This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 40: mortal body

After a momentary pause, the small fireflies washed down in Lu Qingshan's field of vision again like a waterfall.

"Get the advanced task of Six Tribulations Realm: [Shoot one punch to prevent a hundred punches from coming]."

[Shoot one punch to prevent a hundred punches from coming]: "One hundred and one thousand reasons can't stand against the four big characters—even if they are far away, they will be punished"—the Dao tribe, the allies of the human race for thousands of years, turned against each other and must be punished.


Lu Qingshan's eyes flashed away.

The small fireflies that were constantly flowing in front of him disappeared.

He let out a long breath, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There has never been an advanced mission that went so well with him.

From the moment he saw Dao Yuanzi in Jingjian City and determined that the Dao clan had already turned to the demon camp, Lu Qingshan was not prepared to let the two or five Dao clan boys go.

In particular, the Dao clan still used him as an excuse to break the covenant with the human clan.

If anyone sins against me, I will sin against them.

This is not only the purpose of Lu Qingshan, but also the purpose of Jianxiu.

And now, he has another reason.

Look, even 'Deep Blue' made him have to hit this punch.

However, there are more important things waiting for Lu Qingshan.

Therefore, Lu Qingshan put the matter aside for the time being and quickly put away the dark blue panel.

The fifty-nine tribulations have passed, and his cultivation has also improved a hundred feet.

Lu Qingshan can clearly feel that the power of ancient calamity shrouded in his body seems to have weakened a little - of course, the power of ancient robbery cannot be weakened in vain, but his strength is stronger, and the power of ancient robbery is weakened accordingly. .

When I am strong, it means that you are weak.

The famous theory of relativity.

However, this improvement in cultivation is actually very limited in helping Lu Qingshan approach the Jiejian.

He looked at Jiejian not far away.

The distance between the two is only a thousand feet. It seems to be within reach, but in fact it is a moat that is out of reach.

The only good news is that there is no more interference from the catastrophe.

Lu Qingshan gritted his teeth fiercely, and the expression on his face became more and more determined.

His footsteps took off again.

Retreat, of course, there is a way to retreat.

But as long as the direction is right, as a sword cultivator, how can you regret it?


Lu Qingshan's whole body cultivation base, the power of his primordial spirit, has exploded to the extreme at this moment.


"No, it's too far." Outside the Land of Punishment, Ming Yu felt the powerful power that erupted from Lu Qingshan.

It was a power far beyond her imagination and cognition, a power she never imagined she could feel in a Five Tribulations Realm cultivator.

At any other moment, she would sigh the strength of this power.

Only now, Ming Yu's evaluation can only be two words "not enough".

Yes, Lu Qingshan's heritage is deep and his strength is strong, far exceeding that of monks of the same level.

But no matter how strong it is, it can't be stronger than the cultivator of the title, and there is even a huge gap between it and the cultivator of the title.

However, this period of natural moat is beyond the reach of even the cultivators of the honored realm.

Moreover, it was not just a little bit short, but even half the distance was reached, the limit was reached, and there was no way to move forward.

Lu Qingshan can now travel 20% of the distance with the cultivation of the Five Tribulations Realm, Ming Yu is already particularly shocked, and he is quite impressed by Lu Qingshan.

"The Primordial Spirit of the Tribulation Realm... The strength of the Primordial Spirit alone is comparable to that of a monk in the Nine Realms. This is his strongest point. No surprise, Gu Jie will also target his Primordial Spirit... ..."

"The Primordial Spirit of Tribulation Realm, he should be able to advance another two hundred meters, and then he will reach the limit." Ming Yu and Zang Xiaojian said, giving their own judgment.

Zang Xiaojian clenched his fist nervously.

Compared to Ming Yu, she is still too young, irrational, and naive, but this also makes her willing to believe in miracles.

Yes, Ming Yu would not lie to her, and Ming Yu also said that it was impossible.

But....what if?

For Lu Qingshan, she always has an inexplicable trust.

Since Lu Qingshan knows the rules, but he still has to try, that means he is more or less certain?

Thinking like this, the expectations in her heart grew even higher.

Because Zang Xiaojian knew that Jiejian was the only hope that could save Lingye Island and save her parents.


Ming Yu's judgment was not wrong.

Lu Qingshan moved forward step by step, gradually approaching the limit of 200 meters given by her.


Finally, Lu Qingshan gushed out a mouthful of blood, and the purple gold lotus flower between his eyebrows was constantly changing, indicating that his primordial spirit was under enormous pressure.

Not only was blood spurting out of his mouth, but all of his seven orifices were bleeding.

At this time, the power of ancient robbery has become so powerful that it is indescribable.

And you must know that even now, Lu Qingshan has only advanced about four hundred zhang, and he is still about six or seven hundred zhang away from Jiejian.

It is simply unimaginable how Lu Qingshan will be able to cross the latter part of the journey.

The crisis has already reached its extreme level.

Not only on Lu Qingshan's side, but also on Zangxiu's side.


Boom boom boom!

The monstrous noise spread throughout the entire Jingjian City.

The confrontation between Xie Zun and Zangxiu became more and more intense.


