This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 39: 59 days of robbery

Under the pressure of the power of the ancient calamity, the veins on Lu Qingshan's face bulged, and the blood flowed rapidly, making him look extremely prosperous.

He disregarded the brewing catastrophe and the increasingly suffocating power of rules, and continued to walk forward, towards the Jiejian.

The sweat dripping from his forehead became more and more, and even blood began to flow down in the sweat.

"Mother, Lu Qingshan?" Zang Xiaojian watched this scene, his heart couldn't help but he couldn't help but looked at Ming Yu with questioning eyes.

Facing Zang Xiaojian's gaze, Ming Yu hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head slightly.

She couldn't think of any reason why Lu Qingshan could cross this moat.

"After a while, he should reach his limit, and then he will retreat." Ming Yu sighed.

Why doesn't she want Lu Qingshan to create miracles?

But the rules are fixed, and there is no room for any operation at all.

Except for the power of immortality, nothing can resist the power of ancient robbery that exists in the void around Jiejian and can corrupt everything.

After Lu Qingshan took dozens of steps towards Jiejian again, a roaring sound rang out in the already roaring and deafening land of Heaven's Punishment.

After this roar, above Lu Qingshan's head, above the sky, there were inexplicably countless thunderbolts emerging and intertwining.

The 59th Heavenly Tribulation is still here.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan is going through the most difficult test in his life.

And the 59th Heavenly Tribulation added fuel to the fire and made his situation even more difficult!

Thunder quickly condensed together in mid-air, forming an incomparably huge golden tribulation thunder, as if to tear apart the heavens and the earth, and went straight to Lu Qingshan in an instant.

After seeing such a catastrophe, whether it was Zang Xiaojian or Ming Yu, their expressions changed greatly.

These five or nine calamities are far more powerful than what they have seen before, it is simply indescribable.

"Is it because of the special reasons of this place that caused the catastrophe to change, or because he is too special..." Ming Yu didn't even know which possibility it was. Looking at the amazing golden thunder, he muttered. murmured.

This battle is too amazing.

Fortunately, the place of Heavenly Punishment was originally the place where the robbery was ravaged by the thunder, and the roaring sound never stopped, which well covered up the fluctuations of the 59th Heavenly Tribulation, so that Lu Qingshan's calamity crossing was not caused by the battle above Jingjian City. It was noticed by the evil deity who had a fierce battle in Zangxiu.

The golden tribulation thunder went straight to Lu Qingshan at an indescribable speed.

Lu Qingshan was suppressed by the power of the ancient robbery, and it was extremely difficult to move, but in the face of the calamity, his expression was as usual, and his eyes were full of fighting intent.

When he thought about it, Wang Chuan had already rushed out of the space around him.

The power of ancient robbery corrupts everything.

Forgettable, but it is immortal.

The blue sword light pierced the sky and met the approaching golden tribulation thunder.

Tribulation Lei suddenly collapsed in front of Lu Qingshan, but it did not completely collapse, and there was still a small amount of remnant of power that blasted towards Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan was unmoved, and there was light flickering all over his body.

The bucket room is dust-free.

The robbery and thunder cannot enter, and it turns into countless arcs outside the field formed by the dust-free bucket.

Lu Qingshan's hair was flying, and he said softly, "Is the power of the 59th Heavenly Tribulation like this? Compared to the ancient robbery, it's really ridiculous."

It seemed that he heard his self-talk. The next moment, the sky roared, and countless lightnings condensed again, turning into an even more amazing red tribulation thunder, which slammed towards Lu Qingshan, with a violent momentum that was about to kill Lu Qingshan.

At the moment when the tribulation thunder came again, another red sword light shot up into the sky, and the sound pierced through gold and cracked stones.

The dragon sparrow is unsheathed!

Under the flash of the sword light, the dragon sparrow seemed to have transformed into a vigorous blue dragon, heading straight for the thunder.

Boom boom boom!

The blue dragon transformed by the dragon sparrow exudes an extremely sharp breath and rises in the face of the tribulation thunder.

Where Feijian passed, there were waves sweeping away.

In the end, the dragon bird directly hit the red tribulation thunder.

Fiery red to blazing red.

The one who won was the Dragon Sparrow.

That red tribulation thunder just collapsed, and under the divine might of the dragon bird, it couldn't support every second at all.

But although Lu Qingshan never panicked, he never had any joy.

Because... The 59th Heavenly Tribulation is far from over, it's just the beginning.

Boom! boom! boom!

In the next instant, three tribulation thunders brewed and fell at the same time.

"Suppressing the Demons!" Lu Qingshan was like a general on the stage, when his mind moved, another army rushed out.

The dark sword light, the blazing red sword light, and the dark blue sword light spiraled upward, intertwined with each other, facing the three tribulation thunders.

The three menacing tribulation thunders exploded at the same time.

These are nothing to Lu Qingshan.

