This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 45: an eye for an eye

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This time, Zangxiu did not object, but fell into deep thought.

That's right, Lingye Island's strategy before this has always been to remain neutral.

But the strategy always has to keep changing with the changes of the times.

In the past, Lingye Island had no relationship or bond with the sky and the abyss. In addition, Lingye Island had always been a secluded island, and neither of them heard anything outside the window. Neutrality was naturally the best choice.

But it's different now.

After this battle, they formed a **** feud between Lingye Island and the Demon Race, and Lu Qingshan, who was born in Cangqiongtian, became their collector's savior. He had no reason to insist on neutrality.

Not to mention that what collectors have guarded for generations has become Lu Qingshan's life sword.

There is also the most important point, Lie Que belongs to Lu Qingshan's hands, coupled with the strategy of the demons to sweep away dissidents, Lingye Island is no longer a safe place, and leaving has become an inevitable choice.

But where can it go?

With the vastness of the Tianhe and the sea, is there really a place that is safer than Lingye Island and vast enough to accommodate such a large population of them?

I don't think so.

After thinking about it like this, what Lu Qingshan said seems to be the best choice...

With the vast area of ​​the sky, it is more than enough to accommodate a hundred residents of Lingye Island.

The human race, like them, has a common enemy, the demon race!

The most important thing is that although the overall strength of the human race is weaker than that of the demon race, since it has been able to confront the demon race for so many years, no matter how weak it is, it will not be weak.

Not to mention, Lu Qingshan had just saved Lingye Island in dire straits. With great grace ahead, Zangxiu was actually not too embarrassed to say anything of rejection.

After weighing the pros and cons and considering all aspects, Zangxiu was already moved by Lu Qingshan's proposal.

However, he still has scruples.

"The people of Lingye Island are mainly Tibetans from generation to generation, and we cannot leave any of them behind." Zangxiu frowned, wondering.

Collectors can give up Lingye Island, but they cannot give up the people of Lingye Island.

In front of the Tibetan family and Lu Qingshan is the same problem as the Qing Cangdao Feng Clan.

Lingye Island is too vast and has a large population. In the environment of Tianhehai, it seems that the migration of the island has become an impossible thing.

"Naturally you won't let you give up the people of Lingye Island." Lu Qingshan nodded, not surprised by Zangxiu's concerns, and even expected it.

"Xie Zun has suffered a big loss this time, and he will definitely not make a comeback in a short time. In this case, you should wait for a while, and mobilize the monks and people of Lingye Island to prepare for migration during this time. I should be can solve this problem.”

Although Lu Qingshan was quite sure, he didn't say anything, he just used what he should.

His brilliant plan, in the final analysis, is only three words - the longevity whale.

Lu Qingshan himself did not expect that during this trip to Tianhehai, he would have the opportunity to "pack" the Feng Clan and Tibetans away together.

Zangxiu's eyes flickered, and he was surprised.

Because in his eyes, even if the human race is so large, it seems that it is not easy to help them complete the migration of Lingye Island in the Tianhe Sea.

However, Lu Qingshan said so, and he has no reason to doubt it.

"Then my wife and I will settle the mess, mobilize the monks and people on the island to prepare, and wait for the good news." Zangxiu said decisively and made a decision.

"I certainly won't let the seniors down." Lu Qingshan assured.

"You take Xiaojian back to the sky first, can you?" Zang Xiu glanced at Zang Xiaojian with red eyes beside her, thought about it, and asked again.

Xie Zun has just been forced to retreat, and it is indeed impossible for the demon army to make a comeback in a short time.

But...what if?

He did not want Zang Xiaojian to be in such a dangerous situation again.

Although he is not very "reassured" about the boy in front of him.

Thinking like this, Zang Xiu took a deep look at Lu Qingshan with a deep meaning.

Lu Qingshan didn't see the deep meaning in Zangxiu's eyes, but he understood Zangxiu's consideration, and agreed immediately: "Okay, Xiaojian will go back to the sky with me first."

Zang Xiaojian, who was arranged in a few words, said weakly, "Father..."

"I'll leave Xiaojian to you." Ming Yu glanced at Hide Xiaojian, turned his head and said solemnly to Lu Qingshan.

Even Mingyu said so, Zang Xiaojian knew that the matter was settled.

