This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 41: shoulder to shoulder with gods

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Just when Lu Qingshan was about to come to an end, a blazing light suddenly rose from inside his body, like a sun burst from the ground.

What happened and how did this change happen?

She was deeply shocked and froze.

At this time, a layer of fluorescence lingered on Lu Qingshan's skin.

The luster is a little bit like a galaxy flowing, from the inside out, very soft, rippling with a special wave

Zang Xiaojian's eyes are shining brightly, reflecting the real scene.

Lu Qingshan's face that had been nearly dry, became old and bloodless, returned to ruddy, with a strong vitality.

This means that his primordial spirit is recovering and is no longer rotten.

His gaze also became fiery, as if the sun had exploded, shooting out amazing rays of light.

The light reflected in his eyes was incomparably deep, containing an indescribable strange power.

From time to time, various parts of Lu Qingshan's body shone with divine light, which was extremely dazzling.

"It's... a sign of recovery."

"There is immortality in him."

Ming Yu muttered to himself, but couldn't understand.

She was very frightened and could be sure that Lu Qingshan's vitality was recovering.

It is a miracle that people who had already begun to decay under the power of the ancient calamity actually came back to life.

"But.... what kind of power can be immortal?" She looked at Lu Qingshan at this time again and again, whether it was cultivation, primordial spirit, or fleshly body, there was no difference from the previous one.

There is no power in Lu Qingshan that has transformed and sublimated into immortality.

So, there is only one possibility.

There is a fourth power in Lu Qingshan besides the primordial spirit, the cultivation base, and the fleshly body.

It is this fourth power that is immortal enough to withstand the decay and suppression of the power of ancient robbery.

But...whether it's a human race, a demon race, or all races in the world, the cultivation system will change endlessly, and it should never be able to get rid of the scope of these three.

The fourth force, where does it come from, where does it come from?


At the moment when the new fourth force appeared, Lu Qingshan finally took a step forward towards Jiejian again.

This is just the beginning.

At this moment, Ming Yu and Zang Xiaojian could see more clearly, and there was divine light flowing in Lu Qingshan's body.

During the flow, his flesh and blood became vigorous and vigorous, and the rapid breathing that was originally due to the oppression and targeting of the power of the ancient tribulation became stable.

There was a white mist between his nose and mouth, like a dense fairy air, which kept coming in and out with his breathing.

Lu Qingshan's expression that was so painful because of the dissolution of his primordial spirit has returned to calm.

There are mysterious fluctuations in his body.

His chest began to rise and fall.

Then the sound of dong dong came out, which was shocking.

Even Ming Yu was moved.

This is the sound of a heartbeat, as powerful as a drum being beaten.

Like a prehistoric beast.

This is not a heartbeat that a Jianxiu can have, because Jianxiu's physical weakness is a well-known thing.



The beating of the heart is getting stronger and stronger. With each step of Lu Qingshan, it will sound once between heaven and earth, like the roar of thunder.

"It's not that his physical body has become stronger..." After observing for a while, Ming Yu, who had a pale face, saw the mystery, and explained to Zang Xiaojian: "It was he and Jiejian who created the resonance!"

"Lu Qingshan!" Zang Xiaojian was so excited that he was speechless.

At the moment, she has no intention to explore the reason for the miracle, she is just excited for the miracle.

Because, Lingye Island seems to be... saved.

Zang Xiaojian stared intently at Lu Qingshan who was walking forward again in the Land of Punishment, clenched his fists, excited and nervous.

Excited because I saw hope.

The nervousness was because Lu Qingshan was still 600 feet away. She didn't know if Lu Qingshan would be able to reach the finish line in one breath this time.

Moreover, no one can guarantee that Lu Qingshan will be able to take charge of Jiejian even if he has reached Jiejian.

After all, no one had ever come into contact with Jiejian before.

But no matter what, the robbery sword is the sword of heaven's punishment, the sword of the gods, and it is definitely not a weapon that mortals can easily control.

This is what you can understand when you think about it.


The suppression and destruction from the power of ancient robbery are still the same. This is a special law that cannot be avoided.

But today's Lu Qingshan, Lu Qingshan, who has walked away from the gate of hell, has a calm face like an icy lake.

In the calm, but revealing confidence and determination.

He walked towards Jiejian step by step, ignoring the increasingly powerful ancient robbery power as nothing.

The thunder light swam beside him, the thunder roared in his ears, and the aura of violence and destruction lingered.

Lightning is surging.

But Lu Qingshan is like a small boat standing firm in the stormy sea, moving forward firmly and stably.

Ming Yu and Zang Xiaojian stared blankly at Lu Qingshan, wondering what happened to Lu Qingshan at that moment.

Especially Ming Yu, she had tried it herself, and finally reached the limit after walking five hundred feet.

But now, Lu Qingshan has already crossed the threshold of five hundred feet, and is already heading for six hundred feet.