"Forcing me to survive the calamity? The reason why I didn't survive the calamity was never because of fear, so why should I force it?"

In a short time, he had already traveled a distance of two hundred meters, and he was already less than a thousand meters away from where the robbery sword was.

Ming Yu's eyes widened, looking at the figure who was still firmly moving forward under the double suppression of the power of ancient tribulation and the power of heaven, he couldn't help but take a breath.

"Lu Qingshan has become... so powerful!" Zang Xiaojian behind her also temporarily abandoned her worries and sadness, stared blankly at Lu Qingshan's back, and murmured softly.

The two have different attitudes, but most of them are shocked.

And Lu Qingshan has already advanced nearly 20% of the distance toward Jiejian.

Jie Lei did not stop attacking Lu Qingshan for a moment, almost drowning his body.

The eyes are dazzling, and from a distance, you can feel the destructive power of the catastrophe.

Not to mention the people who are in the middle of the calamity.

At this moment, there are two Thunder Ponds in the Land of Heaven's Punishment, one is centered on Lu Qingshan, and the other is centered on Jiejian.

Although the strength of the thunder that surrounds the Jiejian is much stronger than Lu Qingshan's 59th Heavenly Tribulation, but in terms of momentum alone, it seems that they can't tell the difference for a while.

Thunder poured down from the sky.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan has also had five swords of destiny.

Longque, Peach Blossom, Wangchuan, Zhenmo, and Fuyao swayed constantly around him, destroying the tribulation thunders that landed one after another, making him feel like no one in the calamity without damage.

The robbery is constantly changing, all kinds of colored lights are endless, there are five elements of tribulation thunder, and even chaotic lightning has appeared, but it still cannot pose a threat to Lu Qingshan.

There is an upper limit to the strength of the 59th Heavenly Tribulation.

Although the 59th Heavenly Tribulation faced by Lu Qingshan at this moment has reached the highest level of strength, his combat power has already surpassed the template of a Four Tribulation Realm cultivator.

Therefore, even if the current scene is extremely terrifying, Lu Qingshan is able to be spotless, carrying Wanjun Divine Thunder, and constantly advancing under the suppression of the ancient calamity.

Finally, Lu Qingshan's 59th Heavenly Tribulation entered the most terrifying stage.

He had to stop for a while and start to fight against Heavenly Tribulation seriously.

Earth, fire, fengshui, and thunder, one after another, struck.

It was a terrifying sight, as if the world had opened up.

The wind and thunder cracked the void, the mines looked up like dragons, the water mines drowned the sky, and the fire thunders passed through it.

The four continued to rotate, falling one by one, submerging Lu Qingshan.

And Lu Qingshan finally opened up his own Dao domain.

The purple-gold sword field is incomparably noble and covers the four fields.

The sword energy gathered in the sword field is released to the fullest, forming a world of swords.

The five natal swords swayed like dragons, constantly vertical and horizontal.

On Lu Qingshan's eyebrows, a purple golden lotus flower shone brightly, as if it had come to life, shaking slightly.

His Primordial Spirit is also being tested by the Heavenly Tribulation.

Ming Yu and Zang Xiaojian were dumbfounded.

"That's what my husband said...the five swords?"

Ming Yu said silently in his heart.

In the picture of Lu Qingshan's five swords coming together, the two of them are the first wave of audiences in the world. They are extremely frightened and dumbfounded.

Although the tribulation thunder is turbulent, UU reading www.uukanshu. com but not procrastination - if you procrastinate, the power will be scattered and not enough to be intimidating.

The endless thunder calamity seemed to pour down in an instant.

This is the last wave of catastrophe.

Zang Xiaojian couldn't help clenching his fists.

One can imagine how terrifying such a catastrophe is.

Chi Chi!

In just an instant, all the sword energy accumulated in the Lu Qingshan Sword World spurted out, clashing with the heavenly tribulation and melting each other.

However, Lu Qingshan survived these five or nine calamities without any risk.

——With his current combat power, it is unreasonable to be unable to survive these five or nine calamities.

The clouds and the rain are scattered.

Immediately, gifts from heaven and earth poured into Lu Qingshan's body.

His flesh crackled, his essence was boiling like a sea, and his Yuan Li was even more galloping and mighty, clear and flawless, and more and more pure.

His primordial spirit is shining brilliantly. After five or nine days of baptism, it has become stronger and stronger, and the center of his eyebrows has become more dazzling.

Lu Qingshan's strength has been improved again.

"Your experience points consume 3.08 billion!"

"You have spent five or nine calamities!"

"Your cultivation base has been improved: from the Four Tribulations Realm to the Fifth Tribulation Realm!"

"Your Yuan Li has been increased, and the upper limit of Yuan Li has been increased by 40w!"

"Your Primordial Spirit has been improved, and your Spiritual Sense +1000!"

"Issue the Six Tribulations Realm advanced task......"

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