, !

The scene of the collapse of Qiu Luan was so shocking that Xie Zun seemed to be aware that something was wrong. He glanced at Zang Xiu, who was already covered in injuries and could not support him for too long, and turned out to give up the pursuit of victory.

His figure flashed, and he turned to the land of punishment.

"Stop him!" Ming Yu said eagerly with a cold expression on his face.

Lu Qingshan has become her only hope at this time. Although she doesn't know what the current situation is, she absolutely cannot let Xie Zun interfere with Lu Qingshan.

Ming Yu was very awake.

Hearing what Ming Yu said, Zang Xiu immediately rushed out without hesitation.

His blood-stained right arm was drawn in the air again.

A gigantic sword energy appeared in the sky, blocking Xie Zun's forward path.

However, Venerable Xie just raised his palm and gently held the sword qi that came across it.

Immediately, a thick black mist poured out from his hands, and the sound of thunderclap sounded.

He unexpectedly dissipated the sword energy!

"With your strength, you still want to stop me? You dare to stop me?" Xie Zun stared at Zangxiu with sullen eyes, and there was a sneering sarcasm in his tone.

"You'd better think about how to save your life first." Xie Zun sneered, his eyes flashing slightly, and he looked behind Zangxiu.

Zangxiu's heart trembled.

At this moment, waves of fluctuations appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud roar of wind.

Ming Yutong Kong shrank suddenly and looked towards the horizon not far away.

The overwhelming shadows, driving the black fog, swept from the sky like a tide.

Thousands of ninth-grade magic cultivators who followed Xie Zun and Gan Zun to the island, finally arrived after receiving a message from Confluence Jingjian City.

"The demon army is here..."

Looking at the terrifying enemy, the cultivator of Jingjiancheng couldn't help but turn pale.

Although it has long been expected that this scene will appear sooner or later, but at this time, there is still endless panic and despair unconsciously in my heart.

Now their island owner, Zangxiu, can't protect himself, let alone protect them.

And most of them are swordsmiths, and fighting is not their strong point, not to mention that most of them have not reached the Nine Realms.

This battle will be completely one-sided, with no suspense.

It's just a few breaths of time, and the magic tide is from far to near, before the monks of Lingye Island.

These hundreds of ninth-grade demon cultivators are suspended above the sky.

For the first time, they didn't say anything, they just stared at the cultivator of Jingjian City with eyes like a wolf staring at a lamb, which made people feel cold.

Zangxiu couldn't help clenching her palms tightly.

"It's boring." Xie Zun glanced at the countless desperate faces and Zangxiu who was full of unwillingness, and slowly shook his head.

"The whole Lingye Island, that's why it's still a little interesting." He turned his eyes to the place where the thunder light gathered, and a ferocious color slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he waved his palm down!

"Kill me!"

Following Xie Zun's order, the demon army immediately took action, the demonic energy tumbling, containing the numbness of violent violence, and overwhelmingly descended towards the cultivator of Jingjian City.

That scene is really like the end of the day.

Even though the cultivators in Jingjian City responded quickly and evaded defenses, many people were immediately covered by demonic energy and exploded as blood mists.

Zang Xiu stared at this scene with split eyes.

"Go, one who can go is one!" he shouted hoarsely.

In front of the demon army, it was only a first contact, and the side of Jingjian City suffered heavy casualties.

In this situation, we can only let the cultivators of Jingjian City scatter away, and one can go one by one!

Ming Yu couldn't help biting his lips.

This situation is disappointing.

The swordsmiths in the city, the two of them had more or less contact with them, and now they see such a **** slaughter situation, how can it not be painful?


Right now.

The incomparably mighty sound of thunder suddenly sounded, resounding through Lingye Island.

In the place where the thunder light fell that day, layers of brilliant electric light suddenly burst forth.

The thunder stretched out and instantly covered the sky.

These thunderbolts suddenly appeared, rumbled and exploded, and the shock wave formed caused the surrounding demon cultivators to be stunned and subconsciously retreat.

