This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 42: The list is short of thunderbolts, and the hills are destroyed

, !

The land of punishment.

Lu Qingshan's right hand passed through the endless thunder, and grabbed the purple-black long sword.

The thunder is surging, and the power is so powerful.

But at this moment, Lu Qingshan had an indescribable feeling, it was like a fish in water.

These violent thunder lights suddenly became very kind to him.

All the surging thunder and lightning are no longer aimed at Lu Qingshan, and even surrounded him.

"Does this already recognize me?" Lu Qingshan whispered in his heart, staring straight at Jie Jian, his heart throbbing slightly.

He could feel that he didn't need the [Natural Sword Species], and he had already obtained the approval of "Jiejian" after he crossed the sky.

Obtained the approval of the sword of the gods, which is destined to be unprecedented and is enough to shake the world.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of resonance reached its peak at this time, and even formed a tangible wave, rippling toward the surroundings.

This dull voice even surged towards the periphery of the Heavenly Punishment Land, sweeping all directions.

Even Xie Zun, Zangxiu, and Ming Yu who were fighting fiercely in the sky heard the sound of this vastness.

The three of them subconsciously glanced in the direction of the sound source.

Afterwards, the hearts of all three were beating wildly.

Ming Yu had long known what this sound represented, but now seeing this resonant sound sweeping the world, a thought came to mind—could it be...

Cang Xiu didn't know what happened in the Land of Punishment just now, but as the place where Jiejian was, there was a change that had never happened before, and there were naturally thousands of guesses in his heart.

As for Xie Zun, with his eyesight, he can naturally see that the place of punishment should be the place where Lingye Island's strange treasure is located.

It's just that none of the three of them thought that this was just an omen, and the real big movement had just begun!


At the moment when Xie Zun, Zangxiu and Ming Yu's expressions changed, Lu Qingshan finally grasped the hilt of the Jie Jian.

At this moment, an indescribably strong wave erupted from above the robbery sword, shot straight into the sky, and forcibly tore a tortuous crack in the sky.

Then, an electric light burst out from the crack.

Lack of thunderbolts!

As soon as this light came out, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the clouds rolled.

Purple has become the only color in this sky.

Thunderbolt fell from the sky, pointing directly at Jiejian and Lu Qingshan below.

At the moment when the electric light appeared, everyone who saw it trembled, and there was an uncontrollable burst of throbbing and awe from the depths of the soul.

This is the case with the monks on Lingye Island, and the same with the monks from the demon race who invaded.

No matter the race, no matter the cultivation level, even the evil venerable, can not be exempted from this kind of reverence.


Like a thunder blast.

The entire Lingye Island echoed with the sound of thunder at this moment.

Above Lu Qingshan's head, the electric light was getting closer and clearer.

In the end, this thunderbolt fell from the sky, completely wrapping Lu Qingshan and Lie Que.


The earth shakes.

The hills collapsed.

This big mountain, which can almost enter the clouds, shook violently amid the flashing electric light and the roar of thunder, as if it was about to collapse.

Not like.

It really fell apart.

In the electric light, Lu Qingshan tightly held the "Jie Jian".

The word "Lie Que" flowed through his mind at this moment.

He knew that this was the real name of "Jiejian".

He slowly raised his right hand and lifted Lie Que.

So, respect Sword City.

A whole city of Jingjian.

One after another high-rise buildings were torn up and soared, and stone walls were torn upwards.

Da Yue.

Trees are uprooted and uprooted.

Stones fell like hailstones.

The mountains are forty-eight thousand zhang, and they are very tall and cuiwei.

Now on the line.

The stone gate of the cave opened in the middle.

As if there was a heaven and a man who opened the mountain with one sword, the Great Mountain was neatly split from the middle and divided into two halves.

Qingming is bottomless, the sun and the moon shine on the sky and punish the earth.

Lei is the clothes, the wind is the horse, and the king of clouds came down one after another.

A hundred rivers return to the sea.

The thunder light that wandered around Lingye Island and swayed in the land of punishment, like rivers of the same source, merged into the sea and rushed towards Lie Que.

It is only a few breaths of time, and it has already been included in the missing sword body.

At the same time, some thoughts flashed in Lu Qingshan's mind...

Those who can lead troops are called generals, and those who can lead generals are called handsome.

The sword is the soldier, the body, cultivation, and primordial spirit are the generals, and the will is the commander.


A powerful commander can coordinate the soldiers, so as to exert ten times the power of one hundred times.

The importance of will cannot be overstated.

But whether it is the physical body, the cultivation base, or the primordial spirit, there are many ways to improve, only the will, which is based on the heart, the treasure secret method has no effect.

Thousands of troops are easy to get, but a handsome one is hard to find.


"When I walk forward with my sword, I no longer look behind me."

Lu Qingshan muttered.

This is his will.

Lu Qingshan's expression showed comprehension, and he understood everything.

If just when he reached the limit, if he had the slightest idea of ​​retreating in his heart, his will would no longer be firm, and he would not be able to ignite the immortal power that belonged to him.

This is the real test of the power of ancient robbery.

"This is my sword, my sixth natal sword!" Lu Qingshan's eyes flashed, affirming and believing.

When the time was right, the small Yinghuo characters silently appeared on Lu Qingshan's eyes.

"Did you choose Lie Que as your natal sword?"

"Yes." Lu Qingshan replied without hesitation.

"Attribute detection in progress."

"The missing attribute is thunder, which does not conflict with the existing natal sword attribute. Through the attribute detection, it is bound to the natal sword..."

"Contracted successfully, you have bound Lie Que as your life sword!"

A feeling of blood connection emerged between him and Lie Que.

Several lines of Yinghuo small characters washed down, flickering non-stop.


Lie Que (Ray Benming Sword)

Sword Master: Lu Qingshan

Quality: Taoist

Level: lv1 (0/1w) --- [all sword skills damage +10% through this natal sword]

Explanation: The columns lack thunderbolts, and the hills and valleys collapse.

Supplementary description: Lie Que is the sword of calamity, which can wield thunder and take charge of punishment.

Supernatural powers:

[Heavenly Punishment]: Lie Que, Tian Shan also!

Lie Que as the sword of punishment, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com will draw the power of calamity from heaven and earth all the time and store it in the sword body, forming a heavenly punishment.

The current number of punishments: 18/20 (one punishment per year, the upper limit is 20)

Description: With the improvement of sword master cultivation, the recovery speed of Heavenly Punishment will be improved.

Supplementary description: This magical power has no cultivation limit and no consumption.

[Ancient Tribulation] (Passive): Tribulation, use force to stop people from going.

The attack through this sword will automatically attach the corresponding ancient robbery power (physical body/cultivation base/primordial spirit) to the weak point of the enemy.

The enemy killed by this sword will completely decay, disappear into the world, and cannot be reincarnated.

[Return to Difficulty] (Passive): When the sword master is fighting with this sword, he can attract tribulation thunder from the sky to assist the sword master to attack the enemy.

The longer the battle time, the higher the trigger frequency of tribulation mines.

The power of the tribulation thunder depends on the calamity that the sword master has overcome.


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