When Zangxiu's right arm cut through the sky and slashed towards Xie Zun's head, Xie Zun opened the sky with a punch, jumped up, and blasted forward simply and violently.

Arms and fists smashed together.

The vast coercion instantly enveloped the Eight Wastelands.

This kind of power is too majestic and shocking.

"If I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have believed it, that there are cultivators in your longevity clan with such combat power!" Xie Zun, who stepped back a few steps at the same time as Zangxiu, said word by word.

The longevity clan is a big clan, but compared with their demon clan, they are too small.

The Beimang clan was born with nobles and noble bloodlines, and the entire clan’s civil war strength surpassed others by a palm. Even among the human race, there were not many monks who could make him jealous.

But he never thought that in the longevity clan, who was just a corner in his eyes, there would be a Tibetan show who could fight him head-on.

"No wonder he has the confidence to drive away the Demon Venerable of our clan several times." The Demon Venerable said indifferently.

He is not worried. First, he knows that the final winner must be himself, and second, their numbers have an absolute advantage.

"Indestructible God and Demon Body!" The evil spirit roared angrily, the divine light soared into the sky, and the divine body shocked the world.

He no longer performed any secret arts, but fought against Zangxiu with his magical body.

This is a joy to see hunting.

Xie Zun has not seen a cultivator who can fight their demons on the flesh for a long time.

Zang Xiu wiped the blood that spilled from the corner of her mouth, her eyes were sharp, and there was a hint of worry in the depths of her eyes.

He is worried about his wife and daughter.

But he couldn't be too distracted, he had to focus on the battle in front of him.

His right arm had already turned golden, and it was outrageously powerful and unshakable. This was what he had been relying on for so long.

From another point of view, why can't Zangxiu at this time be said to have the body of a **** and demon?

Above the Jingjian City.

Zangxiu's black hair is scattered, his eyes are like the sun, and two golden rays of light are emitted, just like his golden right arm, which is extremely dazzling and shocking.

His flesh was stained with blood, but his aura was like a rainbow.

At this moment, he was like a reincarnation of a war fairy, facing a powerful enemy, his fighting spirit was surging, and he was incomparably high.

With a long whistle, he took the initiative to rush towards Evil Venerable.

The sound of the flesh piercing the sky seemed to tear up the world.

Evil Zun is also not afraid at all.

His fist power was unparalleled, and he kept bombarding forward, so that the void did not break open, and depressions appeared one after another.

If it wasn't for Zangxiu's physical body as a soldier, he was indestructible, and he would never imagine that he could withstand a few punches from the Evil Lord.


Xie Zun fought extremely happily, roaring like a prehistoric beast. Every time he swung his fist, he could suppress the heavens and the earth, creating a huge pressure and affecting Zangxiu.

"Little Tibetans, dare to confront my Beimang Demons?" Xie Zun angrily scolded.

"Do you really think that your bloodline is superior to others?" Zangxiu also roared, his skin glowed, and his golden right arm became more dazzling and shocking.

The sword light is infinite, like a surging river, surging out, killing the fists that fill the sky.

As a soldier, he possesses extraordinary power, all of which are poured out.

Cangxiu mobilized all the sword powers melted in his body.

Today, he is the most sharp-edged sword.

The right arm was drawn out, the sword light flashed, the left arm fell, the rainbow pierced the sun, the right leg swept across, the sword qi swept across, the left leg was lifted out, the qi rushed into the bullfight, and there were even sword lights shot out from the eyes.

Prince and general minister, is Ning You kind?

The cultivator has never judged the rules by blood.

Even if there is...

The Tibetan bloodline is a taboo bloodline, so it is extremely difficult to inherit, and it is many times more difficult than the inheritance of the holy demons.

Similarly, the Tibetan family's bloodline is theoretically stronger than that of the Beimang family!

Collectors possess extraordinary power.

It's just that in the past, the Tibetan family was hidden in Lingye Island, and no one knew about it.

To this day, Zangxiu has shown her sharp edge, shaking the Demon Clan Demon Venerable.

The splendid sword light covers the sky, extremely splendid and unparalleled in splendor.

Xie Zun's whole body was boiling with blood and energy, sending out unparalleled fluctuations.


The blood was bubbling, and it turned out to be like a dragon absorbing water, forming a tornado that opened Cangyu.


Zangxiu waved his right arm, and a terrifying sword light pierced out, and the powerful divine light was shining like a galaxy falling from the sky.

However, Xie Zun was extremely calm. At this time, he just stretched out a palm and gently rolled it in the void, and the sword light that came from the impact was instantly wiped out.

The palm of his sticking out is very large, with a dark luster flowing, like a bottomless black hole, dispelling all the attack power in the sword light.

Cang Xiu was awe-inspiring, feeling the power of Xie Zun, worthy of being the pinnacle of the Beimang clan.

"Come on, let me see how much combat power you still have to tap." Xie Zun said lightly, having gradually become familiar with Zangxiu's methods in countless previous confrontations, so he is no longer afraid.

Zangxiu sighed, feeling a little helpless.

No matter how evil and villainous the demons are, their fighting skills cannot be denied.