Thunder surging all over the sky, and finally, turned into a figure shrouded in thunder.

"what is this?!

"The entire battlefield was in an uproar due to the sudden appearance of thunder.

Even the two venerables of the Demon Race, Xie Zun and Gan Zun, were stunned for a moment, and then their consciousness dispersed to check the situation.

"It's Lu Qingshan, he succeeded!" Ming Yu was shocked when he saw this scene, and then his face flowed with joy that could not be concealed.

She couldn't help looking at the figure.

The sudden thunder made everyone, including the Jingjiancheng cultivator who fled in panic, and the demon cultivator who was slaughtering, stopped their movements, and looked at the figures in the thunder.

The thunder light gradually weakened, and the figure became clearer and clearly appeared between the world.

With swaying black hair, a slender body and fair skin, he looks like a young man.

But the sword in his hand was deep purple and deep, exuding an aura that was enough to change the color of the world, making everyone jealous.

"Lu Qingshan!"

When Zang Xiu saw that familiar face, even in danger, he couldn't help but exclaimed in astonishment, one can imagine what a huge impact this scene brought him.

Xie Zun stood on the top of the sky, breathing stagnant, looking at Lu Qingshan's hand, there were violent fluctuations in his eyes, and after a while, it turned into a greedy color, and he couldn't help but murmured: "This is the treasure of Lingye Island. ?"

He could naturally see that all the previous visions came from this sword.

"The pearl is dusty, the pearl is dusty!" Muttering to the end, the evil spirit roared in filial piety.

"Such a treasure, you are a tribulation monk, do you deserve it?"

As soon as Xie Zun said this, the cultivator who was shocked by Lu Qingshan's different way of appearing on the stage was shocked, and immediately observed it carefully, and then he realized...

This is just a Tribulation Realm cultivator!

The Demon Race cultivator immediately relaxed, and then became angry and embarrassed. It was hard to accept that he had just been shocked by a Tribulation Realm cultivator, and he had a monstrous killing intent towards Lu Qingshan and wanted to kill him.

The cultivator of Jingjiancheng fell into complete despair, and did not think that a cultivator in the tribulation realm could change the situation of the battle.

Lu Qingshan stood there, his eyes swept over the people with different expressions, and he didn't care, and finally his eyes fell on Xie Zun.

"Go back, otherwise, it's hard to say, but today you will surely die on this island."

His voice was calm, but it caused a jolt.

No one would have imagined that Lu Qingshan would dare to speak such "crazy words" in the face of such existences as Evil Venerable.

"Ridiculous, ridiculous!" Xie Zun couldn't help laughing up to the sky, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Lie Que in Lu Qingshan's hand, "Is this what you rely on?"

"Could it be that you really think that with a foreign object, you can match me?" Xie Zun said sternly.

He snorted coldly, raised his right hand, and punched directly.

This punch seems to be normal, but there is a monstrous storm, with a fierce demonic energy, which erupts directly and suppresses Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan only felt that the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to freeze, and they were all squeezed towards him, making it difficult for him to breathe, and the energy in his body was condensed.

This is the power of the demons.

Lu Qingshan's mind was condensed, and the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​​​knowledge began to shine brightly at this moment, and the power of the primordial spirit in the robbery began to flow out like a wave, and it was already blessing him.

Three flowers gather!

At the same time, the purple-gold lotus imprint between his eyebrows shone brightly, petals bloomed, and the purple-gold sword field was already unfolding.

"Law Heaven and Earth!"

The sword domain released a vision, and the majestic power was poured into it.

"Move as fast as a dart!"

With Lu Qingshan's low voice, a red ghost shadow came out brilliantly, turned into the ghost shadow of a woman in a palace dress, and merged into his body in a hugging posture behind Lu Qingshan.

Soldier word tactic: Dragon Sparrow!

The dragon bird with complete divine power, the Soldier Art of the Four Seals Society.

