely unimaginable unless you see it with your own eyes.

But this is the battle of the Venerable, which is extremely terrifying.

The land of punishment.

The battle between Xie Zun and Zangxiu was too loud, and even if they were in this Jedi, they could still be heard clearly.

I saw the divine light blooming continuously in the distant sky, there were figures intertwined, and the battle was too fierce.

This also made Ming Yu's mood even more anxious.

She knew very well that at this moment, there were more ninth-grade demon revisionists looting and slaughtering around Lingye Island, and they might come to Jingjian City at any time.

It is already very difficult for my husband to face Evil Venerable alone. Once the demons gather together, the situation will definitely plummet.

She has to support her husband.

Lu Qingshan is naturally aware of this.

So he became more and more silent, and lowered his head to think about something.

No one knew what he was thinking.

Except Qin Yitian.

He looked at the crack in the space near Chi Chi, then looked at the lost Zang Xiaojian, and finally raised his eyelids, staring at the robbery sword in the center of Thunder.

This is a very contradictory picture.

In the land of Heavenly Punishment, lightning flashes and thunders, full of violent and destructive aura, but at the source, Jiejian is quietly suspended there, not disturbed.

"Master, do you really want to go?" Qin Yitian, who understood Lu Qingshan's intentions best, finally asked.

Lu Qingshan smiled freely, "After all, I am the most hopeful person in the world to wield this sword."

Jiejian, just trying to get close to touching it is so difficult, one can imagine how harsh the conditions for taking control of it will be.

But Lu Qingshan was different.

He has the [Natural Sword Species].

Therefore, as long as Lu Qingshan can touch the Jiejian, if there is no accident, he can take charge of the Jiejian logically.

He has the most unique advantage.

So, he had to do this.

So, Lu Qingshan raised his head and looked directly at Ming Yu, "Mrs. Ming, if I can wield the robbery sword, would it be possible for me to pose a threat to Xie Zun?"

Ming Yu never thought that Lu Qingshan had such an idea, and subconsciously replied: "It should be possible, right?"

"Then give it a try," Lu Qingshan made up his mind, "Mrs. Ming, can you?"

In any case, this is something that the collector guards after all.

Don't ask to pick it up, it's a steal.

Ming Yu is not a pedantic person. At such a time, no matter how precious foreign objects are, how can they compare to the life of their husband.


"I'm not joking with you, and I'm not lying to you. The power of ancient robbery is enough to rot and destroy everything. Only when the power reaches the realm of immortality can it be enough to resist the power of ancient robbery, cross the sky, and stand in front of the robbery sword." Ming Yu looked solemn. .

"You are only in the Four Tribulations Realm, and you are too far from immortality."

"The sword of the gods is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"Immortal power, the sword of the gods" Lu Qingshan's eyes shone with light, he didn't know what he was thinking, and smiled slightly.

He didn't explain anything, but took the first step in the direction of Jiejian.

This step is to step into the forbidden area.

In an instant, the waves hit the rocks!

This is thunder and lightning.

An invisible force of rules instantly enveloped Lu Qingshan and came to suppress him.

The power of ancient robbery!

With the advent of the power of ancient calamity, Lu Qingshan felt that his body suddenly showed signs of aging, and in an instant, it seemed to be decaying.

This also made his body extremely heavy, and UU reading was restricted in movement and could not move forward quickly.

Going any further would be extremely dangerous.

In fact, Lu Qingshan had a hunch that once he moved towards Jiejian, most of his five or nine Heavenly Tribulations would be triggered automatically, not to mention the interference of the power of Ancient Tribulation.

This is bound to be an unimaginably difficult road.

But Lu Qingshan did not stop.

He swayed his body, and took the second step firmly towards Jiejian in the distance.

Following that, the power of the ancient tribulation that seemed to corrupt everything also became stronger.

As he progressed step by step, the power of the power of ancient robbery was rising at an indescribable speed, causing Lu Qingshan's forehead to burst with blue veins, and his eyes shrank from time to time.

It is conceivable that with the continuous advancement of Lu Qingshan, the power of this ancient calamity will soon rise to the point where Lu Qingshan's form and spirit are destroyed.

If the power of ancient calamity is really a test, then this will be the most terrifying test that Lu Qingshan has ever experienced in his life!

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