This was something she couldn't do in the Nine Realms, but it was done by Lu Qingshan in the Five Tribulations in front of her.

A complicated look appeared in Ming Yu's eyes.

"There are still five hundred meters..." She whispered softly, and her tone revealed an unprecedented expectation.



The Emperor Xie Zun's word art unfolded, the shadow of the emperor was huge and covered the sky, and the fist seemed to be the strongest weapon.

After an earth-shattering roar, Xie Zun's Emperor Shadow dissipated, and Thunder Dragon also dissipated.

The figure of Xie Zun flew out and swept back a hundred meters in the air.

It can be seen that the power of the wave of banging just now is powerful.

More than that.

Xie Zun glanced at his right hand.

The tiger's mouth cracked open, and the palm of his hand was actually full of blood. Even if there was a **** and demon body, it would not be able to heal quickly for a while.

Because there is a strange calamity in the wound, like a maggot in the tarsus, the ghost will not disperse.

He was injured, and not lightly.

This is a blow under the blessing of the Emperor's Word Art, and the body of the evil deity is still injured, so one can imagine the power contained in the Thunder Dragon.

"With such an attack, you can still perform the third time?" Xie Zun shook his hand, not caring about the injury, and looked at Zangxiu jokingly and sneered.

He asked this knowingly.

The lightning-guiding needles in Jingjian City were all shattered in the previous blow and turned into dust.

Without the lightning rod, how could Zangxiu borrow the power of the robbery sword?

"As people get older, they become more greedy. Such treasures should be handed over to the deity." Xie Zun smiled, his eyelids slackened.

The next moment, his murderous aura erupted like a sea, and his whole body was boiling like a waterfall.

He rioted, turned into a streamer and swooped towards Zangxiu, and shot with all his strength.

Xie Zun has played enough and lost his patience.

The real moment of life and death came, and Zangxiu was not allowed to take a breather.

Cang Xiu was not afraid, and with a long whistle, he also released the strongest power.

One after another sword energy rushed out from the acupoints of his body, bursting into the sky, traversing the sky.

Chi Chi Chi!

All the sword qi rushes towards the sky, which is extremely gorgeous.

Before Xie Zun approached Zangxiu, he was overwhelmed by the infinite sword energy.

However, he is fearless and fearless, and he does not dodge or dodge, and uses his flesh to shake these sword qi!

clang clang!

The sword energy clashed with Xie Zun's body, knocking out sparks and bloodstains.

But it is just a breath of effort, and these bloodstains have already healed.

The immortal body of gods and demons really has the appearance of immortality!


Xie Zun shouted, raised his hand and attacked forward, no longer attacking with a fist, but turned into a claw, extremely sharp, to capture Cangxiu!

This grab is extremely fierce, and the power is beyond imagination!

"Young phoenix!" Zangxiu roared, his right foot swept out, fiery red flames spit out, turned into a phoenix rune, and exploded!

The fake Dao sword smelted in his right foot is a young phoenix made of sycamore wood!

"Huh?" Xie Zun was slightly surprised, his paw collided with Cang Xiu's right leg.

The Yuan force and the magic energy between the two blended, and the fluctuations were violent.

Zang Xiu coughed out a mouthful of blood, and her body shook violently, and she stepped back.

The gap between the strengths of the two sides is there, even if he has the magical power to hide the artifact, but he still can't make up the gap - if it is not for the magical power of the possession of the artifact, Zangxiu would have died countless times.

In fact, if there is no blessing of the magical powers of the Tibetan tool, the combat power of Cangxiu itself is similar to that of Gan Zun, which is about twenty-five times the combat power of the ninth-rank.

Seeing that Zangxiu was seriously injured, Xie Zun was arrogant, and patted Zangxiu with his left palm again.

His palm weighed more than ten thousand knives, enough to knock the mountain into ashes, and what was even more terrifying was that there were still a lot of powerful symbols appearing in his palm, giving it even more power.

This is a lore.

"It can be over!" Xie Zun sneered.


The inevitable palm landed on Zangxiu's chest.

Suddenly, Zangxiu's chest glowed, accompanied by a blazing light, filled with sharpness.

With a bang, Xie Zun's palm hit an iron wall, and it bounced off with a bang.


Seven orifices exquisite heart!

Zangxiu has a hole in his heart.

In this orifice, he smelted the pseudo-dao sword created by Su Xiu Linglong, regarded it as a heart-protecting sword, and exploded the power of the source at a critical moment, dissolving the power of this palm.

Even so, Zang Xiu groaned, staggering backwards, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his injuries were not light.

"I want to see how many magic tools you have?" Since the battle, Xie Zun also has a general understanding of Zangxiu's magical powers.

In fact, in his heart, he was still afraid of the magical powers of Tibetans.

With this magical power alone, Zangxiu was able to fight him fiercely with twenty-five times the combat power of the ninth-rank, which shows the power of Zangqi.