The combat power bonus brought is...six times!

Based on Lu Qingshan's 2.5 million Yuan strength in the Five Tribulations Realm, after being blessed by the three major explosive secret techniques in addition to the power of mountains and seas, at this moment, his Yuan strength has soared to a terrifying 350. Ten thousand.

You must know that the one-step monk who breaks through to the ninth realm with the cultivation base of the Three Tribulations will fluctuate between 1.8 million and 2.5 million yuan.

In other words, Lu Qingshan now only talks about the background of Yuan Li, and he is already crushing the ordinary ninth grade.

Not to mention, the most outstanding aspect of sword cultivator is never the cultivation base, but the combat power!

At this moment, he actually stretched out his left hand and probed in the void.

A black long sword appeared in his hand.


The ultimate slaughtering sword that increases damage against demons by 100%.

Lu Qingshan let out a long roar, his eyes filled with fighting intent.

"Xia Yuning!"

With Suppressing Demon's [Breaking Demon] passive and the effect of Sword Domain's [Slash] word secret, Lu Qingshan cut out his strongest attacking secret sword.

Even if it rains, I don't know if spring is coming, but when it's sunny, I feel summer is deep!

The attacking power exploded to the extreme at this time.

The sword marks in the sky, like the continuous Xia Yu, slashed directly at the punch that Xie Zun threw!

The sky trembled and the clouds rolled.

The power of this moment is simply indescribable.

Above the sky, there are sword light afterimages, and the number is indescribable.


With the indescribably strong loud noise, the countless sword lights condensed into a sword, drawing a very deep blood stain on Xie Zun's fist, and the blood splashed!

And Lu Qingshan himself vomited blood, and his body flew out like a broken kite.

But he soon managed to get his feet on his feet.

"The power of heaven and earth!" Lu Qingshan's thoughts moved, and a dense world of heaven and earth suddenly poured out of the sword domain, wrapping his body and instantly healing his injuries.

[Power of Heaven and Earth]: Jurisdiction will be able to automatically draw the power of heaven and earth from heaven and earth, and the domain owner can use the power of heaven and earth to recover his injuries.

The injuries Lu Qingshan suffered were just flesh wounds caused by the collision. With the help of the power of heaven and earth, his injuries were quickly healed.

"Top Demon Venerable, nothing more than that!" After standing firm, Lu Qingshan suddenly smiled as he looked at the embarrassed Evil Venerable.

His voice is passionate and confident, assertive and bold.

Everyone was stunned and stunned by this scene, and a shocking wave was set off in their hearts!

They saw with their own eyes that the Five Tribulations Realm cultivator in front of him challenged the Evil Venerable head-on, and actually managed to draw a tie with the Evil Venerable!

"It's impossible, it's impossible!


They couldn't accept it in their hearts.

Not to mention magic cultivators, even Zangxiu and Ming Yu have extremely complicated hearts at the moment.

They are equally unacceptable.

Lu Qingshan's mood became more and more excited, and even he couldn't completely calm down.

Because, this is not a simple confrontation, but a head-on challenge to the top Demon Venerable!

Although in this sword, Lu Qingshan broke out many means, and almost emptied 70% to 80% of the Yuan force in the body, and could no longer cut out the second sword.

But no matter what, without any external force, he collapsed the blow of the evil deity head-on and caused him some injuries.

This shows that the power of the sword he just made is comparable to the supreme power of the top demons of the demon race.

Although only one sword.


"Good method, good method..." Xie Zun laughed in anger.

"I really underestimated you, a five robbery cultivator can achieve this step, worthy of being the Sect Master of the Sword Sect..."

"But, that's all there is to it!"

"Although you have many means, no matter what, you are only a monk of the eight realms, not a sword fairy..."

"Real is always true, false is always false, die quickly, don't get involved!"

Xie Zun roared, really angry.

His arms stretched out suddenly, and he used the Secret Art of the Emperor again!