Lu Qingshan didn't dare to delay too much time, and there was an urgent matter to be done in his mind, so he didn't waste more time on Lingye Island.

After Zang Xiaojian packed up the things and said goodbye briefly to Zang Xiu and Ming Yu, the two left Lingye Island first, which was no longer surrounded by thunder.


Tianhe sea is vast.

Two sword lights traversed the sea with extremely fast speed, it was Lu Qingshan and Zang Xiaojian.

At first, Zang Xiaojian was unaware, but as the route became more and more deviated, she finally realized that something was wrong.

"Lu Qingshan, where are we going, aren't we going back to Tianhe City?" Zang Xiaojian asked in confusion.

"I'm going back to Tianhe City, but I'm going to ask the Dao clan to trouble me first," Lu Qingshan said calmly, as if he was talking about a common thing.

"During the alliance between the Dao clan and our human clan, they secretly colluded with the demon clan in secret, and they even tried to trouble me on purpose to break the pact.

Such a perfidious person, if he doesn't kill him, how can he relieve his anger? If you don't punish me, how can the human race stand? "

The Dao clan's betrayal of the contract and the act of looking for trouble had already made them the sure-to-kill people in Lu Qingshan's heart.

Not to mention, there is still a Six Tribulations Realm advanced quest of [hit one punch, lest a hundred punches come] lie ahead.

As stated in the mission, a hundred reasons for a thousand reasons can't be invincible to four big characters - even if they are far away, they will be punished.

What's more... The ancestral land of the Dao clan is not far from Lu Qingshan.

The island occupied by the Taoists, called Tianya Island, is located in the south of the middle section of the line connecting Qingcang Island and Lingye Island.

It was barely considered that Lu Qingshan was on the route back to Tianhe City, but it only took him three or four days to make a detour.

That being the case, Lu Qingshan had no reason not to "drop in" to punish the Taoists.

"By the way..." Zang Xiaojian looked at the direction that was almost forty-five degrees away. He felt that he had gained insight and gained a new understanding of the word by the way. He blinked his eyes at Lu Qingshan.

"Okay," her eyes were clear, Lu Qingshan lost the pressure and said helplessly: "In Tianhe City, the Taoist patriarch forced me to apologize to him on the condition of breaking the alliance.

Although the Tianhe City cultivators were all on my side in the end, in order to take care of the overall situation, we did not stop the Dao clan from leaving. "

The bond between the human race and the Taoist race was over at that time, but Lu Qingshan believed that the conflict between himself and the Taoist race was not written off with the departure of the Taoist race.

"You know, I always have vengeance."

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and it is not too late for a swordsman to take revenge.


Four days later, he took Zang Xiaojian to the outside of Tianya Island.

Looking at Tianya Island from a distance, it can be seen that the area is vast and boundless, and there is aura emanating. Although it is not comparable to Lingye Island, it is definitely a rich place.

Moreover, according to Lu Qingshan's understanding, there are many rare mineral veins on Tianya Island, which have been mined for many years.

"How are you going to take revenge on the Taoists?" Seeing that he had reached his destination, Zang Xiaojian couldn't help but ask.

"I want to level their mines." Lu Qingshan said.

Among the seven longevity clans, the Dao clan, the Li clan and the human clan allied, so the human clan also knew the most about the situation of these two clans.

The comprehensive strength of the Tibetans is in the middle and lower reaches of the seven longevity clans. Most of the big monks on the island are swordsmiths. Their combat power is not high, but they are stronger than the peak.

After Zangxiu broke out his magical powers, he could even face Xie Zun head-on for thousands of rounds. A next-level top Demon Zun like Gan Zun could even be crushed and won.

On the other hand, the Taoist race wins the most monks in the Nine Realms, and the corresponding peak combat power is much weaker.

Dao Wuya, the strongest of the Dao clan, is a cultivator with the title of honorable title, but his combat power is actually only slightly stronger than that of Gan Zun, which is about twenty-six times the combat power of the ninth-rank.

Lu Qingshan has now exploded all his means, and he can give a head-on blow to the evil venerable who is thirty-five times the combat power of the ninth-grade. Grasping is lifesaving.

Moreover, Jian Xiu was known for his explosiveness and speed, and with his supernatural powers, he could sneak into Tianya Island without a sound.

Even if Dao Wuya discovers his whereabouts by accident, he still has the confidence to get out in time.