Fortunately, Zangxiu's cultivation base is limited, otherwise he may be the one who suffers today, and he can only rely on crowd tactics to crush Zangxiu.

Zang Xiu gasped heavily, and he couldn't hold on anymore.

Even if he melts the soldiers and refines his body to make his body comparable to a human weapon, at this moment he is still covered in blood, and his shoulders and thighs are already bloody, which is very miserable.

"I don't know what happened to Yu'er and Xiaojian..." He was unwilling, not sure if his wife and daughter were out of danger.


The Land of Heavenly Punishment itself is backed by Jingjian City, so being here, you can see the fierce battle between Zangxiu and Xie Zun above Jingjian City.

Everyone can see that Zangxiu is exhausted and can't support it for too long.

The monks in Jingjian City roared into the sky, trying to help Zangxiu meet the enemy.

But Gan Zun immediately brought his demon cultivators with him and brought a fatal blow to these cultivators of Jingjian City.

Most of the cultivators in Jingjiancheng are swordsmiths, and they are not good at fighting!

At this moment, the only people who can help Zangxiu are Ming Yu and......

"It's too late..." Ming Yu's eyes flashed with despair.

She knew that her husband wouldn't be able to support her for too long. With Lu Qingshan's current speed, she obviously couldn't cross the moat before Zang Xiu's death.

"Xiaojian, if the situation is not right, take your friend with me, and I'll help your father!" Her expression instantly resolute, and she confessed to Zang Xiaojian. Before Zang Xiaojian could answer, she quickly left the Heavenly Punishment. land.

As soon as he left the Land of Punishment and confirmed that the position of Zang Xiaojian would not be exposed, Ming Yu immediately rushed up and rushed towards the evil deity who was fighting with Zangxiu in the sky.


Lu Qingshan's eyes were cold.

He saw Ming Yu's move and knew the urgency of the current situation.

But he is now at a critical moment and cannot be cloned.

"Hold on, give me a little more time!" Lu Qingshan muttered.

He turned his head to look at Jiejian floating not far away, his eyes bright and persistent.

At the same time, the speed of the feet turned out to be faster with the strength of the ancient robbery.

Yes, it's getting faster.

Obviously, the power of the ancient robbery is getting stronger and stronger, but Lu Qingshan's actions are getting easier.

dong dong dong!

The sound of resonance grew louder and louder.

Lu Qingshan's blood vessels swelled.

At this moment, he was only two hundred meters away from Jiejian.

"Quick, quick, quicker!"

Lu Qingshan roared in his heart, his body was roaring, and at this critical moment, the speed was a few points faster.

Another step forward, as if shrinking into an inch, this step is to cross a distance of ten feet.

"Young Master!" Qin Yitian was worried, seeing Lu Qingshan so desperately, for fear of causing hidden dangers to him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

At this time, the distance is one hundred and eighty feet!

"The power of ancient calamity, it can no longer stop me." Lu Qingshan affirmed.

One hundred and seventy hundred and sixty hundred and fifty feet!

Lu Qingshan could feel that there was an indescribable power surging in his body, as if immortal, fighting against the power of ancient robbery.

"Master, why is the power of ancient robbery suddenly unable to restrain you?" Qin Yitian finally couldn't help asking after confirming that Lu Qingshan was in good condition.

Even she who is the closest to Lu Qingshan, did not understand how Lu Qingshan had just reached the limit, and how the mountains and rivers were exhausted.

One hundred and forty hundred and thirty feet!

"The power of the ancient robbery comes from the robbery sword. In essence, it is a test set up by the robbery sword." Lu Qingshan's speed increased again.

"An incomparably difficult test." He answered with Sword Spirit girl softly in his heart.

"A test that only swordsmen can pass."

Distance...a hundred feet!

"The test that only Jianxiu can pass..." Qin Yitian murmured softly, as if he didn't understand.

Since it is a sword test, of course, only sword cultivators can pass it.

She can understand this, can understand.

The question is, what exactly does Jian Xiu rely on to pass this test?

She had the same doubts as Ming Yu.

Eighty feet ....... seventy feet!

"I told you that Jianxiu's power does not come from the sky, nor does it come from the earth." Lu Qingshan's voice seemed to contain immersive magic.

"The power of Jianxiu comes from the heart, and it will be ignited by its own will."

At this time, the distance.... fifty feet!

"Everything can be marked with a ruler, UU reading but..."

Forty feet!

"The will is immortal."

Thirty feet!

"The sword of the gods is beyond the reach of an extraordinary human body?"

Twenty feet!

"No!" Lu Qingshan said firmly.

"Because the body of a mortal can also..."

At this time, the distance between Lu Qingshan and Jiejian was only ten feet, only one step away.

Lu Qingshan took the last step, crossed the last ten meters distance, and resolutely stretched out his right hand, passed through the endless thunder light, and grabbed the robbery sword suspended in mid-air.

His deep voice echoed in the land of punishment.


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