In an instant, a huge emperor shadow took shape in the void behind him.

"Then, I'll let you know the strength of the top Demon Venerable!" Evil Venerable's face turned grim and his right fist slammed out again.

The Emperor Shadow behind him moved with him, but the power was several times stronger, and the fist shadow erupted like a red sun, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, as if to destroy all living beings.

This punch, even Tibetan Xiu, who can be called a "weapon in the world", can't guarantee that he will be able to withstand it.

Not to mention a sword cultivator of the Five Tribulations Realm?

Limited by the terrifying coercion of this punch, Lu Qingshan couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and his heart was trembling.

The strength of the top Demon Venerable is really too strong, and it is by no means that he can compete with him now. Perhaps if he can cultivate to the Eighth Tribulation Realm or Ninth Tribulation Realm, he can truly match.

Obviously, not today.

So is this an unbreakable dead end?

Obviously not.

Lu Qingshan, who has obtained the list of shortages, has a real bottom-pressing method...

Xie Zun thought that the sword just now was Lu Qingshan's strongest means, but it was not the case.

His real means...  

Lu Qingshan took a deep breath and suddenly raised his right hand.

In his right hand, he held Lie Que.

A strong light suddenly erupted from Lie Que's sword, rushing out in an instant.

It was a ray of thunder, dazzling and endless, as if it could compete with the sun for brilliance.

At the moment of his appearance, he was as powerful as an evil spirit, and his complexion changed drastically.

"This is........"

Xie Zun felt a powerful threat in this thunder light.

"That's..." Zangxiu was lost.

In that thunder light, he felt the familiar meaning.


Lu Qingshan replied in a deep voice.

His voice echoed between the heavens and the earth like thunder.

In the horrified eyes of countless people, this thunder light burst into a stronger light, with an aura of destruction, and went straight to... Evil Venerable!

The power of divine punishment has long been verified.

With the help of the Thunder Rod, Cang Xiu forcibly attracted the two Thunder Dragons, which is the power of Heaven's Punishment for Lie Que.

Those two thunder dragons were also the only means by which Xie Zun and Zangxiu had been fighting for so long and felt threatened.

You must know that Zangxiu is after all relying on the power of divine punishment induced by a third party, and there must be some loss in the process. Thunder Dragon's power is only seventy or eighty percent of the complete power of divine punishment.

And the punishment that Lu Qingshan cast through Lie Que was able to release all the power of the punishment.

It can be seen that this thunder light shakes the past, present and future, exerting its might, burning the heavens, and directly colliding with the Emperor Shadow behind the evil deity!

Although the earth-shattering Emperor Shadow did not collapse directly, his fist like a red sun was blasted away, and a hole appeared!

"This is impossible!" Xie Zun staggered back a few steps, his blood was tumbling, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and he was injured.

But he ignored it and looked at Lu Qingshan in amazement, a shocking wave was set off in his heart.

The power of the punishment made him completely unable to calm down.

This is a blow that is infinitely close to forty times the combat power of the ninth-rank!

"Lu Qingshan......" Xie Zun's heart trembled slightly, staring at Lu Qingshan.

- Lu Qingshan, as the new Sect Master of Sword Sect, how could he not know him?

"After all, it's an external force, it's an external force, it's not your own power, it's from that sword!"

Xie Zun gritted his teeth, his facial muscles twitched slightly, he affirmed: "This kind of external force is so strong, it must be extremely harsh to use, you can probably use it once!"

At the end, the voice of the evil deity has turned into a roar,

Although it is an angry guess, it is actually quite common sense.

This level of external force, if it is used without paying a huge price, is it still in line with heaven?

And there is a precedent for it, Zangxiu was only forced to attract two heavenly punishments at the cost of scrapping Mancheng's lightning rod.

"I don't believe in such means, you can still use it a second time!" Xie Zun's face was gloomy, his eyes were gloomy, and his left fist blasted out.