Not to mention, his choice was well thought out.

To directly attack the ancestral land of the Dao clan, I am afraid that it will attract Dao Wuya as soon as the shot is made.

And sweeping the Dao Clan's mines can also bring a great blow to the Dao Clan, and it is extremely safe - the location of the mines would have been far away from the city.

Although it is a very reckless behavior to go to the island alone, Lu Qingshan is reckless and stable, and his thinking is very stable!

"You are waiting for me outside the island. If the situation is not right, you should leave first and protect yourself." Lu Qingshan thought for a while, before Zang Xiaojiandao.

The Dao Clan is one of the seven longevity clans. It is needless to say that they are strong. It is extremely dangerous to enter the island, so Lu Qingshan did not plan to take Zang Xiaojian with him.

"how about you?"

Lu Qingshan shook his head to indicate that she didn't need to worry, "I have my own way to save my life, then you can just wait for me at Feng Clan Qingcang Island."

"Okay, Lu Qingshan, but..." Zang Xiaojian wanted to say something.

But Lu Qingshan glanced around, and he sacrificed Fu Yao, turned into an invisible sword light, and silently broke into Lingye Island.


There are many mines in the Dao clan, but most of them are common ores. There are actually only five mines that are truly unique and precious.

Lu Qingshan's goal is precisely these five mines.

With Fu Yao's blessing, Lu Qingshan's speed was too fast to imagine.

In just a moment, he came to one of the five mines.

For the first time, he released his divine sense to scan the entire mine.

The Primordial Spirit of Tribulation Realm was unparalleled and swept across the mine in an instant, allowing him to master detailed information.

There are nine-level monks sitting here, but they are only two-step monks.

Lu Qingshan had no scruples and released Fuyao.

The invisible and breathless sword, just for a moment, just passed through the mine.

At the moment when no one could react, dozens of blood flowers bloomed beautifully.

Dozens of Taoist monks died!


The Taoist master who was sitting here was alerted, and his hair stood up immediately, and he released his consciousness to observe the surroundings vigilantly, but found nothing.

Puff puff!

When they were vigilant, three Taoist monks had their throats smeared and blood splashed, which was extremely terrifying.

The Taoist monk was stunned.

It was at this moment that Lu Qingshan no longer hid his figure and exploded his means.

"The power of mountains and seas!" He whispered, a complex and mysterious Dao pattern appeared on his palm.

The Shanhai Dao Fa from the Daoyuan Realm once again showed its divine power.

A strange wave, centered on his palm, spread out in all directions.

That is the devastation force that destroys everything.

The mine began to vibrate, cracking in the vibration, and the cracks spread.

The changes don't stop there. It can be seen with the naked eye that the mineral veins that contain miraculous power, under the power of deprivation, also begin to be desolate, become dead, and die.

The once extraordinary ore divine material has also been drained of its essence and turned into ordinary stones.

Afterwards, a powerful force gathered from the surrounding earth and poured into Lu Qingshan's body.

His body glowed like a blazing flame, and the Yuan force in his body rumbled and roared, powerful and indomitable, and his eyes flickered with golden light, as terrifying as two bright lights.


"The Taoist monk was stunned, his head buzzing as he looked at the current tragic state of the mine.

Lu Qingshan sneered.

He said that to level the mines of the Dao clan, of course, it is not "leveling" in the literal sense, but a sweeping level.

The revenge of others is to slaughter the monks in the mine, and then sweep away the ore produced by the mine.

The damage caused to the Dao Clan by this is certainly not small, but it cannot be said to be truly fundamental.

Because the Taoist mines are endless, and the output is endless, they will soon be able to make a comeback and rebuild the mines.

But Lu Qingshan is different, he not only wants to slaughter the monks in the mine, but also completely destroy the mine.

This is a very difficult thing, but for Lu Qingshan, who has the method of mountain and sea, it can't be easier.

Shanhai Dao Fa, worthy of the name of the taboo Dao method!

Under the blessing of the power of mountains and seas, Lu Qingshan's strength has risen to a new level, directly forcing the Taoist monks.

Although the Taoist monks guarding the mine were buzzing with their heads, their instinctive fighting skills were still there. At the moment of the enemy, they all used spells and treasures to attack Lu Qingshan together.

All kinds of aura instantly filled the mine.