Demons themselves are a fighting race.

But Zangxiu's fighting spirit still hasn't disappeared.

Perhaps, he was destined to be drenched in blood and end in a tragic outcome, because the enemy on the opposite side was invincible, but he did not lose his courage.


Zangxiu let out a soft screech, the sound of which was like the sound of a sword, causing the void to resonate.

His spirit seemed to be on fire.

In Jingjian City, the lightning rod that filled the city was activated for the second time.

It is also the last time to be motivated.

The Thunder's power is too powerful, even if there are countless lightning rods all over the city to divide the pressure, the power of the Thunder can only be activated once in a short period of time.

At this time, Cangxiu forcibly induced the second time, as a price...

Bang bang bang!

An explosion sounded, and the lightning rods standing on the top of the pavilion could be seen with the naked eye. At this time, they exploded one by one, one after another, like an earth-shattering explosion.

At the same time, at the cost of the brokenness of the lightning-guiding needle in the city, the incomparably strong power of robbery was accumulated in front of Zangxiu, forming a thunder dragon.

He unleashed the most terrifying blow.

That Thunder Dragon has a huge body, shining scales, and a ferocious head!


Zangxiu used his arm as a sword, and he slashed forward again.

And that Thunder Dragon roared, overlapping with Cangxiu's right arm, and slammed into Xie Zun.

"What a thunder dragon, this should be the power of your Lingye Island exotic treasure!" Xie Zun was amazed, and greed flashed in his eyes.

With a thought in his mind, he used the Emperor's Script again!

Various runes are densely presented behind him, forming a huge emperor shadow!


On the way forward, there is thunder and light flowing, and any one has a terrifying atmosphere of destruction.

These thunder lights were not scary to Lu Qingshan.

What is truly terrifying should be the invisible power of the ancient catastrophe.

Lu Qingshan also gradually understood that the power of the ancient robbery should be the reason why the robbery sword can gather the robbery thunder, and the magic of the robbery sword, like the divine chain of order, which brings divine punishment.

At this moment, he has reached the limit of two hundred meters predicted by Ming Yu.

He was trembling all over, the purple gilt lotus between his eyebrows began to dim gradually in the change of light and dark, and the bright time became less and less.

Under the power of the ancient calamity, Lu Qingshan's primordial spirit is decaying and weakening.

What's even more terrifying is that his hair changed to gray unconsciously, and then quickly changed to white.

Aged white.

God is the foundation of a person.

Without God, everything would cease to exist.

Therefore, with the decay of the primordial spirit, Lu Qingshan's physical body also began to weaken, showing signs of withering, getting older and losing vitality.

"It's really so difficult?" Lu Qingshan's voice was muffled, and with a miserable smile, he looked at the robbery sword that was quietly suspended six or seven hundred meters away.

"Go back, the sword of the gods is not something that mortals can touch!" Ming Yu had expected this situation, but seeing that Lu Qingshan had no intention of retreating, he couldn't help calling from the air.

"The body of a mortal..." Lu Qingshan looked at Jiejian with unwillingness and a hint of madness in his eyes.

The meaning of destroying rotten souls is becoming more and more amazing.

It seems that if he takes a step forward, he can make his soul fly away.

Without truly immortal power, it is absolutely impossible to approach Jiejian.

And how can a mortal body have immortal power?


Is it true that a mortal body cannot possess immortal power?

Lu Qingshan ignored the threat from the power of the ancient calamity. The unwillingness in his eyes reached the extreme at this moment, as if he was about to burn a flame.

He is someone who wants to fight with heaven.

God, so what?

Will it be stronger than the sky?

Lu Qingshan took another step forward.

The pain of Yuanshen's decay and destruction made his eyes red and made him feel the pain from the depths of his soul.

But he doesn't care anymore at this time, UU reading www. uukanshu. There is only one thought in com's mind, that is...

Go forward!


A little bit of starlight rose above his head.

His primordial spirit is dissolving.

"Are you going to die?" Lu Qingshan murmured, feeling the power of ancient calamity emanating from the sea of ​​consciousness, but his eyes showed a brighter light.

Until now, he has not given up.

He firmly believes that he has the power that can be called "immortal", but it has not been activated yet.

Lu Qingshan is forcing himself.


"Is he dying?!" Ming Yu exclaimed, losing his usual calm.

She never imagined that after reaching the limit, Lu Qingshan did not retreat in spite of the difficulties as she expected, but continued to move forward.

"He will die if it goes on like this!" Ming Yu turned his head and said to Zang Xiaojian, extremely worried, hoping that Zang Xiaojian could call Lu Qingshan back, and even planned to go and pull Lu Qingshan back in person.

"Mother...Look." What she didn't expect was that Zang Xiaojian didn't have much worry on his face, but instead there was a gleam in his eyes.

Seeing Zang Xiaojian's expression, Ming Yu thought of a possibility, but instinctively couldn't believe it.

She looked back subconsciously, and was immediately stunned.


Just as black smoke has risen from Lu Qingshan's body, and his fleshly body is about to rot into ashes with the melting of the primordial spirit, the mutation... protrudes!

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