The Emperor Shadow behind him immediately followed Xie Zun with a complete left fist to make the same action.

But what Xie Zun did not expect was that Lu Qingshan, facing his offensive, not only did not show the slightest panic, but sneered.

"No second time?"

"As expected of Xie Zun, you have already guessed it!" Lu Qingshan laughed.

"I really don't have a second time!" He nodded in agreement, then raised his hand and waved his sword again.

Suddenly, amidst Lu Qingshan's laughter, Lie Quejian appeared.... the second punishment.

The thunder light erupted with supreme power and went straight to the evil spirit.

Xie Zun's whole body was shaking, his eyes were round, and his mind was buzzing. He couldn't believe that Lu Qingshan could still perform a second punishment.

At the same time, the punishment was approaching, and it slammed directly on Xie Zun's left fist.

After an earth-shattering roar, Xie Zun flew upside down by hundreds of meters this time, and it was difficult for him to stand firm.

It's just that the Emperor Shadow's hands behind him have collapsed, and the hands of his deity are even more **** and shocking.

Moreover, there is a calamity in the punishment, even if he has an indestructible **** and demon body, he can't heal his injuries in a short period of time.

"Don't be afraid, it's the last time just now!" Before Xie Zun could return to his senses, Lu Qingshan waved Lie Que again as he spoke.

Another day of punishment came.

But this time, it was more than just a punishment.

As Lu Qingshan's voice reverberated, the fourth Heavenly Punishment was blasted out of the column at the same time.

The two heavenly punishments fell towards the evil spirit together.

The appearance of two consecutive heavenly punishments suddenly made Xie Zun's heart tremble violently.

But the most important thing at the moment is to face these two punishments.

Xie Zun was panting, his hands clasped together, and the Emperor Shadow who lost his arms immediately came from behind him to the front, blocking the two heavenly punishments with his soul shadow.

This time, Emperor Shadow almost collapsed completely, and Xie Zun spat out blood and kept retreating.

From this battle to the present, since Lu Qingshan cast the Heavenly Punishment, he has been injured one after another.

"There must be a limit, I bet you won't be able to make a few more attacks like this!" Xie Zun was so angry that he almost lost his mind, his chest kept heaving, his mind was full of unacceptable and incredible.

The murderous intent towards Lu Qingshan in his heart was already intense to the extreme.

The next moment, Xie Zun's body swayed, and the broken Emperor Shadow turned out to be fused with his body.

Under the blessing of Emperor Shadow's fusion, Xie Zun's momentum has been further improved, reaching his strongest state.

With a low growl, he charged towards Lu Qingshan with his wounded and broken body.

As expected of the venerable Demon Race, how could he give up his mind if he did not see the Yellow River... Seeing that the venerable evil was so persistent, Lu Qingshan was not surprised.

If he can be scared back by four heavenly punishments, how can Xie Zun become one of the powerful Demon Lords of the Northern Mang Demon Clan?

Lu Qingshan narrowed his eyes.

He still has fourteen Heavenly Punishments, not much, not much.

With fourteen divine punishments, he had the confidence to seriously injure Xie Zun, but it was unlikely that he wanted to kill Xie Zun, let alone save Lingye Island.

Therefore, he must curve the curve to save the country, in another way.

Lu Qingshan has a plan in mind.

And the most important thing is to never reveal your bottom line.

So, Lu Qingshan laughed, his face showed extreme calm, and his eyes were even more calm.

"As expected of Xie Zun, I can't scare you at all, you have seen through it directly." Lu Qingshan "agreed" with Xie Zun's guess, and raised his right hand at the same time.

The fifth, sixth, and seventh heavenly punishment suddenly appeared!

Three consecutive heavenly punishments came out, not only Xie Zun, but also Zang Xiu and Ming Yu were shocked.

Everyone, everyone present, was 100% sure that Lu Qingshan's punishment could never be infinite, but... they couldn't guess where the limit was.

This is a secret that only Lu Qingshan knows.