The two-step cultivator broke out with all his strength, trying to suppress Lu Qingshan with a higher level of cultivation.


What everyone did not expect was that Lu Qingshan held a purple sword and smashed all the spells and treasures.

Bunch of aura exploded in the air.

"That's a treasure, and it was actually shattered by a sword!" The Taoist monk couldn't believe it.

But what made them even more unexpected was still to come.


It was clearly a clear sky, but with a roar, a thunder light fell from the sky extremely suddenly and without reason, and went straight to a Taoist monk of eight realms.

[Return to Difficulty]: When the sword master is fighting with this sword, he can attract tribulation thunder from the sky to assist the sword master to attack the enemy.

This thunder light is too powerful, there is no room for struggle and resistance, and the eight-level cultivator is turned into flying ashes.

This is the tribulation thunder that is equivalent to the power of Lu Qingshan's 59th Heavenly Tribulation, and how can it be resisted by an ordinary monk of the eighth realm?

Lu Qingshan held Lie Que in his hand, with a crushing aura, like a **** of death who came out of the thunder, rushing to kill among many Taoist monks.

The two-step cultivator was horrified, feeling that he was not the enemy of Lu Qingshan, and secretly had the idea of ​​running away.

But this idea has just arisen, and his expression suddenly changed.

Because Lu Qingshan's eyes were already locked on him at this moment.

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

As the strongest in the mine, Lu Qingshan regarded him as the first kill target.

The two-step cultivator's heart became cold, and he immediately left his face behind, turned around and fled with the escape technique!

Is this still a monk of the Eight Realms? It's too outrageous. If he doesn't escape, he will fall here today.

"Want to leave?" Lu Qingshan sneered and was about to chase.


The next moment, the expression on the face of the two-step cultivator froze.

A silver sword light appeared out of nowhere, and went straight through his chest unprepared.

Although it didn't cause him fatal injuries, it stopped his movements for a while.

Both Lu Qingshan and the second-step cultivator looked forward in astonishment—a young girl suddenly appeared on the escape path of the second-step cultivator, her right arm was flashing with a silver-gray light.

Hidden sword.

Jianmang stopped the movements of the Taoist monks for a while, and after such an instant stagnation, Lu Qingshan had already rushed to the front of the Taoist monks.

Lie Que choked down with the power of ancient robbery.


The two-step cultivator roared and fought back desperately, but in front of Lu Qingshan, who was blessed by the power of mountains and seas, he did not persist for more than ten breaths.

Under the influence of [Ancient Tribulation], he died completely, and he could not even be reincarnated.

After beheading the two-step cultivator, Lu Qingshan turned around and found that Zang Xiaojian was not idle, and was chasing the rest of the Dao cultivator in the mine.

Different parts of her body shone with light, and even one part had two or three different colors. For example, her right arm was alternately alternating between silver and black.

Lu Qingshan was speechless, his mind moved, and the five natal swords shot out in the form of flying swords, vertically and horizontally!

Puff puff!

A blood flower blooms.

There was no suspense in this battle. The remaining Taoist monks were quickly killed, and the entire mine was completely occupied and defeated.


"Didn't I tell you to wait for me outside the island, why did you follow me?" After his divine sense swept through the mine and confirmed that there were no fish that slipped through the net, Lu Qingshan looked at Zang Xiaojian helplessly.

"You left before I finished speaking, UU reading" Zang Xiaojian waved his fist and added what he had not said before: "But if you encounter an accident, even if I don't If you follow up, you can't leave you alone, can you?"

"And I thought about it seriously. If everything goes well, if I take action with you, will the action be faster, will it be smoother..."

It makes sense, but I was speechless... Lu Qingshan was speechless for a while.

"I'm not weak either, I won't hold you back." Zang Xiaojian assured.

"Are you going to talk to me, Lu Qingshan?" Seeing that Lu Qingshan had been silent, she asked cautiously.

"No, follow me closely, get out of here first, and move faster." Lu Qingshan looked at Zang Xiaojian with the expression "Are you going to kill me next?", and couldn't help being angry and laughing.

What happened to Zang Xiaojian is also the cultivation level of Transcending the Tribulation Realm, as well as the magical power of Tibetan tools. Lu Qingshan also saw the battle performance just now, saying that it was really not going to hold him back.

Besides, everyone has already come, so I can't drive her away anymore, right?

Lu Qingshan was helpless.

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