Xie Zun tried repeatedly, hoping to find out the details from Lu Qingshan.

But no matter how you look at it now, the amount of punishment that Lu Qingshan can issue is beyond imagination.

The three heavenly punishments come together.

Xie Zun's body flew out like a kite with a broken string, and his mouth continued to vomit blood.

But it was only for a moment, he just stood firm, his eyes showed strong persistence, and went straight to Lu Qingshan again.

"I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it! Come back if you have the seeds!" he roared, provocatively.

"No, really gone." Lu Qingshan joked.

The thunder light was dazzling, and the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh Heavenly Punishment rushed out.

At the moment when the four heavenly punishments came out, Lu Qingshan put away his smile and said coldly: "Xie Zun, if you don't retreat with the army today, I will not be able to guarantee Lingye Island, even under the siege of so many demon cultivators, I can't guarantee that I can save my life, but I can guarantee..."

"You must be buried with Lingye Island!"

It seems ridiculous that the Five Tribulations Realm cultivator threatens the top Demon Venerable so much.

However, in combination with the four powers of heaven-shattering punishment, Xie Zun had to fear and awe.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four heavenly punishments fell on Xie Zun.

This time, Xie Zun flew out thousands of feet upside down, and his body was even more charred, and the injury had reached the point of hurting the source.

"How could this be?" The demon monks were shocked, and the evil spirits were injured one after another. In danger, they were almost suppressed.

It's just a Five Tribulations Realm cultivator, and he pushed Xie Zun to this level like a monster.

What kind of magic weapon is it, it has such magical power, which deeply shocks every living being.

"How many times can he make such an attack!" The pain in the flesh was covered up by the madness and depression in his heart. Now Xie Zun really can't determine the limit of Lu Qingshan, and there is a hint of hesitation in his heart.

Just when Xie Zun's mind was shaken again, Lu Qingshan's calm and playful voice sounded again.

"No, this time it's really gone, it's reached the limit, there's not a drop left, you can rest assured."

The twelfth, the thirteenth, the fourteenth, the fifteenth, and the sixteenth are the same as those who don't want money, and they blasted out with Lu Qingshan's voice.

Five heavenly punishments came in a row.

This is the smallest lie Lu Qingshan told.

Because after these five heavenly punishments, there are only two left of the eighteen heavenly punishments that are missing.

Lu Qingshan is about to fall into a state of exhaustion.

"Retreat, retreat all!" Under the oppression of these five heavenly punishments, the hesitation in Xie Zun's heart completely dissipated.

He no longer doubted that Lu Qingshan was trying to scare away Lu Qingshan, but decided that Lu Qingshan wanted to kill Zun today.

He no longer wanted to try.

Because it doesn't make sense to him.

If he died, what would be the point of killing Lu Qingshan and taking down Lingye Island today?

Not to mention the exchange of life, it is not worthwhile to suffer serious injuries that hurt the source and affect his future cultivation.

Xie Zun is a decisive person. Since he gave up the temptation, he gave the order without hesitation and the entire army retreated.

But even if he gave up attacking Lingye Island, UU read www. The five heavenly punishments on uukanshu.com were water that was thrown out, and even Lu Qingshan couldn't take it back.

The five heavenly punishments glowed and dazzled, approaching from the front, unavoidable.

Lightning strikes, destroys everything.


At this moment, blood splattered.

Xie Zun was covered with scars, his injuries were terrible, and blood was constantly pouring out of his body.

He coughed up blood, and the body was hit by the powerful force, and he flew straight out.

Only this time, he did not turn around again, but fled in a hurry.

"Lu Qingshan, you wait, today's humiliation, come to Japan, you will definitely pay back a hundredfold!"

The figure of Xie Zun disappeared in a blink of an eye, but his unwilling voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Seeing Xie Zun fled in panic, the rest of the demon cultivators looked at Lie Que in Lu Qingshan's hands in trembling, as if seeing a ghost. And escape!

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